Maine Revised Statutes
36 §1072. -- form

§1072. -- form
The notice for posting, or the advertisement, as the case may be, of the tax collector required by section 1071 shall be in substance as follows:  
Unpaid taxes on real estate situated in the municipality of ....., in the County of ....., for the year ...... The name of the municipality was formerly ....., (to be stated in the case of change of name, as mentioned in the preceding section). The following list of taxes on real estate of resident (or nonresident, as the case may be,) owners in the municipality of ....., for the year ...., committed to me for collection for said municipality on the ..... day of ....., remain unpaid; and notice is hereby given that if said taxes, interest and charges are not previously paid, so much of the real estate taxed as is sufficient to pay the amount due therefor, including interest and charges, will be sold at public auction at ..... in said municipality, on the first Monday of February, 19.., at nine o'clock a. m. (Here follows the list, a short description of each parcel taken from the inventory, to be inserted in an additional column.)  
C. D., Tax collector of the municipality of .....