Maine Revised Statutes
24-A §408. Name of insurer

§408. Name of insurer
1.  No insurer shall be formed or authorized to transact insurance in this State which has or uses a name which is the same as or deceptively similar to that of another insurer already so authorized.  
[PL 1969, c. 132, §1 (NEW).]
2.  No life insurer shall be so authorized which has or uses a name deceptively similar to that of another insurer, other than a predecessor in interest, authorized to transact insurance in this State within the preceding 10 years, if life insurance policies originally issued by such other insurer are still outstanding in this State.  
[PL 1969, c. 132, §1 (NEW).]
3.  No insurer shall be formed or authorized to transact insurance which has or uses a name the same as or deceptively similar to that of any foreign insurer not so authorized if such foreign insurer has within the next preceding 12 months signified its intention to secure an incorporation in this State under such name, or to do business as a foreign insurer in this State under such name, by filing notice of such intention with the superintendent, unless the written consent to the use of such name or deceptively similar name has been given by such foreign insurer.  
[PL 1973, c. 585, §12 (AMD).]
4.  No insurer shall be so authorized which has or uses a name which tends to deceive or mislead as to the type of organization of the insurer.  
[PL 1969, c. 132, §1 (NEW).]
5.  In case of conflict of names between 2 insurers, or a conflict otherwise prohibited under this section, the superintendent may permit, or shall require as a condition to the issuance of an original certificate of authority to an applicant insurer, the insurer to use in this State such supplementation or modification of its name or such business name as may reasonably be necessary to avoid the conflict.  
[PL 1973, c. 585, §12 (AMD).]
6.  Except as provided in subsection 5, an insurer shall conduct its business in this State in its own corporate, if incorporated, or proper, if a reciprocal, name.  
[PL 1969, c. 132, §1 (NEW).]
PL 1969, c. 132, §1 (NEW). PL 1973, c. 585, §12 (AMD).

Structure Maine Revised Statutes

Maine Revised Statutes




24-A §400. "Stock" insurer defined

24-A §401. "Mutual" insurer defined

24-A §402. "Reciprocal"; "Lloyd's" insurer defined

24-A §403. "Charter" defined

24-A §404. Certificate of authority required; enforcement; penalty

24-A §405. Exceptions to certificate of authority requirement

24-A §405-A. Certification of regional insurers or health maintenance organizations to transact individual health insurance

24-A §405-B. Domestic insurers or licensed health maintenance organization; individual health insurance approved in other states

24-A §405-C. Domestic insurers or licensed health maintenance organizations; parity with regional insurers

24-A §406. General eligibility for certificate of authority

24-A §407. Same; ownership, management

24-A §408. Name of insurer

24-A §409. Insurance lines combinations

24-A §410. Minimum paid-in capital and surplus requirements

24-A §411. Insuring combinations without additional capital funds

24-A §412. Deposits

24-A §413. Application for certificate of authority

24-A §413-A. Alien insurer; port of entry

24-A §414. Issuance, refusal of authority, ownership of certificate

24-A §415. Continuation of certificate of authority

24-A §415-A. Termination of certificate of authority

24-A §416. Petition for suspension or revocation of certificate of authority; mandatory grounds

24-A §417. Suspension or revocation of certificate of authority; discretionary and special grounds

24-A §418. Power to amend, modify or refuse to renew certificates of authority

24-A §418-A. Order, notice of suspension or, revocation; publication; effect upon agents' authority

24-A §419. Duration of suspension; insurer's obligation during suspension period; reinstatement

24-A §420. General corporation laws inapplicable to foreign insurers

24-A §421. Superintendent process agent for insurers

24-A §422. Serving process (REPEALED)

24-A §423. Annual statement

24-A §423-A. Interim financial reporting requirements

24-A §423-B. Periodic financial reports of insurer-controlled health maintenance organizations

24-A §423-C. Reports of material transactions

24-A §423-D. Annual report supplement

24-A §423-E. Report to Legislature (REPEALED)

24-A §423-F. Own risk and solvency assessment

24-A §423-G. Corporate governance annual disclosure

24-A §424. -- penalty for late or false statement

24-A §425. Transactions with parent corporation, subsidiaries, and affiliates

24-A §425-A. Contract to participate in finance program

24-A §426. Resident agent; countersignature law (REPEALED)

24-A §427. -- exceptions (REPEALED)

24-A §428. Retaliatory provision