Maine Revised Statutes
22 §1722. Voluntary restraint (REALLOCATED FROM TITLE 22, SECTION 1721)

§1722. Voluntary restraint
1.  Voluntary restraint.  To control the rate of growth of the costs of hospital services, each hospital licensed under chapter 405 may voluntarily restrain cost increases and consolidated operating margins in accordance with this section. Each hospital shall annually report to the joint standing committee of the Legislature having jurisdiction over health and human services matters regarding its efforts made pursuant to this section. The targets and methodology apply to each hospital’s fiscal year beginning on or after the effective date of this section.  
A. Each hospital may voluntarily hold its consolidated operating margin to no more than 3%. For purposes of this paragraph, a hospital’s consolidated operating margin is calculated by dividing its consolidated operating income by its total consolidated operating revenue.   [RR 2007, c. 2, §9 (RAL).]
B. Each hospital may voluntarily restrain its increase in its expense per casemix-adjusted inpatient and volume-adjusted outpatient discharge to no more than 110% of the forecasted increase in the hospital market basket index for the coming federal fiscal year, as published in the Federal Register, when the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services publishes the Medicare program’s hospital inpatient prospective payment system rates for the coming federal fiscal year. For purposes of this paragraph, the measure of a hospital’s expense per casemix-adjusted inpatient and volume-adjusted outpatient discharge is calculated by:  
(1) Calculating the hospital’s total hospital-only expenses;  
(2) Subtracting from the hospital’s total hospital-only expenses the amount of the hospital’s bad debt;  
(3) Subtracting from the amount reached in subparagraph (2) the hospital taxes paid to the State during the hospital’s fiscal year; and  
(4) Dividing the amount reached in subparagraph (3) by the product of:  
(a) The number of inpatient discharges, adjusted by the all payer case mix index for the hospital; and  
(b) The ratio of total gross patient service revenue to gross inpatient service revenue.  
For the purposes of this paragraph, a hospital’s total hospital-only expenses include any item that is listed on the hospital’s Medicare cost report as a subprovider, such as a psychiatric unit or rehabilitation unit, and does not include nonhospital cost centers shown on the hospital’s Medicare cost report, such as home health agencies, nursing facilities, swing beds, skilled nursing facilities and hospital-owned physician practices. For purposes of this paragraph, a hospital’s bad debt is as defined and reported in the hospital’s Medicare cost report and as submitted to the Maine Health Data Organization pursuant to Title 22, chapter 1683.   [RR 2007, c. 2, §9 (RAL).]
[RR 2007, c. 2, §9 (RAL).]
RR 2007, c. 2, §9 (RAL).

Structure Maine Revised Statutes

Maine Revised Statutes


Subtitle 2: HEALTH



22 §1701. Program of health services

22 §1702. Hospital surveys (REPEALED)

22 §1703. Acceptance of federal and other funds

22 §1704. Advisory Hospital Council (REPEALED)

22 §1705. Individuals may select own physician

22 §1706. Distribution of antitoxins in emergency

22 §1707. Responsible relatives; duty of hospitals (REPEALED)

22 §1708. Appropriations for aid of public and private hospitals and nursing homes

22 §1709. State-wide plan; advisory council; duties (REPEALED)

22 §1710. Deferred revenue payments

22 §1711. Patient access to hospital medical records

22 §1711-A. Fees charged for records

22 §1711-B. Patient access to treatment records; health care practitioners

22 §1711-C. Confidentiality of health care information

22 §1711-D. Designation of visitors in hospital settings

22 §1711-E. Confidentiality of prescription drug information

22 §1711-F. Transfer of member health care information by MaineCare program for purpose of diagnosis, treatment or care

22 §1711-G. Designated lay caregivers

22 §1712. Itemized bills

22 §1713. Transitional hospital reimbursement (REPEALED)

22 §1714. Debts owed the department by providers (REPEALED)

22 §1714-A. Debts owed the department by providers

22 §1714-B. Critical access hospital reimbursement (REPEALED)

22 §1714-C. Critical access hospital staff enhancement reimbursement

22 §1714-D. Critical access hospital reimbursement

22 §1714-E. Credible allegations of fraud; provider payment suspensions (WHOLE SECTION TEXT EFFECTIVE UNTIL CONTINGENCY: See T. 22, §1714-E, sub-§7) (REALLOCATED FROM TITLE 22, SECTION 1714-D) (WHOLE SECTION TEXT REPEALED ON CONTINGENCY: See T. 22, §...

22 §1715. Access requirements applicable to certain health care providers

22 §1716. Charity care guidelines

22 §1717. Registration of personal care agencies and placement agencies

22 §1718. Consumer information

22 §1718-A. Consumer information regarding health care practitioner prices (REPEALED)

22 §1718-B. Consumer information regarding health care entity prices

22 §1718-C. Estimate of the total price of a single medical encounter for an uninsured patient

22 §1718-D. Prohibition on balance billing for surprise bills and bills for out-of-network emergency services; disputes of bills for uninsured patients and persons covered under self-insured health benefit plans; disclosure related to referrals

22 §1718-E. Prohibition on fees for transferring a patient or a patient's medical records

22 §1718-F. Disclosure related to observation status for Medicare patients

22 §1718-G. Requirements for notice to patients of costs for COVID-19 screening and testing and prohibited charges for COVID-19 vaccination for uninsured patients

22 §1719. Patients' rights

22 §1720. Nursing facility medical director reimbursement

22 §1721. Prohibition on payment for health care facility mistakes or preventable adverse events

22 §1722. Voluntary restraint (REALLOCATED FROM TITLE 22, SECTION 1721)

22 §1723. Processing fee

22 §1724. Criminal background checks (REALLOCATED FROM TITLE 22, SECTION 1723)

22 §1725. Neuropsychological and psychological evaluations

22 §1726. Palliative Care and Quality of Life Interdisciplinary Advisory Council

22 §1727. Cooperation with law enforcement (REALLOCATED FROM TITLE 22, SECTION 1726)