§2799. Possession of poisonous snakes
The possession of poisonous snakes shall be a public nuisance, except where poisonous snakes shall be continuously confined in such type of enclosure as may be determined to be escape proof.
Structure Maine Revised Statutes
17 §2792. Burning of bricks (REPEALED)
17 §2793. Certain lights prohibited along highways
17 §2795. License for use of certain engines
17 §2796. Manufacture of powder
17 §2797. Mills and dams; fences and buildings on public ways
17 §2798. Mufflers required on motorboats (REPEALED)
17 §2799. Possession of poisonous snakes
17 §2800. Removal of bushes, trees and stumps from flowed area
17 §2802. Miscellaneous nuisances
17 §2803. -- assignment of place for
17 §2806. Sport shooting ranges
17 §2807. Commercial fishing activities and commercial fishing operations