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17 §2791. Blasting; notice - §2791. Blasting; notice Persons engaged in blasting lime rock or...
17 §2792. Burning of bricks (REPEALED) - §2792. Burning of bricks (REPEALED) SECTION HISTORY PL 1997, c....
17 §2793. Certain lights prohibited along highways - §2793. Certain lights prohibited along highways No person shall place...
17 §2794. Dumping of oil - §2794. Dumping of oil Oil, and a petroleum base, or...
17 §2795. License for use of certain engines - §2795. License for use of certain engines No stationary, internal...
17 §2796. Manufacture of powder - §2796. Manufacture of powder If any person manufactures gunpowder, or...
17 §2797. Mills and dams; fences and buildings on public ways - §2797. Mills and dams; fences and buildings on public ways...
17 §2798. Mufflers required on motorboats (REPEALED) - §2798. Mufflers required on motorboats (REPEALED) SECTION HISTORY PL 1969,...
17 §2799. Possession of poisonous snakes - §2799. Possession of poisonous snakes The possession of poisonous snakes...
17 §2800. Removal of bushes, trees and stumps from flowed area - §2800. Removal of bushes, trees and stumps from flowed area...
17 §2801. Spite fences - §2801. Spite fences Any fence or other structure in the...
17 §2802. Miscellaneous nuisances - §2802. Miscellaneous nuisances The erection, continuance or use of any...
17 §2803. -- assignment of place for - §2803. -- assignment of place for The municipal officers of...
17 §2804. -- complaints about - §2804. -- complaints about When a place or building so...
17 §2805. Farm, farm operation or agricultural composting operation not nuisance; use of best management practices (REPEALED) - §2805. Farm, farm operation or agricultural composting operation not nuisance;...
17 §2806. Sport shooting ranges - §2806. Sport shooting ranges 1. Acquisition of property near existing...
17 §2807. Commercial fishing activities and commercial fishing operations - §2807. Commercial fishing activities and commercial fishing operations 1. Definitions....
17 §2808. Alteration of surface water flow - §2808. Alteration of surface water flow Unreasonable use of land...