§2706. Penalty and abatement of nuisance
Whoever erects, causes or continues a public or common nuisance, as herein described or at common law, where no other punishment is specially provided, shall be punished by a fine of not more than $100. The court with or without such fine may order such nuisance to be discontinued or abated, and issue a warrant therefor as provided.
Structure Maine Revised Statutes
17 §2701. Action for damages caused by nuisance
17 §2701-A. Action against insect infestation (REPEALED)
17 §2701-B. Action against improper manure handling
17 §2702. Abatement of nuisance
17 §2703. Stay on security to discontinue
17 §2704. Expenses of abatement defrayed; poor debtor's oath