§2704. Expenses of abatement defrayed; poor debtor's oath
The expense of abating a nuisance by virtue of a warrant shall be collected by the officer as damages and costs are collected on execution; except that the materials of buildings, fences or other things removed as a nuisance may be first levied upon and sold by the officer, and the proceeds, if any remain after paying the expense of removal, shall be paid by him, on demand, to the defendant or the owner of such property. If said proceeds are not sufficient to satisfy the expenses, the officer shall collect the residue as aforesaid. A person committed to jail on such warrant may avail himself of the poor debtor's oath, as if he had been committed on execution. If said expense cannot be collected of the defendant, it shall be paid as costs in criminal prosecutions.
Structure Maine Revised Statutes
17 §2701. Action for damages caused by nuisance
17 §2701-A. Action against insect infestation (REPEALED)
17 §2701-B. Action against improper manure handling
17 §2702. Abatement of nuisance
17 §2703. Stay on security to discontinue
17 §2704. Expenses of abatement defrayed; poor debtor's oath