Art. 564. Treasure.
The usufructuary has no right to the enjoyment of a treasure found in the property of which he has the usufruct. If the usufructuary has found the treasure, he is entitled to keep one-half of it as finder.
Acts 1976, No. 103, §1.
Structure Louisiana Laws
Art. 4. Absence of legislation or custom
Art. 7. Laws for the preservation of the public interest
Art. 9. Clear and unambiguous law
Art. 10. Language susceptible of different meanings
Art. 13. Laws on the same subject matter
Art. 25. Commencement and end of natural personality
Art. 26. Art. 26. Unborn child
Art. 27. General legal capacity
Art. 28. Capacity to make juridical acts
Art. 31. Existence of a person at time of accrual of a right
Art. 39. Domicile and residence
Art. 41. Domicile of unemancipated minor.
Art. 42. Domicile of interdict
Art. 43. Domicile of person under continued or permanent tutorship
Art. 45. Proof of intent to change domicile
Art. 46. Person holding temporary position
Art. 47. Curator of an absent person's property
Art. 48. Powers, rights, and duties of curator
Art. 49. Legal capacity of absent person
Art. 50. Termination of curatorship of right
Art. 51. Termination by judgment of declaration of death
Art. 52. Effects of termination of curatorship
Art. 53. Validity of acts of curator after termination of the curatorship
Art. 54. Absent person; declaration of death
Art. 55. Declaration of death; effect
Art. 56. New evidence as to time of death
Art. 57. Reappearance of absent person; recovery of his property
Art. 58. Succession rights of person presumed dead or declared dead
Art. 59. Reappearance of absent person; recovery of his inheritance
Art. 60. Arts. 60 to 85 repealed by Acts 1990, No. 989, 1, eff. January 1, 1991.
Art. 87. Contract of marriage; requirements
Art. 88. Impediment of existing marriage
Art. 89. Impediment of same sex
Art. 90. Impediments of relationship
Art. 91. Marriage ceremony required
Art. 92. Marriage by procuration prohibited
Art. 3521. Divorce or separation
Art. 3522. Effects and incidents of marriage and of divorce
Art. 94. Absolutely null marriage
Art. 95. Relatively null marriage; confirmation
Art. 96. Civil effects of absolutely null marriage; putative marriage
Art. 97. Civil effects of relatively null marriage
Art. 98. Mutual duties of married persons
Art. 100. Surname of married persons
Art. 101. Termination of marriage
Art. 102. Judgment of divorce; living separate and apart prior to rule
Art. 103. Judgment of divorce; other grounds
Art. 103.1. Judgment of divorce; time periods
Art. 105. Determination of incidental matters
Art. 111. Spousal support; authority of court
Art. 112. Determination of final periodic support
Art. 113. Interim spousal support
Art. 114. Modification or termination of award of support
Art. 115. Extinguishment of support obligation
Art. 116. Modification of spousal support obligation
Art. 117. Peremptive period for obligation
Art. 121. Claim for contributions to education or training; authority of court
Art. 123. Form of award; effect of remarriage or death
Art. 124. Prescription of spousal claim for contributions
Art. 131. Court to determine custody
Art. 132. Award of custody to parents
Art. 133. Award of custody to person other than a parent; order of preference
Art. 134. Factors in determining child's best interest
Art. 135. Closed custody hearing
Art. 136. Award of visitation rights
Art. 136.1. Award of visitation rights
Art. 137. Denial of visitation; felony rape; death of a parent
Art. 141. Child support; authority of court
Art. 142. Modification or termination of child support award
Art. 149. Repealed by Acts 1990, No. 1009, 9, eff. Jan. 1, 1991.
Art. 150. Repealed by Acts 1990, No. 1009, 9, eff. Jan. 1, 1991.
Art. 151. Proceeding for declaration of nullity of a marriage; interim incidental relief
Art. 152. Proceeding for declaration of nullity of a marriage; final incidental relief
Art. 153. Repealed by Acts 1990, No. 1009, 9, eff. Jan. 1, 1991.
Art. 154. Repealed by Acts 1990, No. 1009, 9, eff. Jan. 1, 1991.
Art. 155. Repealed by Acts 1990, No. 1009, 9, eff. Jan. 1, 1991.
Art. 156. Repealed by Acts 1990, No. 1009, 9, eff. Jan. 1, 1991.
Art. 159. Effect of divorce on community property regime
Art. 161. Repealed by Acts 1990, No. 1008, 6, eff. Jan. 1, 1991.
Art. 162. Arts. 162 to 175 Repealed by Acts 1990, No. 705, 1.
Art. 179. Establishment of filiation
Art. 185. Presumption of paternity of husband
Art. 186. Presumption if child is born after divorce or after death of husband; effect of disavowal
Art. 187. Disavowal action; proof
Art. 188. Disavowal precluded in case of assisted conception
Art. 189. Time limit for disavowal by the husband
Art. 190. Time limit for disavowal by heir or legatee
Art. 190.1. Three-party acknowledgment; alternative to disavowal; time period
Art. 191. Contestation and establishment of paternity by mother
Art. 192. Contestation action; proof
Art. 193. Contestation and establishment of paternity; time period
Art. 194. Judgment in contestation action
Art. 196. Formal acknowledgment; presumption
Art. 197. Child's action to establish paternity; proof; time period
Art. 198. Father's action to establish paternity; time period
Art. 201. Repealed by Acts 2005, No. 192, §1, eff. June 29, 2005.
Art. 202. Repealed by Acts 1979, No. 607, 4.
Art. 203. Repealed by Acts 2005, No. 192, §1, eff. June 29, 2005.
Art. 204. Repealed by Acts 1979, No. 607, 4.
Art. 205. Repealed by Acts 2005, No. 192, §1, eff. June 29, 2005.
Art. 206. Repealed by Acts 2005, No. 192, §1, eff. June 29, 2005.
Art. 207. Repealed by Acts 2005, No. 192, §1, eff. June 29, 2005.
Art. 208. Repealed by Acts 2005, No. 192, §1, eff. June 29, 2005.
Art. 209. Repealed by Acts 2005, No. 192, §1, eff. June 29, 2005.
Art. 210. Repealed by Acts 1980, No. 549, 2.
Art. 211. Repealed by Acts 2005, No. 192, §1, eff. June 29, 2005.
Art. 212. Adult adoption requirements
Art. 213. Adult adoption; form
Art. 214. Adult adoption; recordation requirement
Art. 221. Authority of married parents
Art. 222. Representation of minor
Art. 223. Rights and obligations of parental authority
Art. 224. Parental obligation of support and education
Art. 225. Parental liability for child's offenses and quasi-offenses
Art. 226. Parental obligation of direction
Art. 228. Child's obligation of obedience; parental correction
Art. 229. Administration of the property of the child
Art. 230. Alienation, encumbrance, or lease of the property of the child; expenditure of fruits
Art. 231. Parents' obligation to deliver and account
Art. 233. Delegation of parental authority
Art. 234. Parental authority; custody award
Art. 235. Termination of parental authority
Art. 236. Filial honor and respect
Art. 239. Modification or termination of support
Art. 246. Occasion for tutorship.
Art. 247. Kinds of tutorships.
Art. 248. Modes of establishment of tutorships.
Art. 249. Accountability of tutor.
Art. 250. Persons entitled to tutorship
Art. 251. Repealed by Acts 1960, No. 30, 2, eff. Jan. 1, 1961.
Art. 252. Unborn and posthumous children.
Art. 253. Repealed by Acts 1974, No. 163, 2.
Art. 254. Arts. 254, 255 Repealed by Acts 1960, No. 30, 2
Art. 256. Children born outside of marriage
Art. 257. Surviving parent's right of appointment.
Art. 258. Right of appointment where parents are divorced or separated
Art. 259. Option of acceptance of tutorship.
Art. 260. Repealed by Acts 1960, No. 30, 2, eff. Jan. 1, 1961.
Art. 261. Child born outside of marriage
Art. 262. Appointment of several tutors; order of priority.
Art. 263. Qualified ascendants; collaterals by blood; surviving spouse.
Art. 270. Occasion for tutorship.
Art. 273. Necessity for appointment.
Art. 278. Liability concerning minor's legal mortgage.
Art. 279. Repealed by Acts 1960, No. 30, 2, eff. Jan. 1, 1961.
Art. 280. Termination of undertutorship.
Art. 281. Arts. 281 to 291 Repealed by Acts 1960, No. 30, 2, eff. Jan. 1, 1961.
Art. 292. Excuse by reason of office or function.
Art. 293. Waiver of excuse by subsequent acceptance of tutorship.
Art. 294. Subsequently acquired excuse.
Art. 295. Excuse for remote relationship.
Art. 297. Excuse for infirmity.
Art. 298. Excuse for prior tutorships
Art. 299. Time to present excuse.
Art. 300. Provisional administration pending consideration of excuse.
Art. 301. Parent's unconditional obligation of tutorship.
Art. 302. Repealed by Acts 1960, No. 30, 2
Art. 307. Repealed by Acts 1960, No. 30, 2, eff. Jan. 1, 1961.
Art. 308. Duty to apply for appointment.
Art. 309. Minors exempt from taking application.
Art. 310. Liability for failure to make application.
Art. 311. Action for damages; prescription.
Art. 322. Minor's legal mortgage on tutor's property.
Art. 336. Alienation of minor's immovables.
Art. 337. Repealed by Acts 2001, No. 572, 2.
Art. 339. Agreements between tutor and minor.
Art. 340. Prescription of minor's action against tutor.
Art. 354. Procedure for placing under tutorship.
Art. 355. Petition for continuing or permanent tutorship
Art. 356. Title of proceedings; procedural rules; parents as tutor and undertutor.
Art. 357. Decree, place of recording, notice.
Art. 358. Authority, privileges, and duties of tutor and undertutor; termination of tutorship.
Art. 359. Restriction on legal capacity.
Art. 360. Parents' rights of administration.
Art. 361. Contest of decree restricting legal capacity.
Art. 362. Persons subject to interdiction.
Art. 366. Judicial emancipation
Art. 367. Emancipation by marriage
Art. 368. Limited emancipation by authentic act
Art. 369. Emancipation; when effective
Art. 370. Modification and termination of judicial emancipation
Art. 371. Modification or termination of limited emancipation by authentic act
Art. 390. Limited interdiction
Art. 391. Temporary and preliminary interdiction
Art. 394. Pre-interdiction juridical acts
Art. 395. Capacity to make juridical acts
Art. 396. Effective date of judgment of interdiction
Art. 397. Modification and termination of interdiction
Art. 398. Effective date of modification or termination of a judgment of interdiction
Art. 399. Responsibility for wrongful filing of interdiction petition
Art. 452. Public things and common things subject to public use.
Art. 454. Freedom of disposition by private persons.
Art. 455. Private things subject to public use.
Art. 456. Banks of navigable rivers or streams.
Art. 457. Roads; public or private.
Art. 458. Works obstructing the public use.
Art. 459. Building encroaching on public way.
Art. 461. Corporeals and incorporeals.
Art. 463. Component parts of tracts of land.
Art. 464. Buildings and standing timber as separate immovables.
Art. 465. Things incorporated into an immovable.
Art. 466. Component parts of a building or other construction
Art. 467. Immovables by declaration.
Art. 469. Transfer or encumbrance of immovable.
Art. 470. Incorporeal immovables.
Art. 473. Incorporeal movables.
Art. 474. Movables by anticipation.
Art. 475. Things not immovable.
Art. 478. Resolutory condition; real right in favor of other person.
Art. 479. Necessity of a person.
Art. 481. Ownership and possession distinguished.
Art. 483. Ownership of fruits by accession.
Art. 485. Fruits produced by a third person; reimbursement.
Art. 486. Possessor's right to fruits.
Art. 487. Possessor in good faith; definition.
Art. 488. Products; reimbursement of expenses.
Art. 489. Apportionment of fruits.
Art. 490. Accession above and below the surface.
Art. 491. Buildings, other constructions, standing timber, and crops.
Art. 492. Separate ownership of part of a building.
Art. 493. Ownership of improvements
Art. 493.1. Ownership of component parts
Art. 493.2. Loss of ownership by accession; claims of former owner
Art. 494. Constructions by landowner with materials of another.
Art. 496. Constructions by possessor in good faith.
Art. 497. Constructions by bad faith possessor.
Art. 498. Claims against third persons
Art. 499. Alluvion and dereliction.
Art. 500. Shore of the sea or of a lake.
Art. 501. Division of alluvion.
Art. 502. Sudden action of waters.
Art. 503. Island formed by river opening a new channel.
Art. 504. Ownership of abandoned bed when river changes course.
Art. 505. Islands and sandbars in navigable rivers.
Art. 506. Ownership of beds of nonnavigable rivers or streams.
Art. 507. Accession as between movables.
Art. 508. Things principal and accessory.
Art. 509. Value or bulk as a basis to determine principal thing.
Art. 510. Union of a principal and an accessory thing.
Art. 511. Ownership of new thing made with materials of another.
Art. 512. Effect of bad faith.
Art. 513. Use of materials of two owners; separation or co-ownership.
Art. 514. Mixture of materials.
Art. 515. Recovery of materials or value in lieu of ownership.
Art. 516. Liability for unauthorized use of a movable.
Art. 517. Voluntary transfer of ownership of an immovable
Art. 518. Voluntary transfer of the ownership of a movable
Art. 519. Transfer of action for recovery of movable.
Art. 520. Repealed by Acts 1981, No. 125, 1.
Art. 521. Lost or stolen thing.
Art. 522. Transfer of ownership by owner under annullable title.
Art. 523. Good faith; definition.
Art. 524. Recovery of lost or stolen things.
Art. 525. Registered movables.
Art. 526. Recognition of ownership; recovery of the thing.
Art. 530. Presumption of ownership of movable.
Art. 531. Proof of ownership of immovable.
Art. 533. Kinds of servitudes.
Art. 537. Nonconsumable things.
Art. 538. Usufruct of consumable things
Art. 539. Usufruct of nonconsumable things.
Art. 541. Divisibility of usufruct.
Art. 542. Divisibility of naked ownership.
Art. 543. Partition of the property in kind or by licitation
Art. 544. Methods of establishing usufruct; things susceptible of usufruct.
Art. 545. Modifications of usufruct.
Art. 546. Usufruct in favor of successive usufructuaries.
Art. 547. Usufruct in favor of several usufructuaries.
Art. 548. Existence of usufructuaries.
Art. 549. Capacity to receive usufruct
Art. 550. Right to all fruits.
Art. 552. Corporate distributions.
Art. 553. Voting of shares of stock and other rights
Art. 554. Commencement of the right to fruits.
Art. 555. Nonapportionment of natural fruits.
Art. 556. Apportionment of civil fruits.
Art. 557. Possession and use of the things.
Art. 558. Improvements and alterations
Art. 560. Trees, stones, and other materials.
Art. 562. Usufruct of timberlands.
Art. 567. Contracts affecting the usufructuary's liability
Art. 568. Disposition of nonconsumable things
Art. 568.1. Donation and alienation
Art. 568.3. Requirement to remove encumbrance
Art. 569. Duties with regard to things gradually or totally impaired
Art. 573. Dispensation of security
Art. 574. Delay in giving security
Art. 575. Failure to give security
Art. 577. Liability for repairs
Art. 578. Ordinary and extraordinary repairs.
Art. 579. Rights of action for repairs.
Art. 580. Reimbursement for necessary repairs
Art. 581. Liability for necessary expenses
Art. 582. Abandonment of usufruct.
Art. 583. Ruin from accident, force majeure, or age
Art. 585. Extraordinary charges.
Art. 586. Liability for debts; usufruct inter vivos
Art. 587. Liability for debts; usufruct established mortis causa
Art. 588. Discharge of debt on encumbered property; usufruct established inter vivos
Art. 589. Discharge of debt on encumbered property by mortis causa usufructuary
Art. 590. Encumbered property; discharge of debt on encumbered property by naked owner
Art. 591. Continuation of usufruct after sale of property
Art. 592. Multiple usufructuaries; contribution to payment of estate debts
Art. 593. Discharge of legacy of annuity
Art. 594. Court costs; expenses of litigation
Art. 595. Expenses of litigation; legal usufruct.
Art. 596. Expenses of litigation; conventional usufruct.
Art. 597. Liability of the usufructuary for servitudes.
Art. 598. Duty to give information to owner.
Art. 599. Usufruct of a herd of animals.
Art. 600. Disposition of animals.
Art. 601. Removal of improvements
Art. 602. Set off against damages.
Art. 603. Disposition of the naked ownership; alienation or encumbrance of the property
Art. 605. Toleration of the enjoyment.
Art. 607. Death of the usufructuary.
Art. 608. Dissolution of juridical person; thirty year limitation
Art. 609. Termination of legacy of revenues.
Art. 610. Usufruct for a term or under condition.
Art. 611. Term; transfer of usufruct to another person.
Art. 612. Term; third person reaching a certain age.
Art. 613. Loss, extinction, or destruction of property
Art. 614. Fault of a third person.
Art. 615. Change of the form of property
Art. 616. Sale or exchange of the property; taxes
Art. 617. Proceeds of insurance.
Art. 618. Security for proceeds
Art. 619. Changes made by the testator
Art. 620. Sale of the property or of the usufruct
Art. 621. Prescription of nonuse.
Art. 622. Confusion of usufruct and naked ownership.
Art. 623. Abuse of the enjoyment; consequences
Art. 624. Security to prevent termination
Art. 625. Intervention by creditors of the usufructuary
Art. 626. Renunciation; rights of creditors.
Art. 628. Consequences of termination; usufruct of nonconsumables.
Art. 629. Consequences of termination; usufruct of consumables.
Art. 631. Establishment and extinction.
Art. 632. Regulation by title.
Art. 633. Persons residing in the house.
Art. 634. Extent of right of habitation.
Art. 635. Degree of care; duty to restore the property.
Art. 636. Taxes, repairs, and other charges.
Art. 637. Nontransferable and nonheritable right.
Art. 638. Duration of habitation.
Art. 640. Content of the servitude.
Art. 641. Persons having the servitude.
Art. 642. Extent of the servitude.
Art. 645. Regulation of the servitude.
Art. 646. Predial servitude; definition.
Art. 647. Benefit to dominant estate.
Art. 648. Contiguity or proximity of the estates.
Art. 649. Nature; incorporeal immovable.
Art. 650. Inseparability of servitude
Art. 651. Obligations of the owner of the servient estate
Art. 652. Indivisibility of servitude.
Art. 653. Division of advantages.
Art. 654. Kinds of predial servitudes.
Art. 656. Obligations of the owners.
Art. 657. Estate bordering on running water.
Art. 658. Estate through which water runs.
Art. 659. Legal servitudes; notion.
Art. 660. Keeping buildings in repair
Art. 661. Building in danger of falling.
Art. 662. Building near a wall.
Art. 663. Projections over boundary.
Art. 664. Rain drip from roof.
Art. 665. Legal public servitudes.
Art. 666. River road; substitution if destroyed or impassable.
Art. 667. Limitations on use of property
Art. 668. Inconvenience to neighbor.
Art. 669. Regulation of inconvenience.
Art. 670. Encroaching building.
Art. 671. Destruction of private property to arrest fire.
Art. 672. Other legal servitudes.
Art. 673. Common wall servitude.
Art. 674. Contribution by neighbor.
Art. 675. Presumption of common wall.
Art. 677. Rights and obligations of co-owners.
Art. 679. Abandonment of common wall.
Art. 680. Rights in common walls.
Art. 682. Raising the height of common wall.
Art. 683. Neighbor's right to make the raised part common.
Art. 687. Trees, bushes, and plants on the boundary.
Art. 688. Branches or roots of trees, bushes, or plants on neighboring property.
Art. 689. Enclosed estate; right of passage
Art. 693. Enclosed estate; voluntary act.
Art. 694. Enclosed estate; voluntary alienation or partition
Art. 695. Relocation of servitude.
Art. 696. Prescriptibility of action for indemnity.
Art. 697. Right to establish predial servitudes; limitations.
Art. 698. Property susceptible of servitudes.
Art. 699. Examples of predial servitudes.
Art. 700. Servitude of support.
Art. 702. Prohibition of view.
Art. 704. Prohibition of light.
Art. 705. Servitude of passage
Art. 706. Servitudes; affirmative or negative.
Art. 707. Servitudes; apparent or nonapparent.
Art. 708. Establishment of predial servitude.
Art. 712. Owner for a term or under condition.
Art. 713. Purchaser with reservation of redemption.
Art. 714. Co-owner; servitude on entire estate.
Art. 715. Exercise of the servitude.
Art. 716. Servitude on undivided part.
Art. 718. Partition by licitation.
Art. 719. Successor of the co-owner.
Art. 720. Additional servitudes.
Art. 721. Servitude on mortgaged property.
Art. 722. Modes of establishment.
Art. 723. Servitudes on public things.
Art. 724. Multiple dominant or servient estates.
Art. 725. Reciprocal servitudes.
Art. 726. Servitude on after-acquired property.
Art. 727. Servitude on part of an estate.
Art. 729. Conventional alteration of legal or natural servitude.
Art. 730. Interpretation of servitude.
Art. 731. Charge expressly for the benefit of an estate.
Art. 732. Interpretation in the absence of express declaration.
Art. 733. Interpretation; benefit of dominant estate.
Art. 734. Interpretation; convenience of a person.
Art. 735. Persons acquiring servitude.
Art. 736. Capacity to acquire servitude.
Art. 737. Renunciation of servitude by owner of dominant estate.
Art. 738. No revocation by grantor.
Art. 739. Acquisition by title only.
Art. 740. Modes of acquisition of servitudes.
Art. 741. Destination of the owner.
Art. 742. Acquisitive prescription.
Art. 744. Necessary works; cost of repairs.
Art. 745. Right to enter into the servient estate.
Art. 746. Exoneration from responsibility by abandonment of the servient estate.
Art. 747. Division of dominant estate.
Art. 748. Noninterference by the owner of servient estate.
Art. 749. Extent and manner of use of servitude when title is silent.
Art. 750. Location of servitude when the title is silent.
Art. 751. Destruction of dominant or of servient estate.
Art. 752. Reestablishment of things.
Art. 753. Prescription for nonuse.
Art. 754. Commencement of nonuse.
Art. 755. Obstacle to servitude.
Art. 756. Failure to rebuild dominant or servient estate.
Art. 757. Sufficiency of acts by third persons.
Art. 758. Imprescriptibility of natural servitudes.
Art. 760. More extensive use than title.
Art. 761. Use of accessory right.
Art. 763. Minority or other disability.
Art. 764. Burden of proof of use.
Art. 766. Resolutory condition.
Art. 767. Acceptance of succession; confusion
Art. 768. Confusion; separate and community property.
Art. 769. Irrevocability of extinction by confusion.
Art. 770. Abandonment of servient estate.
Art. 771. Renunciation of servitude.
Art. 772. Renunciation by owner.
Art. 773. Expiration of time or happening of condition.
Art. 774. Dissolution of the right of the grantor.
Art. 775. Building restrictions.
Art. 777. Nature and regulation.
Art. 780. Amendment and termination of building restrictions
Art. 781. Termination; liberative prescription.
Art. 782. Abandonment of plan or of restriction.
Art. 783. Matters of interpretation and application
Art. 785. Fixing of the boundary.
Art. 786. Persons who may compel fixing of boundary.
Art. 787. Lessee may compel lessor.
Art. 788. Imprescriptibility of the right.
Art. 789. Fixing of boundary judicially or extrajudicially.
Art. 791. Liability for unauthorized removal of markers.
Art. 792. Fixing of boundary according to ownership or possession
Art. 793. Determination of ownership according to titles.
Art. 794. Determination of ownership according to prescription.
Art. 795. Effect of boundary agreement.
Art. 796. Error in the location of markers; rectification.
Art. 797. Ownership in indivision; definition
Art. 798. Right to fruits and products
Art. 799. Liability of a co-owner
Art. 800. Preservation of the thing
Art. 801. Use and management by agreement
Art. 802. Right to use the thing
Art. 803. Use and management of the thing in the absence of agreement
Art. 804. Substantial alterations or improvements
Art. 805. Disposition of undivided share
Art. 806. Expenses of maintenance and management
Art. 807. Right to partition; exclusion by agreement
Art. 809. Judicial and extrajudicial partition
Art. 811. Partition by licitation or by private sale
Art. 812. Effect of partition on real rights
Art. 814. Rescission of partition for lesion
Art. 815. Partition by licitation
Art. 816. Partition in kind; warranty
Art. 817. Imprescriptibility of action
Art. 818. Other rights held in indivision
Art. 819. Arts. 819 to 822 Repealed by Acts 1977, No. 514, 1.
Art. 823. Arts. 823 to 855 Repealed by Acts 1977, No. 170, 1
Art. 856. Arts. 856 to 869 Repealed by Acts 1977, No. 169, 1.
Art. 870. Modes of acquiring ownership
Art. 871. Meaning of succession
Art. 875. Intestate succession
Art. 880. Intestate succession
Art. 881. Representation: effect
Art. 882. Representation in direct line of descendants
Art. 883. Representation of ascendants not permissible
Art. 884. Representation in collateral line
Art. 885. Basis of partition in cases of representation
Art. 886. Representation of deceased persons only
Art. 887. Representation of decedent whose succession was renounced
Art. 888. Succession rights of descendants
Art. 889. Devolution of community property
Art. 890. Usufruct of surviving spouse
Art. 891. Devolution of separate property; parents and brothers and sisters
Art. 893. Brothers and sisters related by half-blood
Art. 894. Separate property; rights of surviving spouse
Art. 895. Separate property; rights of other ascendants
Art. 896. Separate property; rights of other collaterals
Art. 899. Nearest in degree among more remote relations
Art. 900. Degrees of relationship
Art. 901. Direct and collateral relationship
Art. 903. Arts. 903 to 933 Repealed by Acts 1981, No. 919, 1, eff. Jan. 1, 1982.
Art. 934. Commencement of succession
Art. 935. Acquisition of ownership; seizin
Art. 936. Continuation of the possession of decedent
Art. 937. Transmission of rights of successor
Art. 938. Exercise of succession rights
Art. 939. Existence of successor
Art. 941. Declaration of unworthiness
Art. 942. Persons who may bring action
Art. 943. Reconciliation or forgiveness
Art. 945. Effects of declaration of unworthiness
Art. 946. Devolution of succession rights of successor declared unworthy
Art. 947. Right of successor to accept or renounce
Art. 948. Minor successor deemed to accept
Art. 949. Death of decedent as prerequisite to acceptance or renunciation
Art. 950. Knowledge required of successor as prerequisite to acceptance or renunciation
Art. 951. Nullity of premature acceptance or renunciation
Art. 952. Probate or annulment of testament after acceptance or renunciation of succession
Art. 953. Legacy subject to a suspensive condition
Art. 954. Retroactive effects of acceptance and renunciation
Art. 956. Claims of successor who is a creditor of the estate
Art. 957. Formal or informal acceptance
Art. 958. Informal acceptance; use or disposition of property
Art. 959. Informal acceptance; act of ownership
Art. 960. Donative renunciation deemed acceptance
Art. 961. Effect of acceptance
Art. 962. Presumption of acceptance
Art. 963. Requirement of formality
Art. 964. Accretion upon renunciation in intestate successions
Art. 965. Accretion upon renunciation in testate successions
Art. 966. Acceptance or renunciation of accretion
Art. 967. Acceptance of succession by creditor
Art. 969. Arts. 969-1074 [Blank]
Art. 1075. Arts. 1075 to 1094 Repealed by Acts 1960, No. 30, 2, eff. Jan. 1, 1961.
Art. 1095. Vacant succession, definition.
Art. 1096. Intestate succession, definition.
Art. 1097. Vacant succession; administration by administrators.
Art. 1098. Arts. 1098, 1099 Repealed by Acts 1960, No. 30, 2, eff. Jan. 1, 1961.
Art. 1100. Liability for unauthorized possession of vacant succession.
Art. 1101. Arts. 1101, 1102 Repealed by Acts 1960, No. 30, 2, eff. Jan. 1, 1961.
Art. 1103. Repealed by Acts 1980, No. 150, 3, eff. Jan. 1, 1981.
Art. 1104. Arts. 1104 to 1112 Repealed by Acts 1960, No. 30, 2, eff. Jan. 1, 1961.
Art. 1113. Arts. 1113 to 1132 Repealed by Acts 1960, No. 30, 2, eff. Jan. 1, 1961.
Art. 1133. Arts. 1133 to 1137 Repealed by Acts 1960, No. 30, 2, eff. Jan. 1, 1961.
Art. 1138. Arts. 1138 to 1145 Repealed by Acts 1980, No. 150, 3, eff. Jan. 1, 1981.
Art. 1146. Arts. 1146, 1147 Repealed by Acts 1960, No. 30, 2, eff. Jan. 1, 1961.
Art. 1148. Interest on succession funds; liability for private use.
Art. 1149. Arts. 1149 to 1157 Repealed by Acts 1960, No. 30, 2, eff. Jan. 1, 1961.
Art. 1158. Arts. 1158 to 1161 Repealed by Acts 1960, No. 30, 2, eff. Jan. 1, 1961.
Art. 1162. Arts. 1162 to 1170 Repealed by Acts 1960, No. 30, 2, eff. Jan. 1, 1961.
Art. 1171. Persons authorized to make sale.
Art. 1172. Arts. 1172 to 1187 Repealed by Acts 1960, No. 30, 2, eff. Jan. 1, 1961.
Art. 1188. Unpaid new creditors' action against paid creditors; prescription.
Art. 1189. Arts. 1189, 1190 Repealed by Acts 1960, No. 30, 2, eff. Jan. 1, 1961.
Art. 1191. Repealed by Acts 1960, No. 30, 2, eff. Jan. 1, 1961.
Art. 1192. Termination of curator's duties on appearance of heirs.
Art. 1193. Arts. 1193 to 1209 Repealed by Acts 1960, No. 30, 2, eff. Jan. 1, 1961.
Art. 1210. Arts. 1210 to 1219 Repealed by Acts 1960, No. 30, 2, eff. Jan. 1, 1961.
Art. 1220. Repealed by Acts 1960, No. 30, 2, eff. Jan. 1, 1961.
Art. 1221. Arts. 1221 to 1223 Repealed by Acts 1960, No. 30, 2, eff. Jan. 1, 1961.
Art. 1224. Arts. 1224 to 1226 Repealed by Acts 1960, No. 30, 2, eff. Jan. 1, 1961.
Art. 1227. Collation, definition.
Art. 1228. Collation by descendants
Art. 1229. Reasons for collation.
Art. 1230. Presumption in favor of collation.
Art. 1231. Express exclusion of collation; extra portion.
Art. 1232. Method of declaring dispensation from collation
Art. 1233. Sufficiency of declaration.
Art. 1234. Reduction of donations exceeding disposable portion; calculation of legitime.
Art. 1235. Persons entitled to demand collation
Art. 1236. Repealed by Acts 1990, No. 147, 3, eff. July 1, 1990.
Art. 1237. Renouncing heir's right to donations not exceeding disposable portion.
Art. 1238. Grandchildren; collation of donations made by grandparent after death of parent
Art. 1239. Grandchildren; right to donations made by grandparent during life of parent
Art. 1240. Grandchildren; collation of donations made by grandparent to parent.
Art. 1241. Collation by great grandchildren and more remote descendants.
Art. 1242. Collation; succession of donor.
Art. 1243. Expenditures subject to collation
Art. 1244. Expenditures not subject to collation.
Art. 1246. Profits from contracts with ascendant.
Art. 1247. Share of partnership with ascendant.
Art. 1248. Advantages other than donation.
Art. 1249. Wages for services to ascendant.
Art. 1250. Immovables destroyed while in possession of donee.
Art. 1251. Methods of making collations.
Art. 1252. Collation in kind, definition.
Art. 1253. Collation by taking less, definition.
Art. 1254. Movables or immovables.
Art. 1255. Collation of immovables.
Art. 1256. Immovables collated in kind; reimbursement for improvements.
Art. 1257. Immovables collated in kind; allowance for expenses of preservation.
Art. 1258. Immovables collated in kind; removal by donee of works erected for his pleasure.
Art. 1259. Kinds of expenses made on immovable property.
Art. 1260. Deterioration and damage to immovable, liability of donee.
Art. 1261. Destruction of immovable after election to collate in kind.
Art. 1262. Partial destruction of immovable after election to collate in kind.
Art. 1263. Destruction of immovable after election to collate by taking less.
Art. 1264. Creditors' rights on immovable collated in kind.
Art. 1265. Preservation of creditor's mortgage rights after partition.
Art. 1266. Immovables in excess of disposable portion; collation in kind.
Art. 1267. Immovables in excess of disposable portion; collation by taking less.
Art. 1268. Collation in kind; retention of immovable until reimbursement of expenses.
Art. 1269. Collation by taking less; valuation of immovable.
Art. 1270. Voluntary alienation or negligent loss of immovables subject to collation.
Art. 1271. Forced alienation of immovables subject to collation.
Art. 1272. Sale by donee and subsequent destruction of immovable subject to collation.
Art. 1273. Collation by taking less; coheirs' election of collation by sale or in kind.
Art. 1274. Failure of coheirs to make timely election.
Art. 1275. Payment of collation by sale of succession effects.
Art. 1276. Payment of collation with property of succession.
Art. 1277. Payment of collation by donee where succession effects insufficient.
Art. 1278. Time and security for payment.
Art. 1279. Rights of coheirs against defaulting heir; foreclosure of special mortgage.
Art. 1280. Privilege of seizing coheirs on proceeds of mortgage sale.
Art. 1282. Purchaser's retention of immovable upon payment of collations.
Art. 1283. Collation of movables.
Art. 1284. Donation of movables as absolute transfer of rights.
Art. 1285. Collation of money.
Art. 1286. Collation of movables or money by taking less; payment in money.
Art. 1287. Collation of movables or money by taking less; payment in succession effects.
Art. 1288. Payment of collation by donee where succession effects insufficient.
Art. 1289. Repealed by Acts 1991, No. 689, 1.
Art. 1290. Extent and application of rules; venue of action.
Art. 1291. Venue of action where property partly in different parishes.
Art. 1292. Undivided ownership rights until partition.
Art. 1293. Partition of a succession, definition.
Art. 1294. Repealed by Acts 1991, No. 689, 1.
Art. 1295. Definitive and provisional partitions, definitions.
Art. 1296. Definitive and provisional partitions, distinguished.
Art. 1297. Stipulations against partition.
Art. 1298. Repealed by Acts 1991, No. 689, 1.
Art. 1299. Perpetual prohibition against partition by donor.
Art. 1300. Limited or conditional prohibition against partition by donor.
Art. 1301. Testator's right to prohibit partition during minority of heirs.
Art. 1302. Testamentary partition
Art. 1303. Repealed by Acts 1991, No. 689, 1.
Art. 1304. Repealed by Acts 1991, No. 689, 1.
Art. 1305. Prescription where possession is separate.
Art. 1306. Prescription where one heir possesses separately and others possess in common.
Art. 1307. Partition between heirs and legatees.
Art. 1308. Partition between owners in common.
Art. 1309. Partition between possessors in common.
Art. 1310. Nature of possession required.
Art. 1311. Action maintainable by one or more co-owners.
Art. 1312. Partition suits by tutors and curators.
Art. 1313. Partition suits by emancipated minors.
Art. 1314. Defense of suits by tutors, curators and emancipated minors.
Art. 1315. Partition suits by curators of absent heirs.
Art. 1316. Arts. 1316, 1317 Repealed by Acts 1960, No. 30, 2, eff. Jan. 1, 1961.
Art. 1318. Partition by or against heir or successor of co-owner.
Art. 1319. Retrocession repealed.
Art. 1320. Ownership as basis for action of partition.
Art. 1321. Separate possession of one co-owner, partition before prescription.
Art. 1322. Repealed by Acts 1991, No. 689, 1.
Art. 1323. Repealed by Acts 1991, No. 689, 1.
Art. 1324. Repealed by Acts 1960, No. 30, 2, eff. Jan. 1, 1961.
Art. 1325. Inventory within one year of partition suit.
Art. 1327. Repealed by Acts 1960, No. 30, 2, eff. Jan. 1, 1961.
Art. 1328. Summary proceeding for action of partition.
Art. 1329. Parties plaintiff and defendant.
Art. 1330. Plaintiff's admission of defendant's heirship.
Art. 1331. Collation in action of partition; time for deliberating.
Art. 1332. Election to collate in kind.
Art. 1333. Election to collate by taking less; failure to elect.
Art. 1334. Appraisement of property to be collated.
Art. 1335. Matters incidental to partition; procedure.
Art. 1336. Judicial regulation of mode of partition.
Art. 1337. Partition in kind; sale of movables to pay debts.
Art. 1338. Repealed by Acts 1991, No. 689, 1.
Art. 1339. Repealed by Acts 1991, No. 689, 1.
Art. 1340. Repealed by Acts 1991, No. 689, 1.
Art. 1341. Terms of sale of succession effects where all heirs are absent or minors.
Art. 1342. Terms of sale of succession effects where heirs present demand sale for cash.
Art. 1343. Partition sale; coheir's right to purchase hereditary portion.
Art. 1344. Partition sale; purchase of minor's hereditary portion by tutor or curator.
Art. 1345. Reference to recorder or notary for continuation of proceedings.
Art. 1346. Amicable continuation of proceedings by heirs.
Art. 1348. Continuances of proceedings.
Art. 1349. Settlement of accounts due by heirs to succession.
Art. 1350. Items included in accounts.
Art. 1351. Deduction of donations not subject to collation.
Art. 1352. Court order as to mode of collation exhibited to officer
Art. 1353. Inclusion of property collated in kind.
Art. 1354. Inclusion of value of property collated by taking less.
Art. 1355. Formation of active mass.
Art. 1356. Composition of active mass.
Art. 1357. Deductions from active mass.
Art. 1358. Deductions, definition.
Art. 1359. Deductions allowed.
Art. 1360. Deductions in absence of collation or when collation is in kind.
Art. 1361. Deductions, when collation is by taking less.
Art. 1362. Coheir's right to take succession effects in payment of collation.
Art. 1363. Disagreement among heirs entitled to receive collation in property.
Art. 1364. Division into lots according to number of heirs or roots.
Art. 1365. Equality in formation of lots.
Art. 1366. Equalization by money when one lot more valuable than others.
Art. 1367. Formation of lots by experts.
Art. 1368. Repealed by Acts 1960, No. 30, 2, eff. Jan. 1, 1961.
Art. 1369. Repealed by Acts 1962, No. 70.
Art. 1370. Subdivision among coheirs of same root.
Art. 1371. Coheirs' proportionate liability for succession debts.
Art. 1372. Observance of formalities.
Art. 1373. Provisional partitions; persons authorized to demand new partition
Art. 1374. Arts. 1374 to 1377 Repealed by Acts 1960, No. 30, 2, eff. Jan. 1, 1961.
Art. 1378. Errors of form, effect.
Art. 1379. Delivery of property and title papers after partition.
Art. 1380. Subsequent discovery of property, amendment of partition.
Art. 1381. Repealed by Acts 1990, No. 989, 7, eff. January 1, 1991.
Art. 1382. Partition compared to exchange.
Art. 1383. Repealed by Acts 1991, No. 689, 1.
Art. 1384. Reciprocal warranty against disturbance or eviction.
Art. 1385. Exclusion of warranty.
Art. 1386. Eviction through fault of coheir.
Art. 1387. Proportionate liability of coheirs.
Art. 1388. Amount of indemnity.
Art. 1389. Liability of coheirs for portion of insolvent coheir.
Art. 1390. Scope of warranty as to corporeal and incorporeal things.
Art. 1391. Warranties always implied.
Art. 1392. Warranty of solvency of debtor of rent charge, prescription.
Art. 1393. Subsequent deterioration or destruction of property.
Art. 1394. New debts or charges.
Art. 1395. Tacit mortgage abolished.
Art. 1396. Prescription of action of warranty.
Art. 1397. Repealed by Acts 1991, No. 689, 1.
Art. 1398. Repealed by Acts 1991, No. 689, 1.
Art. 1399. Definitive partitions involving minors, interdicts, or absent persons
Art. 1400. Provisional partitions involving minors, interdicts, or absent persons
Art. 1401. Omission of succession effects not cause for rescission.
Art. 1402. Rescission of transactions effecting partition.
Art. 1403. Rescission inadmissible after compromise.
Art. 1404. Rescission inadmissible against sale of succession rights.
Art. 1405. Sale of succession rights to coheir at risk of vendor, rescission inadmissible.
Art. 1406. Sale to coheir of immovable rights only, rescission for lesion.
Art. 1407. Facts required to obtain rescission for lesion.
Art. 1408. Termination of partition suit by defendant's tender.
Art. 1410. Rescission for fraud or violence inadmissible after alienation.
Art. 1411. Rescission inadmissible against partition regulated by father.
Art. 1412. Rescission in favor of minor effective for all parties.
Art. 1413. Prescription of action of rescission.
Art. 1414. Prescription against minors after judicial partition.
Art. 1415. Estate debts; administrative expenses
Art. 1416. Liability of universal successors to creditors
Art. 1418. Successors who are creditors, order of preference
Art. 1419. Rights of pursuit of creditor
Art. 1420. Regulation of payment of debts by testament or by agreement among successors
Art. 1421. Estate debts, charged
Art. 1422. Debts attributable to identifiable or encumbered property
Art. 1423. Decedent's debts charged ratably
Art. 1424. Administration expenses, how charged
Art. 1425. Liability of successors for contribution or reimbursement
Art. 1426. Classification of receipts and expenditures in absence of controlling dispositions
Art. 1427. Reporting and deducting as authorized by tax law
Art. 1428. Rights and obligations of usufructuary not superseded
Art. 1429. Rights and obligations of income interest in trust not superseded
Art. 1467. Methods of acquiring or disposing gratuitously
Art. 1468. Donations inter vivos; definition
Art. 1469. Donation mortis causa; definition
Art. 1470. Persons capable of giving or receiving
Art. 1471. Capacity to give, time for existence
Art. 1472. Capacity to receive, time for existence
Art. 1473. Capacity to receive conditional donation, time for existence
Art. 1474. Unborn children, capacity to receive
Art. 1475. Nullity of donation to person incapable of receiving
Art. 1476. Minors; incapacity to make donations, exceptions
Art. 1477. Capacity to donate, mental condition of donor
Art. 1478. Nullity of donation procured by fraud or duress
Art. 1479. Nullity of donation procured through undue influence
Art. 1480. Nullity due to fraud, duress, or undue influence; severability of valid provision
Art. 1481. Fiduciary appointment, termination
Art. 1482. Proof of incapacity to donate
Art. 1483. Proof of fraud, duress, or undue influence
Art. 1484. Interpretation of revocation or modification
Art. 1485. Repealed by Acts 1990, No. 147, 3, eff. July 1, 1990.
Art. 1486. Arts. 1486, 1487 Repealed by Acts 1979, No. 607, 4
Art. 1488. Repealed by Acts 1978, No. 362, 1.
Art. 1489. Arts. 1489 to 1491 [Blank]
Art. 1492. Repealed by Acts 1990, No. 147, 3, eff. July 1, 1990.
Art. 1493. Forced heirs; representation of forced heirs
Art. 1493.1. Children conceived through donation of gametes
Art. 1494. Forced heir entitled to legitime; exception
Art. 1495. Amount of forced portion and disposable portion
Art. 1495.1. Calculation of the legitime
Art. 1496. Permissible burdens on legitime
Art. 1497. Disposable portion in absence of forced heirs
Art. 1498. Nullity of donation inter vivos of entire patrimony
Art. 1499. Usufruct to surviving spouse
Art. 1501. Repealed by Acts 1997, No. 706, 1.
Art. 1502. Inability to satisfy legitime by usufruct or income interest in trust only
Art. 1503. Reduction of excessive donations
Art. 1504. Reduction of donations, exclusive right of forced heirs
Art. 1505. Calculation of disposable portion on mass of succession
Art. 1507. Reduction of legacies before donations inter vivos, order of reduction
Art. 1508. Reduction of donations inter vivos
Art. 1509. Insolvency of a donee
Art. 1510. Remunerative donations, extent of reduction
Art. 1511. Onerous donation, extent of reduction
Art. 1512. Retention of fruits and products of donation by donee until demand for reduction
Art. 1514. Usufruct of surviving spouse affecting legitime; security
Art. 1519. Impossible, illegal or immoral conditions.
Art. 1520. Prohibited substitutions, definitions
Art. 1521. Vulgar substitutions
Art. 1522. Separate donations of usufruct and naked ownership
Art. 1527. Remunerative donations
Art. 1528. Charges or conditions imposed by donor
Art. 1529. Donation of future property; nullity
Art. 1530. Donation conditional on will of donor; nullity
Art. 1531. Donation conditional on payment of future or unexpressed debts and charges; nullity
Art. 1532. Stipulation for right of return to donor
Art. 1533. Right of return; effect
Art. 1541. Form required for donations
Art. 1542. Identification of donor, donee, and the thing donated required
Art. 1544. Donation effective from time of acceptance
Art. 1545. Acceptance in person or by mandatary
Art. 1546. Acceptance during lifetime of donee
Art. 1547. Acceptance by creditor prohibited
Art. 1548. Unemancipated minor; persons authorized to accept
Art. 1549. Thing acquired subject to existing charges
Art. 1550. Form for donation of certain incorporeal movables
Art. 1551. Effects of acceptance
Art. 1556. Causes for revocation or dissolution
Art. 1557. Revocation for ingratitude
Art. 1558. Revocation for ingratitude; prescription, parties
Art. 1559. Revocation for ingratitude, effect on alienations, leases, or encumbrances
Art. 1560. Revocation for ingratitude, restoration
Art. 1564. Dissolution for non-execution of other condition; prescription
Art. 1565. Dissolution for non-execution of condition
Art. 1566. Revocation or dissolution, donee's liability for fruits
Art. 1567. Donee unable to return thing in same condition
Art. 1571. Testaments with others or by others prohibited
Art. 1572. Testamentary dispositions committed to the choice of a third person
Art. 1574. Forms of testaments
Art. 1575. Olographic testament
Art. 1577. Requirements of form
Art. 1578. Notarial testament; testator literate and sighted but physically unable to sign
Art. 1579. Notarial testament; testator unable to read
Art. 1580. Notarial testament in braille form
Art. 1580.1. Deaf or deaf and blind notarial testament; form; witnesses
Art. 1581. Persons incompetent to be witnesses
Art. 1582. Effect of witness or notary as legatee
Art. 1582.1. Persons prohibited from witnessing; effect
Art. 1583. Certain designations not legacies
Art. 1584. Kinds of testamentary dispositions
Art. 1588. Joint or separate legacy
Art. 1590. Testamentary accretion
Art. 1591. Accretion of particular and general legacies
Art. 1592. Accretion among joint legatees
Art. 1593. Exception to rule of testamentary accretion
Art. 1595. Accretion to universal legatee
Art. 1596. Accretion to intestate successors
Art. 1597. Loss, extinction, or destruction of property given
Art. 1598. Right of legatees to fruits and products
Art. 1599. Payment of legacies, preference of payment
Art. 1600. Particular legacies; preference of payment
Art. 1601. Preference of payment among particular legacies
Art. 1602. Discharge of an unsatisfied particular legacy
Art. 1604. Discharge of legacies, limitation of liability
Art. 1605. Probate of testament
Art. 1606. Testator's right of revocation
Art. 1607. Revocation of entire testament by testator
Art. 1608. Revocation of a legacy or other testamentary provision
Art. 1609. Revocation of juridical act prior to testator's death
Art. 1610. Other modifications
Art. 1610.1. Grounds for revocation of testamentary dispositions
Art. 1611. Intent of testator controls
Art. 1612. Preference for interpretation that gives effect
Art. 1613. Mistake in identification of object bequeathed
Art. 1614. Interpretation as to after-acquired property
Art. 1615. Contradictory provisions
Art. 1617. Disinherison of forced heirs
Art. 1618. Formalities for disinherison
Art. 1619. Disinherison, express and for just cause
Art. 1620. Limitation of causes for disinherison
Art. 1621. Children; causes for disinherison by parents
Art. 1622. Grandparents; causes for disinherison of grandchildren
Art. 1623. Timing of action; no defense
Art. 1624. Mention of cause for disinherison; burden of proof; reconciliation
Art. 1626. Defenses to disinherison
Art. 1724. Right of parents and ascendants to partition property among descendants
Art. 1725. Method of making partition
Art. 1726. Partition by act inter vivos, formalities.
Art. 1727. Testamentary partitions, formalities.
Art. 1728. Property not included in partition.
Art. 1729. Necessity for partition to include all descendants.
Art. 1730. Limitation in relation to disposable portion.
Art. 1731. Action to rescind partition, payment of costs.
Art. 1732. Tender by defendant in action of rescission.
Art. 1733. Donation of extra portion not affected by rescission.
Art. 1734. Donations in contemplation of marriage by third persons; in general
Art. 1739. Limited irrevocability
Art. 1740. Division following substitution of common descendants
Art. 1741. Caducity; causes and effects
Art. 1742. Acceptance or renunciation of succession
Art. 1743. Universal succession; liability for estate debts
Art. 1744. Donations between future or present spouses; in general
Art. 1745. Applicability of rules on donations in contemplation of marriage by third person
Art. 1746. Objects and beneficiaries
Art. 1748. Right of return not presumed
Art. 1749. Donation of property to be left at death; caducity
Art. 1750. Donations of property to be left at death made during marriage; revocability
Art. 1751. Disguised donations and donations to persons interposed
Art. 1752. Repealed by Acts 1990, No. 147, 3, eff. July 1, 1990.
Art. 1753. Repealed by Acts 1918, No. 238, 1.
Art. 1754. Repealed by Acts 2004, No. 619, §1, eff. Sept. 1, 2005.
Art. 1755. Repealed by Acts 2004, No. 619, §1, eff. Sept. 1, 2005.
Art. 1756. Obligations; definition
Art. 1757. Sources of obligations
Art. 1760. Moral duties that may give rise to a natural obligation
Art. 1761. Effects of a natural obligation
Art. 1762. Examples of circumstances giving rise to a natural obligation
Art. 1764. Effects of real obligation
Art. 1765. Heritable obligation
Art. 1766. Strictly personal obligation
Art. 1767. Suspensive and resolutory condition
Art. 1768. Expressed and implied conditions
Art. 1769. Unlawful or impossible condition
Art. 1770. Condition that depends on the whim or the will of the obligor
Art. 1771. Obligee's right pending condition
Art. 1773. Time for fulfillment of condition that an event shall occur
Art. 1774. Time for fulfillment of condition that an event shall not occur
Art. 1775. Effects retroactive
Art. 1776. Contract for continuous or periodic performance
Art. 1777. Express or implied term
Art. 1778. Term for performance
Art. 1779. Term presumed to benefit the obligor
Art. 1780. Renunciation of a term
Art. 1781. Performance before end of term
Art. 1782. If the obligor is insolvent
Art. 1783. Impairment or failure of security
Art. 1784. Term for performance not fixed
Art. 1785. Performance on term
Art. 1786. Several, joint, and solidary obligations
Art. 1787. Several obligations; effects
Art. 1788. Joint obligations for obligors or obligees
Art. 1789. Divisible and indivisible joint obligation
Art. 1790. Solidary obligations for obligees
Art. 1791. Extinction of obligation by performance
Art. 1792. Remission by one obligee
Art. 1793. Interruption of prescription
Art. 1794. Solidary obligation for obligors
Art. 1796. Solidarity not presumed
Art. 1797. Solidary obligation arising from different sources
Art. 1798. Obligation subject to condition or term
Art. 1799. Interruption of prescription
Art. 1800. Solidary liability for damages
Art. 1801. Defenses that solidary obligor may raise
Art. 1802. Renunciation of solidarity
Art. 1803. Remission of debt to or transaction or compromise with one obligor
Art. 1804. Liability of solidary obligors between themselves
Art. 1805. Enforcement of contribution
Art. 1806. Insolvency of a solidary obligor
Art. 1807. Conjunctive obligation
Art. 1808. Alternative obligation
Art. 1809. Choice belongs to the obligor
Art. 1810. Delay in exercising choice
Art. 1811. Obligor may not choose part of one item
Art. 1812. Impossibility or unlawfulness of one item of performance
Art. 1813. Impossibility or unlawfulness of all items of performance
Art. 1814. Obligor's liability for damages
Art. 1815. Divisible and indivisible obligation
Art. 1816. Effect of divisible obligation between single obligor and obligee
Art. 1817. Effects of divisible obligation among successors
Art. 1818. Effects of indivisible obligations between more than one obligor or obligee
Art. 1819. Effect of indivisible obligation among successors
Art. 1820. Solidarity is not indivisibility
Art. 1821. Assumption by agreement between obligor and third person
Art. 1822. Third person bound for amount assumed
Art. 1823. Assumption by agreement between obligee and third person
Art. 1827. Conventional subrogation by the obligee
Art. 1828. Conventional subrogation by the obligor
Art. 1829. Subrogation by operation of law
Art. 1830. Effects of legal subrogation
Art. 1831. Party must prove obligation
Art. 1832. Written form required by law
Art. 1834. Act that fails to be authentic
Art. 1835. Authentic act constitutes full proof between parties and heirs
Art. 1836. Act under private signature duly acknowledged
Art. 1837. Act under private signature
Art. 1838. Party must acknowledge or deny signature
Art. 1839. Transfer of immovable property
Art. 1840. Copy of authentic act
Art. 1841. Copy of recorded writing
Art. 1844. Effects of confirmation and ratification
Art. 1845. Confirmation of donation
Art. 1846. Contract not in excess of five hundred dollars
Art. 1847. Debt of a third person and debt extinguished by prescription
Art. 1848. Testimonial or other evidence not admitted to disprove a writing
Art. 1849. Proof of simulation
Art. 1853. Judicial confession
Art. 1854. Extinction by performance
Art. 1855. Performance by a third person
Art. 1856. Valid transfer of object of performance
Art. 1857. Performance rendered to the obligee
Art. 1858. Lack of capacity of obligee
Art. 1859. Performance in violation of seizure
Art. 1860. Quality of thing to be given
Art. 1861. Partial performance
Art. 1862. Place of performance
Art. 1864. Imputation by obligor
Art. 1865. Imputation to debt not yet due
Art. 1866. Payment imputed to interest
Art. 1867. Imputation by obligee
Art. 1868. Imputation not made by the parties
Art. 1869. Offer to perform and deposit by obligor
Art. 1871. Deposit of things by obligor
Art. 1872. Sale of a thing and deposit of proceeds
Art. 1873. Obligor not liable when failure caused by fortuitous event
Art. 1874. Fortuitous event that would have destroyed object in hands of obligee
Art. 1876. Contract dissolved when performance becomes impossible
Art. 1877. Fortuitous event that has made performance impossible in part
Art. 1878. Fortuitous event after obligor performed in part
Art. 1879. Extinguishment of existing obligation
Art. 1880. Novation not presumed
Art. 1882. Subjective novation
Art. 1883. No effect when obligation is invalid
Art. 1884. Security for extinguished obligation
Art. 1885. Novation of solidary obligation
Art. 1886. Delegation of performance
Art. 1887. Discharge of any prior obligor does not affect security
Art. 1888. Express or tacit remission
Art. 1889. Presumption of remission
Art. 1890. Remission effective when communication is received by the obligor
Art. 1891. Release of real security
Art. 1892. Remission granted to sureties
Art. 1893. Compensation extinguishes obligations
Art. 1894. Obligation not subject to compensation
Art. 1895. Obligations not to be performed at the same place
Art. 1896. Rules of imputation of payment
Art. 1897. Compensation extinguishes obligation of surety
Art. 1898. Compensation between obligee and solidary obligor
Art. 1899. Rights acquired by third parties
Art. 1900. Assignment by obligee
Art. 1901. Compensation by agreement
Art. 1902. Compensation by judicial declaration
Art. 1903. Union of qualities of obligee and obligor
Art. 1904. Obligation of the surety
Art. 1905. Solidary obligations
Art. 1906. Definition of contract
Art. 1907. Unilateral contracts
Art. 1908. Bilateral or synallagmatic contracts
Art. 1910. Gratuitous contracts
Art. 1911. Commutative contracts
Art. 1913. Principal and accessory contracts
Art. 1914. Nominate and innominate contracts
Art. 1915. Rules applicable to all contracts
Art. 1916. Rules applicable to nominate contracts
Art. 1917. Rules applicable to all kinds of obligations
Art. 1918. General statement of capacity
Art. 1919. Right to plead rescission
Art. 1920. Right to require confirmation or rescission of the contract
Art. 1921. Rescission of contract for incapacity
Art. 1922. Fully emancipated minor
Art. 1923. Incapacity of unemancipated minor; exceptions
Art. 1924. Mere representation of majority; reliance
Art. 1926. Attack on noninterdicted decedent's contracts
Art. 1929. Expiration of irrevocable offer for lack of acceptance
Art. 1931. Expiration of revocable offer
Art. 1932. Expiration of offer by death or incapacity of either party
Art. 1934. Time when acceptance of an irrevocable offer is effective
Art. 1935. Time when acceptance of a revocable offer is effective
Art. 1936. Reasonableness of manner and medium of acceptance
Art. 1937. Time when revocation is effective
Art. 1938. Reception of revocation, rejection, or acceptance
Art. 1939. Acceptance by performance
Art. 1940. Acceptance only by completed performance
Art. 1941. Notice of commencement of performance
Art. 1942. Acceptance by silence
Art. 1943. Acceptance not in accordance with offer
Art. 1944. Offer of reward made to the public
Art. 1945. Revocation of an offer of reward made to the public
Art. 1946. Performance by several persons
Art. 1947. Form contemplated by parties
Art. 1949. Error vitiates consent
Art. 1950. Error that concerns cause
Art. 1951. Other party willing to perform
Art. 1952. Rescission; liability for damages
Art. 1953. Fraud may result from misrepresentation or from silence
Art. 1954. Confidence between the parties
Art. 1955. Error induced by fraud
Art. 1956. Fraud committed by a third person
Art. 1960. Duress directed against third persons
Art. 1961. Duress by third person
Art. 1962. Threat of exercising a right
Art. 1963. Contract with party in good faith
Art. 1966. No obligation without cause
Art. 1967. Cause defined; detrimental reliance
Art. 1969. Cause not expressed
Art. 1970. Untrue expression of cause
Art. 1972. Possible or impossible object
Art. 1973. Object determined as to kind
Art. 1974. Determination by third person
Art. 1975. Output or requirements
Art. 1977. Obligation or performance by a third person
Art. 1978. Stipulation for a third party
Art. 1980. Revocation or refusal
Art. 1981. Rights of beneficiary and stipulator
Art. 1982. Defenses of the promisor
Art. 1983. Law for the parties; performance in good faith
Art. 1984. Rights and obligations will pass to successors
Art. 1985. Effects for third parties
Art. 1986. Right of the obligee
Art. 1987. Right to restrain obligor
Art. 1988. Judgment may stand for act
Art. 1990. Obligor put in default by arrival of term
Art. 1991. Manners of putting in default
Art. 1992. Risk devolves upon the obligor
Art. 1993. Reciprocal obligations
Art. 1994. Obligor liable for failure to perform
Art. 1996. Obligor in good faith
Art. 1997. Obligor in bad faith
Art. 1998. Damages for nonpecuniary loss
Art. 1999. Assessment of damages left to the court
Art. 2000. Damages for delay measured by interest; no need of proof; attorney fees
Art. 2001. Interest on interest
Art. 2002. Reasonable efforts to mitigate damages
Art. 2003. Obligee in bad faith
Art. 2004. Clause that excludes or limits liability
Art. 2005. Secondary obligation
Art. 2006. Nullity of the principal obligation
Art. 2007. Stipulated damages or performance
Art. 2008. Failure to perform justified
Art. 2009. Obligee not bound to prove damage
Art. 2010. Obligor put in default
Art. 2011. Benefit from partial performance
Art. 2012. Stipulated damages may not be modified
Art. 2013. Obligee's right to dissolution
Art. 2014. Importance of failure to perform
Art. 2015. Dissolution after notice to perform
Art. 2016. Dissolution without notice to perform
Art. 2017. Express dissolution clause
Art. 2018. Effects of dissolution
Art. 2019. Contracts for continuous or periodic performance
Art. 2020. Contracts made by more than two parties
Art. 2021. Rights of third party in good faith
Art. 2023. Security for performance
Art. 2024. Contract terminated by a party's initiative
Art. 2025. Definition; simulation and counterletter
Art. 2026. Absolute simulation
Art. 2027. Relative simulation
Art. 2028. Effects as to third persons
Art. 2029. Nullity of contracts
Art. 2030. Absolute nullity of contracts
Art. 2031. Relative nullity of contracts
Art. 2032. Prescription of action
Art. 2034. Nullity of a provision
Art. 2035. Rights of third party in good faith
Art. 2036. Act of the obligor that causes or increases his insolvency
Art. 2038. Onerous contract made by the obligor
Art. 2039. Gratuitous contract made by the obligor
Art. 2040. Contract made in course of business
Art. 2041. Action must be brought within one year
Art. 2042. Obligee must join obligor and third persons
Art. 2043. Assets transferred must be returned
Art. 2044. Insolvency by failure to exercise right
Art. 2045. Determination of the intent of the parties
Art. 2046. No further interpretation when intent is clear
Art. 2048. Words susceptible of different meanings
Art. 2049. Provision susceptible of different meanings
Art. 2050. Provisions interpreted in light of each other
Art. 2051. Contract worded in general terms
Art. 2052. Situation to which the contract applies
Art. 2054. No provision of the parties for a particular situation
Art. 2056. Standard-form contracts
Art. 2057. Contract interpreted in favor of obligor
Art. 2058. Arts. 2058 to 2291 Repealed by Acts 1984, No. 331, 1, eff. Jan. 1, 1985.
Art. 2292. Management of affairs; definition
Art. 2293. Application of rules governing mandate
Art. 2294. Duties of the manager; notice to the owner
Art. 2295. Duties of the manager; liability for loss
Art. 2297. Obligations of the owner
Art. 2298. Enrichment without cause; compensation
Art. 2299. Obligation to restore
Art. 2300. Obligation that does not exist
Art. 2301. Obligation under suspensive condition
Art. 2302. Payment of the debt of another person
Art. 2303. Liability of the person receiving payment
Art. 2304. Restoration of a thing or its value
Art. 2305. Liability when the thing is alienated
Art. 2306. Repealed by Acts 1995, No. 1041, eff. Jan. 1, 1996.
Art. 2307. Repealed by Acts 1995, No. 1041, eff. Jan. 1, 1996.
Art. 2308. Repealed by Acts 1995, No. 1041, eff. Jan. 1, 1996.
Art. 2309. Repealed by Acts 1995, No. 1041, eff. Jan. 1, 1996.
Art. 2310. Repealed by Acts 1995, No. 1041, eff. Jan. 1, 1996.
Art. 2311. Repealed by Acts 1995, No. 1041, eff. Jan. 1, 1996.
Art. 2312. Repealed by Acts 1995, No. 1041, eff. Jan. 1, 1996.
Art. 2313. Repealed by Acts 1995, No. 1041, eff. Jan. 1, 1996.
Art. 2314. Repealed by Acts 1979, No. 180, 3.
Art. 2315. Liability for acts causing damages
Art. 2315.2. Wrongful death action
Art. 2315.3. Additional damages; child pornography
Art. 2315.4. Additional damages; intoxicated defendant
Art. 2315.5. Wrongful death and survival action; exception
Art. 2315.6. Liability for damages caused by injury to another
Art. 2315.7. Liability for damages caused by criminal sexual activity occurring during childhood
Art. 2315.8. Liability for damages caused by domestic abuse
Art. 2315.9. Liability for damages caused by acts of terror
Art. 2315.10. Liability for death caused by hazing; additional damages
Art. 2315.11. Liability for damages caused by sexual assault
Art. 2316. Negligence, imprudence or want of skill.
Art. 2317. Acts of others and of things in custody.
Art. 2317.1. Damage caused by ruin, vice, or defect in things
Art. 2320. Acts of servants, students or apprentices
Art. 2321. Damage caused by animals
Art. 2322. Damage caused by ruin of building
Art. 2322.1. Users of blood or tissue; a medical service
Art. 2324. Liability as solidary or joint and divisible obligation
Art. 2324.1. Damages; discretion of judge or jury
Art. 2324.2. Reduction of recovery
Art. 2325. Matrimonial regime.
Art. 2326. Kinds of matrimonial regimes.
Art. 2328. Contractual regime; matrimonial agreement.
Art. 2329. Exclusion or modification of matrimonial regime.
Art. 2330. Limits of contractual freedom.
Art. 2331. Form of matrimonial agreement.
Art. 2332. Effect toward third persons.
Art. 2334. Persons; scope of application of the legal regime.
Art. 2335. Classification of property
Art. 2336. Ownership of community property
Art. 2337. Disposition of undivided interest.
Art. 2338. Community property.
Art. 2339. Fruits and revenues of separate property
Art. 2340. Presumption of community.
Art. 2341.1. Acquisition of undivided interests; separate and community property
Art. 2342. Declaration of acquisition of separate property
Art. 2343. Donation by spouse of interest in community.
Art. 2343.1. Transfer of separate property to the community.
Art. 2344. Offenses and quasi-offenses; damages as community or separate property.
Art. 2345. Satisfaction of obligation during community.
Art. 2346. Management of community property.
Art. 2347. Alienation of community property; concurrence of other spouse.
Art. 2348. Renunciation of right to concur.
Art. 2349. Donation of community property; concurrence of other spouse.
Art. 2350. Alienation of movable assets of business
Art. 2351. Alienation of registered movables.
Art. 2352. Management and disposition of partnership and limited liability company interest
Art. 2353. Unauthorized alienation of community property.
Art. 2354. Liability for fraud or bad faith.
Art. 2355. Judicial authorization to act without the consent of the other spouse
Art. 2355.1. Judicial authorization to manage the community
Art. 2356. Causes of termination
Art. 2357. Satisfaction of obligation after termination of regime
Art. 2358. Claims for reimbursement between spouses
Art. 2358.1. Source of reimbursement
Art. 2359. Obligations; community or separate.
Art. 2360. Community obligation.
Art. 2361. Obligations incurred during marriage; presumption.
Art. 2362. Alimentary obligation.
Art. 2362.1. Obligation incurred in an action for divorce
Art. 2363. Separate obligation
Art. 2364. Satisfaction of separate obligation with community property or former community property.
Art. 2364.1. Repealed by Acts 2009, No. 204, §3.
Art. 2365. Satisfaction of community obligation with separate property
Art. 2367. Use of separate property for the benefit of community property
Art. 2367.1. Use of separate property for the benefit of separate property
Art. 2367.2. Component parts of separate property
Art. 2367.3. Satisfaction of separate obligation with separate property
Art. 2368. Increase of the value of separate property.
Art. 2369. Accounting between spouses; prescription.
Art. 2369.1. Application of co-ownership provisions
Art. 2369.2. Ownership interest
Art. 2369.3. Duty to preserve; standard of care
Art. 2369.4. Alienation, encumbrance, or lease prohibited
Art. 2369.5. Alienation of registered movables
Art. 2369.6. Alienation, encumbrance, or lease of movable assets of former community enterprise
Art. 2369.7. Court authorization to act alone
Art. 2369.8. Right to partition; no exclusion by agreement; judicial partition
Art. 2370. Separation of property regime.
Art. 2371. Management of property.
Art. 2373. Expenses of the marriage.
Art. 2374. Judgment of separation of property
Art. 2376. Rights of creditors.
Art. 2377. Arts. 2377 to 2431 Repealed by Acts 1978, No. 627, 6; Acts 1979, No. 709, 1
Art. 2432. Right to marital portion.
Art. 2433. Incident of marriage; charge on the succession.
Art. 2435. Deduction of legacy.
Art. 2436. Nonheritable right; prescription.
Art. 2437. Periodic allowance.
Art. 2438. Rules of other titles
Art. 2440. Sale of immovable, method of making
Art. 2442. Recordation of sale of immovable to affect third parties
Art. 2443. Purchase of a thing already owned
Art. 2444. Repealed by Acts 2012, No. 277, §2.
Art. 2447. Sale of litigious rights, prohibitions
Art. 2448. Things that may be sold
Art. 2450. Sale of future things
Art. 2452. Sale of the thing of another
Art. 2453. Sale of thing pending litigation of ownership
Art. 2456. Transfer of ownership
Art. 2457. Transfer of ownership; things not individualized
Art. 2458. Sale by weight, tale or measure; lump sales
Art. 2460. Sale on view or trial
Art. 2461. Inclusion of accessories
Art. 2464. Price, essential elements
Art. 2465. Price left to determination by third person
Art. 2466. No price fixed by the parties
Art. 2474. Construction of ambiguities respecting obligations of seller
Art. 2475. Seller's obligations of delivery and warranty.
Art. 2477. Methods of making delivery
Art. 2480. Retention of possession by seller, presumption of simulation
Art. 2481. Incorporeals, method of making delivery
Art. 2482. Things not in possession of seller
Art. 2483. Costs of delivery and of removal
Art. 2485. Buyer's rights upon default, damages
Art. 2487. Delivery excused until payment of price and for insolvency
Art. 2489. Condition of thing at time of delivery
Art. 2491. Immovables, extent of delivery
Art. 2492. Sale of immovables at a price per measure
Art. 2494. Sale of immovable for lump price
Art. 2495. Sale of a certain and limited body or of a distinct object for a lump price
Art. 2497. Restitution of price and expenses in case of rescission
Art. 2498. Prescription of actions for supplement or diminution of price or for dissolution
Art. 2500. Eviction, definition, scope of warranty
Art. 2502. Transfer of rights to a thing
Art. 2506. Rights of buyer against seller in case of eviction
Art. 2509. Reimbursement to buyer for useful improvements, liability of seller in bad faith
Art. 2511. Partial eviction, rights of buyer
Art. 2512. Warranty against eviction from proceeds
Art. 2513. Scope of warranty in sale of succession rights
Art. 2517. Call in warranty, failure of buyer to call seller in warranty, suit to quiet possession
Art. 2520. Warranty against redhibitory defects
Art. 2521. Defects that are made known to the buyer or that are apparent
Art. 2522. Notice of existence of defect
Art. 2524. Thing fit for ordinary use
Art. 2529. Thing not of the kind specified in the contract
Art. 2530. Defect must exist before delivery
Art. 2531. Liability of seller who knew not of the defect
Art. 2532. Return of the thing; destruction of the thing
Art. 2538. Multiple sellers, multiple buyers, successors
Art. 2540. Redhibitory vice of one of several matched things sold together
Art. 2541. Reduction of the price
Art. 2545. Liability of seller who knows of the defect; presumption of knowledge
Art. 2548. Exclusion or limitation of warranty; subrogation
Art. 2549. Obligations of the buyer
Art. 2550. Time and place of payment of price
Art. 2555. Liability of the buyer who fails to take delivery
Art. 2557. Eviction and threat of eviction as grounds for suspension of payment
Art. 2560. Payment of the price before disturbance of possession
Art. 2561. Dissolution of sale for nonpayment of price
Art. 2562. Dissolution of sale of immovables for nonpayment of price; extension of time for payment
Art. 2563. Payment of price after expiration of term but prior to default
Art. 2564. Dissolution of sale of movables
Art. 2567. Right of redemption, definition
Art. 2568. Limitation on duration
Art. 2569. Redemption, presumption of security
Art. 2570. Effect of failure to exercise right within time stipulated
Art. 2571. Application of time limit against all persons including minors
Art. 2572. Redemption against second purchaser
Art. 2574. Buyer's benefit of discussion against creditors of the seller
Art. 2575. Ownership of fruits and products pending redemption
Art. 2577. Ownership of improvements and augmentations pending redemption
Art. 2578. Liability for deterioration at the time of redemption
Art. 2584. Multiple successors, applicability of rules governing lesion
Art. 2587. Reimbursement to buyer on redemption
Art. 2588. Encumbrances created by buyer
Art. 2589. Rescission for lesion beyond moiety
Art. 2590. Time of valuation for determination of lesion
Art. 2591. Option of buyer to supplement price
Art. 2592. Lesion, return of fruits by buyer and payment of interest by seller
Art. 2594. Lesion, action against vendee who has resold the immovable
Art. 2595. Peremption of action for lesion
Art. 2596. Lesion, action against vendee who has granted a right on the immovable
Art. 2599. Buyer's right of retention pending reimbursement
Art. 2600. Divisibility of action in lesion among joint sellers and successors, joinder
Art. 2601. Additional terms in acceptance of offer to sell a movable
Art. 2602. Contract by conduct of the parties
Art. 2603. Obligation to deliver conforming things
Art. 2604. Buyer's right of inspection
Art. 2605. Rejection of nonconforming things by the buyer
Art. 2606. Buyer's acceptance of nonconforming things
Art. 2607. Buyer may accept part of things delivered
Art. 2608. Merchant buyer's duty upon rejection of things
Art. 2609. Purchase of substitute things by the buyer
Art. 2610. Cure of nonconformity
Art. 2611. Resale by the seller
Art. 2612. Deposit of the things by seller
Art. 2613. Things in transit, ownership
Art. 2614. Stoppage in transit
Art. 2615. Judicial dissolution
Art. 2616. Things in transit, risk of loss
Art. 2617. Payment against documents
Art. 2620. Option to buy or sell
Art. 2621. Acceptance, when effective; option turns into contract to sell; rejection
Art. 2622. Warranty of assignor
Art. 2623. Bilateral promise of sale; contract to sell
Art. 2624. Deposit, earnest money
Art. 2625. Right of first refusal
Art. 2626. Terms of offered sale
Art. 2627. Right of first refusal, time for acceptance
Art. 2628. Time limitation for option and right of first refusal
Art. 2629. Effect against third persons
Art. 2630. Indivisibility of right
Art. 2642. Assignability of rights
Art. 2643. Assignment effective from the time of knowledge or notice
Art. 2644. Performance by debtor before knowledge of assignment
Art. 2645. Accessories included in assignment of right
Art. 2646. Warranty of existence of debt, solvency of debtor
Art. 2648. Scope of warranty of debtor's solvency
Art. 2649. Assignor's knowledge of the debtor's insolvency; effects
Art. 2650. Warranty in assignment of succession rights
Art. 2652. Sale of litigious rights
Art. 2653. Assignability prohibited by contract; exceptions
Art. 2654. Documents evidencing the right
Art. 2655. Giving in payment, definition
Art. 2656. Delivery essential to a giving in payment
Art. 2657. Giving in partial payment
Art. 2659. Application of general rules of sale
Art. 2660. Exchange, definition
Art. 2661. Rights and obligations of the parties
Art. 2662. Rights of party evicted
Art. 2663. Rescission for lesion in contracts of exchange
Art. 2664. Application of the rules of sale
Art. 2668. Contract of lease defined
Art. 2669. Relation with other titles
Art. 2674. Ownership of the thing
Art. 2676. Agreement as to the rent
Art. 2679. Limits of contractual freedom in fixing the term
Art. 2680. Duration supplied by law; legal term
Art. 2682. The lessor's principal obligations
Art. 2683. The lessee's principal obligations
Art. 2684. Obligations to deliver the thing at the agreed time and in good condition
Art. 2685. Discrepancy between agreed and delivered quantity
Art. 2686. Misuse of the thing
Art. 2687. Damage caused by fault
Art. 2688. Obligation to inform lessor
Art. 2689. Payment of taxes and other charges
Art. 2690. Alterations by the lessor prohibited
Art. 2691. Lessor's obligation for repairs
Art. 2692. Lessee's obligation to make repairs
Art. 2693. Lessor's right to make repairs
Art. 2694. Lessee's right to make repairs
Art. 2695. Attachments, additions, or other improvements to leased thing
Art. 2696. Warranty against vices or defects
Art. 2697. Warranty for unknown vices or defects
Art. 2698. Persons protected by warranty
Art. 2699. Waiver of warranty for vices or defects
Art. 2700. Warranty of peaceful possession
Art. 2702. Disturbance by third persons without claim of right
Art. 2703. When and where rent is due
Art. 2705. Abatement of rent for unforeseen loss of crops
Art. 2708. Lessor's privilege over sublessee's movables
Art. 2709. Lessor's right to seize movables of third persons
Art. 2710. Enforcement of the lessor's privilege
Art. 2711. Transfer of thing does not terminate lease
Art. 2712. Transfer of immovable subject to unrecorded lease
Art. 2713. Lessee's right to sublease, assign, or encumber
Art. 2714. Expropriation; loss or destruction
Art. 2715. Partial destruction, loss, expropriation, or other substantial impairment of use
Art. 2716. Termination of lease granted by a usufructuary
Art. 2717. Death of lessor or lessee
Art. 2718. Leases with reservation of right to terminate
Art. 2719. Dissolution for other causes
Art. 2720. Termination of lease with a fixed term
Art. 2722. Term of reconducted agricultural lease
Art. 2723. Term of reconducted nonagricultural lease
Art. 2724. Continuity of the reconducted lease
Art. 2727. Termination of lease with an indeterminate term
Art. 2728. Notice of termination; timing
Art. 2729. Notice of termination; form
Art. 2745. Kinds of lease of services or labor.
Art. 2746. Limited duration of contract.
Art. 2747. Contract of servant terminable at will of parties.
Art. 2748. Contract of farm or factory laborer, restrictions on termination.
Art. 2749. Liability for dismissal of laborer without cause.
Art. 2750. Liability of laborer leaving employment without cause.
Art. 2751. Obligations of carriers and watermen
Art. 2752. Liability for things delivered for shipment.
Art. 2753. Birth of child during sea voyage.
Art. 2754. Liability for loss or damage.
Art. 2755. Master's and crew's privilege on vessel for payment of wages.
Art. 2756. Building by plot and work by job, definitions.
Art. 2757. Agreement to furnish work or materials or both.
Art. 2758. Destruction of work before delivery, liability of contractor furnishing materials.
Art. 2759. Destruction of work before delivery, liability of contractor furnishing work only.
Art. 2760. Destruction of work before delivery, contractor's right to payment of salary.
Art. 2761. Delivery of work in separate parts.
Art. 2762. Liability of contractor for damages due to badness of workmanship.
Art. 2763. Changes or extensions of original plans, effect.
Art. 2764. Substantial and necessary alterations.
Art. 2765. Cancellation of contract by owner.
Art. 2766. Termination of contract by death of workman.
Art. 2767. Payment to heirs of contractor for work or materials completed.
Art. 2768. Contractor's liability for acts of employees.
Art. 2769. Contractor's liability for non-compliance with contract.
Art. 2770. Workmen employed by contractor, rights against owner.
Art. 2771. Masons, carpenters and other artificers as contractors.
Art. 2777. Privilege of workmen on ships and boats.
Art. 2778. Annuity contract; definition
Art. 2779. Applicability of the rules governing obligations
Art. 2780. Recipient of payments
Art. 2781. Annuity for life or time period
Art. 2782. Termination of annuity; absence of a designated term
Art. 2783. Assignable and heritable rights and obligations
Art. 2784. Annuity in favor of successive recipients
Art. 2785. Annuity contract in favor of several recipients of payments
Art. 2786. Existence of recipient
Art. 2788. Annuity charge; recordation
Art. 2790. Annuity charge for life or time period
Art. 2791. Enforcement of the annuity charge
Art. 2801. Partnership; definition.
Art. 2802. Applicability of rules of conventional obligations.
Art. 2803. Participation of partners.
Art. 2804. Participation in one category only.
Art. 2805. Name of the partnership.
Art. 2807. Decisions affecting the partnership.
Art. 2808. Obligation of a partner to contribute.
Art. 2809. Fiduciary duty; activities prejudicial to the partnership.
Art. 2810. Other rights not prejudiced.
Art. 2811. Partner as creditor of the partnership.
Art. 2812. The sharing of a partner's interest with a third person.
Art. 2813. The right of a partner to obtain information.
Art. 2814. Partner as mandatary of the partnership
Art. 2815. Effect of loss stipulation on third persons.
Art. 2816. Contract by partner in his own name; effect on the partnership.
Art. 2817. Partnership debts; liability.
Art. 2818. Causes of cessation of membership
Art. 2819. Seizure of the interest of a partner.
Art. 2820. Expulsion of a partner for just cause.
Art. 2821. Partnership constituted for term; withdrawal.
Art. 2822. Partnership without term; withdrawal.
Art. 2823. Rights of a partner after withdrawal.
Art. 2824. Payment of interest of partner.
Art. 2825. Judicial determination of amount.
Art. 2826. Termination of a partnership; causes
Art. 2827. Continuation of a partnership.
Art. 2828. Continuation for liquidation; sole proprietorship.
Art. 2829. Change in number or identity of partners.
Art. 2830. Effects of termination; authority of partners.
Art. 2831. Termination of the partnership; rights of third parties.
Art. 2832. Creditors of the partnership; preference.
Art. 2833. Division of the partnership assets.
Art. 2834. Liquidation of the partnership.
Art. 2836. Provisions applicable to partnerships in commendam.
Art. 2837. Partnership in commendam; definition.
Art. 2838. Name; designation as partnership in commendam.
Art. 2839. Name of partner in commendam; use
Art. 2840. Partner in commendam; liability; agreed contribution.
Art. 2841. Contract form; registry.
Art. 2842. Restrictions on the right of a partner in commendam to receive contributions.
Art. 2844. Liability of the partner in commendam to third parties
Art. 2845. Repealed by Acts 1995, No. 847, 5, eff. June 27, 1995.
Art. 2846. Repealed by Acts 1995, No. 847, 5, eff. June 27, 1995.
Art. 2847. Repealed by Acts 1995, No. 847, 5, eff. June 27, 1995.
Art. 2848. Repealed by Acts 1995, No. 847, 5, eff. June 27, 1995.
Art. 2891. Loan for use; definition
Art. 2892. Applicability of the rules governing obligations
Art. 2893. Things that may be lent
Art. 2894. Preservation and limited use
Art. 2896. Use for longer time or in other manner
Art. 2897. Heritability of contract obligations.Loss caused by fortuitous event
Art. 2898. Valuation of the thing
Art. 2899. Reimbursement for expenses
Art. 2900. Liability of joint borrowers
Art. 2901. Retaking before or after conclusion of use or expiration of time
Art. 2902. Lender's liability for damage caused by defects in the thing
Art. 2903. Liberative prescription
Art. 2904. Loan for consumption; definition
Art. 2905. Ownership and risk of loss of the thing lent
Art. 2906. Loan of nonfungible things
Art. 2907. Loan of money or commodities
Art. 2908. Lender's liability for damage caused by defects in the thing
Art. 2909. Inability to demand performance until expiration of term
Art. 2910. Substance and place of performance
Art. 2911. Payment of value when restitution is impossible
Art. 2912. Payment of interest in case of default
Art. 2913. Payment of interest presumed in release of principal
Art. 2926. Deposit, definition
Art. 2928. Nature of the contract
Art. 2929. Formation of the contract; delivery
Art. 2930. Diligence and prudence required
Art. 2931. Use of the thing deposited
Art. 2933. Return of the thing deposited
Art. 2934. Delivery of value received
Art. 2935. Delivery of civil and natural fruits
Art. 2936. Proof of ownership of the thing deposited not required; a stolen thing
Art. 2937. Place and expense of return
Art. 2939. Retention of the deposit
Art. 2940. Reimbursement of the depositary
Art. 2941. Obligation of innkeeper to accept the deposit
Art. 2942. Innkeeper as compensated depositary
Art. 2943. Availability of a safe
Art. 2944. Damaged or stolen things
Art. 2945. Limitation of innkeeper's liability
Art. 2946. Conventional sequestration; definition
Art. 2948. Termination of conventional sequestration by the depositary
Art. 2949. Judicial sequestration
Art. 2951. Judicial depositary
Art. 2986. The authority of the representative
Art. 2987. Procuration defined; person to whom addressed
Art. 2988. Applicability of the rules of mandate
Art. 2990. Applicability of the rules governing obligations
Art. 2992. Onerous or gratuitous contract
Art. 2995. Incidental, necessary, or professional acts
Art. 2996. Authority to alienate, acquire, encumber, or lease
Art. 2997. Express authority required
Art. 2998. Contracting with one's self
Art. 2999. Person of limited capacity
Art. 3000. Mandatary of both parties
Art. 3001. Mandatary's duty of performance; standard of care
Art. 3002. Gratuitous mandate; liability of a mandatary
Art. 3003. Obligation to provide information
Art. 3004. Obligation to deliver; right of retention
Art. 3005. Interest on money used by mandatary
Art. 3006. Fulfillment of the mandate by the mandatary
Art. 3007. Mandatary's liability for acts of the substitute
Art. 3008. Liability for acts beyond authority; ratification
Art. 3009. Liability of multiple mandataries
Art. 3010. Performance of obligations contracted by the mandatary
Art. 3011. Advantageous performance despite divergence from authority
Art. 3012. Reimbursement of expenses and remuneration
Art. 3013. Compensation for loss sustained by the mandatary
Art. 3014. Interest on sums expended by the mandatary
Art. 3015. Liability of several principals
Art. 3016. Disclosed mandate and principal
Art. 3017. Undisclosed mandate
Art. 3018. Disclosed mandate; undisclosed principal
Art. 3019. Liability when authority is exceeded
Art. 3020. Obligations of the principal to third persons
Art. 3022. Disclosed mandate or principal; third person bound
Art. 3023. Undisclosed mandate or principal; obligations of third person
Art. 3024. Termination of the mandate and of the mandatary's authority
Art. 3025. Termination by principal
Art. 3026. Incapacity of the principal
Art. 3027. Reliance on public records
Art. 3028. Rights of third persons without notice of revocation
Art. 3029. Termination by the mandatary
Art. 3030. Acts of the mandatary after principal's death
Art. 3031. Contracts made after termination of the mandate or the mandatary's authority
Art. 3032. Obligation to account
Art. 3035. Definition of suretyship
Art. 3036. Obligations for which suretyship may be established
Art. 3037. Surety ostensibly bound as a principal with another; effect of knowledge of the creditor
Art. 3038. Formal requirements of suretyship
Art. 3039. Suretyship requires no formal acceptance
Art. 3040. Rules may be varied
Art. 3041. Kinds of suretyship
Art. 3042. Commercial suretyship
Art. 3044. Ordinary suretyship; interpretation
Art. 3045. Liability of sureties to creditor; division and discussion abolished
Art. 3046. Defenses available to surety
Art. 3047. Rights of the surety
Art. 3048. Surety's right of subrogation
Art. 3049. Surety's right of reimbursement for payment of obligation
Art. 3050. Surety's right of reimbursement for payment of obligation not owed
Art. 3051. Payment by debtor without notice of payment by surety
Art. 3052. Limitation on right of surety to recover what he paid creditor
Art. 3053. Surety's right to require security
Art. 3054. Failure to provide security
Art. 3055. Liability among co-sureties
Art. 3056. Right of contribution among co-sureties
Art. 3057. Limitation upon right of contribution
Art. 3058. Extinction of the suretyship
Art. 3059. Extinction of principal obligation
Art. 3060. Prescription of the surety's obligation, right of reimbursement, and contribution
Art. 3061. Termination of suretyship
Art. 3062. Effect of modifications of principal obligation
Art. 3063. Commercial suretyship rules apply to legal suretyship
Art. 3064. Supplementary nature of this Chapter
Art. 3065. Qualifications of legal surety; evidenced by affidavit; lack thereof not a defense
Art. 3066. Legal suretyship to conform to law
Art. 3067. Permissible variations
Art. 3068. Pledge of funds in lieu of suretyship
Art. 3069. Necessity for judgment against legal surety
Art. 3070. Right to demand new security
Art. 3071. Compromise; definition
Art. 3072. Formal requirements; effects
Art. 3078. After-acquired rights
Art. 3079. Tender and acceptance of less than the amount of the claim
Art. 3080. Preclusive effect of compromise
Art. 3083. Compromise suspends prescription
Art. 3099. Submission to arbitrate.
Art. 3101. Capacity of parties; authority of mandataries, tutors and curators.
Art. 3102. Scope of submission.
Art. 3103. Arbitration of damages incurred by public offense.
Art. 3104. Power of arbitrators.
Art. 3105. Duration of power of arbitrators; prescription
Art. 3106. Penal clauses in submission.
Art. 3107. Capacity of arbitrators.
Art. 3108. Repealed by Acts 1979, No. 709, 2.
Art. 3109. Arbitrators and amicable compounders.
Art. 3110. Powers of arbitrators and amicable compounders.
Art. 3111. Oath of arbitrators.
Art. 3112. Presentation and proof of claims by parties.
Art. 3113. Time, place and notice of hearing.
Art. 3114. Attendance of parties and witnesses.
Art. 3115. Attendance and swearing in of witnesses.
Art. 3116. Disagreement among arbitrators; umpire.
Art. 3117. Nomination of umpire.
Art. 3118. Appointment of umpire.
Art. 3120. Time for decision of arbitrators.
Art. 3121. Arbitrators acting in excess of power, effect.
Art. 3122. Scope of arbitrators' authority.
Art. 3123. Award null after time limit.
Art. 3124. Extension of time for making award.
Art. 3125. Award made prior to time specified for examination.
Art. 3126. Participation in proceedings; signature of award.
Art. 3129. Approval of award by judge.
Art. 3130. Appeal from award; prepayment and repayment of penalty.
Art. 3131. Retraction or change of award prohibited.
Art. 3132. Termination of arbitration.
Art. 3133. Liability of an obligor for his obligations
Art. 3133.1. Repealed by Acts 2014, No. 281, §1, eff. Jan. 1, 2015.
Art. 3134. Ratable treatment of creditors
Art. 3135. Limitations upon recourse
Art. 3137. Personal or real security
Art. 3139. Law governing security interest
Art. 3140. Nullity of agreement of forfeiture
Art. 3142. Property susceptible of pledge
Art. 3143. Pledge of property susceptible of encumbrance by security interest
Art. 3144. Accessory nature of pledge
Art. 3145. Preference afforded by pledge
Art. 3146. Obligations for which pledge may be given
Art. 3147. Pledge securing obligation that is not for the payment of money
Art. 3148. Pledge securing an obligation of another person
Art. 3149. Formal requirements of contract of pledge
Art. 3152. Delivery and possession of thing pledged
Art. 3153. Delivery of incorporeal rights
Art. 3154. Things subject to pawn
Art. 3155. Incorporeal movables
Art. 3156. Claims against other persons
Art. 3157. Privilege and preference of pledge creditor
Art. 3158. Enforcement of pledge of a movable
Art. 3159. Acts of pledge in favor of banks
Art. 3160. Pledge of obligation of a third person
Art. 3161. Performance by obligor of a pledged obligation
Art. 3162. Delivery to creditor or to third person
Art. 3163. Partial payment of debt secured by pledge of several things
Art. 3164. Right of retention until payment of debt
Art. 3165. Rights of pledgee on default of debtor; procedure
Art. 3166. Ownership of thing pledged
Art. 3168. Ownership of fruits of thing pledged
Art. 3169. Imputation of interest earned by credit pledged
Art. 3170. Pledgee's right to enforce payment of credit pledged; imputation of proceeds
Art. 3171. Indivisibility of pawn as to heirs of debtor and creditor
Art. 3172. Surplus or deficiency after sale
Art. 3173. Debtor taking pledge without creditor's consent
Art. 3174. Rights of creditor deceived as to pledge
Art. 3175. Acquisitive prescription of pledge impossible
Art. 3176. Repealed by Acts 2014, No. 281, §4, eff. Jan. 1, 2015.
Art. 3177. Repealed by Acts 2014, No. 281, §4, eff. Jan. 1, 2015.
Art. 3178. Repealed by Acts 2014, No. 281, §4, eff. Jan. 1, 2015.
Art. 3179. Repealed by Acts 2014, No. 281, §4, eff. Jan. 1, 2015.
Art. 3180. Repealed by Acts 2014, No. 281, §4, eff. Jan. 1, 2015.
Art. 3181. Repealed by Acts 2014, No. 281, §4, eff. Jan. 1, 2015.
Art. 3182. Repealed by Acts 2014, No. 281, §4, eff. Jan. 1, 2015.
Art. 3183. Repealed by Acts 2014, No. 281, §4, eff. Jan. 1, 2015.
Art. 3184. Repealed by Acts 2014, No. 281, §4, eff. Jan. 1, 2015.
Art. 3185. Privileges established only by law, stricti juris.
Art. 3186. Privilege, definition.
Art. 3187. Basis of preferences among privileges.
Art. 3188. Concurrent privileges.
Art. 3189. Property affected by privileges.
Art. 3190. General or special privileges on movables.
Art. 3191. General privileges on all movables, enumeration and ranking.
Art. 3192. Funeral charges, definition.
Art. 3193. Reduction of funeral charges of insolvent decedent.
Art. 3194. Limitation in event of reduction.
Art. 3195. Law charges, definition.
Art. 3196. Costs which enjoy privilege.
Art. 3197. Costs for the general benefit of creditors.
Art. 3198. Costs not taxed in suit.
Art. 3199. Last sickness, definition.
Art. 3201. Maximum period of privileged expenses.
Art. 3202. List of expenses privileged.
Art. 3203. Amount due for expenses, fixed by contract or by judge.
Art. 3204. Last sickness of debtor's children.
Art. 3205. Servants, definition.
Art. 3206. Prescription of action; extent of privilege.
Art. 3207. Wages recoverable but not privileged.
Art. 3208. Supplies furnished by retail dealers.
Art. 3209. Prescription of action; extent of privilege.
Art. 3211. Innkeepers and masters of boarding houses.
Art. 3212. Teachers and preceptors.
Art. 3213. Extent of privilege for supplies.
Art. 3214. Clerks and secretaries, extent and rank of privilege for salaries.
Art. 3215. Repealed by Acts 1979, No. 709, 2.
Art. 3216. Special privileges on movables.
Art. 3217. List of special privileges on particular movables.
Art. 3218. Repealed by Acts 2004, No. 821, §4, eff. Jan. 1, 2005.
Art. 3219. Method of enforcement of lessor's privilege
Art. 3220. Privilege of pledgee.
Art. 3221. Enforcement of pledge
Art. 3222. Privilege of depositor on thing deposited.
Art. 3223. Depositor's privilege on price in case of sale.
Art. 3224. Preservation of property of another.
Art. 3225. Rights of pledge and retention against owner.
Art. 3226. Right of preference against creditors.
Art. 3227. Vendor's privilege on movables; agricultural products of the United States.
Art. 3228. Loss of privilege by sale with other property of purchaser.
Art. 3229. Vendor's claim for restitution.
Art. 3230. Restitution dependent on identification.
Art. 3231. Restitution of things easily recognized.
Art. 3232. Innkeepers, definition.
Art. 3233. Innkeepers' rights on property of guests.
Art. 3234. Property covered by innkeepers' privilege.
Art. 3235. Travelers, definition.
Art. 3236. Sale or donation of unclaimed and unredeemed property, procedure.
Art. 3237. Privileges on ships and vessels, enumeration and ranking; prescription.
Art. 3238. Proportionate payment to creditors of same rank.
Art. 3239. Right of pursuit after sale of ship.
Art. 3240. Privilege on price of adjudication in case of forced sale.
Art. 3241. Voluntary sale, distinction between sale in port or on voyage.
Art. 3242. Voluntary sale of ship in port, rights of privileged creditors.
Art. 3243. Loss of privilege after voyage in name of purchaser.
Art. 3244. Voluntary sale of ship while on voyage, rights of privileged creditors.
Art. 3245. Voyage, definition.
Art. 3246. Captain's privilege on cargo for freight charges.
Art. 3247. Privilege of consignee or agent on merchandise consigned.
Art. 3248. Rights of consignor on insolvency of consignee or agent.
Art. 3249. Special privileges on immovables
Art. 3250. Extent of vendor's privilege.
Art. 3251. Successive sales, preference among vendors
Art. 3252. General privileges on both movables and immovables.
Art. 3253. Order of payment of privileges; debtor's movables taken before immovables.
Art. 3255. Order of payment when available movables insufficient.
Art. 3256. Lessor's privilege primed by costs of sale.
Art. 3257. Lessor's privilege primed by funeral charges.
Art. 3258. Lessor's privilege primes other general privileges.
Art. 3259. Lessor's privilege on crops primed by supplies and labor.
Art. 3260. Ranking between privileges of lessor and depositor.
Art. 3261. Depositor's privilege and other privileges.
Art. 3262. Privilege for expenses of preservation and other privileges.
Art. 3263. Vendor's privilege and other privileges.
Art. 3264. Privilege of innkeepers.
Art. 3265. Privilege of carriers.
Art. 3266. Immovables liable when movables insufficient.
Art. 3267. Special privileges on immovables and other privileges
Art. 3269. Order of payment out of immovables; distribution of loss among mortgage creditors.
Art. 3270. Effect of priorities among privileges.
Art. 3271. Vendor's privilege on immovables, recordation.
Art. 3273. Recordation, effect against third persons.
Art. 3274. Time and place of recordation; effectiveness.
Art. 3275. Repealed by Acts 2016, No. 227, §2.
Art. 3276. Priority of claims against succession arising after death.
Art. 3277. Methods of extinction.
Art. 3279. Rights created by mortgage
Art. 3280. Mortgage is an indivisible real right
Art. 3281. Mortgage established only in authorized cases
Art. 3284. Conventional, legal, and judicial mortgages
Art. 3285. General and special mortgages distinguished
Art. 3286. Property susceptible of mortgage
Art. 3287. Conventional mortgage
Art. 3288. Requirements of contract of mortgage
Art. 3291. Presumption that things are subject to conventional mortgage
Art. 3292. Mortgage of future property permitted in certain cases
Art. 3293. Obligations for which mortgage may be established
Art. 3294. Mortgage securing obligation that is not for the payment of money
Art. 3295. Mortgage securing another's obligation
Art. 3296. Right of mortgagor to raise defenses
Art. 3297. Restrictions upon recourse of mortgagee
Art. 3298. Mortgage may secure future obligations
Art. 3299. Judicial and legal mortgages
Art. 3300. Creation of judicial mortgage
Art. 3301. Creation of legal mortgage
Art. 3302. Property burdened by judicial and legal mortgages
Art. 3303. Nature of judicial and legal mortgages
Art. 3304. Judgment; suspensive appeal
Art. 3305. Judgments of other jurisdictions
Art. 3306. Judgment against person deceased
Art. 3307. The effect and rank of mortgages
Art. 3308. Repealed by Acts 2005, No. 169, §8, eff. July 1, 2006.
Art. 3309. Repealed by Acts 2005, No. 169, §8, eff. July 1, 2006.
Art. 3310. Repealed by Acts 2005, No. 169, §8, eff. July 1, 2006.
Art. 3311. Mortgage securing several obligations
Art. 3312. Transfer of the secured obligation
Art. 3313. Transfer does not imply subordination
Art. 3314. Repealed by Acts 2005, No. 169, §8, eff. July 1, 2006.
Art. 3315. Third possessor defined
Art. 3316. Liability of third possessor
Art. 3317. Rights of third possessor
Art. 3318. Right of third possessor for costs of improvements
Art. 3319. Methods of extinction
Art. 3320. Recordation; limits of effectiveness
Art. 3321. Repealed by Acts 2005, No. 169, §8, eff. July 1, 2006.
Art. 3322. Repealed by Acts 2005, No. 169, §8, eff. July 1, 2006.
Art. 3323. Repealed by Acts 2005, No. 169, §8, eff. July 1, 2006.
Art. 3324. Repealed by Acts 2005, No. 169, §8, eff. July 1, 2006.
Art. 3326. Effect of mortgage filed after death of mortgagor
Art. 3327. Repealed by Acts 2005, No. 169, §8, eff. July 1, 2006.
Art. 3328. Repealed by Acts 2005, No. 169, §8, eff. July 1, 2006.
Art. 3329. Repealed by Acts 2005, No. 169, §8, eff. July 1, 2006.
Art. 3330. Repealed by Acts 2005, No. 169, §8, eff. July 1, 2006.
Art. 3331. Repealed by Acts 2005, No. 169, §8, eff. July 1, 2006.
Art. 3332. Repealed by Acts 2005, No. 169, §8, eff. July 1, 2006.
Art. 3333. Repealed by Acts 2005, No. 169, §8, eff. July 1, 2006.
Art. 3334. Repealed by Acts 2005, No. 169, §8, eff. July 1, 2006.
Art. 3335. Repealed by Acts 2005, No. 169, §8, eff. July 1, 2006.
Art. 3336. Repealed by Acts 2005, No. 169, §8, eff. July 1, 2006.
Art. 3337. Cancellation of mortgages and privileges from the records
Art. 3339. Matters not of record
Art. 3340. Effect of recording other documents
Art. 3341. Limits on the effect of recordation
Art. 3342. Parties to an instrument are precluded from raising certain matters
Art. 3343. Third person defined
Art. 3345. Recordation of a duplicate
Art. 3346. Place of recordation; duty of the recorder
Art. 3347. Effect of recordation arises upon filing
Art. 3348. Time of filing; determination
Art. 3349. Failure to endorse; effect
Art. 3350. Presumption as to time of filing
Art. 3351. Ancient documents; presumptions
Art. 3352. Recorded acts; required information
Art. 3353. Effect of indefinite or incomplete name
Art. 3355. Mortgage, pledge, or privilege affecting property in several parishes
Art. 3356. Transfers, amendments, and releases
Art. 3357. Duration; general rule
Art. 3358. Duration of recordation of certain mortgages, pledges, and privileges
Art. 3359. Duration of recordation of judicial mortgage
Art. 3360. Duration of recordation of mortgage given by tutor, curator, or succession representative
Art. 3361. Effect of amendment
Art. 3362. Method of reinscription
Art. 3363. Method of reinscription exclusive
Art. 3364. Effect of timely recordation of notice of reinscription
Art. 3365. Effect of request recorded after cessation of effect of recordation
Art. 3366. Cancellation upon written request; form and content
Art. 3367. Cancellation of recordation after effect of recordation has ceased
Art. 3368. Cancellation of prescribed judicial mortgage
Art. 3369. Repealed by Acts 1992, No. 1132, 1, eff. Jan. 1, 1993.
Art. 3370. Repealed by Acts 1992, No. 1132, 1, eff. Jan. 1, 1993.
Art. 3397. Repealed by Acts 1992, No. 1132, 1, eff. Jan. 1, 1993.
Art. 3398. Repealed by Acts 1992, No. 1132, 1, eff. Jan. 1, 1993.
Art. 3399. Repealed by Acts 1992, No. 1132, 1, eff. Jan. 1, 1993.
Art. 3400. Arts 3400 to 3404 Repealed by Acts 1960, No. 30, 2, eff. Jan. 1, 1961.
Art. 3405. Repealed by Acts 1992, No. 1132, 1, eff. Jan. 1, 1993.
Art. 3406. Repealed by Acts 1992, No. 1132, 1, eff. Jan. 1, 1993.
Art. 3407. Repealed by Acts 1992, No. 1132, 1, eff. Jan. 1, 1993.
Art. 3408. Repealed by Acts 1992, No. 1132, 1, eff. Jan. 1, 1993.
Art. 3409. Repealed by Acts 1992, No. 1132, 1, eff. Jan. 1, 1993.
Art. 3410. Repealed by Acts 1992, No. 1132, 1, eff. Jan. 1, 1993.
Art. 3411. Repealed by Acts 1992, No. 1132, 1, eff. Jan. 1, 1993.
Art. 3413. Wild animals, birds, fish, and shellfish
Art. 3414. Loss of ownership of wildlife
Art. 3415. Wildlife in enclosures
Art. 3419.1. Lost things; domestic animals
Art. 3422. Nature of possession; right to possess
Art. 3423. Rights of possessors
Art. 3424. Acquisition of possession
Art. 3425. Corporeal possession
Art. 3426. Constructive possession
Art. 3427. Presumption of intent to own the thing
Art. 3428. Acquisition of possession through another
Art. 3429. Exercise of possession by another
Art. 3431. Retention of possession; civil possession
Art. 3432. Presumption of retention of possession
Art. 3434. Loss of the right to possess
Art. 3435. Vices of possession
Art. 3436. Violent, clandestine, discontinuous, and equivocal possession
Art. 3437. Precarious possession
Art. 3438. Presumption of precariousness
Art. 3439. Termination of precarious possession
Art. 3440. Protection of precarious possession
Art. 3441. Transfer of possession
Art. 3442. Tacking of possession
Art. 3443. Presumption of continuity of possession
Art. 3445. Kinds of prescription
Art. 3446. Acquisitive prescription
Art. 3447. Liberative prescription
Art. 3448. Prescription of nonuse
Art. 3449. Renunciation of prescription
Art. 3450. Express or tacit renunciation
Art. 3451. Capacity to renounce
Art. 3452. Necessity for pleading prescription
Art. 3453. Rights of creditors and other interested parties
Art. 3454. Computation of time
Art. 3455. Computation of time by months
Art. 3456. Computation of time by years
Art. 3457. Prescription established by legislation only
Art. 3459. Application of rules of prescription
Art. 3460. Peremption need not be pleaded
Art. 3461. Renunciation, interruption, or suspension ineffective
Art. 3462. Interruption by filing of suit or by service of process
Art. 3463. Duration of interruption; abandonment or discontinuance of suit
Art. 3464. Interruption by acknowledgment
Art. 3465. Interruption of acquisitive prescription
Art. 3466. Effect of interruption
Art. 3467. Persons against whom prescription runs
Art. 3469. Suspension of prescription
Art. 3470. Prescription during delays for inventory; vacant succession
Art. 3471. Limits of contractual freedom
Art. 3472. Effect of suspension
Art. 3472.1. Emergency suspension of prescription and peremption
Art. 3473. Prescription of ten years
Art. 3476. Attributes of possession
Art. 3477. Precarious possessor; inability to prescribe
Art. 3478. Termination of precarious possession; commencement of prescription
Art. 3479. Particular successor of precarious possessor
Art. 3481. Presumption of good faith
Art. 3482. Good faith at commencement of prescription
Art. 3484. Transfer of undivided part of an immovable
Art. 3485. Things susceptible of prescription
Art. 3486. Immovables; prescription of thirty years
Art. 3487. Restriction as to extent of possession
Art. 3488. Applicability of rules governing prescription of ten years
Art. 3489. Movables; acquisitive prescription
Art. 3490. Prescription of three years
Art. 3491. Prescription of ten years
Art. 3493. Damage to immovable property; commencement and accrual of prescription
Art. 3493.10. Delictual actions; two-year prescription; criminal act
Art. 3494. Actions subject to a three-year prescription
Art. 3495. Commencement and accrual of prescription
Art. 3496. Action against attorney for return of papers
Art. 3496.1. Action against a person for abuse of a minor
Art. 3496.2. Action against a person for sexual assault
Art. 3497. Actions subject to a five year prescription
Art. 3498. Actions on negotiable and nonnegotiable instruments
Art. 3500. Action against contractors and architects
Art. 3501. Prescription and revival of money judgments
Art. 3501.1. Actions for arrearages of child support
Art. 3502. Action for the recognition of a right of inheritance
Art. 3505. Acts extending liberative prescription
Art. 3505.1. Formal requirements
Art. 3505.2. Commencement of period of extension
Art. 3505.3. Effect of extension on other obligors and obligees
Art. 3505.4. Interruption or suspension during a period of extension
Art. 3506. General definitions of terms
Art. 3507. Arts. 3507 to 3514 Repealed by Acts 1982, No. 187, 2, eff. Jan. 1, 1983
Art. 3515. Determination of the applicable law; general and residual rule
Art. 3519. Status of natural persons; general principle
Art. 3524. Immovables situated in this state
Art. 3528. Formal validity of testamentary dispositions
Art. 3529. Capacity and vices of consent
Art. 3530. Capacity of heir or legatee
Art. 3531. Interpretation of testaments
Art. 3533. Immovables situated in this state
Art. 3534. Immovables situated in another state
Art. 3535. Real rights in immovables
Art. 3536. Real rights in corporeal movables
Art. 3541. Other juridical acts and quasi-contractual obligations
Art. 3543. Issues of conduct and safety
Art. 3544. Issues of loss distribution and financial protection
Art. 3548. Domicile of juridical persons
Art. 3549. Law governing liberative prescription
Art. 3550. Arts. 3550 to 3555 Repealed by Acts 1983, No. 173, 1, eff. Jan. 1, 1984.