Kentucky Revised Statutes
Chapter 257 - Livestock and poultry disease control
257.210 State veterinarian.

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Structure Kentucky Revised Statutes

Kentucky Revised Statutes

Chapter 257 - Livestock and poultry disease control

257.010 Definitions for chapter.

257.020 Duties of Board of Agriculture.

257.030 Powers of board.

257.040 Places diseased animals prohibited.

257.050 Violation of quarantine and concealing diseased animals prohibited.

257.060 Importation of diseased animals prohibited -- Violation of regulations.

257.070 Animals to be imported according to regulations.

257.075 Repealed, 1968.

257.080 Animal diseases to be reported.

257.090 Repealed, 1978.

257.100 Destruction of suffering, abandoned, or hopelessly diseased animal -- "Abandonment" defined.

257.105 Sale of unclaimed animals held by veterinarian.

257.110 Board may have diseased animals destroyed or slaughtered.

257.115 Repealed, 2009.

257.120 Indemnity for destruction or slaughter of animal.

257.130 Indemnity for materials destroyed.

257.140 Premises to be disinfected before indemnities paid.

257.150 Payment of state indemnity.

257.160 Disposition of carcasses -- How and when made.

257.170 Loading of carcasses with live animals prohibited.

257.180 Importation of animal disease producing agent prohibited unless approved -- Sales restricted.

257.190 Repealed, 1968.

257.192 Kentucky Livestock Care Standards Commission -- Members.

257.194 Terms of commission members -- Meetings -- Appointments -- Quorum.

257.196 Commission to recommend on-farm livestock and poultry care standards to board -- Approval or rejection -- Administrative regulations -- Construction -- Preemption.

257.200 Repealed, 1968.

257.210 State veterinarian.

257.220 Repealed, 1950.

257.230 Functions of state veterinarian.

257.240 Deputy state veterinarian.

257.250 Functions of deputy state veterinarian.

257.260 Repealed, 2009.

257.270 Board may employ veterinarians.

257.280 Repealed, 1978.

257.290 Repealed, 1978.

257.300 Board may cooperate with other agencies.

257.310 Repealed, 2009.

257.315 Administrative regulations relating to ratites.

257.320 Definitions for KRS 257.330 to 257.350.

257.330 Permit required for auction or community sale of baby chicks or poults -- Application -- Fee -- Inspection -- Destruction of diseased chicks or poults.

257.340 Labeling of containers for chicks or poults.

257.350 Reports of sales -- Liability of seller on guarantees.

257.360 Revolving fund for Department of Agriculture.

257.370 Pullorum disease -- State and federal cooperation in regulations to control.

257.380 Regulations by Division of Animal Health to enforce KRS 257.370 to 257.460.

257.390 Importation of poultry over five months of age.

257.400 Newly hatched poultry and hatching eggs must originate from approved flocks.

257.410 Importation of newly hatched poultry and hatching eggs -- Labels.

257.420 Permits for hatcheries and dealers in chicks or eggs.

257.430 Permit year.

257.440 Refusal, suspension, or revocation of permit -- Appeal.

257.450 Quarantine of illegally produced or imported eggs or poultry -- Destruction.

257.460 Revolving fund for enforcement.

257.470 Access for enforcement.

257.472 Kentucky Equine Health and Welfare Council -- Duties -- Members -- Meetings -- Construction of KRS 257.472 to 257.476.

257.474 Duties and functions of council.

257.476 Equine health and welfare fund.

257.480 Legislative policy declared.

257.490 Designation of employees as peace officers -- Qualifications -- Powers -- Manual.

257.495 Board not to release agricultural or food system information considered part of critical infrastructure -- Exceptions.

257.497 National animal identification system -- Voluntary system -- Mandatory system -- Restrictions on board -- Exceptions.

257.510 Repealed, 2006.

257.520 Repealed, 2006.

257.530 Repealed, 2006.

257.540 Repealed, 2006.

257.550 Kentucky Cervid CWD Surveillance and Identification Program.

257.552 Cervid holder in violation of state law or administrative regulation -- Compliance timeframe -- Quarantine.

257.600 Regulations on feeding of untreated garbage to swine -- Permit -- Inspections.

257.990 Penalties.