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257.010 Definitions for chapter. - Waiting for content...
257.020 Duties of Board of Agriculture. - Waiting for content...
257.030 Powers of board. - Waiting for content...
257.040 Places diseased animals prohibited. - Waiting for content...
257.050 Violation of quarantine and concealing diseased animals prohibited. - Waiting for content...
257.060 Importation of diseased animals prohibited -- Violation of regulations. - Waiting for content...
257.070 Animals to be imported according to regulations. - Waiting for content...
257.075 Repealed, 1968. - Waiting for content...
257.080 Animal diseases to be reported. - Waiting for content...
257.090 Repealed, 1978. - Waiting for content...
257.100 Destruction of suffering, abandoned, or hopelessly diseased animal -- "Abandonment" defined. - Waiting for content...
257.105 Sale of unclaimed animals held by veterinarian. - Waiting for content...
257.110 Board may have diseased animals destroyed or slaughtered. - Waiting for content...
257.115 Repealed, 2009. - Waiting for content...
257.120 Indemnity for destruction or slaughter of animal. - Waiting for content...
257.130 Indemnity for materials destroyed. - Waiting for content...
257.140 Premises to be disinfected before indemnities paid. - Waiting for content...
257.150 Payment of state indemnity. - Waiting for content...
257.160 Disposition of carcasses -- How and when made. - Waiting for content...
257.170 Loading of carcasses with live animals prohibited. - Waiting for content...
257.180 Importation of animal disease producing agent prohibited unless approved -- Sales restricted. - Waiting for content...
257.190 Repealed, 1968. - Waiting for content...
257.192 Kentucky Livestock Care Standards Commission -- Members. - Waiting for content...
257.194 Terms of commission members -- Meetings -- Appointments -- Quorum. - Waiting for content...
257.196 Commission to recommend on-farm livestock and poultry care standards to board -- Approval or rejection -- Administrative regulations -- Construction -- Preemption. - Waiting for content...
257.200 Repealed, 1968. - Waiting for content...
257.210 State veterinarian. - Waiting for content...
257.220 Repealed, 1950. - Waiting for content...
257.230 Functions of state veterinarian. - Waiting for content...
257.240 Deputy state veterinarian. - Waiting for content...
257.250 Functions of deputy state veterinarian. - Waiting for content...
257.260 Repealed, 2009. - Waiting for content...
257.270 Board may employ veterinarians. - Waiting for content...
257.280 Repealed, 1978. - Waiting for content...
257.290 Repealed, 1978. - Waiting for content...
257.300 Board may cooperate with other agencies. - Waiting for content...
257.310 Repealed, 2009. - Waiting for content...
257.315 Administrative regulations relating to ratites. - Waiting for content...
257.320 Definitions for KRS 257.330 to 257.350. - Waiting for content...
257.330 Permit required for auction or community sale of baby chicks or poults -- Application -- Fee -- Inspection -- Destruction of diseased chicks or poults. - Waiting for content...
257.340 Labeling of containers for chicks or poults. - Waiting for content...
257.350 Reports of sales -- Liability of seller on guarantees. - Waiting for content...
257.360 Revolving fund for Department of Agriculture. - Waiting for content...
257.370 Pullorum disease -- State and federal cooperation in regulations to control. - Waiting for content...
257.380 Regulations by Division of Animal Health to enforce KRS 257.370 to 257.460. - Waiting for content...
257.390 Importation of poultry over five months of age. - Waiting for content...
257.400 Newly hatched poultry and hatching eggs must originate from approved flocks. - Waiting for content...
257.410 Importation of newly hatched poultry and hatching eggs -- Labels. - Waiting for content...
257.420 Permits for hatcheries and dealers in chicks or eggs. - Waiting for content...
257.430 Permit year. - Waiting for content...
257.440 Refusal, suspension, or revocation of permit -- Appeal. - Waiting for content...
257.450 Quarantine of illegally produced or imported eggs or poultry -- Destruction. - Waiting for content...
257.460 Revolving fund for enforcement. - Waiting for content...
257.470 Access for enforcement. - Waiting for content...
257.472 Kentucky Equine Health and Welfare Council -- Duties -- Members -- Meetings -- Construction of KRS 257.472 to 257.476. - Waiting for content...
257.474 Duties and functions of council. - Waiting for content...
257.476 Equine health and welfare fund. - Waiting for content...
257.480 Legislative policy declared. - Waiting for content...
257.490 Designation of employees as peace officers -- Qualifications -- Powers -- Manual. - Waiting for content...
257.495 Board not to release agricultural or food system information considered part of critical infrastructure -- Exceptions. - Waiting for content...
257.497 National animal identification system -- Voluntary system -- Mandatory system -- Restrictions on board -- Exceptions. - Waiting for content...
257.510 Repealed, 2006. - Waiting for content...
257.520 Repealed, 2006. - Waiting for content...
257.530 Repealed, 2006. - Waiting for content...
257.540 Repealed, 2006. - Waiting for content...
257.550 Kentucky Cervid CWD Surveillance and Identification Program. - Waiting for content...
257.552 Cervid holder in violation of state law or administrative regulation -- Compliance timeframe -- Quarantine. - Waiting for content...
257.600 Regulations on feeding of untreated garbage to swine -- Permit -- Inspections. - Waiting for content...
257.990 Penalties. - Waiting for content...