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2-2001 Legislative declaration. - 2-2001. Legislative declaration. Soil erosion caused by wind storms, dust...
2-2002 Duty of landowner. - 2-2002. Duty of landowner. To conserve the natural resources of...
2-2003 Data and information to be collected. - 2-2003. Data and information to be collected. To carry out...
2-2004 Duties of county commissioners. - 2-2004. Duties of county commissioners. Further to administer, carry out...
2-2005 Same; survey of county; reports; publication of summaries. - 2-2005. Same; survey of county; reports; publication of summaries. Further...
2-2006 Same; hearings; orders concerning land. - 2-2006. Same; hearings; orders concerning land. If this survey discloses...
2-2007 Soil drifting fund; creation; tax levy, use of proceeds; issuance of warrants. - 2-2007. Soil drifting fund; creation; tax levy, use of proceeds;...
2-2008 Soil erosion caused by wind; work performed for prevention; notice to landowners; special assessments; limitation; division of cost; action by landowner. - 2-2008. Soil erosion caused by wind; work performed for prevention;...
2-2009 Federal cooperation. - 2-2009. Federal cooperation. The secretary of agriculture is hereby made...
2-2011 Invalidity of part. - 2-2011. Invalidity of part. Should the court declare any section...