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2-1901 Title to act; "soil conservation district" defined. - 2-1901. Title to act; "soil conservation district" defined. This act...
2-1902 Legislative determination. - 2-1902. Legislative determination. It is hereby declared, as a matter...
2-1903 Definitions. - 2-1903. Definitions. As used in this act: (1) "District" or...
2-1904 State conservation commission; members; terms; records; seal; powers and duties; rules and regulations; compensation and expenses; employees; office and supplies. - 2-1904. State conservation commission; members; terms; records; seal; powers and...
2-1907 Supervisors; qualifications; terms; meetings; vacancies; chairperson; quorum; expenses; employees; powers and duties; bonds for employees; records; removal of supervisor. - 2-1907. Supervisors; qualifications; terms; meetings; vacancies; chairperson; quorum; expenses; employees;...
2-1907b Finance of operation of conservation district; moneys from county general fund; tax levies; use of moneys. - 2-1907b. Finance of operation of conservation district; moneys from county...
2-1907c Finance of operation of conservation district; amount of moneys provided by county, certification to state; state financial assistance; budget request, limitation; disbursement and distribution. - 2-1907c. Finance of operation of conservation district; amount of moneys...
2-1908 Conservation districts; powers. - 2-1908. Conservation districts; powers. A conservation district organized under the...
2-1913 Cooperation with another district. - 2-1913. Cooperation with another district. The supervisors of any two...
2-1914 Publicly owned lands. - 2-1914. Publicly owned lands. Agencies of this state [which] shall...
2-1915 Conservation structures and practices, grants; riparian and wetland protection programs; return of water right, cost-share grants; water quality buffers, grants, valuation of land. - 2-1915. Conservation structures and practices, grants; riparian and wetland protection...
2-1916 Petition for discontinuance of district; hearings; election; publication of result; certificate of dissolution. - 2-1916. Petition for discontinuance of district; hearings; election; publication of...
2-1917 Invalidity of part. - 2-1917. Invalidity of part. If any provisions of this act,...
2-1918 Inconsistent laws. - 2-1918. Inconsistent laws. Insofar as the provisions of this act...
2-1919 Cost-share limitations; purchase of surface water right outside the state. - 2-1919. Cost-share limitations; purchase of surface water right outside the...
2-1920 Conservation district capital outlay fund; use of moneys. - 2-1920. Conservation district capital outlay fund; use of moneys. (a)...
2-1930 Definitions; water right transition assistance program established; administration; funding; contracts with landowners; grants, availability, priority. - 2-1930. Definitions; water right transition assistance program established; administration; funding;...
2-1931 Penalty for violation of act or contract orders; request for hearing; appeal. - 2-1931. Penalty for violation of act or contract orders; request...
2-1933 Conservation reserve enhancement program; criteria; reports; Kansas conservation reserve enhancement program fund. - 2-1933. Conservation reserve enhancement program; criteria; reports; Kansas conservation reserve...