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2-2112 Name of act. - 2-2112. Name of act. This act shall be known as...
2-2113 Definitions. - 2-2113. Definitions. As used in this act: (a) "Plant pests"...
2-2114 Secretary's duties. - 2-2114. Secretary's duties. The secretary, either independently, or in cooperation...
2-2115 Inspections by secretary. - 2-2115. Inspections by secretary. (a) To effectuate the purposes of...
2-2116 Disposition of plant pests. - 2-2116. Disposition of plant pests. Wherever the secretary finds a...
2-2117 Quarantines; notice and hearings. - 2-2117. Quarantines; notice and hearings. The secretary is authorized to...
2-2118 Inspections; fees. - 2-2118. Inspections; fees. Upon request the secretary may provide inspection...
2-2120 Live plant dealer's license; application fees; sale of live plants, conditions. - 2-2120. Live plant dealer's license; application fees; sale of live...
2-2122 Revocation of live plant dealer license; notice and opportunity for hearing. - 2-2122. Revocation of live plant dealer license; notice and opportunity...
2-2123 Unlawful to ship live plants or other articles not in compliance with act; tags or labels; electronic or mail order sales. - 2-2123. Unlawful to ship live plants or other articles not...
2-2124 Violations; temporary restraining orders. - 2-2124. Violations; temporary restraining orders. (a) It shall be a...
2-2125 Penalties for violations. - 2-2125. Penalties for violations. (a) Any person violating any of...
2-2126 Rules and regulations. - 2-2126. Rules and regulations. The secretary shall adopt, amend and...
2-2127 Invalidity of part. - 2-2127. Invalidity of part. If any clause, sentence, paragraph, section,...
2-2128 Disposition of moneys received; plant protection fee fund. - 2-2128. Disposition of moneys received; plant protection fee fund. (a)...
2-2129 Plant pest emergency response fund. - 2-2129. Plant pest emergency response fund. (a) There is hereby...
2-2135 Pest control compact; enactment. - 2-2135. Pest control compact; enactment. The pest control compact is...
2-2136 Same; state agency cooperation with insurance fund. - 2-2136. Same; state agency cooperation with insurance fund. Consistent with...
2-2137 Same; bylaws filed with secretary of agriculture. - 2-2137. Same; bylaws filed with secretary of agriculture. Pursuant to...
2-2138 Same; compact administrator, duties. - 2-2138. Same; compact administrator, duties. The compact administrator for this...
2-2139 Same; application for assistance from insurance fund. - 2-2139. Same; application for assistance from insurance fund. Within the...
2-2140 Same; credit of payments received by state. - 2-2140. Same; credit of payments received by state. The department,...
2-2141 Same; executive head. - 2-2141. Same; executive head. As used in the compact, with...