Kansas Statutes
Article 1 - Restraint Of Trade
50-137 Same; damages to persons injured by such actions.

50-137. Same; damages to persons injured by such actions. In case any grain dealer or dealers or any person or persons subject to the provisions of this act, shall do or cause to be done or permit to be done any act, matter or thing in this act prohibited or declared to be unlawful, or shall omit to do any act, matter or thing in this act required to be done, such grain dealer or grain dealers or any other person or persons shall be liable to the person or persons injured thereby to the full amount of damages sustained in consequence of any such violation of the provisions of this act, together with reasonable attorney fees, to be fixed by the court in every case of recovery, which attorney fees shall be taxed and collected as a part of the costs in the case.
History: L. 1887, ch. 175, § 2; R.S. 1923, 50-137; L. 2000, ch. 136, § 18; July 1.

Structure Kansas Statutes

Kansas Statutes

Chapter 50 - Unfair Trade And Consumer Protection

Article 1 - Restraint Of Trade

50-101 Trusts defined and declared unlawful and void.

50-102 Denial of right to form or be interested in any trust.

50-103 Powers and duties of attorney general; civil penalties; other actions for violation of restraint of trade act.

50-109 Enforcement of act; powers and duties of attorney general.

50-110 Jurisdiction of district courts; venue.

50-112 Trusts, combinations and agreements in restraint of trade and free competition declared unlawful.

50-113 Trust certificates; creation of trusts.

50-116 Pleading in bar or abatement of civil action that plaintiff is member or agent of unlawful combination.

50-117 Transactions by nonresident; subject to provisions of act.

50-131 Agreements or combinations by which shipper is defrauded out of portion of net weight; violation of restraint of trade act.

50-132 Conspiring to monopolize line of business or to prevent producer or local buyer from shipping without agency of third person.

50-133 Agreements or combinations for shipments under warehouse control; violation of restraint of trade act.

50-136 Commodities; grain dealers; agreement or contract to pool or fix price.

50-137 Same; damages to persons injured by such actions.

50-139 Actions brought under act; brought pursuant to chapter 60.

50-147 Rights and remedies cumulative.

50-148 Trade and person defined.

50-149 Unfair discriminations.

50-153 Attorney general powers and duties; enforcement of act.

50-157 Acts done under certain federal laws, codes or regulations.

50-158 Kansas restraint of trade act.

50-159 Same; powers and duties of the attorney general.

50-160 Same; penalties.

50-161 Same; damages for violation of act; procedure.

50-162 Same; attorney general to bring action; when.

50-163 Kansas restraint of trade act; construing and applying act; harmonization with federal law; reasonable restraint of trade or commerce.

50-164 Same; retroactive application of certain amendments.

50-1,100 Kansas discount card act; definitions.

50-1,101 Same; unlawful acts; promotion or sale of discount card by supplier; conditions on; registration of supplier; financial responsibility.

50-1,103 Same; resident agent; registration requirement.

50-1,104 Same; severability.

50-1,105 Same; citation; supplemental to Kansas consumer protection act; remedies.