Kansas Statutes
Article 10 - Kansas Acts Against Discrimination
44-1021 Same; judicial review of commission action; civil enforcement of act.

44-1021. Same; judicial review of commission action; civil enforcement of act. (a) Within 45 days after the entry of an order by the commission pursuant to K.S.A. 44-1019 and amendments thereto or within 30 days after the commission has received written notification of the manner in which a respondent has complied with the commission's order, the commission or a person aggrieved may bring a civil action in the district court of the county in which the alleged discriminatory housing practice is alleged to have occurred or in which the respondent resides or transacts business, but upon application by the person aggrieved and the commission, the attorney general or the appropriate district or county attorney may provide the attorney necessary to bring the action authorized herein. Such action may be brought to enforce the order of the commission, or to enforce any of the rights granted or protected by K.S.A. 44-1016, 44-1017 and 44-1026, and amendments thereto, insofar as such rights relate to the subject of the complaint with respect to which the order was issued. All such actions shall be heard by the court in a trial de novo. Upon application of any party to such action, the commission shall make available to all parties the records and information gathered during any investigation or hearing conducted pursuant to the authority granted by this act, except that any records or information concerning the commission's efforts to eliminate or correct the alleged discriminatory housing practice by informal methods of conference, conciliation and persuasion shall not be admissible as evidence in such action. If the respondent shall request a copy of the transcript of the hearing, the respondent shall pay for the cost of its preparation.
(b) If the court finds that a discriminatory housing practice has occurred, or is about to occur, the court may, in its discretion, grant as relief any permanent, temporary or mandatory injunction, temporary restraining order or other proper order, but any sale, encumbrance or rental consummated prior to the issuance of any court order issued under the authority of this act, and involving a bona fide purchaser, encumbrancer or tenant without actual notice of the existence of the filing of a complaint or civil action under the provisions of this act, shall not be affected.
(c) Whenever a complaint is filed, or a civil action commenced, under the provisions of this act, the commission may post notice thereof on any real property which is the subject of such complaint or action.
(d) (1) An aggrieved person may commence a civil action in a district court of the county in which the alleged discriminatory housing practice is alleged to have occurred or in which the respondent resides or transacts business not later than two years after the occurrence or the termination of an alleged discriminatory housing practice, whichever occurs last, to obtain appropriate relief with respect to such discriminatory housing practice. Except in the case of an action arising from a breach of a conciliation agreement, the computation of the two-year period shall not include any time during which an administrative proceeding under this act was pending with respect to a complaint under this act based on such discriminatory housing practice.
(2) If the United States department of housing and urban development, the commission or a local agency has obtained a conciliation agreement with the consent of an aggrieved person, no action may be filed under this subsection by such aggrieved person with respect to the alleged discriminatory housing practice which forms the basis for such complaint except for the purpose of enforcing the terms of such an agreement.
(3) An aggrieved person may not commence a civil action under this subsection with respect to an alleged discriminatory housing practice which forms the basis of a hearing under K.S.A. 44-1019 and amendments thereto.
(4) In a civil action under this subsection, if the court finds that a discriminatory housing practice has occurred or is about to occur, the court may award to the plaintiff actual and punitive damages and, subject to subsection (d)(5), may grant as relief, as the court deems appropriate, any permanent or temporary injunction, temporary restraining order or other order, including an order enjoining the defendant from engaging in such practice or ordering such affirmative action as may be appropriate. The court, in its discretion, may allow the prevailing party, other than the state of Kansas, reasonable attorney fees and costs. The state of Kansas shall be liable for such fees and costs to the same extent as a private person.
(5) Relief granted under this subsection shall not affect any contract, sale, encumbrance or lease consummated before the granting of such relief and involving a bona fide purchaser, encumbrancer or tenant, without actual notice of the filing of a complaint with the commission or civil action under this act.
History: L. 1970, ch. 193, § 7; L. 1972, ch. 194, § 12; L. 1991, ch. 147, § 13; L. 1992, ch. 142, § 4; July 1.

Structure Kansas Statutes

Kansas Statutes

Chapter 44 - Labor And Industries

Article 10 - Kansas Acts Against Discrimination

44-1001 Title of act; declaration of state policy and purpose.

44-1002 Definitions.

44-1003 Human rights commission; membership; organization compensation and expenses staff.

44-1004 Powers and duties of commission.

44-1005 Complaints; investigation; proceedings; remedial orders; dismissal of certain complaints, when, procedure and effect.

44-1006 Construction of act.

44-1007 Invalidity of part.

44-1009 Unlawful employment practices; unlawful discriminatory practices.

44-1010 Petition for reconsideration of orders of commission.

44-1011 Enforcement of commission orders; judicial review; procedure.

44-1012 Posting of law and information.

44-1013 Unlawful acts; penalties.

44-1015 Discrimination in housing; definitions.

44-1016 Same; unlawful acts in connection with sale or rental of real property.

44-1017 Same; unlawful acts as to real estate loans.

44-1017a Same; homeowners association; removal of certain restrictive covenants; penalties.

44-1018 Same; application of act.

44-1019 Same; complaints; referral to local authority, when; investigation; administrative proceedings; election to file action in court; administrative remedial orders.

44-1020 Same; subpoenas; witness fees and mileage; interim judicial relief; criminal enforcement of subpoenas.

44-1021 Same; judicial review of commission action; civil enforcement of act.

44-1022 Same; civil action by attorney general, when.

44-1023 Same; assignment of case; expedition.

44-1024 Same; effect of city ordinances governing housing practices.

44-1025 Same; cooperation of commission with local agencies; agreements.

44-1026 Same; unlawful acts; enforcement of section.

44-1027 Same; unlawful act; penalties.

44-1028 Same; severability.

44-1029 Same; act supplemental.

44-1030 State and local government contracts; mandatory provisions.

44-1031 Same; personnel to be used in performing contracts; reports; nonapplication to certain contractors.

44-1032 Responsibility for and review of compliance with act; subpoenas; access to premises; oaths and depositions; failure to obey court order, effect; immunity of witnesses from prosecution; perjury.

44-1033 Initiation and processing complaints; use of information.

44-1034 Rules and regulations.

44-1035 Information on racial identification maintained solely on payroll tapes; retrieval restricted.

44-1036 Severability.

44-1037 Liberal construction.

44-1038 Provisions of 44-1031 to 44-1037 supplemental to act against discrimination.

44-1039 Unlawful act; perjury.

44-1041 Unlawful acts; penalty.

44-1042 Award of compensatory damages; reduction.

44-1043 Provisions of 44-1039 to 44-1042 supplemental to act against discrimination.

44-1044 Probable cause determinations under 44-1005 or 44-1019; exempt from judicial review and civil enforcement of agency actions act.