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44-1001 Title of act; declaration of state policy and purpose. - 44-1001. Title of act; declaration of state policy and purpose....
44-1002 Definitions. - 44-1002. Definitions. When used in this act: (a) "Person" includes...
44-1003 Human rights commission; membership; organization compensation and expenses staff. - 44-1003. Human rights commission; membership; organization compensation and expenses staff....
44-1004 Powers and duties of commission. - 44-1004. Powers and duties of commission. The commission shall have...
44-1005 Complaints; investigation; proceedings; remedial orders; dismissal of certain complaints, when, procedure and effect. - 44-1005. Complaints; investigation; proceedings; remedial orders; dismissal of certain complaints,...
44-1006 Construction of act. - 44-1006. Construction of act. (a) The provisions of this act...
44-1007 Invalidity of part. - 44-1007. Invalidity of part. If any clause, sentence, paragraph or...
44-1009 Unlawful employment practices; unlawful discriminatory practices. - 44-1009. Unlawful employment practices; unlawful discriminatory practices. (a) It shall...
44-1010 Petition for reconsideration of orders of commission. - 44-1010. Petition for reconsideration of orders of commission. Any party...
44-1011 Enforcement of commission orders; judicial review; procedure. - 44-1011. Enforcement of commission orders; judicial review; procedure. (a) The...
44-1012 Posting of law and information. - 44-1012. Posting of law and information. Every person, as defined...
44-1013 Unlawful acts; penalties. - 44-1013. Unlawful acts; penalties. Any person, as defined herein, employer,...
44-1015 Discrimination in housing; definitions. - 44-1015. Discrimination in housing; definitions. As used in this act,...
44-1016 Same; unlawful acts in connection with sale or rental of real property. - 44-1016. Same; unlawful acts in connection with sale or rental...
44-1017 Same; unlawful acts as to real estate loans. - 44-1017. Same; unlawful acts as to real estate loans. (a)...
44-1017a Same; homeowners association; removal of certain restrictive covenants; penalties. - 44-1017a. Same; homeowners association; removal of certain restrictive covenants; penalties....
44-1018 Same; application of act. - 44-1018. Same; application of act. (a) Nothing in this act...
44-1019 Same; complaints; referral to local authority, when; investigation; administrative proceedings; election to file action in court; administrative remedial orders. - 44-1019. Same; complaints; referral to local authority, when; investigation; administrative...
44-1020 Same; subpoenas; witness fees and mileage; interim judicial relief; criminal enforcement of subpoenas. - 44-1020. Same; subpoenas; witness fees and mileage; interim judicial relief;...
44-1021 Same; judicial review of commission action; civil enforcement of act. - 44-1021. Same; judicial review of commission action; civil enforcement of...
44-1022 Same; civil action by attorney general, when. - 44-1022. Same; civil action by attorney general, when. Whenever the...
44-1023 Same; assignment of case; expedition. - 44-1023. Same; assignment of case; expedition. Any court in which...
44-1024 Same; effect of city ordinances governing housing practices. - 44-1024. Same; effect of city ordinances governing housing practices. Nothing...
44-1025 Same; cooperation of commission with local agencies; agreements. - 44-1025. Same; cooperation of commission with local agencies; agreements. The...
44-1026 Same; unlawful acts; enforcement of section. - 44-1026. Same; unlawful acts; enforcement of section. It shall be...
44-1027 Same; unlawful act; penalties. - 44-1027. Same; unlawful act; penalties. (a) No person, whether or...
44-1028 Same; severability. - 44-1028. Same; severability. If any provision of this act or...
44-1029 Same; act supplemental. - 44-1029. Same; act supplemental. This act shall be supplemental to...
44-1030 State and local government contracts; mandatory provisions. - 44-1030. State and local government contracts; mandatory provisions. (a) Except...
44-1031 Same; personnel to be used in performing contracts; reports; nonapplication to certain contractors. - 44-1031. Same; personnel to be used in performing contracts; reports;...
44-1032 Responsibility for and review of compliance with act; subpoenas; access to premises; oaths and depositions; failure to obey court order, effect; immunity of witnesses from prosecution; perjury. - 44-1032. Responsibility for and review of compliance with act; subpoenas;...
44-1033 Initiation and processing complaints; use of information. - 44-1033. Initiation and processing complaints; use of information. If the...
44-1034 Rules and regulations. - 44-1034. Rules and regulations. The commission may adopt, promulgate, amend...
44-1035 Information on racial identification maintained solely on payroll tapes; retrieval restricted. - 44-1035. Information on racial identification maintained solely on payroll tapes;...
44-1036 Severability. - 44-1036. Severability. If any provision of this act or the...
44-1037 Liberal construction. - 44-1037. Liberal construction. The provisions of this act shall be...
44-1038 Provisions of 44-1031 to 44-1037 supplemental to act against discrimination. - 44-1038. Provisions of 44-1031 to 44-1037 supplemental to act against...
44-1039 Unlawful act; perjury. - 44-1039. Unlawful act; perjury. Any person intentionally and falsely swearing,...
44-1041 Unlawful acts; penalty. - 44-1041. Unlawful acts; penalty. Any person (a) destroying any employment...
44-1042 Award of compensatory damages; reduction. - 44-1042. Award of compensatory damages; reduction. If the commission includes...
44-1043 Provisions of 44-1039 to 44-1042 supplemental to act against discrimination. - 44-1043. Provisions of 44-1039 to 44-1042 supplemental to act against...
44-1044 Probable cause determinations under 44-1005 or 44-1019; exempt from judicial review and civil enforcement of agency actions act. - 44-1044. Probable cause determinations under 44-1005 or 44-1019; exempt from...