Kansas Statutes
Article 7 - Certain Prohibited Acts And Penalties
41-727 Purchase or consumption of alcoholic beverage by minor; penalty; exceptions; immunity from criminal prosecution; tests; detainment.

41-727. Purchase or consumption of alcoholic beverage by minor; penalty; exceptions; immunity from criminal prosecution; tests; detainment. (a) Except with regard to serving of alcoholic liquor or cereal malt beverage as permitted by K.S.A. 41-308a, 41-308b, 41-727a, 41-2610, 41-2652, 41-2704 and 41-2727, and amendments thereto, and subject to any rules and regulations adopted pursuant to such statutes, no person under 21 years of age shall possess, consume, obtain, purchase or attempt to obtain or purchase alcoholic liquor or cereal malt beverage except as authorized by law.
(b) Violation of this section by a person 18 or more years of age but less than 21 years of age is a class C misdemeanor for which the minimum fine is $200.
(c) Any person less than 18 years of age who violates this section is a juvenile offender under the revised Kansas juvenile justice code. Upon adjudication thereof and as a condition of disposition, the court shall require the offender to pay a fine of not less than $200 nor more than $500.
(d) In addition to any other penalty provided for a violation of this section: (1) The court may order the offender to do either or both of the following:
(A) Perform 40 hours of public service; or
(B) attend and satisfactorily complete a suitable educational or training program dealing with the effects of alcohol or other chemical substances when ingested by humans.
(2) Upon a first conviction of a violation of this section, the court shall order the division of vehicles to suspend the driving privilege of such offender for 30 days. Upon receipt of the court order, the division shall notify the violator and suspend the driving privileges of the violator for 30 days whether or not that person has a driver's license.
(3) Upon a second conviction of a violation of this section, the court shall order the division of vehicles to suspend the driving privilege of such offender for 90 days. Upon receipt of the court order, the division shall notify the violator and suspend the driving privileges of the violator for 90 days whether or not that person has a driver's license.
(4) Upon a third or subsequent conviction of a violation of this section, the court shall order the division of vehicles to suspend the driving privilege of such offender for one year. Upon receipt of the court order, the division shall notify the violator and suspend the driving privileges of the violator for one year whether or not that person has a driver's license.
(e) This section shall not apply to the possession and consumption of cereal malt beverage by a person under the legal age for consumption of cereal malt beverage when such possession and consumption is permitted and supervised, and such beverage is furnished, by the person's parent or legal guardian.
(f) (1) A person and, if applicable, one or two other persons acting in concert with such person are immune from criminal prosecution for a violation of this section, and any city ordinance or county resolution prohibiting the acts prohibited by this section, if such person:
(A) (i) Initiated contact with law enforcement or emergency medical services and requested medical assistance on such person's behalf because such person reasonably believed such person was in need of medical assistance; and
(ii) cooperated with emergency medical services personnel and law enforcement officers in providing such medical assistance;
(B) (i) initiated contact with law enforcement or emergency medical services, or was one of one or two other persons who acted in concert with such person, and requested medical assistance for another person who reasonably appeared to be in need of medical assistance;
(ii) provided their full name, the name of one or two other persons acting in concert with such person, if applicable, and any other relevant information requested by law enforcement or emergency medical services;
(iii) remained at the scene with the person who reasonably appeared to be in need of medical assistance until emergency medical services personnel and law enforcement officers arrived; and
(iv) cooperated with emergency medical services personnel and law enforcement officers in providing such medical assistance; or
(C) (i) was the person who reasonably appeared to be in need of medical assistance as described in subsection (f)(1)(B), but did not initiate contact with law enforcement or emergency medical services; and
(ii) cooperated with emergency medical services personnel and law enforcement officers in providing such medical assistance.
(2) A person shall not be allowed to initiate or maintain an action against a law enforcement officer, or such officer's employer, based on the officer's compliance or failure to comply with this subsection.
(g) Any city ordinance or county resolution prohibiting the acts prohibited by this section shall provide a minimum penalty which is not less than the minimum penalty prescribed by this section.
(h) A law enforcement officer may request a person under 21 years of age to submit to a preliminary screening test of the person's breath to determine if alcohol has been consumed by such person if the officer has reasonable grounds to believe that the person has alcohol in the person's body except that, if the officer has reasonable grounds to believe the person has been operating or attempting to operate a vehicle under the influence of alcohol, the provisions of K.S.A. 8-1012, and amendments thereto, shall apply. No waiting period shall apply to the use of a preliminary breath test under this subsection. If the person submits to the test, the results shall be used for the purpose of assisting law enforcement officers in determining whether an arrest should be made for violation of this section. A law enforcement officer may arrest a person based in whole or in part upon the results of a preliminary screening test. Such results or a refusal to submit to a preliminary breath test shall be admissible in court in any criminal action, but are not per se proof that the person has violated this section. The person may present to the court evidence to establish the positive preliminary screening test was not the result of a violation of this section.
(i) (1) Any person less than 18 years of age who violates only this section shall not be detained or placed in a jail, as defined in K.S.A. 38-2302, and amendments thereto.
(2) Any person less than 18 years of age who is arrested only for a violation of this section shall not be detained or placed in a juvenile detention facility, as defined in K.S.A. 38-2302, and amendments thereto, for a period exceeding 24 hours, excluding Saturdays, Sundays and legal holidays.
(3) Any person less than 18 years of age at the time of the offense who is adjudicated only of a violation of this section shall not be detained in a jail, juvenile detention facility, juvenile correctional facility or sanctions house, as defined in K.S.A. 38-2302, and amendments thereto.
(j) This section shall be part of and supplemental to the Kansas liquor control act.
History: L. 1985, ch. 173, § 2; L. 1987, ch. 182, § 55; L. 1988, ch. 165, § 9; L. 1990, ch. 179, § 4; L. 1994, ch. 300, § 1; L. 1996, ch. 229, § 115; L. 2000, ch. 166, § 4; L. 2001, ch. 200, § 9; L. 2004, ch. 94, § 3; L. 2006, ch. 173, § 7; L. 2007, ch. 195, § 26; L. 2010, ch. 142, § 2; L. 2016, ch. 4, § 1; July 1.

Structure Kansas Statutes

Kansas Statutes

Chapter 41 - Intoxicating Liquors And Beverages

Article 7 - Certain Prohibited Acts And Penalties

41-701 Certain sales by distributors or manufacturers prohibited.

41-702 Gifts and credit from manufacturer or distributor prohibited.

41-703 Gifts, loans and interest in customer's business by manufacturer or distributor prohibited, exceptions.

41-704 Manufacturers; interest in business of distributor prohibited.

41-705 Violation of 41-703 or 41-704; effect.

41-706 Requirements relating to revenue stamps, labels, seals.

41-707 Labels; quality of liquor; requirements.

41-708 Retailer must obtain liquor from licensed distributor; exceptions; penalties.

41-709 Authorized sale or delivery by manufacturer or distributor; license revocation for violations.

41-710 Location of retail store, microbrewery, microdistillery or farm winery; restrictions; within core commercial district.

41-711 Sale at retail forbidden on certain premises.

41-712 Days and hours of sale by retailers.

41-713 Retailers; mixing drinks on premises and employment of certain persons prohibited; exceptions.

41-714 Advertising; authority of director.

41-715 Sale of liquor to incapacitated or intoxicated person; penalties.

41-717 Certain sales on credit, in trade or by check prohibited.

41-718 Sale only in original package; refilling prohibited; application of law to certain sales.

41-719 Consumption of alcoholic liquor prohibited in certain places; exemptions.

41-720 Nonbeverage licensee forbidden to give or sell alcoholic liquors; violation; penalty.

41-721 No retail licenses to issue in cities where electors voted contrary.

41-722 Giving or selling liquor to evade law declared unlawful.

41-723 Violating 41-721 and 41-722; places declared common nuisances.

41-724 Transportation of liquor into state forbidden; exceptions.

41-725 Common carriers; must deliver only to consignee.

41-726 False statements to common carriers unlawful.

41-727 Purchase or consumption of alcoholic beverage by minor; penalty; exceptions; immunity from criminal prosecution; tests; detainment.

41-727a Use of minors to determine compliance with law, limitations.

41-728 Sales of liquor by distributors; prohibited acts.

41-729 Retail sales at less than cost; permit required.

41-730 Sale of powdered alcohol prohibited.