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41-701 Certain sales by distributors or manufacturers prohibited. - 41-701. Certain sales by distributors or manufacturers prohibited. (a) Except...
41-702 Gifts and credit from manufacturer or distributor prohibited. - 41-702. Gifts and credit from manufacturer or distributor prohibited. (a)...
41-703 Gifts, loans and interest in customer's business by manufacturer or distributor prohibited, exceptions. - 41-703. Gifts, loans and interest in customer's business by manufacturer...
41-704 Manufacturers; interest in business of distributor prohibited. - 41-704. Manufacturers; interest in business of distributor prohibited. No manufacturer...
41-705 Violation of 41-703 or 41-704; effect. - 41-705. Violation of 41-703 or 41-704; effect. Any licensee who...
41-706 Requirements relating to revenue stamps, labels, seals. - 41-706. Requirements relating to revenue stamps, labels, seals. No manufacturer,...
41-707 Labels; quality of liquor; requirements. - 41-707. Labels; quality of liquor; requirements. No alcoholic liquor labeled...
41-708 Retailer must obtain liquor from licensed distributor; exceptions; penalties. - 41-708. Retailer must obtain liquor from licensed distributor; exceptions; penalties....
41-709 Authorized sale or delivery by manufacturer or distributor; license revocation for violations. - 41-709. Authorized sale or delivery by manufacturer or distributor; license...
41-710 Location of retail store, microbrewery, microdistillery or farm winery; restrictions; within core commercial district. - 41-710. Location of retail store, microbrewery, microdistillery or farm winery;...
41-711 Sale at retail forbidden on certain premises. - 41-711. Sale at retail forbidden on certain premises. No alcoholic...
41-712 Days and hours of sale by retailers. - 41-712. Days and hours of sale by retailers. (a) Within...
41-713 Retailers; mixing drinks on premises and employment of certain persons prohibited; exceptions. - 41-713. Retailers; mixing drinks on premises and employment of certain...
41-714 Advertising; authority of director. - 41-714. Advertising; authority of director. (a) Any advertising of a...
41-715 Sale of liquor to incapacitated or intoxicated person; penalties. - 41-715. Sale of liquor to incapacitated or intoxicated person; penalties....
41-717 Certain sales on credit, in trade or by check prohibited. - 41-717. Certain sales on credit, in trade or by check...
41-718 Sale only in original package; refilling prohibited; application of law to certain sales. - 41-718. Sale only in original package; refilling prohibited; application of...
41-719 Consumption of alcoholic liquor prohibited in certain places; exemptions. - 41-719. Consumption of alcoholic liquor prohibited in certain places; exemptions....
41-720 Nonbeverage licensee forbidden to give or sell alcoholic liquors; violation; penalty. - 41-720. Nonbeverage licensee forbidden to give or sell alcoholic liquors;...
41-721 No retail licenses to issue in cities where electors voted contrary. - 41-721. No retail licenses to issue in cities where electors...
41-722 Giving or selling liquor to evade law declared unlawful. - 41-722. Giving or selling liquor to evade law declared unlawful....
41-723 Violating 41-721 and 41-722; places declared common nuisances. - 41-723. Violating 41-721 and 41-722; places declared common nuisances. All...
41-724 Transportation of liquor into state forbidden; exceptions. - 41-724. Transportation of liquor into state forbidden; exceptions. No person...
41-725 Common carriers; must deliver only to consignee. - 41-725. Common carriers; must deliver only to consignee. It shall...
41-726 False statements to common carriers unlawful. - 41-726. False statements to common carriers unlawful. It shall be...
41-727 Purchase or consumption of alcoholic beverage by minor; penalty; exceptions; immunity from criminal prosecution; tests; detainment. - 41-727. Purchase or consumption of alcoholic beverage by minor; penalty;...
41-727a Use of minors to determine compliance with law, limitations. - 41-727a. Use of minors to determine compliance with law, limitations....
41-728 Sales of liquor by distributors; prohibited acts. - 41-728. Sales of liquor by distributors; prohibited acts. (a) No...
41-729 Retail sales at less than cost; permit required. - 41-729. Retail sales at less than cost; permit required. (a)...
41-730 Sale of powdered alcohol prohibited. - 41-730. Sale of powdered alcohol prohibited. (a) No form of...