Kansas Statutes
Article 15 - Mutual Hail Insurance Companies
40-1505 Recovery of assessments; limitation of liability of member.

40-1505. Recovery of assessments; limitation of liability of member. If any member shall for the space of thirty days after receiving notice, neglect or refuse to pay the sum assessed against him, the company may sue for and recover the amount of his deposit note or notes, with cost of suit; but execution shall only issue for assessments and costs as they accrue. If the assets of the company shall be insufficient to pay the losses due the members, in any one year, such members shall receive as payment in full for their respective losses a proportionate share of the assets of the company: Provided, That in calculating the pro rata amount to be paid each member on account of his loss, the total amount of the salaries and commissions heretofore paid any officer of the company, during such year, shall be considered as a part of the assets of the company and such officer shall receive the same proportionate share of his salary and commissions as the members receive of their claims and shall be liable to the company for any salary and commissions in excess of the amount of his proportionate share of such salary and commissions as aforesaid. The commissioner of insurance shall not renew the certificate of authority of such company until the provisions of this section have been fully complied with: Provided further, That no member shall be liable to such a company for more than the whole amount of his premium.
History: L. 1927, ch. 231, 40-1505; June 1.