40-1502. Statement of incorporators to be filed; contents of charter; deposit of securities; certificate of authority. Such persons so desiring to incorporate shall file in the office of the commissioner of insurance a statement signed and duly acknowledged by all of the incorporators stating their purpose of forming a company as expressed in the first section of this article, for the transaction of the business of hail insurance, the number of acres of growing grain owned by each, the amount of insurance subscribed for, the description and location of the grain, the address of each subscriber, and a certified copy of the charter. The charter shall set forth the corporate title of the organization, which title shall include the word "mutual," the place of business, the home or general office thereof, the intended duration of the company, the directors chosen, and the specific purpose for which the organization is formed. No certificate of authority shall be issued by the commissioner of insurance until there shall have been deposited with the commissioner by such company cash or securities in an amount not less than $20,000, which shall not be withdrawn until all claims for hail damage be paid in full.
History: L. 1927, ch. 231, 40-1502; L. 1929, ch. 200, § 1; L. 1996, ch. 25, § 16; July 1.
Structure Kansas Statutes
Article 15 - Mutual Hail Insurance Companies
40-1501 Formation of companies; membership fee.
40-1503 Application for insurance; premium; insured as members of company.
40-1504 Assessments; adjustment and payment of losses; losses paid when adjusted, when.
40-1505 Recovery of assessments; limitation of liability of member.
40-1506 Reserve fund; investment.
40-1507 Annual meeting; voting of members.
40-1508 Officers; election; term.
40-1509 Meetings of directors.
40-1511 Directors; election; vacancy.
40-1512 Policies; liability; membership.
40-1513 Misrepresentations by assured.
40-1514 Withdrawal by policyholder.
40-1515 Uniform rates for same class of risks.
40-1516 Unlawful acts of foreign companies; reinsurance therewith by domestic company prohibited.
40-1517 Attorney's fee in actions.