Kansas Statutes
Article 7 - Social Welfare
39-790 Court-ordered child support obligation or family maintenance allowance not available income.

39-790. Court-ordered child support obligation or family maintenance allowance not available income. For division of income purposes, a court-ordered child support obligation or family maintenance allowance to a prior spouse or spouses shall not be considered available income.
History: L. 1988, ch. 143, ยง 6; May 1.

Structure Kansas Statutes

Kansas Statutes

Chapter 39 - Mentally Ill, Incapacitated And Dependent Persons; Social Welfare

Article 7 - Social Welfare

39-701 Purposes of act.

39-702 Definitions.

39-708a Payment of claims to medical vendors not filed within fiscal year; limitation.

39-708c Powers and duties of secretary for children and families; community work experience programs; disbursal of property including food stamps; division of services for the blind; children and youth service program; medical care for needy persons;...

39-708d Same; lease of office or business space.

39-709 Eligibility requirements of applicants for and recipients of assistance, available resources; failure to comply with reporting and other requirements, penalties; automatic assignment of support rights; lien procedures and enforcement; eligibil...

39-709b Information concerning applicants for and recipients of assistance; confidentiality, exceptions; publication of statistics.

39-709c Report to legislature; medical assistance expenditures and amounts recovered; recommendations for legislation therefor.

39-709e Exercise of state's option from federal law making certain drug abusers ineligible for public assistance.

39-709f Medical assistance program and managed care organizations; contract; prompt payment.

39-709g Public assistance; duties of secretary for children and families; acceptance of telephonic signatures for applications.

39-709h Medical assistance program; patient encounter data; requirements imposed on managed care organizations; audits; rules and regulations.

39-709i Medical assistance program; decisions rendered by managed care organizations; appeals process; external independent third-party review; notice and procedure.

39-709j Medical assistance program; coverage for speech-language pathology and audiology services.

39-710 Social welfare fund; deposits; disbursements; unpaid cancelled warrants, crediting; appropriations.

39-711a Meal services for the aging; use of school lunch facilities under agreement with local board of education.

39-713c Homes for children.

39-713d Funeral and cemetery expenses; limitations.

39-714 County home; admission; treatment; ownership by two counties; tax levy, use of proceeds; issuance of bonds in certain counties.

39-717 Illegal disposition; purchase, acquisition or possession of assistance; criminal penalties; exemption of assistance from legal process.

39-718b Liability of parent or guardian for assistance provided child, exceptions.

39-719a Recovery of medical assistance paid; obligation of third party; payment by secretary secondary costs paid proportionately by parties as determined by court.

39-719b Duty of recipient to report changes which affect eligibility; actions by secretary; recovery of assistance obtained by or transferred to another person by ineligible recipient.

39-719c Proof deemed prima facie evidence assistance unlawfully received.

39-719e Medical benefit plan providers to provide information identifying covered medical assistance recipients; procedures; enforcement.

39-720 Penalty relating to fraudulent acts; civil actions, evidence.

39-721 Severability clause.

39-739 Sight handicapped persons; reports to state board of health; forms.

39-740 Same; records available to secretary for children and families.

39-744 Transfer of powers, duties and functions.

39-745 Transition; preservation of civil rights of action and proceedings; criminal actions not to abate.

39-746 Positions of certain officers and employees abolished; transfer of employees; rights preserved.

39-751 Program for home maintenance; duties of secretary for children and families.

39-752 Same; appointment of supervisors.

39-753 Title IV-D child support enforcement services; duties of secretary; rules and regulations.

39-754 Support rights assigned to secretary; secretary's rights; court record of support collected by secretary.

39-755 Actions by secretary to establish parentage and to enforce support rights; necessary parties to proceedings; counsel; orders; application of section.

39-756 Support enforcement services available to certain persons; assignment of support rights; limited power of attorney; continuation of services after discontinuance of public assistance; fees for services; distribution of collections; attorneys r...

39-756a Time assignment of support rights under 39-709 remains in effect; assignment of rights to payment for medical care unaffected.

39-757 Secretary to deposit moneys received under 39-709 and 39-756 with state treasurer; dispositions; expenditure from funds.

39-758 Location of absent parents or their assets; cooperation of governmental units with secretary; availability of information.

39-759 Unlawful acts relating to information concerning absent parents; penalty.

39-760 Establishment of system for reporting suspected abuse or fraud in welfare or medical assistance programs; notice of existence of system.

39-782 Hearing required prior to certifying adult care home for participation in state medical assistance program as intermediate care facility for mental health; notice.

39-783 Notice to affected health care provider groups of reduction in scope or reimbursement of services under medical assistance program; contents; effect of failure to give notice.

39-784 Fees for providing home health services for recipients served under medicaid home and community based services program; disposition; Kansas department for aging and disability services temporary deposit fund.

39-785 Definitions.

39-786 Division of aggregate resources authorized for purpose of determining medical assistance eligibility; conditions and limitations; written interspousal agreement; written statement of Kansas department for children and families; lien authorized...

39-787 Division of aggregate income authorized for purpose of determining medical assistance eligibility; conditions and limitations; written interspousal agreement; written statement of secretary for children and families; rules and regulations.

39-788 Act not in conflict with federal statute or regulation until final determination by federal secretary of health and human services that conflict exists; judicial review of such determination; notification of appropriate committees of legislatu...

39-789 Persons unable to give consent for transfers eligible for assistance under act; court order of maintenance, conservatorship or property and income division required.

39-790 Court-ordered child support obligation or family maintenance allowance not available income.

39-791 Application of 39-785 through 39-790 suspended; expiration of section.

39-7,100 Home and community based services program; definitions; program requirements; demonstration projects.

39-7,100a Home and community based services; expansion to include services provided under senior care act; funding.

39-7,100b Individuals with disabilities; reinstatement of eligibility; home and community based services; definitions; rules and regulations.

39-7,112 Implementation of managed care system to provide medicaid services; contracts; areas of state selected for implementation; waivers; managed care implementation committee; reports; managed care project at university of Kansas medical center t...

39-7,116 Definitions.

39-7,118 Drug utilization review program.

39-7,119 Same; medicaid drug utilization review board created; members; terms; chairperson; closed or executive meetings; required meetings.

39-7,120 Limitations on restrictions of patient access to prescription-only drugs through prior authorization or restrictive formulary; rules and regulations; factors to consider.

39-7,121 Electronic pharmacy claims management system; limitations on utilization of system; implementation of system; reporting requirements.

39-7,121a State medicaid preferred drug formulary; advisory committee; evaluation of drugs and drug classes; rebates; discounts and services; review of formulary.

39-7,121b Limitations on restrictions on medications used to treat mental illness; medications available without restrictions; review by mental health medication advisory committee and medicaid drug utilization review board; mental health medication...

39-7,121c Certain medications not subject to prior authorization.

39-7,121d Program of differential dispensing fees for certain pharmacies; provisions for differential ingredient cost reimbursement; prescriber's unique identification number.

39-7,121e Limitation of reimbursement to multisource generic equivalent drugs, when; pharmacists not required to dispense certain drugs.

39-7,121g Donor human breast milk; hospital eligible for reimbursement, when; rules and regulations; federal waiver.

39-7,123 State individual assistance support trust fund; agreements with trusts; interest transfers; expenditures and administration; rules and regulations.

39-7,124 Aid to families with dependent children; no grant payments for unmarried minor who has a child unless residing with parent; exceptions.

39-7,125 Same; reduction in incremental aid for certain additional children, exception; adjustment to earned income disregard.

39-7,127 Same; work-and-earn incentive program; waivers from federal program requirements before implementation.

39-7,128 Same; eligibility determination; exclusion of income earned and saved by minor for educational purposes; rules and regulations.

39-7,129 Same; compliance with child immunization and vaccination requirements for continuing eligibility for aid.

39-7,130 Same; requiring waiver applications for certain federal eligibility requirements for two-parent families, women in first month of pregnancy, and children in foster care.

39-7,131 Same; application for waivers of federal requirements prior to implementation of act.

39-7,132 Aid to families with dependent children; financial support for persons otherwise eligible for such aid; Kansas income tax credit for corporations; agreement with secretary, use of moneys.

39-7,133 Severability of act.

39-7,134 Establishment of system.

39-7,135 Title IV-D agency designated; maintenance of Kansas payment center for collection and disbursement of support payments; contracts for administration and operation; disposition of certain payments under unclaimed property act.

39-7,136 Access to information relating to a IV-D case.

39-7,137 Construction.

39-7,138 Definitions.

39-7,139 Powers and remedies of the secretary concerning IV-D services.

39-7,140 Jurisdiction; service; notice.

39-7,141 Waiver of rights.

39-7,142 Administrative orders.

39-7,143 Same; enforceability.

39-7,144 Subpoena; service; enforceability.

39-7,145 Genetic tests.

39-7,146 Arrearages.

39-7,147 Income withholding order.

39-7,148 Same; modification or termination.

39-7,149 Same; hearing.

39-7,150 Administrative levy on cash assets.

39-7,151 Redirecting support payments; assignment; change of payee.

39-7,152 Execution; arrearages.

39-7,155 Past due child support or failure to comply with subpoena, restricted driving privileges; certification by secretary; notice; hearing.

39-7,156 Same; prevention of certification.

39-7,157 Same; termination of proceedings; issuance of driver's license.

39-7,158 Agreement between secretary of revenue and secretary for children and families; rules and regulations.

39-7,159 Comprehensive and coordinated system of long-term care services; cooperation by Kansas department for aging and disability services, Kansas department for children and families and department of health and environment.

39-7,160 Robert G. (Bob) Bethell joint committee on home and community based services and KanCare oversight; members; meetings; reporting; compensation and expenses.

39-7,162 Home and community based services savings fund administered by secretary for aging and disability services; certification, transfer and expenditures.

39-7,163 Kansas senior task force; topics of study; membership; appointment; meetings; report to the legislature; professional services; compensation.