Kansas Statutes
Article 7 - Social Welfare
39-708c Powers and duties of secretary for children and families; community work experience programs; disbursal of property including food stamps; division of services for the blind; children and youth service program; medical care for needy persons;...

39-708c. Powers and duties of secretary for children and families; community work experience programs; disbursal of property including food stamps; division of services for the blind; children and youth service program; medical care for needy persons; payment schedules for health care providers; centralized payment of welfare expenditures. (a) The secretary for children and families shall develop state plans, as provided under the federal social security act, whereby the state cooperates with the federal government in its program of assisting the states financially in furnishing assistance and services to eligible individuals. The secretary shall undertake to cooperate with the federal government on any other federal program providing federal financial assistance and services in the field of social welfare not inconsistent with this act. The secretary is not required to develop a state plan for participation or cooperation in all federal social security act programs or other federal programs that are available. The secretary shall also have the power, but is not required, to develop a state plan in regard to assistance and services in which the federal government does not participate.
(b) The secretary shall have the power and duty to determine the general policies relating to all forms of social welfare which are administered or supervised by the secretary and to adopt the rules and regulations therefor.
(c) The secretary shall hire, in accordance with the provisions of the Kansas civil service act, such employees as may be needed, in the judgment of the secretary, to carry out the provisions of this act. The secretary shall advise the governor and the legislature on all social welfare matters covered in this act.
(d) The secretary shall establish and maintain intake offices throughout the state. The secretary may establish and create area offices to coordinate and supervise the administration of the intake offices located within the area. The number and location of intake offices and area offices shall be within the discretion of the secretary. Each intake office shall be open at least 12 hours of each working week on a regularly scheduled basis. The secretary shall supervise all social welfare activities of the intake offices and area offices. The secretary may lease office or business space, but no lease or rental contract shall be for a period to exceed 10 years. A person desiring public assistance, or if the person is incapable or incapacitated, a relative, friend, personal representative or conservator of the person shall make application at the intake office. When it is necessary, employees may take applications elsewhere at any time. The applications shall contain a statement of the amount of property, both personal and real, in which the applicant has an interest and of all income which the applicant may have at the time of the filing of the application and such other information as may be required by the secretary. When a husband and wife are living together the combined income or resources of both shall be considered in determining the eligibility of either or both for assistance unless otherwise prohibited by law. The form of application, the procedure for the determination of eligibility and the amount and kind of assistance or service shall be determined by the secretary.
(e) The secretary shall provide special inservice training for employees of the secretary and may provide the training as a part of the job or at accredited educational institutions.
(f) The secretary shall establish an adequate system of financial records. The secretary shall make annual reports to the governor and shall make any reports required by federal agencies.
(g) The secretary shall sponsor, operate or supervise community work experience programs whereby recipients of assistance shall work out a part or all of their assistance and conserve work skills and develop new skills. The compensation credited to recipients for the programs shall be based upon an hourly rate equal to or in excess of the federal minimum wage hourly rate. The programs shall be administered by the secretary. In the programs, the secretary shall provide protection to the recipient under the workmen's compensation act or shall provide comparable protection and may enter into cooperative arrangements with other public officials and agencies or with private not-for-profit corporations providing assistance to needy persons in developing, subject to the approval of the secretary, the programs under this section.
(h) The secretary may receive, have custody of, protect, administer, disburse, dispose of and account for federal or private commodities, equipment, supplies and any kind of property, including food stamps or coupons, which are given, granted, loaned or advanced to the state of Kansas for social welfare works, and for any other purposes provided for by federal laws or rules and regulations or by private devise, grant or loan, or from corporations organized to act as federal agencies, and to do all things and acts which are necessary or required to perform the functions and carry out the provisions of federal laws, rules and regulations under which such commodities, equipment, supplies and other property may be given, granted, loaned or advanced to the state of Kansas, and to act as an agent of the federal government when designated as an agent, and do and perform all things and acts that may be required by the federal laws or rules and regulations not inconsistent with the act.
(i) The secretary may assist other departments, agencies and institutions of the state and federal government and of other states under interstate agreements, when so requested, by performing services in conformity with the purpose of this act.
(j) The secretary shall have authority to lease real and personal property whenever the property is not available through the state or a political subdivision of the state, for carrying on the functions of the secretary.
(k) All contracts shall be made in the name of the secretary for children and families and in that name the secretary may sue and be sued on such contracts. The grant of authority under this subsection shall not be construed to be a waiver of any rights retained by the state under the 11th amendment to the United States constitution and shall be subject to and shall not supersede the provisions of any appropriations act of this state.
(l) All moneys and property of any kind whatsoever received from the Kansas emergency relief committee or from any other state department or political subdivision of the state shall be used by the secretary in the administration and promotion of social welfare in the state of Kansas. The property may be given, loaned or placed at the disposal of any county, city or state agency engaged in the promotion of social welfare.
(m) The secretary shall prepare annually, at the time and in the form directed by the governor, a budget covering the estimated receipts and expenditures of the secretary for the ensuing year.
(n) The secretary shall have authority to make grants of funds, commodities or other needed property to local units of government under rules and regulations adopted by the secretary for the promotion of social welfare in local units of government.
(o) The secretary shall have authority to sell any property in the secretary's possession received from any source whatsoever for which there is no need or use in the administration or the promotion of social welfare in the state of Kansas.
(p) The secretary shall adopt a seal.
(q) The secretary shall initiate or cooperate with other agencies in developing programs for the prevention of blindness, the restoration of eyesight and the vocational rehabilitation of blind persons and shall establish a division of services for the blind. The secretary may initiate or cooperate with other agencies in developing programs for the prevention and rehabilitation of other handicapped persons.
(r) The secretary shall develop a children and youth service program and shall administer or supervise program activities including the care and protection of children in need of care, as defined in K.S.A. 38-2202, and amendments thereto. The secretary shall cooperate with the federal government through its appropriate agency or instrumentality in establishing, extending and strengthening such services and undertake other services to children authorized by law. Nothing in this act shall be construed as authorizing any state official, agent or representative, in carrying out any of the provisions of this act, to take charge of any child over the objection of either of the parents of such child or of the person standing in loco parentis to such child except pursuant to a proper court order.
(s) The secretary shall develop plans financed by federal funds or state funds or both for providing medical care for needy persons. The secretary, in developing the plan, may enter into an agreement with an agent or intermediary for the purpose of performing certain functions, including the making of medical payment reviews, determining the amount due the medical vendors from the state in accordance with standards set by the secretary, preparing and certifying to the secretary lists of medical vendors and the amounts due them and other related functions determined by the secretary. The secretary may also provide medical, remedial, preventive or rehabilitative care and services for needy persons by the payment of premiums to the federal social security system for the purchase of supplemental medical insurance benefits as provided by the federal social security act and amendments thereto. Medicaid recipients who were residents of a nursing facility on September 1, 1991, and who subsequently lost eligibility in the period September 1, 1991, through June 30, 1992, due to an increase in income shall be considered to meet the 300% income cap eligibility test.
(t) The secretary shall carry on research and compile statistics relative to the entire social welfare program throughout the state; develop plans in cooperation with other public and private agencies for the prevention as well as treatment of conditions giving rise to social welfare problems.
(u) The secretary may receive grants, gifts, bequests, money or aid of any character whatsoever, for state welfare work. All moneys coming into the hands of the secretary shall be deposited in the state social welfare fund provided for in this act.
(v) The secretary may enter into agreements with other states or the welfare department of other states, in regard to the manner of determining the state of residence in disputed cases, the manner of returning persons to the place of residence and the bearing or sharing of the costs.
(w) The secretary shall perform any other duties and services necessary to carry out the purposes of this act and promote social welfare in the state of Kansas, not inconsistent with the state law.
(x) The secretary shall establish payment schedules for each group of health care providers. Any payment schedules which are a part of the state medicaid plan shall conform to state and federal law. The secretary shall not be required to make any payments under the state medicaid plan which do not meet requirements for state and federal financial participation.
(1) The secretary shall consider budgetary constraints as a factor in establishing payment schedules so long as the result complies with state and federal law.
(2) The secretary shall establish payment schedules for providers of hospital and adult care home services under the medicaid plan that are reasonable and adequate to meet the costs which must be incurred by efficiently and economically operated facilities in order to provide care and services in conformity with applicable state and federal laws, regulations, and quality and safety standards. The secretary shall not be required to establish rates for any such facility that are in excess of the minimum necessary to efficiently and economically meet those standards regardless of any excess costs incurred by any such facility.
(y) The secretary shall maintain a system of centralized payment for all welfare expenditures.
History: L. 1973, ch. 186, § 3; L. 1975, ch. 237, § 1; L. 1978, ch. 159, § 2; L. 1980, ch. 272, § 1; L. 1982, ch. 182, § 132; L. 1983, ch. 143, § 2; L. 1985, ch. 114, § 24; L. 1990, ch. 152, § 1; L. 1992, ch. 322, § 5; L. 1995, ch. 153, § 1; L. 1996, ch. 229, § 104; L. 2014, ch. 115, § 77; L. 2018, ch. 107, § 15; July 1.

Structure Kansas Statutes

Kansas Statutes

Chapter 39 - Mentally Ill, Incapacitated And Dependent Persons; Social Welfare

Article 7 - Social Welfare

39-701 Purposes of act.

39-702 Definitions.

39-708a Payment of claims to medical vendors not filed within fiscal year; limitation.

39-708c Powers and duties of secretary for children and families; community work experience programs; disbursal of property including food stamps; division of services for the blind; children and youth service program; medical care for needy persons;...

39-708d Same; lease of office or business space.

39-709 Eligibility requirements of applicants for and recipients of assistance, available resources; failure to comply with reporting and other requirements, penalties; automatic assignment of support rights; lien procedures and enforcement; eligibil...

39-709b Information concerning applicants for and recipients of assistance; confidentiality, exceptions; publication of statistics.

39-709c Report to legislature; medical assistance expenditures and amounts recovered; recommendations for legislation therefor.

39-709e Exercise of state's option from federal law making certain drug abusers ineligible for public assistance.

39-709f Medical assistance program and managed care organizations; contract; prompt payment.

39-709g Public assistance; duties of secretary for children and families; acceptance of telephonic signatures for applications.

39-709h Medical assistance program; patient encounter data; requirements imposed on managed care organizations; audits; rules and regulations.

39-709i Medical assistance program; decisions rendered by managed care organizations; appeals process; external independent third-party review; notice and procedure.

39-709j Medical assistance program; coverage for speech-language pathology and audiology services.

39-710 Social welfare fund; deposits; disbursements; unpaid cancelled warrants, crediting; appropriations.

39-711a Meal services for the aging; use of school lunch facilities under agreement with local board of education.

39-713c Homes for children.

39-713d Funeral and cemetery expenses; limitations.

39-714 County home; admission; treatment; ownership by two counties; tax levy, use of proceeds; issuance of bonds in certain counties.

39-717 Illegal disposition; purchase, acquisition or possession of assistance; criminal penalties; exemption of assistance from legal process.

39-718b Liability of parent or guardian for assistance provided child, exceptions.

39-719a Recovery of medical assistance paid; obligation of third party; payment by secretary secondary costs paid proportionately by parties as determined by court.

39-719b Duty of recipient to report changes which affect eligibility; actions by secretary; recovery of assistance obtained by or transferred to another person by ineligible recipient.

39-719c Proof deemed prima facie evidence assistance unlawfully received.

39-719e Medical benefit plan providers to provide information identifying covered medical assistance recipients; procedures; enforcement.

39-720 Penalty relating to fraudulent acts; civil actions, evidence.

39-721 Severability clause.

39-739 Sight handicapped persons; reports to state board of health; forms.

39-740 Same; records available to secretary for children and families.

39-744 Transfer of powers, duties and functions.

39-745 Transition; preservation of civil rights of action and proceedings; criminal actions not to abate.

39-746 Positions of certain officers and employees abolished; transfer of employees; rights preserved.

39-751 Program for home maintenance; duties of secretary for children and families.

39-752 Same; appointment of supervisors.

39-753 Title IV-D child support enforcement services; duties of secretary; rules and regulations.

39-754 Support rights assigned to secretary; secretary's rights; court record of support collected by secretary.

39-755 Actions by secretary to establish parentage and to enforce support rights; necessary parties to proceedings; counsel; orders; application of section.

39-756 Support enforcement services available to certain persons; assignment of support rights; limited power of attorney; continuation of services after discontinuance of public assistance; fees for services; distribution of collections; attorneys r...

39-756a Time assignment of support rights under 39-709 remains in effect; assignment of rights to payment for medical care unaffected.

39-757 Secretary to deposit moneys received under 39-709 and 39-756 with state treasurer; dispositions; expenditure from funds.

39-758 Location of absent parents or their assets; cooperation of governmental units with secretary; availability of information.

39-759 Unlawful acts relating to information concerning absent parents; penalty.

39-760 Establishment of system for reporting suspected abuse or fraud in welfare or medical assistance programs; notice of existence of system.

39-782 Hearing required prior to certifying adult care home for participation in state medical assistance program as intermediate care facility for mental health; notice.

39-783 Notice to affected health care provider groups of reduction in scope or reimbursement of services under medical assistance program; contents; effect of failure to give notice.

39-784 Fees for providing home health services for recipients served under medicaid home and community based services program; disposition; Kansas department for aging and disability services temporary deposit fund.

39-785 Definitions.

39-786 Division of aggregate resources authorized for purpose of determining medical assistance eligibility; conditions and limitations; written interspousal agreement; written statement of Kansas department for children and families; lien authorized...

39-787 Division of aggregate income authorized for purpose of determining medical assistance eligibility; conditions and limitations; written interspousal agreement; written statement of secretary for children and families; rules and regulations.

39-788 Act not in conflict with federal statute or regulation until final determination by federal secretary of health and human services that conflict exists; judicial review of such determination; notification of appropriate committees of legislatu...

39-789 Persons unable to give consent for transfers eligible for assistance under act; court order of maintenance, conservatorship or property and income division required.

39-790 Court-ordered child support obligation or family maintenance allowance not available income.

39-791 Application of 39-785 through 39-790 suspended; expiration of section.

39-7,100 Home and community based services program; definitions; program requirements; demonstration projects.

39-7,100a Home and community based services; expansion to include services provided under senior care act; funding.

39-7,100b Individuals with disabilities; reinstatement of eligibility; home and community based services; definitions; rules and regulations.

39-7,112 Implementation of managed care system to provide medicaid services; contracts; areas of state selected for implementation; waivers; managed care implementation committee; reports; managed care project at university of Kansas medical center t...

39-7,116 Definitions.

39-7,118 Drug utilization review program.

39-7,119 Same; medicaid drug utilization review board created; members; terms; chairperson; closed or executive meetings; required meetings.

39-7,120 Limitations on restrictions of patient access to prescription-only drugs through prior authorization or restrictive formulary; rules and regulations; factors to consider.

39-7,121 Electronic pharmacy claims management system; limitations on utilization of system; implementation of system; reporting requirements.

39-7,121a State medicaid preferred drug formulary; advisory committee; evaluation of drugs and drug classes; rebates; discounts and services; review of formulary.

39-7,121b Limitations on restrictions on medications used to treat mental illness; medications available without restrictions; review by mental health medication advisory committee and medicaid drug utilization review board; mental health medication...

39-7,121c Certain medications not subject to prior authorization.

39-7,121d Program of differential dispensing fees for certain pharmacies; provisions for differential ingredient cost reimbursement; prescriber's unique identification number.

39-7,121e Limitation of reimbursement to multisource generic equivalent drugs, when; pharmacists not required to dispense certain drugs.

39-7,121g Donor human breast milk; hospital eligible for reimbursement, when; rules and regulations; federal waiver.

39-7,123 State individual assistance support trust fund; agreements with trusts; interest transfers; expenditures and administration; rules and regulations.

39-7,124 Aid to families with dependent children; no grant payments for unmarried minor who has a child unless residing with parent; exceptions.

39-7,125 Same; reduction in incremental aid for certain additional children, exception; adjustment to earned income disregard.

39-7,127 Same; work-and-earn incentive program; waivers from federal program requirements before implementation.

39-7,128 Same; eligibility determination; exclusion of income earned and saved by minor for educational purposes; rules and regulations.

39-7,129 Same; compliance with child immunization and vaccination requirements for continuing eligibility for aid.

39-7,130 Same; requiring waiver applications for certain federal eligibility requirements for two-parent families, women in first month of pregnancy, and children in foster care.

39-7,131 Same; application for waivers of federal requirements prior to implementation of act.

39-7,132 Aid to families with dependent children; financial support for persons otherwise eligible for such aid; Kansas income tax credit for corporations; agreement with secretary, use of moneys.

39-7,133 Severability of act.

39-7,134 Establishment of system.

39-7,135 Title IV-D agency designated; maintenance of Kansas payment center for collection and disbursement of support payments; contracts for administration and operation; disposition of certain payments under unclaimed property act.

39-7,136 Access to information relating to a IV-D case.

39-7,137 Construction.

39-7,138 Definitions.

39-7,139 Powers and remedies of the secretary concerning IV-D services.

39-7,140 Jurisdiction; service; notice.

39-7,141 Waiver of rights.

39-7,142 Administrative orders.

39-7,143 Same; enforceability.

39-7,144 Subpoena; service; enforceability.

39-7,145 Genetic tests.

39-7,146 Arrearages.

39-7,147 Income withholding order.

39-7,148 Same; modification or termination.

39-7,149 Same; hearing.

39-7,150 Administrative levy on cash assets.

39-7,151 Redirecting support payments; assignment; change of payee.

39-7,152 Execution; arrearages.

39-7,155 Past due child support or failure to comply with subpoena, restricted driving privileges; certification by secretary; notice; hearing.

39-7,156 Same; prevention of certification.

39-7,157 Same; termination of proceedings; issuance of driver's license.

39-7,158 Agreement between secretary of revenue and secretary for children and families; rules and regulations.

39-7,159 Comprehensive and coordinated system of long-term care services; cooperation by Kansas department for aging and disability services, Kansas department for children and families and department of health and environment.

39-7,160 Robert G. (Bob) Bethell joint committee on home and community based services and KanCare oversight; members; meetings; reporting; compensation and expenses.

39-7,162 Home and community based services savings fund administered by secretary for aging and disability services; certification, transfer and expenditures.

39-7,163 Kansas senior task force; topics of study; membership; appointment; meetings; report to the legislature; professional services; compensation.