Kansas Statutes
Article 12 - Watershed Districts
24-1219 No-fund warrants for initial expenses; annual tax levies for general fund expenses; increased levies, procedure; tax levies for no-fund warrants and bonds; structure maintenance fund.

24-1219. No-fund warrants for initial expenses; annual tax levies for general fund expenses; increased levies, procedure; tax levies for no-fund warrants and bonds; structure maintenance fund. (a) The district board may issue no-fund warrants to pay for initial organizational, engineering, legal and administrative expenses of the district except that the amount so issued shall not exceed the product of two mills times the assessed valuation of the taxable tangible property within the district. Such warrants shall be issued, bear interest and be retired in accordance with the provisions of K.S.A. 79-2940, and amendments thereto, except that the approval of the state board of tax appeals shall not be required. Whenever warrants have been issued under this section, the board shall make a tax levy at the first tax levying period, after such warrants are issued, sufficient to pay such warrants and interest.
(b) Following incorporation of the district by the secretary of state, the board shall have authority to levy annually a tax of not to exceed two mills to create a general fund for the payment of engineering, legal, clerical, land and interests in land, installation maintenance, operation and other administrative expenses and such tax may be against all of the taxable, tangible property of the district. Whenever the board desires to increase the mill levy for such purposes above two mills, it may adopt a resolution declaring it necessary to increase such annual levy in an amount which together with the current levy shall not exceed a total of four mills. Any such resolution shall state the total amount of the tax to be levied and shall be published once each week for two consecutive weeks in a newspaper of general circulation in the district. Whereupon such annual levy in an amount not to exceed the amount stated in the resolution may be made for the ensuing budget year and each successive budget year unless a petition requesting an election upon the proposition to increase the tax levy in excess of the current tax levy, signed by not less than 5% of the qualified electors in the district is filed with the county election officer within 60 days following the date of the last publication of the resolution. In the event a valid petition is filed, no such increased levy shall be made without such proposition having been submitted to and having been approved by a majority of the qualified electors voting at an election called and held thereon. All such elections shall be called and held in the manner prescribed for the calling and holding of elections upon the question of the issuance of bonds under the general bond law.
(c) There is hereby authorized to be established in the watershed districts of the state a fund which shall be called the structure maintenance fund. The fund shall consist of moneys deposited therein from funds received according to provisions of the watershed district law. The amount of funds that may be deposited annually shall be a maximum of 0.35% of the construction cost of the structure. Moneys in the structure maintenance fund may be used for the purpose of engineering, reconstruction and other required maintenance and other expenses relating to the maintenance of a structure. The watershed board of directors is hereby authorized to invest any portion of the structure maintenance fund, which is not currently needed, in investments authorized by K.S.A. 12-1675, and amendments thereto. All interest received on any such investment shall be credited to the structure maintenance fund.
(d) The district board shall have authority to levy a tax, after improvement bonds have been issued in accordance with K.S.A. 24-1214, 24-1215 and 24-1220, and amendments thereto, sufficient to pay such bonds and interest.
History: L. 1953, ch. 477, § 19; L. 1955, ch. 201, § 12; L. 1961, ch. 193, § 16; L. 1985, ch. 117, § 1; L. 1987, ch. 122, § 8; L. 1990, ch. 119, § 1; L. 2008, ch. 109, § 56; L. 2014, ch. 141, § 50; July 1.

Structure Kansas Statutes

Kansas Statutes

Chapter 24 - Drainage And Levees

Article 12 - Watershed Districts

24-1201 Title of act.

24-1201a Declaration of public necessity for creation of districts; power; benefits.

24-1202 Definitions.

24-1203 Establishment of district by petition.

24-1203a Establishment of district initiated by board of county commissioners.

24-1204 Contents of petition; form.

24-1205 Petition, circulation; inclusion of city or part thereof within proposed boundaries, identification; filing and determination of sufficiency of petition.

24-1206 Sufficient petition transmitted to chief engineer; investigation, report and approval or disapproval; approval required, when; transmittal of approval to secretary of state and to chairperson of steering committee.

24-1207 Meeting of steering committee; notice; election of board of directors; officers; election on organization of district; voting places and election procedures; certification of results to secretary of state; certificate of incorporation, issuan...

24-1208 Payment of costs and expenses when petition or resolution is disapproved by engineer or defeated by voters; tax levy.

24-1209 Corporate powers and duties.

24-1210 Directors; number; terms; expenses.

24-1211 Election of directors at annual meeting; report of financial condition, projects and activities; notice and conduct of elections; vacancies; changes in number of directors or date of annual meeting; notice; procedure.

24-1212 Open meetings of directors; notice; quorum.

24-1213 General plan, estimate of costs and information as to benefits; transmittal to chief engineer, when; open to public; report to directors.

24-1214 Financing proposed projects; methods; resolution as to costs; public hearing; notice, contents; appearances; written statement required; transmittal of written statements to chief engineer; adoption, modification or rejection of general plan...

24-1214a Districts adopting general plan prior to April 1, 1961; method of financing; procedure.

24-1215 Approval of bond issue by qualified voters of district required; notice; election procedures; tax levies for financing costs; resolution, publication; protest petition; election.

24-1216 Order and procedure as to specific projects; surveys, plans, specifications and estimates of costs; filing with secretary of board; open to inspection; transmittal of approved plans to chief engineer, when; review of general plan; revisions o...

24-1217 Computation of special assessments; appraisement and apportionment; resolution; limitations; hearing of complaints; notice; alterations; resolution fixing assessments; notice to landowners; bonds and levies, when.

24-1218 Right of entry upon lands in connection with work of district; damages.

24-1219 No-fund warrants for initial expenses; annual tax levies for general fund expenses; increased levies, procedure; tax levies for no-fund warrants and bonds; structure maintenance fund.

24-1220 Improvement bonds for works of improvement; terms; how payable; limitation on bonded indebtedness.

24-1221 Act supplemental to other laws.

24-1222 Chief engineer authorized to transfer territory from one district to another, when; petition.

24-1223 Same; contents of petition.

24-1224 Same; presentment of petition to chief engineer; notice and hearing.

24-1225 Same; findings, decisions and declarations of chief engineer.

24-1226 Same; liability for outstanding bonded indebtedness.

24-1227 Extension of territory of district; petition, contents; approval of chief engineer.

24-1228 Dissolution of district, when; resolution; petition; election; certificate of dissolution.

24-1229 Dissolution of portion of district; petition, contents; powers and duties of chief engineer; notice and hearing; evidence; findings, filing; certificate of dissolution; recordation; removal of director upon dissolution, effect.

24-1230 Notification of directors upon dissolution or partial dissolution of district; duties of secretary, treasurer and directors; effective date of dissolution; recordation of certificate of dissolution.

24-1231 Disposition of funds of totally or partially disorganized district; duties of treasurer.

24-1232 Minutes and records of totally dissolved district filed with county clerk.

24-1233 Districts established prior to July 1, 1961; confirmation and validation; procedure.

24-1234 Intermittent closing of roads within watershed district; county roads; permit application; authority and duties of board of county commissioners; publication and notice.

24-1235 Same; township roads; permit application; authority and duties of board of township trustees; publication and notice.

24-1236 Same; county bridge and township road, 24-1234 applies; approval by board of township trustees.

24-1237 Same; costs of publication and notice; permit to require road markers.

24-1238 Watershed district responsibilities transferred to city of Atchison.

24-1239 White Clay watershed district dissolved.

24-1240 White Clay watershed district property, contract and debt obligations transferred to city of Atchison.