Kansas Statutes
Article 46 - General Provisions
22-4602 Effect on pending actions.

22-4602. Effect on pending actions. (1) The trial of any prosecution commenced prior to the effective date of this chapter, and proceedings incidental thereto, shall be governed by this chapter unless the defendant elects to be proceeded against under the law in force at the time the prosecution was commenced. Such election shall be made by the defendant in open court or in writing at or prior to the time of commencement of trial.
(2) Appeals commenced prior to the effective date of this chapter shall be governed by the provisions of this chapter from and after its effective date.
History: L. 1970, ch. 129, ยง 22-4602; July 1.

Structure Kansas Statutes

Kansas Statutes

Chapter 22 - Criminal Procedure

Article 46 - General Provisions

22-4602 Effect on pending actions.

22-4603 Employment of county and city prisoners.

22-4605 Release from custody; query criminal databases.

22-4606 Racial and other profiling; definitions.

22-4609 Same; prohibited as basis for making stop, search or arrest.

22-4610 Same; law enforcement policies preempting profiling, requirements; annual training required; community advisory boards; annual reports of complaints.

22-4611 Same; complaints, office of attorney general, procedure; civil action.

22-4611a Cities, counties, comprehensive plans; contents; data collection.

22-4611b Community advisory boards; establishment, cities, counties.

22-4612 Payment rate county, city or law enforcement agency liable to pay health care provider for person in custody; exceptions.

22-4613 Prohibition against releasing person from custody to avoid cost of medical treatment; court order.

22-4614 Alleged victims of certain offenses, polygraph examination prohibited.

22-4615 Call location information of telecommunications device in emergency situation; telecommunications carriers; Kansas bureau of investigation database, law enforcement agency access.

22-4616 Domestic violence offenses; designation; special sentencing provision.

22-4617 Same; designation in case number.

22-4618 Reporting of sexually violent crimes and pornographic materials.

22-4619 Eyewitness procedures; law enforcement policies, requirements; available to public.

22-4620 Electronic recording of certain felony custodial interrogations; law enforcement policies, requirements; available to public.