Kansas Statutes
Article 25 - Search And Seizure
22-2521 Same; strip searches; limitations; report.

22-2521. Same; strip searches; limitations; report. (a) No person detained or arrested solely for the violation of a statute, resolution or ordinance involving a traffic, regulatory or nonviolent misdemeanor offense shall be strip searched unless there is probable cause to believe that the individual is concealing a weapon or controlled substance.
(b) Every strip search conducted by law enforcement officers or employees of a law enforcement agency or department shall be conducted by persons of the same sex as the person being searched and shall be conducted so that the search cannot be observed by any person other than the persons conducting the search, unless the right to privacy is waived by the person being searched.
(c) Every law enforcement officer or employee of a law enforcement agency or department conducting a strip search shall prepare a report of the strip search. The report shall include:
(1) The name and sex of the person searched;
(2) the name and sex of the persons conducting the search;
(3) the time, date and place of the search; and
(4) a statement of the results of the search.
History: L. 1981, ch. 149, ยง 2; July 1.

Structure Kansas Statutes

Kansas Statutes

Chapter 22 - Criminal Procedure

Article 25 - Search And Seizure

22-2502 Search warrants; issuance; proceedings authorized; availability of affidavits and testimony in support of probable cause requirement; use of electronic communications and tracking devices.

22-2503 Territorial and time limitations on execution of certain search warrants.

22-2504 Issuance of search warrant.

22-2505 Persons authorized to execute search warrants.

22-2506 Execution of search warrants.

22-2507 Command of search warrant.

22-2508 Use of force in execution of search warrant.

22-2509 Detention and search of persons on premises.

22-2510 When search warrant may be executed.

22-2511 No warrant quashed for technicality.

22-2512 Custody and disposition of property seized.

22-2514 Authorized interception of wire, oral or electronic communications; definitions.

22-2515 Same; order; application; crimes for which order may be issued; disclosure and use of contents of wire, oral or electronic communications; effect on privileged communications.

22-2516 Same; application for order, form and contents; issuance of order; contents; duration; extension; recordation of intercepted communications; custody of application and order, disclosure; inventory, notice to certain persons; evidentiary statu...

22-2517 Unlawful interception of wire or oral communication; evidentiary status of contents.

22-2518 Same; civil action for damages; defense available in civil and criminal actions.

22-2519 Reports by judges and prosecutors to administrative office of federal courts.

22-2520 Strip and body cavity searches; definitions.

22-2521 Same; strip searches; limitations; report.

22-2522 Same; body cavity searches; warrant; limitations.

22-2523 Same; liability for unlawful search.

22-2524 Same; prison and jail inmates, exceptions.

22-2525 Authorized installation or use of pen register or a trap and trace device; order required, exception.

22-2526 Same; order, contents.

22-2527 Same; order; issuance; specifications required; duration; extensions; disclosure.

22-2528 Same; responsibilities of and assistance to authorities by provider, landlord, custodian or other person; compensation; immunity.

22-2529 Same; definitions.

22-2530 Copy of search warrant to property owner.