Kansas Statutes
Article 24 - Pest Control
2-2455 Written statement for services to customer; records, maintenance and availability to secretary.

2-2455. Written statement for services to customer; records, maintenance and availability to secretary. (a) Each pesticide business shall present to each customer for whom such business performs a pest control service involving the application of pesticides a statement of services or contract setting forth the following information: (1) Business name and address of the pesticide business licensee;
(2) name and address of the customer;
(3) pest or pests to be controlled, which may be stated in general terms;
(4) pesticide to be used including the quantity applied and total area to which the pesticide is applied;
(5) the concentration or rate of application, when applicable;
(6) the date and location of the application of the pesticide;
(7) the expiration date of all guarantees, if any be given;
(8) the signature of the individual who performed the pest control service or the application of pesticides;
(9) the signature of the individual who supervised the performance of the pest control service or the application of pesticides, when applicable;
(10) the wind direction and velocity, when applicable; and
(11) that the application was less than label rate, when applicable.
(b) Whenever the service involving the application of pesticides is performed for the purpose of controlling termites, powder-post beetles, wood borers, wood-rot fungus or any other wood destroying pest, the following information shall be included in addition to that required under subsection (a): (1) The conditions under which retreatments, if any are to be made;
(2) the approximate date or dates of inspections, for any to be made after the original application of the pesticide; and
(3) a diagram of the structure to be treated, showing the location of visible evidence of active and inactive infestations by any wood destroying pest or pests for which the treatment is proposed; where a partial or spot treatment is to be made, this diagram shall also show the area or areas of the structure which are to be treated.
(c) (1) The required statement of services or contract for services involving the application of pesticides may be incorporated into any business form used by the pesticide business licensee.
(2) The statement of services or contract shall be presented to the customer in paper format, unless the customer agrees to receive all or part of the statement of services or contract in electronic format.
(3) The pesticide business licensee shall present the statement of services or contract to the customer within 30 days of when the pest control services were provided and prior to the due date for payment of the services, if the services are not a prepaid agreement. Upon the customer's request, the statement of services or contract shall be presented to the customer no later than the close of business on the business day following the request.
(4) Upon request of the secretary or the secretary's designee, a duplicate of the statement of services or contract provided to the customer shall be made available within two business days to the secretary or the secretary's designee.
(5) Any pesticide business licensee using aerial methods of applying pesticides may present such information at any time prior to the time payment is accepted.
(6) The statement of services or contract may be signed using the legible printed names of the individuals who performed and, when applicable, supervised the performance of the pest control service or the application of pesticide.
(7) The pesticide business licensee shall retain a copy of each statement of services or contract in such licensee's files for a period of three years from the expiration date of any statement of services or contract.
(8) Each pesticide business licensee shall faithfully carry out the stipulations set forth in any statement of services or contract prepared by such licensee or any of its representatives.
(d) Each pesticide business licensee shall make available to the secretary upon request, a copy of any statement of services or contract, records of all pesticide applications during any specified period, records of all employees who performed any service involving, or in conjunction with, the application of pesticides and any other requested information pertinent to the administration of this act or any rule or regulation adopted hereunder by the secretary.
(e) The secretary shall require certified commercial applicators who are not employed by or otherwise acting for a business licensee to maintain records concerning applications of restricted use pesticides. The secretary shall specify by rules and regulations the information to be contained in such records, which shall be maintained for three years from the date of application of the pesticide concerned. Such records shall be open to inspection by the secretary or the secretary's designee during normal business hours, and copies shall be furnished to the secretary or the secretary's designee upon request.
History: L. 1976, ch. 1, § 18; L. 1977, ch. 3, § 11; L. 1989, ch. 6, § 15; L. 1995, ch. 37, § 1; L. 2009, ch. 128, § 23; L. 2018, ch. 20, § 2; July 1.

Structure Kansas Statutes

Kansas Statutes

Chapter 2 - Agriculture

Article 24 - Pest Control

2-2438a Definitions.

2-2439 Administration of act; rules and regulations.

2-2440 Unlawful acts; pesticide business license, requirements and fees, exemptions; government agency registration, exemptions; license and registration renewals.

2-2440a Pesticide business licensee requirements.

2-2440b Unlawful acts; pest control technician registration, requirements and fees.

2-2440c Registered pest control technician; training; approval of training materials; maintenance of records verifying training.

2-2440d Same; fees.

2-2440e Pesticide business licensees and pesticide dealers; civil penalties; appeal procedure; deposit of moneys.

2-2441a Commercial applicator's certificate; exemptions; application and fees; expiration.

2-2442 Same; temporary permit; examination.

2-2443a Same; examination; reciprocity; fees; subjects included in examination.

2-2444a Categories of qualification for certification and licensing; subdivision by secretary.

2-2445a Certified private applicator's certificate; qualifications; examination; fee; educational materials; reciprocity of certificates.

2-2446 Renewal of certification or registration.

2-2447 Nonresident applicant for license; consent to action for damages; service of process.

2-2448 Surety bond, liability insurance, letter of credit or escrow account required for pesticide business license.

2-2449 Grounds for denial, suspension, revocation or modification of license.

2-2450 Suspension of pesticide business license for failure to have surety bond, liability insurance, letter of credit or escrow account or to employ certified commercial applicator.

2-2452 Appeal of denial, suspension or revocation.

2-2453 Unlawful acts.

2-2454 Unlawful acts.

2-2455 Written statement for services to customer; records, maintenance and availability to secretary.

2-2456 Registration and marking of equipment.

2-2457a Statement of claim of damage from pesticide application; filing with secretary; forms; effect of failure to file.

2-2459a Courses of instruction.

2-2460a Cooperation with other agencies; educational institutions or persons.

2-2461 Penalties; injunction.

2-2462 Enforcement.

2-2463 Subpoenas.

2-2464a Disposition of moneys; pesticide use fee fund.

2-2467a Rules and regulations.

2-2468 Citation of act.

2-2469 Pesticide dealers; registration; exemptions; denial, suspension or revocation, notice and opportunity for hearing; fees.

2-2470 Allowable pesticide applications by the applicator.

2-2471 Rule and regulation authority to the secretary to limit pesticide use.

2-2472 Pesticide management areas; development by the secretary.

2-2473 Same; factors to examine in area development; pesticide management area technical advisory committee; composition and duties thereof.

2-2474 Same; public hearing concerning designation; notice.

2-2475 Temporary pesticide management areas; secretary authorization.

2-2476 Pesticide management area; order of designation.

2-2477 Same; secretary authorization to revoke, modify or expand.

2-2478 Same; use of pesticides in area; civil penalty; appeal procedure.

2-2479 Same; statewide education program on areas and plans.

2-2480 Uniformity of pesticide law; state has exclusive jurisdiction.

2-2481 Format of required documentation.