2-2454. Unlawful acts. It shall be unlawful for any person required to be licensed, registered or certified under the provisions of this act to:
(a) Make false or fraudulent claims through any media, misrepresenting the effect of material or methods to be utilized;
(b) except as provided for in K.S.A. 2-2470, and amendments thereto, make a pesticide recommendation or use not in accordance with the directions for use shown on the label registered under the Kansas agricultural chemical act or by the environmental protection agency, or both;
(c) knowingly use ineffective or improper methods or materials;
(d) knowingly operate faulty, unsafe or, if registration is required, unregistered equipment, or operate any equipment in a negligent manner;
(e) refuse or neglect to keep and maintain records required by this act, or refuse or neglect to make records available when and as required by this act;
(f) make false or fraudulent records, invoices or reports;
(g) use fraud or misrepresentation in making an application for or renewal of a license, registration, permit or certificate;
(h) refuse or neglect to comply with any limitations or restrictions on or in a duly issued license, registration, permit or certificate;
(i) aid, abet or conspire with any person to evade any of the provisions of this act, or allow a license, registration, permit or certificate to be used by an unlicensed or uncertified person;
(j) impersonate any state, county or city inspector or official, as acting in their official capacity;
(k) make any misrepresentation or defraud any member of the public;
(l) permit a pesticide business license or contract forms to be used by any unlicensed person who is not a salaried or commissioned employee or representative of such licensee, for use in applying pesticides under any commission or subcontracting arrangement;
(m) use any method or material without regard to public health, safety or welfare;
(n) engage in or advertise to provide pest control services without benefit of proper licenses, certification or registration;
(o) use, store, dispose of any pesticide material, pesticide rinsate or container without regard to public health or environmental damage;
(p) fail to maintain and provide a copy of pesticide product labels and material safety data sheets to customers when so requested;
(q) use any pesticide in a manner inconsistent with limitations imposed by the secretary pursuant to K.S.A. 2-2471, and amendments thereto;
(r) distribute, sell, make available for use or use any restricted use pesticide other than by a certified applicator or under the supervision of a certified applicator;
(s) distribute, sell or offer for sale any pesticide unless it is in the pesticide registrant's or the pesticide manufacturer's unbroken immediate container and there is affixed to such container the registrant's label which is complete and legible and which can be read through any package wrappers;
(t) distribute, sell or offer for sale any pesticide product with altered, defaced or detached labeling; or
(u) distribute, sell or offer for sale any pesticide product with pesticide or pesticide residue on the container or packaging.
History: L. 1976, ch. 1, § 17; L. 1989, ch. 6, § 14; L. 2009, ch. 128, § 22; July 1.
Structure Kansas Statutes
2-2439 Administration of act; rules and regulations.
2-2440a Pesticide business licensee requirements.
2-2440b Unlawful acts; pest control technician registration, requirements and fees.
2-2441a Commercial applicator's certificate; exemptions; application and fees; expiration.
2-2442 Same; temporary permit; examination.
2-2443a Same; examination; reciprocity; fees; subjects included in examination.
2-2444a Categories of qualification for certification and licensing; subdivision by secretary.
2-2446 Renewal of certification or registration.
2-2447 Nonresident applicant for license; consent to action for damages; service of process.
2-2449 Grounds for denial, suspension, revocation or modification of license.
2-2452 Appeal of denial, suspension or revocation.
2-2456 Registration and marking of equipment.
2-2459a Courses of instruction.
2-2460a Cooperation with other agencies; educational institutions or persons.
2-2464a Disposition of moneys; pesticide use fee fund.
2-2467a Rules and regulations.
2-2470 Allowable pesticide applications by the applicator.
2-2471 Rule and regulation authority to the secretary to limit pesticide use.
2-2472 Pesticide management areas; development by the secretary.
2-2474 Same; public hearing concerning designation; notice.
2-2475 Temporary pesticide management areas; secretary authorization.
2-2476 Pesticide management area; order of designation.
2-2477 Same; secretary authorization to revoke, modify or expand.
2-2478 Same; use of pesticides in area; civil penalty; appeal procedure.
2-2479 Same; statewide education program on areas and plans.
2-2480 Uniformity of pesticide law; state has exclusive jurisdiction.