Kansas Statutes
Article 7 - Water Supply And Watercourses
14-701a Watercourse improvements; channel diversion; proceedings; how paid; bond issue; limitations; election.

14-701a. Watercourse improvements; channel diversion; proceedings; how paid; bond issue; limitations; election. Whenever the governing body shall by resolution deem and declare it to be expedient and necessary to alter, change and divert the channel of any watercourse and make the improvements as provided in K.S.A. 12-694, it shall cause to be prepared and submitted to said governing body, surveys, maps and specifications of the work so proposed to be done, together with an estimate of the cost thereof, of every kind and nature, including all property damage, so far as same can be approximately estimated, and upon the approval thereof, said governing body shall have the power to proceed with said work and to contract therefor and to provide for the payment of the cost, damages and expense of every kind and nature occasioned by such proposed change, alteration and diversion and the construction of all channels, tunnels, walls, embankments, levees and other work connected therewith, in whole or in part, by funds contributed or paid for such purposes, or by a levy of a special tax upon all the taxable property within the limits of the city, or by the levy of special taxes or assessments upon all the taxable property lying within a benefit district, or both, by ordinance created, declared and established by the governing body: Provided, however, That if the the governing body shall determine that the proposed work or any part thereof ought to be done and the cost defrayed by issuing bonds, to be paid by general taxation, and the estimated cost and expenses of such work or any part thereof to the city, exclusive of funds contributed or to be contributed or paid for such purpose, shall not exceed the sum of $25,000, then and in that case the governing body shall have power to issue the bonds of said city for such amount, not exceeding said sum of $25,000, without submitting the question to a vote of the inhabitants thereof; but for all sums in excess of $25,000 the governing body shall, before ordering said work done or incurring any expense therefor, call a special election to vote upon the question of making said improvements and issuing bonds to pay therefor or submit the same at the next regular election as the governing body may determine.
Such special election shall be called and conducted and returns thereof canvassed as provided by law. If a majority of those voting at the election authorize the issuing of the bonds, the governing body shall have the power to issue the same and cause the work for which they were authorized to be done, and all bonds under the provisions of this act shall be issued as provided by law.
History: L. 1927, ch. 139, ยง 2; March 10.