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14-701a Watercourse improvements; channel diversion; proceedings; how paid; bond issue; limitations; election. - 14-701a. Watercourse improvements; channel diversion; proceedings; how paid; bond issue;...
14-701b Same; benefit district; assessment of benefits; appraisers; oath; duties; hearing of complaints; notice; limitation of actions. - 14-701b. Same; benefit district; assessment of benefits; appraisers; oath; duties;...
14-701h Same; duties of governing body. - 14-701h. Same; duties of governing body. Before making such improvements...
14-701i Same; construction; limitation of actions; sewage exempted. - 14-701i. Same; construction; limitation of actions; sewage exempted. The governing...
14-705 Extension of water mains beyond boundaries by city having municipal plant; petition. - 14-705. Extension of water mains beyond boundaries by city having...
14-706 Same; form and effect of petition; benefit district. - 14-706. Same; form and effect of petition; benefit district. The...
14-707 Same; bonds; assessment. - 14-707. Same; bonds; assessment. In the event that said governing...
14-708 Same; effect of adjacent territory becoming part of city. - 14-708. Same; effect of adjacent territory becoming part of city....
14-709 Same; funds. - 14-709. Same; funds. All money that is received from said...
14-710 Same; construction. - 14-710. Same; construction. This act is intended to be supplemental...
14-713 Flood control works in cities in certain counties; maintenance and repair; tax levy, use of proceeds. - 14-713. Flood control works in cities in certain counties; maintenance...
14-714 Extension of sewer or water mains outside cities, when; bonds; protest petition; election; eminent domain; act supplemental. - 14-714. Extension of sewer or water mains outside cities, when;...