Kansas Statutes
Article 8 - Public Utilities
12-876 Same; levy of taxes not authorized.

12-876. Same; levy of taxes not authorized. The authority shall not have power to levy taxes for any purpose whatsoever.
History: L. 1974, ch. 260, ยง 7; March 18.

Structure Kansas Statutes

Kansas Statutes

Chapter 12 - Cities And Municipalities

Article 8 - Public Utilities

12-801 Gas, water, lights, heat, street-railway, bus or telephone service; election; bonds.

12-802 Same; bond election.

12-803 Same; bond limitation.

12-803a Street-railway or bus department, when; use of revenues.

12-803b Street-railway or bus system; tax levy, use of proceeds.

12-803c Same; bonds for extension of street-railway or bus system; election.

12-803d Same; ordinances as to operation and charges.

12-803e Same; bond limitations inapplicable.

12-806 Sale of light, heat and power to outlying districts.

12-808 Power of city to sell service generally.

12-808a Electric or gas utility outside city limits; eminent domain; determination of rates.

12-808b Same; filing of rates and location of facilities, when.

12-808c Municipalities; lien for utility services.

12-809 Damming of river or condemnation of land and water for waterworks; petition to court; bond issue.

12-810 Condemnation by foreign municipality for water plant.

12-811 Purchase by city of corporate utility plants upon expiration of franchise; petition to court; notice; appraisers; election; bonds.

12-812 Same; bonds for enlargement or improvement of waterworks; ordinance; election.

12-817 City water contracts.

12-817a Application of section and 12-817b.

12-817b Contracts with U.S. government or agencies for water supplies; subject to future nullification if state assumes certain financial obligations.

12-818 Ordinances for control of waterworks.

12-819 Bond limitations not to apply.

12-820 Acquisition of plants outside city.

12-820a City acquiring certain private waterworks property authorized to reimburse subdivisions for tax loss; exception.

12-821 Extension of mains or of transmission lines or pipelines.

12-822 Deposits to secure payment of bills; unlawful, when; investment; abandoned deposits, disposition.

12-823 Public or municipally owned utilities; penalties.

12-824 Franchise to interurban railway or electric company; certain provisions declared void; notice; petition; election; certificate of convenience and necessity.

12-825 Technical service and advice from state commission.

12-825a Petty cash funds, establishment; deposit.

12-825b Same; certification by payees; false pretenses.

12-825c Same; audits; restoration of fund.

12-825d Waterworks, fuel, power and lighting plants; use, disposition and investment of revenues.

12-825e Same; inapplicable to certain cities over 100,000.

12-825f Crediting certain utility revenue to light fund.

12-825g Use of community and utility promotion fund; transfers and expenditures subject to election.

12-825h Foreign-trade zones; establishment and operation; application for federal grant.

12-825i Same; delegation of authority to board of utilities.

12-825j Municipalities owning or operating utility; contracts for purchase of water, gas or electricity.

12-825k Payment of charges by public utilities at city hall.

12-826 Managing board of commissioners; payment of claims.

12-827 Same; appointment; terms; oath.

12-828 Same; recommendations.

12-829 Same; rates; employees; salaries; removal.

12-831 Extension of plants or lines; signed agreements; election required.

12-834 Bonds for gas, water, light, heat, street-railway or telephone service; election.

12-834a Validation of bond election; city of Burns.

12-836 Waterworks bonds; limitation.

12-837 Same; resolution; plans, specifications and estimate; approval or disapproval by secretary of health and environment; cost limited.

12-838 Same; ordinance.

12-839 Same; notice; hearing; election in cities of second class.

12-840 Same; bond limitations not to apply.

12-842 Acquisition and operation of city plants; equipment on or across highway.

12-843 Same; bonds; election; limitation; use of surplus revenues.

12-844 Lines and ways of access between city limits and utility plants.

12-845 Same; eminent domain.

12-846 Same; procedure.

12-847 Same; costs and expenses.

12-848 Control of streets and public grounds.

12-849 Same; ordinance granting use of.

12-850 Same; unlawful use without franchise; penalty.

12-851 Police jurisdiction of cities, second and third classes.

12-852 Flowage rights to waterworks system intake.

12-853 Same; unlawful acts.

12-854 Same; penalty for violating 12-853.

12-855 Same; rights of riparian owners.

12-856 Combined waterworks and sewage disposal system; definitions.

12-857 Same; ordinance.

12-858 Same; revenues.

12-859 Same; creation of water and sewage department; operation.

12-860 Same; rates and charges; use of revenue; collection; liens.

12-861 Same; assessment and bonds statutes applicable.

12-862 Same; contracts, revenue bonds; protest petition; election.

12-863 Same; revenue bonds; liens; recitals; negotiability; general obligation bonds where combined water and sewage system.

12-864 Same; minimum sale price; school fund commission may not purchase.

12-865 Same; revenue bonds; terms; disposition of excess funds.

12-866 Same; revenue bonds; rates, fees and charges; annual audit, filing.

12-867 Same; eminent domain.

12-868 Same; combined waterworks and sewage system revenue bonds, when; act supplemental.

12-869 Validation of proceedings and issuance of bonds for waterworks improvements in certain cities of second class.

12-870 Natural gas acquisition systems of cities; definitions.

12-871 Same; natural gas authority; creation; board; selection, terms, officers; organization; meetings; resolutions.

12-872 Same; sue and be sued; seal; purposes; contracts; limitations.

12-873 Same; compliance with federal law and rules and regulations.

12-874 Same; revenue bonds; refunding bonds.

12-875 Same; investment of funds.

12-876 Same; levy of taxes not authorized.

12-877 Same; deposit of funds with city treasurer.

12-878 Same; signature of officer on instruments.

12-879 Same; employees for system.

12-880 Same; rates and charges for sale of gas.

12-881 Same; trust agreements to secure bonds; contents; expenses.

12-882 Same; moneys received deemed trust funds; trust agreements.

12-883 Same; enforcement of rights and performance of duties.

12-884 Same; annual report and financial statement; filing.

12-885 Municipal energy agencies for electricity and other energy; creation by two or more cities; purposes; liability for tortious acts.

12-886 Definitions.

12-887 Resolution providing for creation; protest petition.

12-888 Agreement creating; requirements, procedure.

12-889 Amendment of agreement creating.

12-890 Registered office; change in location.

12-891 Board of directors; membership; terms; vacancies.

12-892 Same; officers; general manager; personnel; resolutions governing business of agency.

12-893 Same; minutes, records, books of account; public inspection.

12-894 Same; compensation, expenses.

12-895 Powers.

12-896 Receipt and expenditures; application of budget and cash-basis laws; auditing procedures.

12-897 Limitations on direct sale of electricity.

12-898 No levy of taxes or issuance of general obligation bonds; revenue bonds obligation of agency only.

12-899 Revenue bonds; issuance; terms and conditions; form; interim receipts, temporary bonds; security; payment; issuance of additional bonds.

12-8,100 Same; investment in bonds issued; deposit for purposes authorized by law.

12-8,101 Same; not subject to general bond law; exempt from taxation; negotiable instruments.

12-8,102 Bond anticipation notes; issuance, renewal, terms, payment, amount.

12-8,103 Revenue bonds and notes; authorized terms of security agreement.

12-8,104 Same; mortgages and deeds of trust of property and franchises.

12-8,105 Officials, directors, members not liable on bonds or notes; purchase of insurance authorized.

12-8,106 Purchase and disposition of bonds and notes.

12-8,107 Refunding bonds authorized.

12-8,108 Addition of new member cities, procedure; boards of public utilities authorized to participate.

12-8,109 Contracts by member cities with agency for purchase of energy, planning and other services.

12-8,111 Municipal energy agencies not subject to commission jurisdiction; conditions; exceptions; requirements for certificates of public convenience; jurisdiction of corporation commission.

12-8,112 Acquisition of gas distribution systems by certain cities; resolution; definition of "gas distribution system"; issuance of bonds; jurisdiction of corporation commission.