Kansas Statutes
Article 8 - Public Utilities
12-8,111 Municipal energy agencies not subject to commission jurisdiction; conditions; exceptions; requirements for certificates of public convenience; jurisdiction of corporation commission.

12-8,111. Municipal energy agencies not subject to commission jurisdiction; conditions; exceptions; requirements for certificates of public convenience; jurisdiction of corporation commission. (a) The provisions of K.S.A. 12-885 through 12-8,109, and amendments thereto, shall constitute a certificate of public convenience, and any municipal energy agency is authorized to operate as a public utility pursuant to such provisions without obtaining a certificate described in K.S.A. 66-131, and amendments thereto, except a municipal energy agency shall be required to file for a certificate for transmission rights for any electric facilities used to transmit electricity that are constructed in the certificated territory of a retail electric supplier, as defined in K.S.A. 66-1,170, and amendments thereto, after the effective date of this section. In determining public convenience and necessity, the state corporation commission shall apply the provisions of K.S.A. 66-1,170 et seq., and amendments thereto, to a municipal energy agency to the same extent it does to a retail electric supplier, as defined in K.S.A. 66-1,170, and amendments thereto.
(b) Except with respect to such certificate described in subsection (a), any municipal energy agency created under the provisions of K.S.A. 12-885 through 12-8,109, and amendments thereto, shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the state corporation commission in the same manner as a public utility.
(c) Except as otherwise provided in subsection (g), a municipal energy agency may elect to be exempt from the jurisdiction, regulation, supervision and control of the state corporation commission by complying with the provisions of subsection (d).
(d) To be exempt under subsection (c), a municipal energy agency shall have an election of its voting members as established in the governing documents of the municipal energy agency as follows:
(1) An election under this subsection may be called by the governing body of the municipal energy agency or shall be called not less than 180 days after receipt of a valid petition signed by not less than 10% of the members of the municipal energy agency.
(2) The proposition for deregulation shall be presented to a meeting of the members, the notice of which shall set forth the proposition for deregulation and the time and place of the meeting. Notice to the members shall be written and delivered not less than 21 nor more than 45 days before the date of the meeting.
(3) If the municipal energy agency mails information to its members regarding the proposition for deregulation other than notice of the election, the municipal energy agency shall also include in such mailing any information in opposition to the proposition that is submitted by petition signed by not less than 1% of the municipal energy agency's members. All expenses incidental to mailing the additional information, including any additional postage required to mail such additional information, shall be paid by the signatories to the petition.
(4) If the proposition for deregulation is approved by the affirmative vote of not less than a majority of the members voting on the proposition, the municipal energy agency shall notify the state corporation commission in writing of the results within 10 days after the date of the election.
(5) Voting on the proposition for deregulation shall be in accordance with the governing documents of the municipal energy agency.
(e) A municipal energy agency exempt under this section may elect to terminate its exemption in the same manner as prescribed in subsection (d).
(f) An election under subsection (d) or (e) may be held not more than once every two years.
(g) Nothing in this section shall be construed to affect the authority of the state corporation commission, as otherwise provided by law, over a municipal energy agency with regard to: (1) Service territory; (2) charges, fees or tariffs for transmission services, other than charges, fees or tariffs to its own members or those charges, fees or tariffs for transmission services that are recovered through an open access transmission tariff of a regional transmission organization which has its rates approved by the federal energy regulatory commission; (3) sales of power for resale, other than sales to its own members; and (4) wire stringing, transmission line siting and the extension of electric facilities used to transmit electricity pursuant to K.S.A. 66-131, 66-183, 66-1,170 et seq. or 66-1,177 et seq., and amendments thereto. Nothing in this subsection shall be construed to affect the authority of the commission pursuant to K.S.A. 66-144, and amendments thereto.
(h) (1) Notwithstanding a municipal energy agency's election to be exempt under this section, the commission shall investigate all rates, joint rates, tolls, charges and exactions, classifications and schedules of charges or rates of such municipal energy agency if there is filed with the commission, not more than one year after a change in such municipal energy agency's rates, joint rates, tolls, charges and exactions, classifications or schedules of charges or rates, a petition signed by not less than 20% of the municipal energy agency's voting members as established in the governing documents of the municipal energy agency. If, after investigation, the commission finds that such rates, joint rates, tolls, charges or exactions, classifications or schedules of charges or rates are unjust, unreasonable, unjustly discriminatory or unduly preferential, the commission shall have the power to fix and order substituted therefor such rates, joint rates, tolls, charges and exactions, classifications or schedules of charges or rates as are just and reasonable.
(2) The municipal energy agency's rates, joint rates, tolls, charges and exactions, classifications or schedules of rates complained of shall remain in effect subject to change or refund pending the state corporation commission's investigation and final order.
(i) (1) If a municipal energy agency is exempt under this section, not less than 10 days' notice of the time and place of any meeting of the voting members as established in the governing documents of the municipal energy agency at which rate changes or charges are to be discussed and voted on shall be given to all members of the municipal energy agency and such meeting shall be open to all members.
(2) Violations of this subsection shall be subject to civil penalties and enforcement in the same manner as provided for by K.S.A. 75-4320 and 75-4320a, and amendments thereto, for violations of K.S.A. 75-4317 et seq., and amendments thereto.
(j) (1) Any municipal energy agency exempt under this section shall maintain a schedule of rates and charges at the municipal energy agency headquarters and shall make copies of such schedule of rates and charges available to the general public during regular business hours.
(2) Any municipal energy agency which fails, neglects or refuses to maintain such copies of schedule of rates and charges under this subsection shall be subject to a civil penalty of not more than $500.
(k) A municipal energy agency that has elected to be exempt under the provisions of subsection (d) shall include a provision in its notice to its members, either before or after a rate change, of the member's right to request the commission to review the rate change, as allowed in subsection (h).
(l) Nothing in this section shall be construed to affect the single certificated retail service territory of any retail electric supplier, as defined in K.S.A. 66-1,170, and amendments thereto.
History: L. 1981, ch. 255, § 2; L. 2018, ch. 6, § 1; March 8.

Structure Kansas Statutes

Kansas Statutes

Chapter 12 - Cities And Municipalities

Article 8 - Public Utilities

12-801 Gas, water, lights, heat, street-railway, bus or telephone service; election; bonds.

12-802 Same; bond election.

12-803 Same; bond limitation.

12-803a Street-railway or bus department, when; use of revenues.

12-803b Street-railway or bus system; tax levy, use of proceeds.

12-803c Same; bonds for extension of street-railway or bus system; election.

12-803d Same; ordinances as to operation and charges.

12-803e Same; bond limitations inapplicable.

12-806 Sale of light, heat and power to outlying districts.

12-808 Power of city to sell service generally.

12-808a Electric or gas utility outside city limits; eminent domain; determination of rates.

12-808b Same; filing of rates and location of facilities, when.

12-808c Municipalities; lien for utility services.

12-809 Damming of river or condemnation of land and water for waterworks; petition to court; bond issue.

12-810 Condemnation by foreign municipality for water plant.

12-811 Purchase by city of corporate utility plants upon expiration of franchise; petition to court; notice; appraisers; election; bonds.

12-812 Same; bonds for enlargement or improvement of waterworks; ordinance; election.

12-817 City water contracts.

12-817a Application of section and 12-817b.

12-817b Contracts with U.S. government or agencies for water supplies; subject to future nullification if state assumes certain financial obligations.

12-818 Ordinances for control of waterworks.

12-819 Bond limitations not to apply.

12-820 Acquisition of plants outside city.

12-820a City acquiring certain private waterworks property authorized to reimburse subdivisions for tax loss; exception.

12-821 Extension of mains or of transmission lines or pipelines.

12-822 Deposits to secure payment of bills; unlawful, when; investment; abandoned deposits, disposition.

12-823 Public or municipally owned utilities; penalties.

12-824 Franchise to interurban railway or electric company; certain provisions declared void; notice; petition; election; certificate of convenience and necessity.

12-825 Technical service and advice from state commission.

12-825a Petty cash funds, establishment; deposit.

12-825b Same; certification by payees; false pretenses.

12-825c Same; audits; restoration of fund.

12-825d Waterworks, fuel, power and lighting plants; use, disposition and investment of revenues.

12-825e Same; inapplicable to certain cities over 100,000.

12-825f Crediting certain utility revenue to light fund.

12-825g Use of community and utility promotion fund; transfers and expenditures subject to election.

12-825h Foreign-trade zones; establishment and operation; application for federal grant.

12-825i Same; delegation of authority to board of utilities.

12-825j Municipalities owning or operating utility; contracts for purchase of water, gas or electricity.

12-825k Payment of charges by public utilities at city hall.

12-826 Managing board of commissioners; payment of claims.

12-827 Same; appointment; terms; oath.

12-828 Same; recommendations.

12-829 Same; rates; employees; salaries; removal.

12-831 Extension of plants or lines; signed agreements; election required.

12-834 Bonds for gas, water, light, heat, street-railway or telephone service; election.

12-834a Validation of bond election; city of Burns.

12-836 Waterworks bonds; limitation.

12-837 Same; resolution; plans, specifications and estimate; approval or disapproval by secretary of health and environment; cost limited.

12-838 Same; ordinance.

12-839 Same; notice; hearing; election in cities of second class.

12-840 Same; bond limitations not to apply.

12-842 Acquisition and operation of city plants; equipment on or across highway.

12-843 Same; bonds; election; limitation; use of surplus revenues.

12-844 Lines and ways of access between city limits and utility plants.

12-845 Same; eminent domain.

12-846 Same; procedure.

12-847 Same; costs and expenses.

12-848 Control of streets and public grounds.

12-849 Same; ordinance granting use of.

12-850 Same; unlawful use without franchise; penalty.

12-851 Police jurisdiction of cities, second and third classes.

12-852 Flowage rights to waterworks system intake.

12-853 Same; unlawful acts.

12-854 Same; penalty for violating 12-853.

12-855 Same; rights of riparian owners.

12-856 Combined waterworks and sewage disposal system; definitions.

12-857 Same; ordinance.

12-858 Same; revenues.

12-859 Same; creation of water and sewage department; operation.

12-860 Same; rates and charges; use of revenue; collection; liens.

12-861 Same; assessment and bonds statutes applicable.

12-862 Same; contracts, revenue bonds; protest petition; election.

12-863 Same; revenue bonds; liens; recitals; negotiability; general obligation bonds where combined water and sewage system.

12-864 Same; minimum sale price; school fund commission may not purchase.

12-865 Same; revenue bonds; terms; disposition of excess funds.

12-866 Same; revenue bonds; rates, fees and charges; annual audit, filing.

12-867 Same; eminent domain.

12-868 Same; combined waterworks and sewage system revenue bonds, when; act supplemental.

12-869 Validation of proceedings and issuance of bonds for waterworks improvements in certain cities of second class.

12-870 Natural gas acquisition systems of cities; definitions.

12-871 Same; natural gas authority; creation; board; selection, terms, officers; organization; meetings; resolutions.

12-872 Same; sue and be sued; seal; purposes; contracts; limitations.

12-873 Same; compliance with federal law and rules and regulations.

12-874 Same; revenue bonds; refunding bonds.

12-875 Same; investment of funds.

12-876 Same; levy of taxes not authorized.

12-877 Same; deposit of funds with city treasurer.

12-878 Same; signature of officer on instruments.

12-879 Same; employees for system.

12-880 Same; rates and charges for sale of gas.

12-881 Same; trust agreements to secure bonds; contents; expenses.

12-882 Same; moneys received deemed trust funds; trust agreements.

12-883 Same; enforcement of rights and performance of duties.

12-884 Same; annual report and financial statement; filing.

12-885 Municipal energy agencies for electricity and other energy; creation by two or more cities; purposes; liability for tortious acts.

12-886 Definitions.

12-887 Resolution providing for creation; protest petition.

12-888 Agreement creating; requirements, procedure.

12-889 Amendment of agreement creating.

12-890 Registered office; change in location.

12-891 Board of directors; membership; terms; vacancies.

12-892 Same; officers; general manager; personnel; resolutions governing business of agency.

12-893 Same; minutes, records, books of account; public inspection.

12-894 Same; compensation, expenses.

12-895 Powers.

12-896 Receipt and expenditures; application of budget and cash-basis laws; auditing procedures.

12-897 Limitations on direct sale of electricity.

12-898 No levy of taxes or issuance of general obligation bonds; revenue bonds obligation of agency only.

12-899 Revenue bonds; issuance; terms and conditions; form; interim receipts, temporary bonds; security; payment; issuance of additional bonds.

12-8,100 Same; investment in bonds issued; deposit for purposes authorized by law.

12-8,101 Same; not subject to general bond law; exempt from taxation; negotiable instruments.

12-8,102 Bond anticipation notes; issuance, renewal, terms, payment, amount.

12-8,103 Revenue bonds and notes; authorized terms of security agreement.

12-8,104 Same; mortgages and deeds of trust of property and franchises.

12-8,105 Officials, directors, members not liable on bonds or notes; purchase of insurance authorized.

12-8,106 Purchase and disposition of bonds and notes.

12-8,107 Refunding bonds authorized.

12-8,108 Addition of new member cities, procedure; boards of public utilities authorized to participate.

12-8,109 Contracts by member cities with agency for purchase of energy, planning and other services.

12-8,111 Municipal energy agencies not subject to commission jurisdiction; conditions; exceptions; requirements for certificates of public convenience; jurisdiction of corporation commission.

12-8,112 Acquisition of gas distribution systems by certain cities; resolution; definition of "gas distribution system"; issuance of bonds; jurisdiction of corporation commission.