Iowa Code
Chapter 92 - CHILD LABOR
Section 92.12 - Migrant labor permits.

92.12 Migrant labor permits.
1. Every person, firm, or corporation employing migrant laborers shall obtain and keep on file, accessible to any officer charged with the enforcement of this chapter, a work permit.
2. Work permits for migrant workers shall be issued by the labor commissioner upon application of the parent or head of the migrant family. The application shall include documentation of proof of age as described in section 92.11, subsection 2.
3. One copy of the permit issued shall be given to the employer to be kept on file for the length of employment and upon termination of employment shall be returned to the labor commissioner. The blank forms for the application for a work permit for migratory workers and the work permit for migratory workers shall be formulated by the commissioner .
[SS15, §2477-d; C24, 27, 31, 35, 39, §1530, 1531; C46, 50, 54, 58, 62, 66, §92.5, 92.6; C71, 73, 75, 77, 79, 81, §92.12]
96 Acts, ch 1186, §23; 2010 Acts, ch 1015, §8; 2015 Acts, ch 95, §4, 10
Referred to in §92.15