8B.22 Digital government.
1. The office is responsible for initiating and supporting the development of electronic commerce, electronic government, mobile applications, and internet applications across participating agencies and in cooperation with other governmental entities.
2. In developing the concept of digital government, the office shall do all of the following:
a. Establish standards, consistent with other state law, for the implementation of electronic commerce, including standards for electronic signatures, electronic currency, and other items associated with electronic commerce.
b. Establish guidelines for the appearance and functioning of applications.
c. Establish standards for the integration of electronic data across state agencies.
d. Foster joint development of electronic commerce and electronic government involving the public and private sectors.
e. Develop customer surveys and citizen outreach and education programs and material, and provide for citizen input regarding the state’s electronic commerce and electronic government applications.
f. Assist participating agencies in converting printed government materials to electronic materials which can be accessed through an internet searchable database.
g. Encourage participating agencies to utilize duplex printing and a print on demand strategy to reduce printing costs, publication overruns, excessive inventory, and obsolete printed materials.
2013 Acts, ch 129, §19
Structure Iowa Code
Section 8B.2 - Office created — chief information officer appointed.
Section 8B.3 - Office — purpose — mission.
Section 8B.4 - Powers and duties of the chief information officer.
Section 8B.4A - Background checks.
Section 8B.5 - Prohibited interests — penalty.
Section 8B.6 - Acceptance of funds.
Section 8B.8 - Technology advisory council.
Section 8B.9 - Reports required.
Section 8B.10 - Targeted service areas — determination — criteria.
Section 8B.11 - Empower rural Iowa — broadband grants — fund.
Section 8B.12 - Services to governmental entities and nonprofit organizations.
Section 8B.13 - Office internal service funds.
Section 8B.15 - Billing — credit card payments.
Section 8B.16 - Office debts and liabilities — appropriation request.
Section 8B.21 - Information technology services — office powers and duties — responsibilities.
Section 8B.22 - Digital government.
Section 8B.23 - Information technology standards.
Section 8B.24 - Procurement of information technology.
Section 8B.25 - Fiberoptic network conduit installation program.
Section 8B.26 - Broadband permitting process — expeditious response.
Section 8B.31 - IowAccess — office duties and responsibilities.