Iowa Code
Chapter 533 - CREDIT UNIONS
Section 533.329 - Taxation.

533.329 Taxation.
1. A state credit union shall be deemed an institution for savings and is subject to taxation only as to its real estate and moneys and credits. The shares shall not be taxed.
2. a. The moneys and credits tax on state credit unions is imposed at a rate of one-half cent on each dollar of the legal and special reserves that are required to be maintained by the state credit union under section 533.303. However, an exemption shall be given to each state credit union in the amount of forty thousand dollars.
b. The moneys and credits tax shall be collected by the department of revenue and shall be apportioned twenty percent to the county, thirty percent to the city general fund, and fifty percent to the general fund of the state, and the amount collected in each taxing district outside of cities shall be apportioned fifty percent to the county and fifty percent to the general fund of the state.
c. The moneys and credits tax imposed under this section shall be reduced by a tax credit authorized pursuant to section 15.331C for certain sales taxes paid by a third-party developer.
d. The moneys and credits tax imposed under this section shall be reduced by an investment tax credit authorized pursuant to section 15.333.
e. The moneys and credits tax imposed under this section shall be reduced by an investment tax credit authorized pursuant to section 15E.43.
f. The moneys and credits tax imposed under this section shall be reduced by an Iowa fund of funds tax credit authorized pursuant to section 15E.66.
g. The moneys and credits tax imposed under this section shall be reduced by an endow Iowa tax credit authorized pursuant to section 15E.305.
h. The moneys and credits tax imposed under this section shall be reduced by a redevelopment tax credit allowed under chapter 15, subchapter II, part 9.
i. The moneys and credits tax imposed under this section shall be reduced by an innovation fund investment tax credit allowed under section 15E.52.
j. The moneys and credits tax imposed under this section shall be reduced by a workforce housing investment tax credit allowed under section 15.355, subsection 3.
k. The moneys and credits tax imposed under this section shall be reduced by a solar energy system tax credit allowed under section 422.11L.
l. The moneys and credits tax imposed under this section shall be reduced by a Hoover presidential library tax credit allowed under section 15E.364.
3. Returns shall be in the form the director of revenue prescribes, and shall be filed with the department of revenue on or before the last day of the fourth month after the expiration of the tax year. The moneys and credits tax is due and payable on the last day of the fourth month after the expiration of the tax year.
4. The department of revenue shall administer and enforce the provisions of this section, and except as explicitly provided in this section or another provision of law, shall apply all applicable penalty, interest, and administrative provisions of chapters 421 and 422 as nearly as possible in administering and enforcing the moneys and credits tax imposed by this section.
2007 Acts, ch 162, §12, 13; 2007 Acts, ch 174, §60, 99; 2008 Acts, ch 1173, §12; 2008 Acts, ch 1191, §165; 2009 Acts, ch 179, §40; 2010 Acts, ch 1138, §14, 16, 24, 26; 2011 Acts, ch 130, §45, 47, 71; 2012 Acts, ch 1136, §37, 39 – 41; 2014 Acts, ch 1130, §23 – 26; 2015 Acts, ch 124, §8, 9, 10; 2018 Acts, ch 1172, §83 – 85; 2019 Acts, ch 152, §70; 2020 Acts, ch 1118, §28, 29; 2021 Acts, ch 176, §6
Referred to in §15.293A, 15.333, 15.355, 15E.43, 15E.44, 15E.52, 15E.62, 15E.305, 15E.364, 331.427, 421.6, 421.60
Subsection 2, NEW paragraph l

Structure Iowa Code

Iowa Code


Chapter 533 - CREDIT UNIONS

Section 533.101 - Title.

Section 533.102 - Definitions.

Section 533.103 - Credit union division created.

Section 533.104 - Superintendent.

Section 533.105 - Deputy superintendent.

Section 533.106 - Employees.

Section 533.106A - Background investigations.

Section 533.107 - Credit union review board.

Section 533.108 - Records of credit union division.

Section 533.109 - Insurance and surety bond.

Section 533.110 - Reimbursement of expenses.

Section 533.111 - Expenses of the credit union division.

Section 533.112 - Annual and individual fees — examination fees — delinquencies.

Section 533.113 - Examinations.

Section 533.113A - Meetings of the board called by superintendent.

Section 533.114 - Annual report of superintendent.

Section 533.115 - Reciprocity.

Section 533.115A - Conducting business outside of state.

Section 533.116 - Enforcement of Iowa consumer credit code.

Section 533.117 - Small loans legislation.

Section 533.118 - Reserved.

Section 533.119 - Reserved.

Section 533.120 - Reserved.

Section 533.121 - Reserved.

Section 533.122 - Reserved.

Section 533.123 - Reserved.

Section 533.124 - Reserved.

Section 533.125 - Reserved.

Section 533.126 - Reserved.

Section 533.127 - Reserved.

Section 533.128 - Reserved.

Section 533.129 - Reserved.

Section 533.130 - Reserved.

Section 533.131 - Reserved.

Section 533.132 - Reserved.

Section 533.133 - Reserved.

Section 533.134 - Reserved.

Section 533.135 - Reserved.

Section 533.136 - Reserved.

Section 533.137 - Reserved.

Section 533.138 - Reserved.

Section 533.139 - Reserved.

Section 533.140 - Reserved.

Section 533.141 - Reserved.

Section 533.142 - Reserved.

Section 533.143 - Reserved.

Section 533.144 - Reserved.

Section 533.145 - Reserved.

Section 533.146 - Reserved.

Section 533.147 - Reserved.

Section 533.148 - Reserved.

Section 533.149 - Reserved.

Section 533.150 - Reserved.

Section 533.151 - Reserved.

Section 533.152 - Reserved.

Section 533.153 - Reserved.

Section 533.154 - Reserved.

Section 533.155 - Reserved.

Section 533.156 - Reserved.

Section 533.157 - Reserved.

Section 533.158 - Reserved.

Section 533.159 - Reserved.

Section 533.160 - Reserved.

Section 533.161 - Reserved.

Section 533.162 - Reserved.

Section 533.163 - Reserved.

Section 533.164 - Reserved.

Section 533.165 - Reserved.

Section 533.166 - Reserved.

Section 533.167 - Reserved.

Section 533.168 - Reserved.

Section 533.169 - Reserved.

Section 533.170 - Reserved.

Section 533.171 - Reserved.

Section 533.172 - Reserved.

Section 533.173 - Reserved.

Section 533.174 - Reserved.

Section 533.175 - Reserved.

Section 533.176 - Reserved.

Section 533.177 - Reserved.

Section 533.178 - Reserved.

Section 533.179 - Reserved.

Section 533.180 - Reserved.

Section 533.181 - Reserved.

Section 533.182 - Reserved.

Section 533.183 - Reserved.

Section 533.184 - Reserved.

Section 533.185 - Reserved.

Section 533.186 - Reserved.

Section 533.187 - Reserved.

Section 533.188 - Reserved.

Section 533.189 - Reserved.

Section 533.190 - Reserved.

Section 533.191 - Reserved.

Section 533.192 - Reserved.

Section 533.193 - Reserved.

Section 533.194 - Reserved.

Section 533.195 - Reserved.

Section 533.196 - Reserved.

Section 533.197 - Reserved.

Section 533.198 - Reserved.

Section 533.199 - Reserved.

Section 533.200 - Reserved.

Section 533.201 - Organization.

Section 533.201A - Change in place of business.

Section 533.202 - Common bond — membership — ownership share.

Section 533.203 - Fiscal year — membership meetings — voting by membership — notice.

Section 533.203A - Vote to modify, amend, or reverse act of board of directors — instruction to take action.

Section 533.204 - Election of board.

Section 533.205 - Board of directors — duties — penalties.

Section 533.206 - Meetings of the board.

Section 533.207 - Credit committee.

Section 533.208 - Auditing committee.

Section 533.209 - Conflicts of interest.

Section 533.209A - Prohibited relationships.

Section 533.210 - Expulsion or withdrawal of credit union member.

Section 533.211 - Suspension or restriction of services.

Section 533.212 - Use of name “credit union” requirements — restrictions — exceptions.

Section 533.213 - Corporate central credit union.

Section 533.214 - Central credit unions.

Section 533.215 - Reserved.

Section 533.216 - Reserved.

Section 533.217 - Reserved.

Section 533.218 - Reserved.

Section 533.219 - Reserved.

Section 533.220 - Reserved.

Section 533.221 - Reserved.

Section 533.222 - Reserved.

Section 533.223 - Reserved.

Section 533.224 - Reserved.

Section 533.225 - Reserved.

Section 533.226 - Reserved.

Section 533.227 - Reserved.

Section 533.228 - Reserved.

Section 533.229 - Reserved.

Section 533.230 - Reserved.

Section 533.231 - Reserved.

Section 533.232 - Reserved.

Section 533.233 - Reserved.

Section 533.234 - Reserved.

Section 533.235 - Reserved.

Section 533.236 - Reserved.

Section 533.237 - Reserved.

Section 533.238 - Reserved.

Section 533.239 - Reserved.

Section 533.240 - Reserved.

Section 533.241 - Reserved.

Section 533.242 - Reserved.

Section 533.243 - Reserved.

Section 533.244 - Reserved.

Section 533.245 - Reserved.

Section 533.246 - Reserved.

Section 533.247 - Reserved.

Section 533.248 - Reserved.

Section 533.249 - Reserved.

Section 533.250 - Reserved.

Section 533.251 - Reserved.

Section 533.252 - Reserved.

Section 533.253 - Reserved.

Section 533.254 - Reserved.

Section 533.255 - Reserved.

Section 533.256 - Reserved.

Section 533.257 - Reserved.

Section 533.258 - Reserved.

Section 533.259 - Reserved.

Section 533.260 - Reserved.

Section 533.261 - Reserved.

Section 533.262 - Reserved.

Section 533.263 - Reserved.

Section 533.264 - Reserved.

Section 533.265 - Reserved.

Section 533.266 - Reserved.

Section 533.267 - Reserved.

Section 533.268 - Reserved.

Section 533.269 - Reserved.

Section 533.270 - Reserved.

Section 533.271 - Reserved.

Section 533.272 - Reserved.

Section 533.273 - Reserved.

Section 533.274 - Reserved.

Section 533.275 - Reserved.

Section 533.276 - Reserved.

Section 533.277 - Reserved.

Section 533.278 - Reserved.

Section 533.279 - Reserved.

Section 533.280 - Reserved.

Section 533.281 - Reserved.

Section 533.282 - Reserved.

Section 533.283 - Reserved.

Section 533.284 - Reserved.

Section 533.285 - Reserved.

Section 533.286 - Reserved.

Section 533.287 - Reserved.

Section 533.288 - Reserved.

Section 533.289 - Reserved.

Section 533.290 - Reserved.

Section 533.291 - Reserved.

Section 533.292 - Reserved.

Section 533.293 - Reserved.

Section 533.294 - Reserved.

Section 533.295 - Reserved.

Section 533.296 - Reserved.

Section 533.297 - Reserved.

Section 533.298 - Reserved.

Section 533.299 - Reserved.

Section 533.300 - Reserved.

Section 533.301 - Powers.

Section 533.302 - Capital.

Section 533.303 - Reserves.

Section 533.304 - Investment in certain shares or equity interests.

Section 533.305 - Investment in banks or savings banks — required findings.

Section 533.306 - Power to borrow.

Section 533.307 - Account insurance.

Section 533.308 - Fidelity bond and general insurance coverage.

Section 533.309 - Share accounts.

Section 533.310 - Deposits in the names of two or more individuals.

Section 533.311 - Acceptance of deposits and investments while insolvent.

Section 533.312 - Dividends and interest.

Section 533.313 - Share drafts.

Section 533.314 - Payment of share drafts during dissolution.

Section 533.315 - Loans.

Section 533.316 - Interest rates.

Section 533.317 - Authority to lease safe deposit boxes.

Section 533.318 - Safe deposit box access.

Section 533.319 - Adverse claims to property in safe deposit and safekeeping.

Section 533.320 - Remedies and proceedings for nonpayment of rent on safe deposit box.

Section 533.321 - Authority to receive property for safekeeping.

Section 533.322 - Preservation of records.

Section 533.323 - Photographic records.

Section 533.324 - Preservation of records — statute of limitations.

Section 533.325 - Confidentiality of state credit union information.

Section 533.326 - Governmental employees.

Section 533.327 - Change in place of business.

Section 533.328 - Conducting business outside of state.

Section 533.329 - Taxation.

Section 533.330 - Reports.

Section 533.331 - Data breach — duty to notify.

Section 533.332 - Reserved.

Section 533.333 - Reserved.

Section 533.334 - Reserved.

Section 533.335 - Reserved.

Section 533.336 - Reserved.

Section 533.337 - Reserved.

Section 533.338 - Reserved.

Section 533.339 - Reserved.

Section 533.340 - Reserved.

Section 533.341 - Reserved.

Section 533.342 - Reserved.

Section 533.343 - Reserved.

Section 533.344 - Reserved.

Section 533.345 - Reserved.

Section 533.346 - Reserved.

Section 533.347 - Reserved.

Section 533.348 - Reserved.

Section 533.349 - Reserved.

Section 533.350 - Reserved.

Section 533.351 - Reserved.

Section 533.352 - Reserved.

Section 533.353 - Reserved.

Section 533.354 - Reserved.

Section 533.355 - Reserved.

Section 533.356 - Reserved.

Section 533.357 - Reserved.

Section 533.358 - Reserved.

Section 533.359 - Reserved.

Section 533.360 - Reserved.

Section 533.361 - Reserved.

Section 533.362 - Reserved.

Section 533.363 - Reserved.

Section 533.364 - Reserved.

Section 533.365 - Reserved.

Section 533.366 - Reserved.

Section 533.367 - Reserved.

Section 533.368 - Reserved.

Section 533.369 - Reserved.

Section 533.370 - Reserved.

Section 533.371 - Reserved.

Section 533.372 - Reserved.

Section 533.373 - Reserved.

Section 533.374 - Reserved.

Section 533.375 - Reserved.

Section 533.376 - Reserved.

Section 533.377 - Reserved.

Section 533.378 - Reserved.

Section 533.379 - Reserved.

Section 533.380 - Reserved.

Section 533.381 - Reserved.

Section 533.382 - Reserved.

Section 533.383 - Reserved.

Section 533.384 - Reserved.

Section 533.385 - Reserved.

Section 533.386 - Reserved.

Section 533.387 - Reserved.

Section 533.388 - Reserved.

Section 533.389 - Reserved.

Section 533.390 - Reserved.

Section 533.391 - Reserved.

Section 533.392 - Reserved.

Section 533.393 - Reserved.

Section 533.394 - Reserved.

Section 533.395 - Reserved.

Section 533.396 - Reserved.

Section 533.397 - Reserved.

Section 533.398 - Reserved.

Section 533.399 - Reserved.

Section 533.400 - Reserved.

Section 533.401 - Merger.

Section 533.402 - Conversion of financial institution to state credit union.

Section 533.403 - Conversion of state credit union into federal credit union.

Section 533.404 - Dissolution generally.

Section 533.405 - Voluntary dissolution.

Section 533.405A - Involuntary dissolution.

Section 533.406 - State credit union merger, conversion, or dissolution.

Section 533.407 - Reserved.

Section 533.408 - Reserved.

Section 533.409 - Reserved.

Section 533.410 - Reserved.

Section 533.411 - Reserved.

Section 533.412 - Reserved.

Section 533.413 - Reserved.

Section 533.414 - Reserved.

Section 533.415 - Reserved.

Section 533.416 - Reserved.

Section 533.417 - Reserved.

Section 533.418 - Reserved.

Section 533.419 - Reserved.

Section 533.420 - Reserved.

Section 533.421 - Reserved.

Section 533.422 - Reserved.

Section 533.423 - Reserved.

Section 533.424 - Reserved.

Section 533.425 - Reserved.

Section 533.426 - Reserved.

Section 533.427 - Reserved.

Section 533.428 - Reserved.

Section 533.429 - Reserved.

Section 533.430 - Reserved.

Section 533.431 - Reserved.

Section 533.432 - Reserved.

Section 533.433 - Reserved.

Section 533.434 - Reserved.

Section 533.435 - Reserved.

Section 533.436 - Reserved.

Section 533.437 - Reserved.

Section 533.438 - Reserved.

Section 533.439 - Reserved.

Section 533.440 - Reserved.

Section 533.441 - Reserved.

Section 533.442 - Reserved.

Section 533.443 - Reserved.

Section 533.444 - Reserved.

Section 533.445 - Reserved.

Section 533.446 - Reserved.

Section 533.447 - Reserved.

Section 533.448 - Reserved.

Section 533.449 - Reserved.

Section 533.450 - Reserved.

Section 533.451 - Reserved.

Section 533.452 - Reserved.

Section 533.453 - Reserved.

Section 533.454 - Reserved.

Section 533.455 - Reserved.

Section 533.456 - Reserved.

Section 533.457 - Reserved.

Section 533.458 - Reserved.

Section 533.459 - Reserved.

Section 533.460 - Reserved.

Section 533.461 - Reserved.

Section 533.462 - Reserved.

Section 533.463 - Reserved.

Section 533.464 - Reserved.

Section 533.465 - Reserved.

Section 533.466 - Reserved.

Section 533.467 - Reserved.

Section 533.468 - Reserved.

Section 533.469 - Reserved.

Section 533.470 - Reserved.

Section 533.471 - Reserved.

Section 533.472 - Reserved.

Section 533.473 - Reserved.

Section 533.474 - Reserved.

Section 533.475 - Reserved.

Section 533.476 - Reserved.

Section 533.477 - Reserved.

Section 533.478 - Reserved.

Section 533.479 - Reserved.

Section 533.480 - Reserved.

Section 533.481 - Reserved.

Section 533.482 - Reserved.

Section 533.483 - Reserved.

Section 533.484 - Reserved.

Section 533.485 - Reserved.

Section 533.486 - Reserved.

Section 533.487 - Reserved.

Section 533.488 - Reserved.

Section 533.489 - Reserved.

Section 533.490 - Reserved.

Section 533.491 - Reserved.

Section 533.492 - Reserved.

Section 533.493 - Reserved.

Section 533.494 - Reserved.

Section 533.495 - Reserved.

Section 533.496 - Reserved.

Section 533.497 - Reserved.

Section 533.498 - Reserved.

Section 533.499 - Reserved.

Section 533.500 - Reserved.

Section 533.501 - Supervisory action.

Section 533.502 - Grounds for management of state credit union by superintendent.

Section 533.503 - Superintendent as receiver.

Section 533.504 - Tender of receivership to insurance plan.

Section 533.505 - Subpoena — contempt.

Section 533.506 - Limitation of actions.

Section 533.507 - False statements for credit — fraudulent practice.

Section 533.508 - False statements — penalties.

Section 533.509 - Penalty for falsification.

Section 533.510 - Submissions to credit union division — good faith requirement.