Iowa Code
Section 48A.36 - Electronic registration record retention in voter registration agencies.

48A.36 Electronic registration record retention in voter registration agencies.
1. Voter registration agencies and the office of driver services of the state department of transportation may electronically transmit registration data to the state registrar of voters, who shall distribute the information, electronically or otherwise, to the appropriate commissioner in accordance with rules of the state voter registration commission and the state registrar of voters. The state agency originating the registration data shall permanently retain an electronic copy of the form completed by the registrant, including the registrant’s signature, and shall develop procedures for the retrieval and printing of that electronic document. A printed copy of an electronic registration document shall be made only upon the agency’s receipt of a court order.
2. Upon receipt of electronic registration data under subsection 1, the state registrar of voters shall cause the updating of registration records. The registrar shall notify the appropriate commissioner of the actions taken.
94 Acts, ch 1169, §37; 2004 Acts, ch 1083, §17, 37

Structure Iowa Code

Iowa Code



Section 48A.1 - Statement of intent.

Section 48A.2 - Definitions.

Section 48A.3 - Commissioner of registration.

Section 48A.4 - Qualification of officers.

Section 48A.5 - Voter qualifications.

Section 48A.5A - Determination of residence.

Section 48A.6 - Disqualified persons.

Section 48A.7 - Registration in person.

Section 48A.7A - Election day and in-person absentee registration.

Section 48A.8 - Registration by mail.

Section 48A.9 - Voter registration deadlines.

Section 48A.10 - Registration required.

Section 48A.10A - Voter identification cards — verification of voter registration information.

Section 48A.11 - Voter registration form.

Section 48A.12 - Federal mail voter registration form.

Section 48A.13 - Electronic signatures on voter registration records.

Section 48A.14 - Challenges of voter registrations.

Section 48A.15 - Commissioner’s action upon receipt of challenge or withdrawal.

Section 48A.16 - Hearing on challenge — appeal.

Section 48A.17 - Registration at commissioner’s office.

Section 48A.18 - Voter registration at motor vehicle driver’s license stations.

Section 48A.19 - Voter registration agencies.

Section 48A.20 - Prohibited acts by voter registration agency employees.

Section 48A.21 - Transmission of forms from agencies and driver’s license stations.

Section 48A.22 - Voter registration by volunteer organizations.

Section 48A.23 - Registration at educational institutions.

Section 48A.24 - Deadline for submitting voter registration forms.

Section 48A.25 - Compensation for assistance in completing registration forms.

Section 48A.25A - Verification of voter registration information.

Section 48A.26 - Acknowledgment of registration form.

Section 48A.26A - Acknowledgment of election day and in-person absentee registration form.

Section 48A.26B - Form of acknowledgment.

Section 48A.27 - Changes to voter registration records.

Section 48A.27A - Voting more than once — referral and examination.

Section 48A.28 - Systematic confirmation program.

Section 48A.29 - Procedure upon return of confirmation card.

Section 48A.30 - Cancellation of voter registration.

Section 48A.31 - Deceased persons record.

Section 48A.32 - Destruction or removal of canceled voter registration records.

Section 48A.33 - Declination of registration opportunity.

Section 48A.34 - Confidentiality of certain records.

Section 48A.35 - Voter registration records under control of the commissioner.

Section 48A.36 - Electronic registration record retention in voter registration agencies.

Section 48A.37 - Electronic registration records.

Section 48A.38 - Lists of voters.

Section 48A.39 - Use of registration information.

Section 48A.40 - Voter list maintenance reports.

Section 48A.41 - Voter registration maintenance audits — investigations.