Iowa Code
Section 476.84 - Water, sanitary sewer, and storm water utilities — acquisitions — advance ratemaking.

476.84 Water, sanitary sewer, and storm water utilities — acquisitions — advance ratemaking.
1. This section applies to the acquisition of water, sanitary sewer, and storm water utilities by rate-regulated public utilities. This section does not apply to the acquisition of such utilities by non-rate-regulated entities described in section 476.1, subsection 4.
2. a. A public utility shall not acquire, in whole or in part, a water, sanitary sewer, or storm water utility with a fair market value of five hundred thousand dollars or more from a non-rate-regulated entity described in section 476.1, subsection 4, unless the board first approves the acquisition. In addition, if the utility to be acquired is a city utility, then the public utility shall not acquire the city utility until the city has first met the requirements of section 388.2A.
b. If a water, sanitary sewer, or storm water utility that is the subject of an acquisition meets the requirements of paragraph “a”, then the acquiring public utility may apply to the board, prior to the completion of the acquisition, for advance approval of a proposed initial tariff for providing service to customers of the acquired utility.
c. As part of its review of the proposed acquisition, the board shall specify in advance, by order issued after a contested case proceeding, the ratemaking principles that will apply when the costs of the acquired utility are included in regulated rates. The lesser of the sale price or the fair market value of the acquired utility as established pursuant to section 388.2A, subsection 2, shall be used in determining the applicable ratemaking principles. In determining the applicable ratemaking principles, the board shall not be limited to traditional ratemaking principles or traditional cost recovery mechanisms. Among the principles and mechanisms the board may consider, the board has the authority to approve ratemaking principles that provide for reasonable restrictions upon the ability of the public utility to seek an increase in specified regulated rates for a period of time after the acquisition takes place.
d. In determining the applicable ratemaking principles, the board shall find that the proposed acquisition will result in just and reasonable rates to all customers of the public utility, including but not limited to existing customers of the public utility. In making this finding, the board may consider any factor it reasonably concludes may affect future rates, including but not limited to the price paid for the acquired utility and the projected cost of reasonable and prudent changes to the acquired utility in order to provide adequate services and facilities to customers. The board shall consider whether there are ratemaking principles that will result in just and reasonable rates to all customers in determining whether to approve or disapprove a proposed acquisition.
e. If the acquisition involves a utility that is an at-risk system as defined in section 455B.199D, the board shall issue a final order on an application for approval of the acquisition within one hundred eighty days of the filing date of the application.
f. Upon the approval of a proposal for acquisition by board order, the parties subject to the acquisition shall have the option of either proceeding with such acquisition or not, subject to any termination provisions contained in the acquisition agreement.
g. Notwithstanding any provision of this chapter to the contrary, the ratemaking principles established by the board pursuant to this section shall be binding with regard to the acquired utility in any subsequent rate proceeding.
2018 Acts, ch 1024, §3; 2020 Acts, ch 1095, §2

Structure Iowa Code

Iowa Code



Section 476.1 - Applicability of authority.

Section 476.1A - Applicability of authority — certain electric utilities.

Section 476.1B - Applicability of authority — municipally owned utilities.

Section 476.1C - Applicability of authority — certain gas utilities.

Section 476.1D - Regulation and deregulation of communications services.

Section 476.2 - Board powers and rules — utility’s Iowa office.

Section 476.3 - Complaints — investigation — refunds.

Section 476.4 - Tariffs filed.

Section 476.4A - Exemption from tariff filings for telephone utilities.

Section 476.5 - Adherence to schedules.

Section 476.6 - Changes in rates, charges, schedules, and regulations — supply and cost review — water costs for fire protection — energy efficiency.

Section 476.6A - Alternate energy production facilities — notification requirements.

Section 476.7 - Application by utility for review.

Section 476.8 - Utility charges and service.

Section 476.9 - Accounts rendered to board.

Section 476.10 - Investigations — expense — appropriation.

Section 476.10A - Funding for Iowa energy center and center for global and regional environmental research.

Section 476.10B - Energy-efficient building.

Section 476.11 - Telephone toll connections.

Section 476.12 - Rehearings before board.

Section 476.13 - Judicial review.

Section 476.14 - Violations stopped.

Section 476.15 - Extent of jurisdiction.

Section 476.16 - Annual report.

Section 476.17 - Peak-load energy conservation.

Section 476.18 - Impermissible charges.

Section 476.19 - Construction of statutes.

Section 476.20 - Disconnection limited — notice — moratorium — deposits.

Section 476.21 - Discrimination prohibited.

Section 476.22 - Definition.

Section 476.23 - Electric service conflicts — certificates of authority.

Section 476.24 - Electric utility service area maps.

Section 476.25 - Assigned service areas — electric utilities — legislative policy.

Section 476.26 - Effect of incorporation, annexation, or consolidation.

Section 476.27 - Public utility crossing — railroad rights-of-way.

Section 476.29 - Certificates for providing local telecommunications services.

Section 476.31 - Continuing audit of operation.

Section 476.32 - Review of annual reports.

Section 476.33 - Rules governing hearings.

Section 476.41 - Purpose.

Section 476.42 - Definitions.

Section 476.43 - Rates for alternate energy production facilities.

Section 476.44 - Exceptions.

Section 476.44A - Trading of credits.

Section 476.45 - Exemption from excess capacity.

Section 476.46 - Alternate energy revolving loan program.

Section 476.46A - Energy infrastructure revolving loan program.

Section 476.47 - Alternate energy purchase programs.

Section 476.48 - Small wind innovation zone program.

Section 476.49 - Billing methods for distributed generation customers.

Section 476.51 - Civil penalty.

Section 476.52 - Management efficiency.

Section 476.53 - Electric generating and transmission facilities.

Section 476.53A - Renewable electric power generation.

Section 476.54 - Delayed payment charges.

Section 476.55 - Complaint of antitrust activities.

Section 476.56 - Energy costs provided.

Section 476.57 - Limitations on use of ADAD equipment — penalty.

Section 476.58 - Safety of distributed generation facilities — disconnection device required — rules.

Section 476.62 - Energy-efficient lighting required.

Section 476.63 - Energy efficiency programs.

Section 476.65 - Energy audits.

Section 476.66 - Customer contribution fund.

Section 476.71 - Purpose.

Section 476.72 - Definitions.

Section 476.73 - Affiliate records.

Section 476.74 - Affiliate information required to be filed.

Section 476.75 - Audits required.

Section 476.76 - Reorganization defined.

Section 476.77 - Time and standards for review.

Section 476.78 - Cross-subsidization prohibited.

Section 476.79 - Provision of nonutility service.

Section 476.80 - Additional requirements.

Section 476.81 - Audit required.

Section 476.82 - Exemption — energy efficiency.

Section 476.83 - Complaints.

Section 476.84 - Water, sanitary sewer, and storm water utilities — acquisitions — advance ratemaking.

Section 476.86 - Definitions.

Section 476.87 - Certification of competitive natural gas providers.

Section 476.91 - Alternative operator services.

Section 476.95 - Internet protocol-enabled service and voice over internet protocol service — regulation.

Section 476.95A - Annual registration for telecommunications service providers.

Section 476.95B - Applicability of authority.

Section 476.96 - Definitions.

Section 476.97 - Price regulation.

Section 476.98 - Earnings calculation and report.

Section 476.99 - Additional price regulation plan provisions.

Section 476.100 - Prohibited acts.

Section 476.101 - Local exchange competition.

Section 476.102 - Universal service.

Section 476.103 - Unauthorized change in service — civil penalty.

Section 476.104 - Severability.