Iowa Code
Section 468.34 - Advertisement for bids.

468.34 Advertisement for bids.
The board shall publish notice once each week for two consecutive weeks in a newspaper published in the county where the improvement is located, and publish additional advertisement and publication elsewhere as the board may direct. The notice shall state the time and place of letting the work of construction of the improvement, specifying the approximate amount of work to be done in each numbered section of the district, the time fixed for the commencement, and the time of the completion of the work, that bids will be received on the entire work and in sections or divisions of it, and that a bidder will be required to deposit a bid security with the county auditor as provided in section 468.35. All notices shall set the date that bids will be received and upon which the work will be let. However, when the estimated cost of the improvement is less than the adjusted competitive bid threshold, the board may let the contract for the construction without taking bids and without publishing notice.
[C73, §1212; C97, §1944; S13, §1944; SS15, §1989-a8; C24, 27, 31, 35, 39, §7459; C46, 50, 54, 58, 62, 66, 71, 73, 75, 77, 79, 81, §455.40]
84 Acts, ch 1055, §10; 84 Acts, ch 1189, §1; 89 Acts, ch 126, §2
CS89, §468.34
94 Acts, ch 1051, §2; 2006 Acts, ch 1056, §1; 2010 Acts, ch 1091, §1, 4; 2014 Acts, ch 1075, §12; 2015 Acts, ch 51, §5

Structure Iowa Code

Iowa Code



Section 468.1 - Jurisdiction to establish.

Section 468.2 - Presumption and construction of laws.

Section 468.3 - Definitions.

Section 468.4 - General rule for location.

Section 468.5 - Location across railroad.

Section 468.6 - Number of petitioners required.

Section 468.7 - Request by nonpetitioners.

Section 468.8 - Petition.

Section 468.9 - Bond.

Section 468.10 - Engineer.

Section 468.11 - Survey.

Section 468.12 - Report.

Section 468.13 - Procedure on report — classification.

Section 468.14 - Notice of hearing.

Section 468.15 - Service by publication — copy mailed — proof.

Section 468.16 - Service on agent.

Section 468.17 - Personal service.

Section 468.17A - Unofficial notice by electronic mail.

Section 468.18 - Waiver of notice.

Section 468.19 - Waiver of objections and damages.

Section 468.20 - Adjournment for service — jurisdiction retained.

Section 468.21 - Hearing of petition — dismissal.

Section 468.22 - Establishment — further investigation.

Section 468.23 - Settling basins — purchase or lease of lands.

Section 468.24 - Appraisers.

Section 468.25 - Assessment — report — adjournment — other appraisers.

Section 468.26 - Award by board.

Section 468.27 - Dismissal or establishment — permanent easement.

Section 468.28 - Dismissal on remonstrance.

Section 468.29 - Dissolution.

Section 468.30 - Permanent survey, plat, and profile.

Section 468.31 - Paying or securing damages.

Section 468.32 - Division of improvement.

Section 468.33 - Supervising engineer — bond.

Section 468.34 - Advertisement for bids.

Section 468.35 - Bids — letting of work.

Section 468.36 - Performance bond — return of deposit.

Section 468.37 - Contracts.

Section 468.38 - Commissioners to classify and assess.

Section 468.39 - Duties — time for performance — scale of benefits.

Section 468.40 - Rules of classification.

Section 468.41 - Assessment for lateral ditches — reclassification of benefited lands.

Section 468.42 - Railroad property — collection.

Section 468.43 - Public highways and state-owned lands.

Section 468.44 - Report of commissioners.

Section 468.45 - Notice of hearing.

Section 468.46 - Hearing and determination.

Section 468.47 - Evidence — conclusive presumption.

Section 468.48 - Notice of increased assessment.

Section 468.49 - Classification as basis for future assessments.

Section 468.50 - Levy — interest.

Section 468.51 - Lien of tax.

Section 468.52 - Levy for deficiency.

Section 468.53 - Record of drainage taxes.

Section 468.54 - Funds — disbursement — interest.

Section 468.55 - Assessments — maturity and collection.

Section 468.56 - Payment of assessments.

Section 468.57 - Installment payments — waiver.

Section 468.58 - Installment payments after appeal.

Section 468.59 - Notice of half and full completion.

Section 468.60 - Lien of deferred installments.

Section 468.61 - Surplus funds — application of.

Section 468.62 - Change of conditions — modification of plan.

Section 468.63 - Drainage subdistrict.

Section 468.64 - Presumption — jurisdiction.

Section 468.65 - Reclassification.

Section 468.66 - Bids required.

Section 468.67 - Procedure governing reclassification.

Section 468.68 - Drainage warrants received for assessments.

Section 468.69 - Bonds received for assessments.

Section 468.70 - Installment assessments — interest-bearing warrants — improvement certificates.

Section 468.71 - Form, negotiability, and effect.

Section 468.72 - Interest — place of payment.

Section 468.73 - Sale at par — right to pay.

Section 468.74 - Drainage bonds.

Section 468.75 - Form.

Section 468.76 - Amount — interest — maturity.

Section 468.77 - Maturity — interest — highway benefits.

Section 468.78 - Sale or application at par — premium.

Section 468.79 - Deficiency levy — additional bonds.

Section 468.80 - Funding or refunding indebtedness.

Section 468.81 - Record of bonds.

Section 468.82 - Payment.

Section 468.83 - Appeals.

Section 468.84 - Time and manner.

Section 468.85 - Transcript.

Section 468.86 - Petition — docket fee — waiver — dismissal.

Section 468.87 - Pleadings on appeal.

Section 468.88 - Proper parties — employment of counsel.

Section 468.89 - Plaintiffs and defendants.

Section 468.90 - Right of board and district to sue.

Section 468.91 - Trial on appeal — consolidation.

Section 468.92 - Conclusive presumption on appeal.

Section 468.93 - Order as to damages — duty of clerk.

Section 468.94 - Costs.

Section 468.95 - Decree as to establishing district or including lands.

Section 468.96 - Appeal as exclusive remedy — nonappellants.

Section 468.97 - Reversal by court — rescission by board.

Section 468.98 - Setting aside establishment — procedure.

Section 468.99 - Reassessment to cure illegality.

Section 468.100 - Monthly estimate — payment.

Section 468.101 - Completion of work — report — notice.

Section 468.102 - Objections.

Section 468.103 - Final settlement — claims for damages.

Section 468.104 - Abandonment of work.

Section 468.105 - New contract — suit on bond.

Section 468.106 - Construction on or along highway.

Section 468.107 - Establishment of highways.

Section 468.108 - Bridges.

Section 468.109 - Construction across railroad.

Section 468.110 - Duty to construct.

Section 468.111 - Bridges at natural waterway — costs.

Section 468.112 - Construction when company refuses.

Section 468.113 - Cost of construction across railway.

Section 468.114 - Passing drainage equipment across railway.

Section 468.115 - Passage across other public utilities.

Section 468.116 - Failure to comply.

Section 468.117 - Expenses attending passage.

Section 468.118 - Abandoned right-of-way.

Section 468.119 - Annexation of additional lands.

Section 468.120 - Proceedings on report.

Section 468.121 - Levy on annexed lands.

Section 468.122 - Use of former and abandoned surveys.

Section 468.123 - Unsuccessful procedure — reestablishment.

Section 468.124 - New district including old district.

Section 468.125 - Credit for old improvement.

Section 468.126 - Repairs and improvements.

Section 468.127 - Payment.

Section 468.128 - Impounding areas and erosion control devices.

Section 468.129 - Revenues used for operation, maintenance, and construction.

Section 468.130 - City may discharge treated sewage.

Section 468.131 - Reclassification required.

Section 468.132 - Improvement of common outlet — notice of hearing.

Section 468.133 - Commissioners to apportion benefits — interest prohibited.

Section 468.134 - Time of report — notice of hearing.

Section 468.135 - Report and review — appeal.

Section 468.136 - Levy under original classification.

Section 468.137 - Levy under reclassification.

Section 468.138 - Removal of obstructions.

Section 468.139 - Trees and hedges.

Section 468.140 - Outlet for lateral drains — specifications.

Section 468.141 - Subdistricts in intercounty districts.

Section 468.142 - District by mutual agreement — presumption.

Section 468.143 - What the agreement shall contain.

Section 468.144 - Board to establish.

Section 468.145 - Procedure.

Section 468.146 - Outlet in adjoining county or in another state.

Section 468.147 - Tax.

Section 468.148 - Injuring or diverting — damages.

Section 468.149 - Obstructing or damaging.

Section 468.150 - Nuisance — abatement.

Section 468.151 - Actions — settlement — counsel.

Section 468.152 - Waste banks — private use.

Section 468.153 - Preliminary expenses — how paid.

Section 468.154 - Additional help for auditor.

Section 468.155 - Employment of counsel.

Section 468.156 - Compensation of appraisers.

Section 468.157 - Payment.

Section 468.158 - Purchase at tax sale.

Section 468.159 - Tax deed — sale or lease.

Section 468.160 - Purchase of tax certificate.

Section 468.161 - Terms of redemption.

Section 468.162 - Payment — assignment of certificate.

Section 468.163 - Funds.

Section 468.164 - Lease or sale of land.

Section 468.165 - Duty of treasurer.

Section 468.166 - Purchase by bondholder.

Section 468.167 - Voting power.

Section 468.168 - Inspection of improvements.

Section 468.169 - Watchpersons.

Section 468.170 - Technical defects.

Section 468.171 - Conclusive presumption of legality.

Section 468.172 - Drainage record book.

Section 468.173 - Records belong to district.

Section 468.174 - Membership in the national drainage association.

Section 468.175 - Membership fee.

Section 468.176 - Other associations.

Section 468.177 - Receiver authorized.

Section 468.178 - Hearing and notice thereof.

Section 468.179 - Appointment — grounds.

Section 468.180 - Bond.

Section 468.181 - Avoidance of receivership.

Section 468.182 - Preference in leasing.

Section 468.183 - Rents — application of.

Section 468.184 - Land classification and assessment in district.

Section 468.185 - Warrants not paid for want of funds.

Section 468.186 - Easements through a drainage or levee district.

Section 468.187 - Agreements with owners or other districts.

Section 468.188 - Public improvements which divide a district — procedure.

Section 468.189 - Closing agricultural drainage wells — assessment of costs within a drainage district.

Section 468.190 - Farm mediation not applicable.

Section 468.201 - Plan of improvement.

Section 468.202 - Agreement in advance.

Section 468.203 - Engineer appointed.

Section 468.204 - Engineer’s report.

Section 468.205 - Supplemental reports.

Section 468.206 - Notice and hearing.

Section 468.207 - Form of notice.

Section 468.208 - Amendment — new parties.

Section 468.209 - Entry of order — effect.

Section 468.210 - Appraisement.

Section 468.211 - Assessment of benefits.

Section 468.212 - Installments — warrants.

Section 468.213 - Subsequent levies.

Section 468.214 - Applicable statutes.

Section 468.215 - Scope of plan.

Section 468.216 - Districts under trustees.

Section 468.220 - Occupancy and use permitted — assessments paid.

Section 468.221 - Written communication delivered to the state or a local government.

Section 468.230 - Administrators appointed.

Section 468.231 - Administrator areas.

Section 468.232 - Compensation.

Section 468.233 - How paid.

Section 468.234 - Soil and water conservation districts.

Section 468.240 - Supervisors of county over two hundred thousand may establish.

Section 468.250 - Jurisdiction to dissolve districts and abandon or transfer improvements.

Section 468.251 - Notice of hearing.

Section 468.252 - Hearing on petition.

Section 468.253 - Appeal.

Section 468.254 - Expense — refund.

Section 468.255 - Abandonment of rights-of-way.

Section 468.256 - Initiating dissolution of contained district.

Section 468.257 - Procedure for notice of hearing.

Section 468.258 - Procedure at hearing.

Section 468.259 - Election in lieu of hearings.

Section 468.260 - Effect of dissolution, surrender, and acceptance.

Section 468.261 - Costs borne by overlying district.

Section 468.262 - Purpose.

Section 468.263 - General.

Section 468.264 - Board participation initiated.

Section 468.265 - Public hearing.

Section 468.266 - Meeting and vote.

Section 468.267 - Joint order.

Section 468.268 - Effect of the merger.

Section 468.269 - Special assessment — merged land.

Section 468.270 - Petition and bond.

Section 468.271 - Commissioners.

Section 468.272 - Examination and report.

Section 468.273 - Duty of engineer.

Section 468.274 - Notice.

Section 468.275 - Contents of notice — service.

Section 468.276 - Claims for damages — filing — waiver.

Section 468.277 - Organization and procedure — adjournments.

Section 468.278 - Tentative adoption of plans.

Section 468.279 - Appraisers.

Section 468.280 - Duty of appraisers — procedure.

Section 468.281 - Meetings of joint boards.

Section 468.282 - Equalizing voting power.

Section 468.283 - Commissioners to classify and assess.

Section 468.284 - Notice and service thereof — objections.

Section 468.285 - Levies — certificates and bonds.

Section 468.286 - Bonds or proceeds made available.

Section 468.287 - Supervising engineer.

Section 468.288 - Duty of engineer.

Section 468.289 - Notice of letting work — applicable procedure.

Section 468.290 - Contracts.

Section 468.291 - Monthly estimate — payment.

Section 468.292 - Final settlement.

Section 468.293 - Failure of board to act.

Section 468.294 - Transfer to district court.

Section 468.295 - Transcript, docket, and trial.

Section 468.296 - Decree.

Section 468.297 - Law applicable.

Section 468.298 - Records of intercounty districts.

Section 468.299 - County with largest acreage to keep funds.

Section 468.305 - Intracounty districts converted into intercounty district.

Section 468.306 - Benefited land only included.

Section 468.307 - Appeal by landowner.

Section 468.308 - Procedure on appeal.

Section 468.309 - Appeal by trustees or boards.

Section 468.315 - Authority to include city.

Section 468.316 - Inclusion of city — notice.

Section 468.317 - Assessments — notice.

Section 468.318 - Objections — appeal.

Section 468.319 - Assessments — interest.

Section 468.320 - Bonds, certificates, and waivers.

Section 468.321 - Funding bonds.

Section 468.322 - Jurisdiction relinquished.

Section 468.323 - Request for relinquishment.

Section 468.324 - Duty to accept.

Section 468.325 - Jurisdiction of municipality.

Section 468.326 - City council to control district.

Section 468.327 - Trustee control.

Section 468.335 - Establishment.

Section 468.336 - Powers.

Section 468.337 - Initiation without petition.

Section 468.338 - Engineer.

Section 468.339 - Survey and report.

Section 468.340 - Assessment — report.

Section 468.341 - Advanced payments.

Section 468.342 - Payment from road funds.

Section 468.343 - Dismissal — costs.

Section 468.344 - Condemnation of right-of-way.

Section 468.345 - Laws applicable.

Section 468.346 - Removal of trees from highway.

Section 468.347 - Trees outside of highways.

Section 468.355 - Authorization.

Section 468.356 - Petition — procedure — emergency pumping station.

Section 468.357 - Additional pumping station.

Section 468.358 - Transfer of pumps.

Section 468.359 - Costs.

Section 468.360 - Dividing districts.

Section 468.361 - Notice — publication.

Section 468.362 - Hearing — jurisdiction of divided districts.

Section 468.363 - Division in other cases.

Section 468.364 - Assessments not affected — maintenance tax.

Section 468.365 - Election and apportionment of trustees.

Section 468.366 - Settling basin — condemnation.

Section 468.367 - Funding bonds.

Section 468.368 - Form of bonds.

Section 468.369 - Formal execution.

Section 468.370 - Resolution — requisites — record.

Section 468.371 - Registration.

Section 468.372 - Liability of treasurer — reports.

Section 468.373 - Sale — application of proceeds.

Section 468.374 - Levy.

Section 468.375 - Refunding bonds.

Section 468.376 - Funds available to pay bonds.

Section 468.377 - Limitation of actions.

Section 468.378 - Bankruptcy proceedings.

Section 468.379 - Part applicable to districts with pumping stations.

Section 468.380 - Construction near levee prohibited.

Section 468.381 - Penalty.

Section 468.382 - Action to restrain or abate.

Section 468.383 - Liability for damage.

Section 468.390 - United States levees — cooperation of board.

Section 468.391 - Manner of cooperation.

Section 468.392 - Report of engineer — payment authorized.

Section 468.393 - Costs assessed.

Section 468.394 - Annual installments.

Section 468.395 - Collection of tax.

Section 468.396 - Cost of maintaining.

Section 468.397 - Laws applicable.

Section 468.400 - Cooperation — procedure.

Section 468.401 - Agreement as to costs.

Section 468.402 - Contracts let by joint agreement.

Section 468.403 - Separate contracts.

Section 468.404 - Conditions precedent.

Section 468.405 - Assessments, bonds, and costs — limitation.

Section 468.500 - Trustees authorized.

Section 468.501 - Petition.

Section 468.502 - Election.

Section 468.503 - Intercounty district.

Section 468.504 - Election districts.

Section 468.505 - Record and plat of election districts.

Section 468.506 - Eligibility of trustees.

Section 468.507 - Notice of election.

Section 468.508 - Assessment to determine right to vote.

Section 468.509 - New owner entitled to vote.

Section 468.510 - Qualifications of voters.

Section 468.511 - Votes determined by assessment.

Section 468.512 - Vote by agent.

Section 468.513 - Vote of minor or person under legal incompetency.

Section 468.514 - Ballots — petition for printed ballots.

Section 468.515 - Candidates voted for.

Section 468.516 - Election — canvass of votes — returns.

Section 468.517 - Canvass — certificates of election.

Section 468.518 - Tenure of office.

Section 468.519 - Levee and pumping station districts.

Section 468.520 - Division of districts under trustees.

Section 468.521 - Elections — how conducted.

Section 468.522 - Change of date and time.

Section 468.523 - Vacancies.

Section 468.524 - Bonds.

Section 468.525 - Organization.

Section 468.526 - Powers and duties of trustees.

Section 468.526A - Liability.

Section 468.527 - Costs and expenses.

Section 468.528 - Disbursement of funds.

Section 468.529 - Certificates and bonds.

Section 468.530 - Report to auditor.

Section 468.531 - Compensation — statements required.

Section 468.532 - Change to supervisor management.

Section 468.533 - Petition — canvass.

Section 468.534 - Remonstrance.

Section 468.535 - When change effective.

Section 468.536 - Final report of trustees.

Section 468.537 - Management by supervisors.

Section 468.538 - Scope.

Section 468.539 - Qualified application.

Section 468.540 - Refunding bonds.

Section 468.541 - Petition for refunding.

Section 468.542 - Sufficiency of petition — hearing.

Section 468.543 - Notice.

Section 468.544 - Requirements of notice.

Section 468.545 - Extending payment of assessments.

Section 468.546 - Appeal.

Section 468.547 - Time and manner of appeal.

Section 468.548 - Maximum extension.

Section 468.549 - Form of bonds.

Section 468.550 - Numbering, signing, and attestation.

Section 468.551 - Resolution required.

Section 468.552 - Record of resolution.

Section 468.553 - Record of bonds.

Section 468.554 - Liability of treasurer — reports.

Section 468.555 - Sale, exchange, and cancellation.

Section 468.556 - Redemption from tax sale.

Section 468.557 - Effect of extension.

Section 468.558 - Additional assessments.

Section 468.559 - Applicability of funds.

Section 468.560 - Trust fund.

Section 468.561 - Liens unimpaired.

Section 468.562 - Limitation of action.

Section 468.563 - Void bonds or assessments.

Section 468.564 - Interpretative clause.

Section 468.565 - Composition with creditors — federal loans.

Section 468.566 - Refinancing powers.

Section 468.567 - Report and hearing — appeal.

Section 468.570 - Extension of payment — application.

Section 468.571 - Petition.

Section 468.572 - Hearing.

Section 468.573 - Parties — notice — service.

Section 468.574 - Jurisdiction of court.

Section 468.575 - Conservator appointed.

Section 468.576 - Report — hearing thereon.

Section 468.577 - Adjudication on report.

Section 468.578 - Refunding bonds.

Section 468.579 - Lien.

Section 468.580 - Trustees as parties.

Section 468.581 - Limitation of action.

Section 468.585 - Definitions.

Section 468.586 - Assessment of costs of drainage improvements.

Section 468.587 - Special assessment bonds.

Section 468.588 - Chapter 28E agreement.

Section 468.589 - Rates and charges for services and connection.

Section 468.590 - Cities subject to debt service tax levy — rates.

Section 468.591 - Authority.

Section 468.600 - Drainage through land of others — application.

Section 468.601 - Notice of hearing — service.

Section 468.602 - Service upon nonresident.

Section 468.603 - Service on omitted parties — adjournment.

Section 468.604 - Claims for damages — waiver.

Section 468.605 - Hearing — sufficiency of application — damages.

Section 468.606 - Shall locate when — specifications.

Section 468.607 - Findings — record.

Section 468.608 - Appeal — notice.

Section 468.609 - Transcript.

Section 468.610 - Appeal — how tried — costs.

Section 468.611 - Parties — judgment — orders.

Section 468.612 - Costs and damages — payment.

Section 468.613 - Construction.

Section 468.614 - Construction through railroad property.

Section 468.615 - Deposit.

Section 468.616 - Failure to construct.

Section 468.617 - Repairs.

Section 468.618 - Obstruction.

Section 468.619 - Drains on abutting boundary lines.

Section 468.620 - Boundary between two counties.

Section 468.621 - Drainage in course of natural drainage — reconstruction — damages.

Section 468.622 - Drainage connection with highway.

Section 468.623 - Private drainage system — record.

Section 468.624

Section 468.625

Section 468.626 - Original plat filed.

Section 468.627 - Record not part of title.

Section 468.628 - Fees for recording.

Section 468.629 - Lost records — hearing.

Section 468.630 - Mutual drains — establishment as district.

Section 468.631 - Appeal.

Section 468.632 - Record filed with established district.

Section 468.633 - Lost or incomplete records.

Section 468.634 - Petition to combine with established district.