Iowa Code
Section 450.37 - Value for computing the tax.

450.37 Value for computing the tax.
1. Unless the value has been determined under chapter 450B, the tax shall be computed based upon one of the following:
a. The fair market value of the property in the ordinary course of trade determined under subsection 2.
b. The alternate value of the property, if the personal representative so elects, that has been established for federal estate tax purposes under section 2032 of the Internal Revenue Code. The election shall be exercised on the return by the personal representative or other person signing the return, within the time prescribed by law for filing the return or before the expiration of any extension of time granted for filing the return.
2. Fair market value of real estate in the ordinary course of trade shall be established by agreement, including an agreement to accept the values as finally determined for federal estate tax purposes. The agreement shall be between the department of revenue, the personal representative, and the persons who have an interest in the property.
a. If an agreement has not been reached on the fair market value of real property in the ordinary course of trade, the director of revenue has sixty days after the return is filed to request an appraisal under section 450.27. If an appraisal request is not made within the sixty-day period, the value listed on the return is the agreed value of the real property.
b. If an agreement is not reached on the fair market value of personal property in the ordinary course of trade, the personal representative or any person interested in the personal property may appeal to the director of revenue for a revision of the department of revenue’s determination of the value and after the appeal hearing may seek judicial review of the director’s decision. The provisions of section 450.94, subsection 3, relating to appeal of a determination of the department and review of the director’s decision apply to an appeal and review made under this subsection.
3. In addition to the applicable period of limitation for examination and determination, the department shall make an examination to adjust the value of real property for Iowa inheritance tax purposes to the value accepted by the internal revenue service for federal estate tax purposes. The department shall make an examination and adjustment for the value of the real property at any time within six months from the date of receipt by the department of written notice from the personal representative for the estate that all federal estate tax matters between the estate and the internal revenue service have been concluded. To begin the running of the six-month period, the notice shall be in writing in a form sufficient to inform the department of the final disposition of the federal estate tax obligation with the internal revenue service and a copy of the federal document showing the final disposition and final federal adjustments of all real property values must be attached. The department shall make an adjustment to the value of real property for inheritance tax purposes to the value accepted for federal estate tax purposes regardless of whether an inheritance clearance has been issued, an appraisal has been obtained on the real property indicating a contrary value, whether there has been an acceptance of another value for real property by the department, or whether an agreement has been entered into by the department and the personal representative for the estate and persons having an interest in the real property regarding the value of the real property. Notwithstanding the period of limitation specified in section 450.94, subsection 3, the personal representative for the estate shall have six months from the day of final disposition of any real property valuation matter between the personal representative for the estate and the internal revenue service to claim a refund of an overpayment of tax due to the change in the valuation of real property by the internal revenue service.
[S13, §1481-a8; C24, 27, 31, 35, 39, §7342; C46, 50, 54, 58, 62, 66, 71, 73, 75, 77, 79, 81, §450.37; 81 Acts, ch 147, §6]
83 Acts, ch 177, §15, 38; 84 Acts, ch 1305, §37; 88 Acts, ch 1028, §37; 89 Acts, ch 6, §6; 99 Acts, ch 151, §47, 89; 99 Acts, ch 152, §34, 40; 2003 Acts, ch 145, §286; 2004 Acts, ch 1073, §31
Referred to in §450.27, 450.44, 450.45, 450.47, 450B.2

Structure Iowa Code

Iowa Code



Section 450.1 - Definitions — construction.

Section 450.2 - Taxable estates and property.

Section 450.3 - Property included.

Section 450.4 - Exemptions.

Section 450.5 - Liability for tax.

Section 450.6 - Accrual of tax — maturity — extension of time.

Section 450.7 - Lien of tax.

Section 450.8 - Transfers and trusts.

Section 450.9 - Individual exemptions.

Section 450.10 - Rate of tax.

Section 450.12 - Liabilities deductible.

Section 450.17 - Conveyance — effect.

Section 450.20 - Record of deferred estates.

Section 450.21 - Administration on application of director.

Section 450.22 - Administration avoided — inheritance tax duties required — penalty.

Section 450.24 - Appraisers.

Section 450.27 - Commission to appraisers.

Section 450.28 - Notice of appraisement.

Section 450.29 - Notice of filing.

Section 450.30 - Real property in different counties.

Section 450.31 - Objections.

Section 450.32 - Hearing — order.

Section 450.33 - Appeal and notice.

Section 450.34 - Bond on appeal.

Section 450.36 - Appraisal of other property.

Section 450.37 - Value for computing the tax.

Section 450.44 - Remainders — valuation.

Section 450.45 - Life and term estates — valuation.

Section 450.46 - Deferred estate — valuation.

Section 450.47 - Life and term estates in personal property.

Section 450.48 - Payment deferred — bond — exceptions.

Section 450.49 - Bonds — conditions.

Section 450.50 - Removal of property from state — bond.

Section 450.51 - Annuities — life and term estates.

Section 450.52 - Deferred estates — removal of lien.

Section 450.53 - Duty to pay tax — penalties.

Section 450.54 - Sale to pay tax.

Section 450.55 - Means to collect tax.

Section 450.57 - Tax deducted from legacy or collected.

Section 450.58 - Final settlement to show payment.

Section 450.59 - Judicial review.

Section 450.60 - Director to represent state.

Section 450.61 - Bequests to personal representatives.

Section 450.62 - Legacies charged upon real estate.

Section 450.63 - Maturity of tax — interest — penalty.

Section 450.64 - Receipt showing payment.

Section 450.65 - Director to enforce collection.

Section 450.66 - Investigation by director.

Section 450.67 - Inspection of books, records, etc.

Section 450.68 - Information confidential.

Section 450.69 - Contempt.

Section 450.70 - Fees.

Section 450.71 - Proof of amount of tax due.

Section 450.81 - Duty of recorder.

Section 450.84 - Costs charged against estate — exceptions.

Section 450.85 - Appropriation.

Section 450.86 - Securities and assets held by bank, etc.

Section 450.87 - Transfer of corporation stock.

Section 450.88 - Corporations to report transfers.

Section 450.90 - Property in this state belonging to foreign estate.

Section 450.91 - Foreign estates — reciprocity — personal property.

Section 450.92 - Compromise settlement.

Section 450.93 - Unknown heirs.

Section 450.94 - Return — determination — appeal.

Section 450.95 - Appropriation.

Section 450.96 - Contingent estates.

Section 450.97 - Joint owners of bank accounts — duty to notify department of revenue.

Section 450.98 - Tax repealed.