Iowa Code
Section 43.18 - Affidavit of candidacy.

43.18 Affidavit of candidacy.
Each candidate shall complete and file a signed, notarized affidavit of candidacy. The affidavit shall be in the form prescribed by the secretary of state and shall include the following information:
1. The candidate’s name in the form the candidate wants it to appear on the ballot.
2. The candidate’s home address.
3. The name of the county in which the candidate resides.
4. The political party with which the candidate is registered to vote.
5. The office sought by the candidate, and the district the candidate seeks to represent, if any.
6. A declaration that if the candidate is nominated and elected the candidate will qualify by taking the oath of office.
7. A statement that the candidate is aware that the candidate is required to organize a candidate’s committee which shall file an organization statement and disclosure reports if the committee or the candidate receives contributions, makes expenditures, or incurs indebtedness in excess of the reporting threshold in section 68A.102, subsection 5. This subsection shall not apply to candidates for federal office.
8. A statement that the candidate is aware of the prohibition in section 43.20 against being a candidate for more than one office appearing on the primary election ballot.
9. A statement that the candidate is aware that the candidate is disqualified from holding office if the candidate has been convicted of a felony or other infamous crime and the candidate’s rights have not been restored by the governor or by the president of the United States.
[S13, §1087-a10; C24, 27, 31, 35, 39, §544; C46, 50, 54, 58, 62, 66, 71, 73, §43.18; C75, §43.18, 56.5(4); C77, 79, 81, §43.18; 81 Acts, ch 35, §16]
90 Acts, ch 1238, §2; 91 Acts, ch 129, §2, 3; 94 Acts, ch 1023, §77; 94 Acts, ch 1180, §4; 98 Acts, ch 1052, §1
Referred to in §43.14, 43.19, 43.24, 420.130

Structure Iowa Code

Iowa Code



Section 43.1 - Primary election construed.

Section 43.2 - Definitions.

Section 43.3 - Offices affected by primary.

Section 43.4 - Political party precinct caucuses.

Section 43.5 - Applicable statutes.

Section 43.6 - Nomination of U.S. senators, state and county officers.

Section 43.7 - Time of holding.

Section 43.8 - State commissioner to furnish blanks.

Section 43.9 - Commissioner to furnish blanks.

Section 43.10 - Blanks furnished by others.

Section 43.11 - Filing of nomination papers.

Section 43.12 - Noting time of filing.

Section 43.13 - Failure to file nomination papers.

Section 43.14 - Form of nomination papers.

Section 43.15 - Requirements in signing.

Section 43.16 - Filed nomination papers — returns and additions not allowed — withdrawal.

Section 43.17 - Preclusion of partisan nomination.

Section 43.18 - Affidavit of candidacy.

Section 43.19 - Manner of filing affidavit.

Section 43.20 - Signatures required — more than one office prohibited.

Section 43.21 - Township office.

Section 43.22 - Nominations certified.

Section 43.23 - Death or withdrawal of primary candidate.

Section 43.24 - Objections to nomination petitions or certificates of nomination.

Section 43.25 - Correction of errors.

Section 43.26 - Ballot — form.

Section 43.27 - Printing of ballots.

Section 43.28 - Names of candidates — arrangement.

Section 43.29 - Form of name on ballot.

Section 43.30 - Sample ballots.

Section 43.31 - Form of official ballot — implementation by rule.

Section 43.36 - Australian ballot.

Section 43.37 - Number of votes permitted per office.

Section 43.38 - Voter confined to party ticket.

Section 43.39 - Ballot for another party’s candidate.

Section 43.41 - Change or declaration of party affiliation before primary.

Section 43.42 - Change or declaration of party affiliation at polls.

Section 43.43 - Voter’s declaration of eligibility.

Section 43.45 - Canvass of votes.

Section 43.46 - Delivering returns.

Section 43.47 - Messenger sent for returns.

Section 43.48 - Precinct counts publicly available.

Section 43.49 - Canvass by county board.

Section 43.50 - Signing and filing of abstract.

Section 43.51 - Finality of canvass.

Section 43.52 - Nominees for county office.

Section 43.53 - Nominees for subdivision office — write-in candidates.

Section 43.54 - Right to place on ballot.

Section 43.55 - Nominee certified.

Section 43.56 - Primary election recount provisions.

Section 43.59 - Number of voters certified.

Section 43.60 - Abstracts to state commissioner.

Section 43.61 - Returns filed and abstracts preserved.

Section 43.62 - Publication of proceedings.

Section 43.63 - Canvass by state board.

Section 43.64 - State canvass conclusive.

Section 43.65 - Who nominated.

Section 43.66 - Write-in candidates.

Section 43.67 - Nominee’s right to place on ballot.

Section 43.68 - Certified list of nominees.

Section 43.69 - Certificates in case of failure to nominate.

Section 43.71 - Messenger sent for abstracts.

Section 43.72 - State returns filed and preserved.

Section 43.73 - State commissioner to certify nominees.

Section 43.75 - Tie vote.

Section 43.76 - Withdrawal of nominated candidates.

Section 43.77 - What constitutes a ballot vacancy.

Section 43.78 - Filling ballot vacancies — withdrawal.

Section 43.79 - Death of candidate after time for withdrawal.

Section 43.80 - Vacancies in nominations of presidential electors.

Section 43.83 - Vacancies in office of U.S. representative.

Section 43.85 - County convention reconvened.

Section 43.88 - Certification of nominations.

Section 43.90 - Delegates.

Section 43.91 - Voter at caucus — qualifications.

Section 43.92 - Date of caucus published.

Section 43.93 - Place of holding caucus.

Section 43.94 - Term of office of delegates.

Section 43.95 - Calling convention to order.

Section 43.96 - Proxies prohibited.

Section 43.97 - Duties performable by county convention.

Section 43.99 - Party committee persons.

Section 43.100 - Central committee — duties.

Section 43.101 - County central committee officers.

Section 43.102 - District conventions.

Section 43.103 - Duty of county commissioner.

Section 43.104 - Organization of district convention.

Section 43.107 - State convention.

Section 43.108 - Organization of state convention — proxies prohibited.

Section 43.109 - Nominations authorized.

Section 43.111 - State party platform, constitution, bylaws, and central committee.

Section 43.112 - Nominations in certain cities.

Section 43.114 - Time of holding special charter city primary.

Section 43.115 - Nomination papers — number of signers.

Section 43.116 - Ballot vacancies in special charter city elections.

Section 43.117 - Plurality vote nominates and elects.

Section 43.118 - Expense.

Section 43.119

Section 43.120

Section 43.121 - Nominations by petition or nonparty organizations.

Section 43.123 - Nomination of lieutenant governor.