Iowa Code
Chapter 400 - CIVIL SERVICE
Section 400.30 - Penalty.

400.30 Penalty.
The provisions of this chapter shall be strictly carried out by each person or body having powers or duties thereunder, and any act or failure to act tending to avoid or defeat the purposes of such provisions is hereby prohibited and shall be a simple misdemeanor.
[C39, §5713.1; C46, 50, 54, 58, 62, 66, 71, 73, §365.30; C75, 77, 79, 81, §400.30]

Structure Iowa Code

Iowa Code


Chapter 400 - CIVIL SERVICE

Section 400.1 - Appointment of commission.

Section 400.2 - Qualifications — prohibited contracts — penalty.

Section 400.3 - Optional appointment of commission — abolishing commission.

Section 400.4 - Chairperson — clerk — records.

Section 400.5 - Rooms and supplies.

Section 400.6 - Applicability — exceptions.

Section 400.7 - Preference by service.

Section 400.8 - Original entrance examination — appointments.

Section 400.8A - Guidelines for ongoing fitness for police officers and fire fighters.

Section 400.9 - Promotional examinations and procedures.

Section 400.10 - Veterans preferences.

Section 400.11 - Names certified — temporary appointment.

Section 400.12 - Seniority — extinguishment — reestablishment.

Section 400.13 - Chief of police and chief of fire department.

Section 400.14 - Civil service status of chiefs.

Section 400.15 - Appointing powers.

Section 400.16 - Qualifications.

Section 400.17 - Employees under civil service — qualifications.

Section 400.18 - Removal, discharge, demotion, or suspension.

Section 400.19 - Removal, discharge, demotion, or suspension of subordinates.

Section 400.20 - Appeal.

Section 400.21 - Notice of appeal.

Section 400.22 - Charges.

Section 400.23 - Time and place of hearing.

Section 400.24 - Oaths — books and papers.

Section 400.25 - Contempt.

Section 400.26 - Public trial.

Section 400.27 - Jurisdiction — attorney — appeal.

Section 400.28 - Employees — number diminished.

Section 400.29 - Political activity limited.

Section 400.30 - Penalty.

Section 400.31 - Waterworks employees.