Iowa Code
Section 358.29 - Notice, election, and expenses — costs.

358.29 Notice, election, and expenses — costs.
1. In the order for the election pursuant to section 358.28, the board of supervisors shall direct the county commissioner of elections to give notice of the election at least twenty days before the date of election by publication of the notice as provided in section 331.305. The notice shall state the time and place of the election, the hours when the polls will be open, the purpose of the election including a description of the property to be annexed, a brief description of the limits of each voting precinct, and the location of polling places. Proof of publication shall be made in the same manner as provided in section 358.27 and filed with the county auditor.
2. Each registered voter who resides within the sanitary district and each registered voter who resides in the area to be annexed shall have the right to cast a ballot at the election. A registered voter shall not vote in any precinct except the precinct in which the voter resides. The ballots at the election shall be in substantially the following form:
For annexation ☐
Against annexation ☐
3. The results of an election shall be noted on the records of the county auditor. If a majority of the votes cast on the question of annexation favors annexation, the property contained in the area to be annexed shall be included in the sanitary district.
4. An election held pursuant to this section shall be conducted by the county commissioner of elections. All expenses incurred in implementing sections 358.26 through 358.29, including the costs of an election as determined by the county commissioner of elections, shall be paid by the sanitary district.
98 Acts, ch 1139, §5
Referred to in §358.27

Structure Iowa Code

Iowa Code



Section 358.1 - Definitions.

Section 358.1A - Incorporation.

Section 358.1B - Combined water and sanitary district.

Section 358.2 - Petition — deposit.

Section 358.3 - Jurisdiction — decisions — records.

Section 358.4 - Date and notice of hearing.

Section 358.5 - Hearing of petition and order.

Section 358.6 - Notice of election.

Section 358.7 - Election.

Section 358.8 - Expenses and costs of election.

Section 358.9 - Selection of trustees — term of office.

Section 358.10 - Trustee’s bond.

Section 358.11 - Sanitary district to be a body corporate.

Section 358.12 - Board of trustees — powers.

Section 358.13 - Ordinances — publication or posting — time of taking effect.

Section 358.14 - Proof of ordinances.

Section 358.15 - Personal interest in contracts.

Section 358.16 - Power to provide for sewage disposal.

Section 358.17 - Power to acquire and dispose of property.

Section 358.18 - Taxes — power to levy — tax sales.

Section 358.19 - Records and disbursements.

Section 358.20 - Rentals and charges.

Section 358.21 - Debt limit — borrowing — bonds — purposes.

Section 358.22 - Special assessments and connection fees.

Section 358.23 - Appeal to district court.

Section 358.24 - Contracts outside of district.

Section 358.25 - Revenue bonds.

Section 358.26 - Annexation.

Section 358.27 - Hearing on annexation — date and notice.

Section 358.28 - Annexation hearing.

Section 358.29 - Notice, election, and expenses — costs.

Section 358.30 - Annexation of land by a city — compensation.

Section 358.30A - Severance of territory by resolution.

Section 358.31 - Petition filed.

Section 358.32 - Jurisdiction by board of supervisors.

Section 358.33 - Hearing on petition.

Section 358.34 - Notice.

Section 358.35 - Conducting hearing.

Section 358.36 - Filing order of discontinuance.

Section 358.37 - Pending rights or liabilities.

Section 358.38 - Indebtedness assumed.

Section 358.39 - Claims prosecuted against city.

Section 358.40 - Dissolution.