Iowa Code
Section 358.27 - Hearing on annexation — date and notice.

358.27 Hearing on annexation — date and notice.
1. The board of supervisors to which a petition filed pursuant to section 358.26 is addressed, at its next meeting, shall set the time and place for a public hearing on the petition. The board of supervisors shall direct the county auditor to give notice to interested persons of the pendency and content of the petition and of the public hearing by publication of a notice as provided in section 331.305. Proof of publication shall be filed with and preserved by the county auditor. The notice of the public hearing shall include the following information:
a. That a petition has been filed with the county auditor proposing to annex property to the district.
b. An intelligible description of the property to be annexed to the district.
c. The date, time, and place of the public hearing at which the petition shall be considered by the county board of supervisors.
d. That the county board of supervisors shall determine the property to be annexed as described in the petition or otherwise described and, for the purpose of describing the property, the county board of supervisors may alter and amend the petition.
2. A copy of the notice shall also be sent by mail to each owner of each tract of land within the area to be annexed as shown by the transfer books of the county auditor’s office. The mailings shall be to the last known address unless there is on file an affidavit of the county auditor or of a person designated by the board of supervisors to make the necessary investigation, stating that an address is not known and that diligent inquiry has been made to ascertain the address. The copy of the notice shall be mailed not less than twenty days before the date of the public hearing and the proof of service shall be made by affidavit of the county auditor. The proof of service shall be on file at the commencement of the public hearing.
3. In lieu of the mailing to the last known address, a person owning land to be annexed may file with the county auditor a written instrument designating the owner’s mailing address for annexation purposes. The designated address is effective for five years and applies to all annexation proceedings pursuant to sections 358.26 through 358.29.
4. In lieu of publication or notice by mail, personal service of the notice may be made upon an owner of land proposed for annexation in the same manner as required for the service of original notices in the district court.
98 Acts, ch 1139, §3
Referred to in §358.28, 358.29
Time and manner of service,
R.C.P. 1.302 – 1.315

Structure Iowa Code

Iowa Code



Section 358.1 - Definitions.

Section 358.1A - Incorporation.

Section 358.1B - Combined water and sanitary district.

Section 358.2 - Petition — deposit.

Section 358.3 - Jurisdiction — decisions — records.

Section 358.4 - Date and notice of hearing.

Section 358.5 - Hearing of petition and order.

Section 358.6 - Notice of election.

Section 358.7 - Election.

Section 358.8 - Expenses and costs of election.

Section 358.9 - Selection of trustees — term of office.

Section 358.10 - Trustee’s bond.

Section 358.11 - Sanitary district to be a body corporate.

Section 358.12 - Board of trustees — powers.

Section 358.13 - Ordinances — publication or posting — time of taking effect.

Section 358.14 - Proof of ordinances.

Section 358.15 - Personal interest in contracts.

Section 358.16 - Power to provide for sewage disposal.

Section 358.17 - Power to acquire and dispose of property.

Section 358.18 - Taxes — power to levy — tax sales.

Section 358.19 - Records and disbursements.

Section 358.20 - Rentals and charges.

Section 358.21 - Debt limit — borrowing — bonds — purposes.

Section 358.22 - Special assessments and connection fees.

Section 358.23 - Appeal to district court.

Section 358.24 - Contracts outside of district.

Section 358.25 - Revenue bonds.

Section 358.26 - Annexation.

Section 358.27 - Hearing on annexation — date and notice.

Section 358.28 - Annexation hearing.

Section 358.29 - Notice, election, and expenses — costs.

Section 358.30 - Annexation of land by a city — compensation.

Section 358.30A - Severance of territory by resolution.

Section 358.31 - Petition filed.

Section 358.32 - Jurisdiction by board of supervisors.

Section 358.33 - Hearing on petition.

Section 358.34 - Notice.

Section 358.35 - Conducting hearing.

Section 358.36 - Filing order of discontinuance.

Section 358.37 - Pending rights or liabilities.

Section 358.38 - Indebtedness assumed.

Section 358.39 - Claims prosecuted against city.

Section 358.40 - Dissolution.