321.463 Maximum gross weight — exceptions — penalties.
1. An axle may be divided into two or more parts, except that all parts in the same vertical transverse plane shall be considered as one axle.
2. The gross weight on any one axle of a vehicle, or of a combination of vehicles, operated on the highways of this state, shall not exceed twenty thousand pounds on an axle equipped with pneumatic tires, and shall not exceed fourteen thousand pounds on an axle equipped with solid rubber tires. The gross weight on any tandem axle of a vehicle, or any combination of vehicles, shall not exceed thirty-four thousand pounds on an axle equipped with pneumatic tires. This subsection does not apply to implements of husbandry.
3. Notwithstanding other provisions of this chapter to the contrary, indivisible loads operating under the permit requirements of sections 321E.7, 321E.8, 321E.9, 321E.29A, and 321E.29B, and divisible loads operating under the permit requirements of section 321E.26, shall be allowed a maximum of twenty thousand pounds per axle.
4. a. (1) Notwithstanding any provision of this section to the contrary, the weight on any one axle of a self-propelled implement of husbandry used exclusively for the application of organic or inorganic plant food materials, agricultural limestone, or agricultural chemicals operated on the highways of this state shall not exceed twenty-five thousand pounds.
(2) A self-propelled implement of husbandry used exclusively for the application of organic or inorganic plant food materials, agricultural limestone, or agricultural chemicals shall comply with the other provisions of this section and chapter when operated over a bridge in this state, other than any provision limiting the weight on any one axle to less than twenty-five thousand pounds. A local authority may issue a special permit, based on a statewide standard developed by the department, allowing the operation over a bridge within its jurisdiction of such a self-propelled implement of husbandry with a weight in excess of the weights allowed under this chapter.
b. (1) Notwithstanding any provision of this section to the contrary, the weight on any one axle of a fence-line feeder, grain cart, or tank wagon operated on the highways of this state shall not exceed twenty-four thousand pounds from February 1 through May 31 or twenty-eight thousand pounds from June 1 through January 31, provided, however, that the maximum gross vehicle weight of the fence-line feeder, grain cart, or tank wagon shall not exceed ninety-six thousand pounds.
(2) Notwithstanding any provision of this section to the contrary, a tracked implement of husbandry operated on the highways of this state shall not have a maximum gross weight in excess of ninety-six thousand pounds.
(3) A fence-line feeder, grain cart, tank wagon, or tracked implement of husbandry shall comply with the other provisions of this section and chapter when operated over a bridge in this state. A local authority may issue a special permit, based on a statewide standard developed by the department, allowing the operation over a bridge within its jurisdiction of a fence-line feeder, grain cart, tank wagon, or tracked implement of husbandry with a weight in excess of the weights allowed under this chapter.
(4) For purposes of this paragraph “b”:
(a) “Highway” does not include a bridge.
(b) “Fence-line feeder, grain cart, or tank wagon” means any fence-line feeder, grain cart, or tank wagon.
5. a. Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, a motor vehicle equipped with an engine fueled primarily by natural gas may exceed any applicable maximum gross weight limit under this chapter, up to a maximum gross weight of eighty-two thousand pounds, by an amount equal to the difference between the weight of the vehicle attributable to the natural gas tank and fueling system installed in the vehicle and the weight of a comparable diesel fuel tank and fueling system.
b. Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, a motor vehicle described in paragraph “a” equipped with an auxiliary power or idle reduction technology unit that reduces fuel use and emissions during engine idling may exceed any applicable maximum gross weight limit under this chapter by five hundred fifty pounds or the weight of the auxiliary power or idle reduction technology unit, whichever is less. This paragraph “b” shall not apply unless the operator of the vehicle provides to the department a written certification of the weight of the auxiliary power or idle reduction technology unit, demonstrates or certifies to the department that the idle reduction technology unit is fully functional at all times, and carries with the operator the written certification of the weight of the auxiliary power or idle reduction technology unit in the vehicle at all times to present to law enforcement in the event the vehicle is suspected of violating any applicable weight restrictions.
6. a. The maximum gross weight allowed to be carried on a vehicle or combination of vehicles on highways which are part of the primary road system is as follows:
in feet 2 Axles 3 Axles 4 Axles 5 Axles 6 Axles7 Axles
4 34,000
5 34,000
6 34,000
7 34,000 34,000
8 34,000 34,000
8’1” 38,000 42,000
9 39,000 42,500
10 40,000 43,500 48,500
11 44,000 49,500
12 45,000 50,000
13 45,500 50,500 56,000
14 46,500 51,500 57,000
15 47,000 52,000 57,500
16 48,000 52,500 58,000
17 48,500 53,500 58,500 64,000
18 49,500 54,000 59,000 65,000
19 50,000 54,500 60,000 65,500
20 51,000 55,500 60,500 66,00071,500
21 51,500 56,000 61,000 66,50072,500
22 52,500 56,500 61,500 67,00073,000
23 53,000 57,500 62,500 68,00073,500
24 54,000 58,000 63,000 68,50074,000
25 54,500 58,500 63,500 69,00074,500
26 55,500 59,500 64,000 69,50075,000
27 56,000 60,000 65,000 70,00076,000
28 57,000 60,500 65,500 71,00076,500
29 57,500 61,500 66,000 71,50077,000
30 58,500 62,000 66,500 72,00077,500
31 59,000 62,500 67,500 72,50078,000
32 60,000 63,500 68,000 73,00078,500
33 64,000 68,500 74,00079,500
34 64,500 69,500 74,50080,000
35 65,500 70,000 75,000
36 68,000 70,500 75,500
37 68,000 71,000 76,000
38 68,000 72,000 77,000
39 68,000 72,500 77,500
40 68,500 73,000 78,000
41 69,500 73,500 78,500
42 70,000 74,000 79,000
43 70,500 75,000 80,000
44 71,500 75,500
45 72,000 76,000
46 72,500 76,500
47 73,500 77,500
48 74,000 78,000
49 74,500 78,500
50 75,500 79,000
51 76,000 80,000
52 76,500
53 77,500
54 78,000
55 78,500
56 79,500
57 80,000
b. The maximum gross weight allowed to be carried on a vehicle or combination of vehicles on nonprimary highways is as follows:
in feet 2 Axles 3 Axles 4 Axles 5 Axles 6 Axles7 Axles
4 34,000
5 34,000
6 34,000
7 34,000 34,000
8 34,000 34,000
8’1” 38,000 42,000
9 39,000 42,500
10 40,000 43,500 45,000
11 44,000 46,000
12 45,000 47,000
13 45,500 48,000 48,500
14 46,500 49,000 49,500
15 47,000 50,000 50,500
16 48,000 51,000 51,500
17 48,500 52,000 52,500 54,000
18 49,500 53,000 53,500 55,000
19 50,000 54,500 54,500 56,000
20 51,000 55,500 55,500 57,000
21 51,500 56,000 56,500 58,000
22 52,500 56,500 57,500 59,000
23 53,000 57,500 58,500 60,000
24 54,000 58,000 59,500 61,000
25 54,500 58,500 60,500 62,000
26 55,500 59,500 61,500 63,000
27 56,000 60,000 62,500 64,000
28 57,000 60,500 63,500 65,000
29 57,500 61,500 64,500 66,000
30 58,500 62,000 65,500 67,000
31 59,000 62,500 66,500 68,000
32 60,000 63,500 67,500 69,000
33 64,000 68,500 70,000
34 64,500 69,500 71,000
35 65,500 70,000 72,000
36 68,000 70,500 73,000
37 68,000 71,000 74,000
38 68,000 72,000 75,000
39 68,000 72,500 76,000
40 68,500 73,000 77,000
41 69,500 73,500 78,00078,000
42 70,000 74,000 79,00079,000
43 70,500 75,000 80,00080,000
44 71,500 75,500
45 72,000 76,000
46 72,500 76,500
47 73,500 77,500
48 74,000 78,000
49 74,500 78,500
50 75,500 79,000
51 76,000 80,000
52 76,500
53 77,500
54 78,000
55 78,500
56 79,500
57 80,000
c. (1) The maximum gross weight allowed to be carried on a commercial motor vehicle on noninterstate highways, provided the vehicle is operated by a person with a commercial driver’s license valid for the vehicle operated unless section 321.176A applies, is as follows:
Distance in feet 6 Axles 7 Axles
44 80,500 80,500
45 81,000 81,500
46 81,500 82,500
47 82,000 83,500
48 83,000 84,000
49 83,500 85,000
50 84,000 86,000
51 84,500 87,000
52 85,000 88,000
53 86,000 88,500
54 86,500 89,500
55 87,000 90,500
56 87,500 91,500
57 88,000 92,000
58 89,000 93,000
59 89,500 94,000
60 90,000 95,000
61 95,500
62 96,000
(2) Notwithstanding any provision of this section to the contrary, the maximum gross weight allowed to be carried on a noninterstate highway by a livestock vehicle with five axles, a minimum distance in feet between the centers of the first and fifth axles of sixty-one feet, and a minimum distance between the two rear axles of at least eight feet and one inch is eighty-six thousand pounds.
d. For the purposes of the maximum gross weight tables in paragraphs “a”, “b”, and “c”, distance in feet is the measured distance in feet between the centers of the extreme axles of any group of axles, rounded to the nearest whole foot.
e. (1) The maximum gross weight allowed to be carried on a tracked implement of husbandry when operated on a noninterstate highway bridge is as follows:
Length of Track in Feet Weight in Pounds
4 34,000
5 34,000
6 34,000
7 34,000
8 42,000
9 42,500
10 45,000
11 46,000
12 47,000
13 48,500
14 49,500
15 50,500
16 51,500
17 54,000
18 55,000
19 56,000
20 57,000
21 58,000
22 59,000
23 60,000
24 61,000
25 62,000
26 63,000
27 64,000
28 65,000
29 66,000
30 67,000
31 68,000
32 69,000
33 70,000
34 71,000
35 72,000
36 73,000
37 74,000
38 75,000
39 76,000
40 77,000
41 78,000
42 79,000
43 80,000
(2) “Length of track in feet” means the length of track on one side of the tracked implement of husbandry which is in contact with the ground or roadway surface.
7. The weight on any one axle, including a tandem axle, of a vehicle which is transporting livestock on highways not part of the interstate system may exceed the legal maximum weight given in this chapter providing that the gross weight on any particular group of axles on such vehicle does not exceed the gross weight allowable under this chapter for such groups of axles.
8. The weight on any one axle, including a tandem axle, of a vehicle which is transporting raw materials from a designated borrow site to a construction project or transporting raw materials from a construction project, and which is operating on a highway that is not part of the interstate system and along a route of travel approved by the department or the appropriate local authority, may exceed the legal maximum weight otherwise allowed under this chapter by ten percent if the gross weight on any particular group of axles on the vehicle does not exceed the gross weight allowed under this chapter for that group of axles. If the vehicle exceeds the ten percent tolerance allowed under this subsection, the fine shall be computed on the difference between the actual weight and the ten percent tolerance weight allowed for the axle or tandem axle.
9. A vehicle or combination of vehicles transporting materials or equipment on nonprimary highways to or from a construction project or commercial plant site may operate under the maximum gross weight table for primary highways in subsection 6, paragraph “a”, or the maximum gross weight table for noninterstate highways in subsection 6, paragraph “c”. When crossing a bridge, such a vehicle or combination of vehicles shall comply with any weight restriction imposed for the bridge pursuant to section 321.471 or 321.474, provided signs that conform to the manual of uniform traffic-control devices adopted by the department that give notice of the restriction are posted as required under section 321.472 or 321.474, as applicable.
10. A vehicle designed to tow wrecked or disabled vehicles shall be exempt from the weight limitations in this section while the vehicle is towing a wrecked or disabled vehicle.
11. a. A person who operates a vehicle in violation of this section, and an owner, or any other person, employing or otherwise directing the operator of a vehicle, who requires or knowingly permits the operation of a vehicle in violation of this section shall be fined according to the following schedule:
Pounds Overloaded Amount of Fine
Up to and including 1,000 pounds $12
Over 1,000 pounds up to and
including 2,000 pounds $22
Over 2,000 pounds up to and
including 3,000 pounds $155
Over 3,000 pounds up to and
including 4,000 pounds $240
Over 4,000 pounds up to and
including 5,000 pounds $375
Over 5,000 pounds up to and
including 6,000 pounds $585
Over 6,000 pounds up to and
including 7,000 pounds $850
Over 7,000 pounds up to and
including 8,000 pounds $950
Over 8,000 pounds up to and
including 9,000 pounds $1,050
Over 9,000 pounds up to and
including 10,000 pounds $1,150
Over 10,000 pounds up to and
including 11,000 pounds $1,300
Over 11,000 pounds up to and
including 12,000 pounds $1,400
Over 12,000 pounds up to and
including 13,000 pounds $1,500
Over 13,000 pounds up to and
including 14,000 pounds $1,600
Over 14,000 pounds up to and
including 15,000 pounds $1,700
Over 15,000 pounds up to and
including 16,000 pounds $1,800
Over 16,000 pounds up to and
including 17,000 pounds $1,900
Over 17,000 pounds up to and
including 18,000 pounds $2,000
Over 18,000 pounds up to and
including 19,000 pounds $2,100
Over 19,000 pounds up to and
including 20,000 pounds $2,200
Over 20,000 pounds $2,200 plus ten cents
per pound in excess
of 20,000 pounds
b. Fines for gross weight violations for vehicles or combinations of vehicles shall be assessed at one-half of the fine rate schedule for axle, tandem axle, and groups of axles weight violations.
c. Except as otherwise provided, the amount of the fine to be assessed shall be computed on the difference between the actual weight and the maximum legal weight specified in this section.
d. The schedule of fines may be assessed in addition to any other penalties provided for in this chapter.
12. Overloads on axles and tandem axles and overloads on groups of axles or on an entire vehicle or combination of vehicles shall be considered as separate violations of the provisions of this section.
13. A person shall not issue or execute, or cause to be issued or executed, a bill of lading, manifest, or shipping document of any kind which states a false weight of the cargo set forth on such bill, manifest, or document, which is less than the actual weight of the cargo.
14. a. A person operating a vehicle or combination of vehicles equipped with a retractable axle may raise the axle when necessary to negotiate a turn, provided that the retractable axle is lowered within one thousand feet following completion of the turn. This paragraph does not apply to a vehicle or combination of vehicles operated on an interstate highway, including a ramp to or from an interstate highway, or on a bridge.
b. A vehicle or combination of vehicles operated with a retractable axle raised as permitted under paragraph “a” is exempt from the weight limitations of this section as long as the vehicle or combination of vehicles is in compliance with the weight limitations of this section when the retractable axle is lowered.
c. This subsection does not prohibit the operation of a vehicle or combination of vehicles equipped with a retractable axle with the retractable axle raised when the vehicle or combination of vehicles is in compliance with the weight limitations of this section with the retractable axle raised.
15. A person who violates this section commits a simple misdemeanor.
[C24, 27, 31, 35, §5065; C39, §5035.12; C46, 50, 54, 58, 62, 66, 71, 73, 75, 77, 79, 81, §321.463; 81 Acts, ch 110, §1, ch 111]
89 Acts, ch 200, §1, 2; 92 Acts, ch 1238, §35; 94 Acts, ch 1199, §79; 95 Acts, ch 118, §26; 96 Acts, ch 1089, §4; 97 Acts, ch 100, §5, 12; 97 Acts, ch 104, §22; 98 Acts, ch 1103, §2; 98 Acts, ch 1178, §6, 7; 99 Acts, ch 108, §7; 2000 Acts, ch 1016, §17; 2000 Acts, ch 1040, §1; 2001 Acts, ch 32, §23 – 25; 2002 Acts, ch 1063, §33, 55; 2005 Acts, ch 20, §5 – 7, 12, 13; 2007 Acts, ch 143, §17; 2009 Acts, ch 133, §121; 2010 Acts, ch 1139, §1; 2010 Acts, ch 1140, §16, 17; 2013 Acts, ch 27, §1; 2013 Acts, ch 140, §62; 2017 Acts, ch 29, §96; 2017 Acts, ch 149, §2; 2018 Acts, ch 1172, §73; 2019 Acts, ch 15, §1; 2019 Acts, ch 138, §3; 2019 Acts, ch 158, §1; 2020 Acts, ch 1063, §152; 2021 Acts, ch 140, §1, 4
Referred to in §312.2, 321.453, 321.457, 321.459, 321.466, 321.473, 321E.2, 321E.7, 321E.8, 321E.9, 321E.9A, 321E.16, 321E.17, 321E.26, 321E.27, 321E.29, 321E.29A, 321E.29B, 321E.30, 805.8A(12)(e)
For scheduled fines listed in subsection 11, violations are charged and fines are applied pursuant to §805.8A, subsection 12, paragraph e
2021 amendment to subsection 3 effective January 1, 2022; 2021 Acts, ch 140, §4
Subsection 3 amended
Structure Iowa Code
Section 321.1 - Definitions of words and phrases.
Section 321.1A - Presumption of residency.
Section 321.2 - Administration and enforcement.
Section 321.3 - Powers and duties of director.
Section 321.6 - Reciprocal enforcement — patrol beats.
Section 321.7 - Seal of department.
Section 321.8 - Director to prescribe forms.
Section 321.9 - Authority to administer oaths and acknowledge signatures.
Section 321.10 - Certified copies of records.
Section 321.11 - Records of department.
Section 321.11A - Personal information disclosure — exception.
Section 321.12 - Destruction of records.
Section 321.13 - Authority to grant or refuse applications.
Section 321.14 - Seizure of documents and plates.
Section 321.15 - Publication of law.
Section 321.16 - Giving of notices.
Section 321.17 - Misdemeanor to violate registration provisions.
Section 321.18 - Vehicles subject to registration — exception.
Section 321.18A - Records of implements of husbandry.
Section 321.20 - Application for registration and certificate of title.
Section 321.20A - Certificate of title and registration fees — commercial vehicles.
Section 321.20B - Proof of security against liability — driving without liability coverage.
Section 321.21 - Special mobile equipment plates.
Section 321.22 - Urban and regional transit equipment certificates and plates.
Section 321.23A - Affidavit of correction.
Section 321.24 - Issuance of registration and certificate of title.
Section 321.25 - Application for registration and title — cards attached.
Section 321.26 - Multiple registration periods and adjustments.
Section 321.27 - Implementation of twelve-month registration period.
Section 321.28 - Failure to register.
Section 321.29 - Renewal not permitted.
Section 321.30 - Grounds for refusing registration or title.
Section 321.31 - Records system.
Section 321.32 - Registration card carried and exhibited — exception.
Section 321.34 - Plates or validation sticker furnished — retained by owner — special plates.
Section 321.35 - Plates — reflective material — bidding procedures.
Section 321.37 - Display of plates.
Section 321.38 - Plates — method of attaching — imitations prohibited.
Section 321.39 - Expiration of registration.
Section 321.40 - Application for renewal — notification — reasons for refusal.
Section 321.41 - Change of address or name or fuel type.
Section 321.42 - Lost or damaged certificates, cards, and plates — replacements.
Section 321.43 - New identifying numbers.
Section 321.44 - Rules governing change of engines, drivetrain assemblies, and related parts.
Section 321.45 - Title must be transferred with vehicle.
Section 321.46 - New title and registration upon transfer of ownership — credit.
Section 321.46A - Change from apportioned registration — credit.
Section 321.47 - Transfers by operation of law.
Section 321.48 - Vehicles acquired for resale.
Section 321.49 - Time limit — penalty — power of attorney.
Section 321.50 - Security interest provisions.
Section 321.52 - Out-of-state sales — junked, dismantled, wrecked, or salvage vehicles.
Section 321.52A - Certificate of title surcharge — allocation of moneys.
Section 321.53 - Nonresident owners of passenger vehicles and trucks.
Section 321.56 - Repair of out-of-state commercial motor vehicles — permits.
Section 321.57 - Operation under special plates.
Section 321.59 - Issuance of certificate.
Section 321.60 - Issuance of special plates.
Section 321.61 - Expiration of special plates.
Section 321.62 - Records required.
Section 321.63 - Different places of business.
Section 321.64 - Implementation of multiyear licensing and issuance of special plates.
Section 321.65 - Garage record.
Section 321.66 - Duty to hold vehicles.
Section 321.67 - Certificate of title must be executed.
Section 321.68 - Sale in bulk.
Section 321.69 - Damage disclosure statement.
Section 321.69A - Disclosure of repairs to new vehicles.
Section 321.70 - Dealer vehicles.
Section 321.71 - Odometer requirements.
Section 321.71A - Counterfeit, nonfunctional, and unsafe air bags.
Section 321.72 - Report of stolen and recovered motor vehicles.
Section 321.73 - Reports by owners.
Section 321.74 - Action by department.
Section 321.78 - Injuring or tampering with vehicle.
Section 321.79 - Intent to injure.
Section 321.81 - Presumptive evidence.
Section 321.84 - Seizure of vehicles.
Section 321.85 - Stolen vehicles or component parts.
Section 321.86 - Notice by director.
Section 321.87 - Delivery to owner.
Section 321.88 - Failure of owner to claim.
Section 321.89 - Abandoned vehicles.
Section 321.90 - Disposal of abandoned motor vehicles.
Section 321.91 - Limitation on liability — penalty for abandonment.
Section 321.92 - Altering or changing numbers.
Section 321.94 - Test to determine true number.
Section 321.95 - Right of inspection.
Section 321.96 - Prohibited plates — certificates.
Section 321.97 - Fraudulent applications.
Section 321.98 - Operation without registration.
Section 321.99 - Fraudulent use of registration.
Section 321.100 - False evidences of registration.
Section 321.101A - Revocation of registration by county treasurer.
Section 321.102 - Suspending or revoking special registration.
Section 321.103 - Owner to return evidences of registration and title.
Section 321.104 - Penal offenses against title law.
Section 321.105 - Annual registration fee required.
Section 321.105A - Fee for new registration.
Section 321.106 - Registration for fractional part of year.
Section 321.109 - Annual registration fee computed — transit fee.
Section 321.110 - Rejecting fractional dollars.
Section 321.111 - Conversion of car — effect.
Section 321.112 - Minimum motor vehicle fee.
Section 321.113 - Automatic reduction.
Section 321.115 - Antique vehicles — model year plates permitted.
Section 321.115A - Replica vehicles and street rods — model year plates permitted — penalty.
Section 321.116 - Battery electric and plug-in hybrid electric motor vehicle fees.
Section 321.117 - Motorcycle, autocycle, ambulance, and hearse fees.
Section 321.119 - Church buses.
Section 321.120 - Business-trade trucks.
Section 321.121 - Special trucks for farm use.
Section 321.122 - Trucks, truck tractors, and road tractors — fees.
Section 321.124 - Motor homes, multipurpose vehicles, and motorsports recreational vehicles — fees.
Section 321.125 - Effect of exemption.
Section 321.126 - Refunds of annual registration fees.
Section 321.127 - Payment of refund.
Section 321.128 - Payment authorized.
Section 321.129 - When fees returnable.
Section 321.130 - Fees in lieu of taxes.
Section 321.131 - Lien of fee.
Section 321.132 - When lien attaches.
Section 321.133 - Methods of collection.
Section 321.134 - Monthly penalty.
Section 321.135 - When fees delinquent.
Section 321.145 - Disposition of moneys and fees.
Section 321.148 - Monthly estimate.
Section 321.151 - Duty and liability of treasurer.
Section 321.152 - Collection fees retained by county.
Section 321.153 - Treasurer’s report to department.
Section 321.154 - Reports by department.
Section 321.155 - Duty of treasurer of state.
Section 321.156 - Audit by department.
Section 321.157 - Schedule of prices and weights.
Section 321.158 - Registration dependent on schedule.
Section 321.159 - Exceptional cases — annual registration fee.
Section 321.160 - Department to maintain statement.
Section 321.161 - Department to fix values and weight.
Section 321.162 - Method of fixing value and weight.
Section 321.165 - Manufacture by state.
Section 321.166 - Vehicle plate specifications.
Section 321.167 - Delivery of plates, stickers, and emblems.
Section 321.168 - Additional deliveries.
Section 321.169 - Account of plates.
Section 321.170 - Plates for exempt vehicles.
Section 321.171 - Title of plates.
Section 321.174 - Operators licensed — operation of commercial motor vehicles.
Section 321.174A - Operation of motor vehicle with expired license.
Section 321.176 - Persons exempt from driver’s licensing requirements.
Section 321.176A - Persons exempt from commercial driver’s license requirements.
Section 321.176B - Persons exempt by rule from commercial driver’s license requirements.
Section 321.177 - Persons not to be licensed.
Section 321.178 - Driver education — restricted license — reciprocity.
Section 321.178A - Driver education — teaching parent.
Section 321.179 - Motorcycle rider education fund.
Section 321.180A - Special instruction permit.
Section 321.180B - Graduated driver’s licenses for persons aged fourteen through seventeen.
Section 321.181 - Temporary permit.
Section 321.182 - Application.
Section 321.184 - Applications of unmarried minors.
Section 321.185 - Death of person signing application — effect.
Section 321.186 - Examination of new or incompetent operators.
Section 321.186A - Vision report in lieu of vision test.
Section 321.187A - Commercial driver’s license driving skills tests — fees.
Section 321.188 - Commercial driver’s license requirements.
Section 321.189 - Driver’s license — content.
Section 321.189A - Driver’s license for undercover law enforcement officers — fee — penalties.
Section 321.190 - Issuance of nonoperator’s identification cards — fee.
Section 321.191 - Fees for driver’s licenses.
Section 321.192 - Waivers or refunds of fees.
Section 321.193 - Restrictions on licenses — penalty.
Section 321.194 - Special minor’s licenses.
Section 321.195 - Replacement of driver’s licenses and nonoperator’s identification cards.
Section 321.196 - Expiration of license — renewal.
Section 321.197 - Emergency contact information.
Section 321.198 - Military service exception.
Section 321.199 - Driver’s license records.
Section 321.200 - Conviction and accident file.
Section 321.200A - Convictions based upon fraud.
Section 321.203 - Suspending privileges of nonresidents.
Section 321.205 - Conviction or administrative decision in another jurisdiction.
Section 321.206 - Surrender of license — duty of court.
Section 321.207 - Downgrade of commercial driver’s license or commercial learner’s permit.
Section 321.208A - Operation in violation of out-of-service order — penalties.
Section 321.209 - Mandatory revocation.
Section 321.210A - Suspension for failure to pay fine, penalty, surcharge, or court costs.
Section 321.210B - Installment agreement.
Section 321.210C - Probation period.
Section 321.211 - Notice and hearing — appropriation.
Section 321.211A - Appeal of extended suspension or revocation.
Section 321.212 - Period of suspension or revocation — surrender of license.
Section 321.213 - License suspensions or revocations due to violations by juvenile drivers.
Section 321.213B - Suspension for failure to attend.
Section 321.215 - Temporary restricted license.
Section 321.216 - Unlawful use of license or nonoperator’s identification card — penalty.
Section 321.216A - Falsifying driver’s licenses, nonoperator’s identification cards, or forms.
Section 321.218 - Operating without valid driver’s license or when disqualified — penalties.
Section 321.218A - Civil penalty — disposition — reinstatement.
Section 321.219 - Permitting unauthorized minor to drive.
Section 321.220 - Permitting unauthorized person to drive.
Section 321.221 - Employing unlicensed chauffeur.
Section 321.222 - Renting motor vehicle to another.
Section 321.223 - Driver’s license inspection for motor vehicle rental.
Section 321.224 - Record kept.
Section 321.228 - Provisions refer to highways — exceptions.
Section 321.229 - Obedience to peace officers.
Section 321.230 - Public officers not exempt.
Section 321.231 - Authorized emergency vehicles and police bicycles.
Section 321.232 - Speed detection jamming devices — penalty.
Section 321.233 - Road workers exempted.
Section 321.234 - Bicycles, animals, or animal-drawn vehicles.
Section 321.234A - All-terrain vehicles — highway use.
Section 321.235 - Provisions uniform.
Section 321.235A - Electric personal assistive mobility devices.
Section 321.235B - Low-speed electric bicycles — labels — operation.
Section 321.236 - Powers of local authorities.
Section 321.237 - Signs — requirement — notice.
Section 321.238 - Use of electronic devices while driving — preemption of local legislation.
Section 321.239 - Counties may restrict parking of vehicles.
Section 321.240 - Altering center of gravity of vehicle.
Section 321.241 - Regulation of taxicabs by local authorities — limits.
Section 321.247 - Golf cart operation on city streets.
Section 321.248 - Parks and cemeteries.
Section 321.249 - School zones.
Section 321.250 - Discriminations.
Section 321.252 - Department to adopt sign manual.
Section 321.253 - Department to erect signs.
Section 321.253B - Metric signs restricted.
Section 321.254 - Local authorities restricted.
Section 321.255 - Local traffic-control devices.
Section 321.256 - Obedience to official traffic-control devices.
Section 321.257 - Official traffic-control signal.
Section 321.258 - Arrangement of lights on official traffic-control signals.
Section 321.259 - Unauthorized signs, signals, or markings.
Section 321.261 - Death or personal injuries.
Section 321.263 - Information and aid — leaving scene of personal injury accident.
Section 321.264 - Striking unattended vehicle.
Section 321.265 - Striking fixtures upon a highway.
Section 321.266 - Reporting accidents.
Section 321.267 - Supplemental reports.
Section 321.268 - Driver unable to report.
Section 321.269 - Accident report forms.
Section 321.271 - Reports confidential — without prejudice — exceptions.
Section 321.272 - Tabulation of reports.
Section 321.273 - City may require reports.
Section 321.274 - Accidents in cities over 15,000.
Section 321.275 - Operation of motorcycles and motorized bicycles.
Section 321.276 - Use of electronic communication device while driving.
Section 321.277 - Reckless driving.
Section 321.277A - Careless driving.
Section 321.278 - Drag racing prohibited.
Section 321.279 - Eluding or attempting to elude pursuing law enforcement vehicle.
Section 321.280 - Assaults and homicide.
Section 321.281 - Actions against bicyclists.
Section 321.284 - Open containers in motor vehicles — drivers.
Section 321.284A - Open containers in motor vehicles — passengers.
Section 321.285 - Speed restrictions.
Section 321.288 - Control of vehicle — reduced speed.
Section 321.289 - Speed signs — duty to install.
Section 321.290 - Special restrictions.
Section 321.291 - Information or notice.
Section 321.292 - Civil action unaffected.
Section 321.293 - Local authorities may alter limits.
Section 321.294 - Minimum speed regulation.
Section 321.295 - Limitation on bridge or elevated structures.
Section 321.297 - Driving on right-hand side of roadway — exceptions.
Section 321.298 - Meeting and turning to right.
Section 321.299 - Overtaking a vehicle.
Section 321.302 - Overtaking and passing.
Section 321.303 - Limitations on overtaking on the left.
Section 321.304 - Prohibited passing.
Section 321.305 - One-way roadways and rotary traffic islands.
Section 321.306 - Roadways laned for traffic.
Section 321.307 - Following too closely.
Section 321.308 - Motor trucks and towed vehicles — distance requirements.
Section 321.310 - Towing four-wheeled trailers.
Section 321.311 - Turning at intersections.
Section 321.312 - Turning on curve or crest of grade.
Section 321.313 - Starting parked vehicle.
Section 321.314 - When signal required.
Section 321.315 - Signal continuous.
Section 321.317 - Signals by hand and arm or signal device.
Section 321.318 - Method of giving hand and arm signals.
Section 321.319 - Entering intersections from different highways.
Section 321.320 - Left turns — yielding.
Section 321.321 - Entering through highways.
Section 321.322 - Vehicles entering stop or yield intersection.
Section 321.323 - Moving vehicle backward on highway.
Section 321.323A - Approaching certain stationary vehicles.
Section 321.324 - Operation on approach of emergency vehicles.
Section 321.324A - Funeral processions.
Section 321.325 - Pedestrians subject to signals.
Section 321.326 - Pedestrians on left.
Section 321.327 - Pedestrians’ right-of-way.
Section 321.328 - Crossing at other than crosswalk.
Section 321.329 - Duty of driver — pedestrians crossing or working on highways.
Section 321.330 - Use of crosswalks.
Section 321.331 - Pedestrians soliciting rides.
Section 321.332 - White canes restricted to blind persons.
Section 321.333 - Duty of drivers.
Section 321.340 - Driving through safety zone.
Section 321.342 - Stop at certain railroad crossings — posting warning.
Section 321.343 - Certain vehicles must stop.
Section 321.343A - Employer violations — penalty.
Section 321.344 - Heavy equipment at crossing.
Section 321.344A - Reported violations for failure to stop at a railroad crossing — citations.
Section 321.344B - Immediate safety threat — penalty.
Section 321.345 - Stop or yield at highways.
Section 321.346 - Cost of signs.
Section 321.348 - Limitations on cities.
Section 321.350 - Primary roads as through highways.
Section 321.352 - Additional signs — cost.
Section 321.353 - Stop before crossing sidewalk — right-of-way.
Section 321.354 - Stopping on traveled way.
Section 321.355 - Disabled vehicle.
Section 321.356 - Officers authorized to remove.
Section 321.357 - Removed from bridge.
Section 321.358 - Stopping, standing, or parking.
Section 321.359 - Moving other vehicle.
Section 321.360 - Theaters, hotels, and auditoriums.
Section 321.361 - Additional parking regulations.
Section 321.362 - Unattended motor vehicle.
Section 321.363 - Obstruction to driver’s view.
Section 321.364 - Preventing contamination of food by hazardous material.
Section 321.365 - Coasting prohibited.
Section 321.366 - Acts prohibited on fully controlled-access facilities.
Section 321.366A - Immunity from civil liability for certain vehicle operators.
Section 321.367 - Following fire apparatus.
Section 321.368 - Crossing fire hose.
Section 321.369 - Putting debris on highway.
Section 321.370 - Removing injurious material.
Section 321.371 - Clearing up wrecks.
Section 321.372 - Discharging pupils — stopping requirements — penalties.
Section 321.373 - Required construction — rules adopted.
Section 321.374 - Inspection — seal of approval.
Section 321.375 - School bus drivers — qualifications — grounds for suspension.
Section 321.376 - License — authorization — instruction requirement.
Section 321.377 - Regional transit system transportation.
Section 321.378 - Applicability.
Section 321.380 - Enforcement.
Section 321.381 - Movement of unsafe or improperly equipped vehicles.
Section 321.381A - Operation of low-speed vehicles.
Section 321.382 - Upgrade pulls — minimum speed.
Section 321.383 - Exceptions — slow vehicles identified.
Section 321.384 - When lighted lamps required.
Section 321.385 - Headlamps on motor vehicles.
Section 321.385A - Citation for unlighted headlamp, rear lamp, or rear registration plate light.
Section 321.386 - Headlamps on motorcycles and motorized bicycles.
Section 321.388 - Illuminating plates.
Section 321.389 - Reflector required.
Section 321.390 - Reflector requirements.
Section 321.391 - Approval of reflectors.
Section 321.392 - Clearance and identification lights.
Section 321.393 - Color and mounting.
Section 321.394 - Lamp or flag on projecting load.
Section 321.395 - Lamps on parked vehicles.
Section 321.397 - Lamps on bicycles.
Section 321.398 - Lamps on other vehicles and equipment.
Section 321.403 - Auxiliary driving lamps.
Section 321.404 - Signal lamps and signal devices.
Section 321.404A - Light-restricting devices prohibited.
Section 321.405 - Self-illumination.
Section 321.408 - Back-up lamps.
Section 321.409 - Mandatory lighting equipment.
Section 321.415 - Required usage of lighting devices.
Section 321.417 - Single-beam road-lighting equipment.
Section 321.418 - Alternate road-lighting equipment.
Section 321.419 - Number of driving lamps required or permitted.
Section 321.420 - Number of lamps lighted.
Section 321.421 - Special restrictions on lamps.
Section 321.422 - Red light in front — rear lights.
Section 321.423 - Flashing lights.
Section 321.424 - Authorized emergency vehicle lights.
Section 321.430 - Brake, hitch, and control requirements.
Section 321.431 - Performance ability.
Section 321.432 - Horns and warning devices.
Section 321.433 - Sirens, whistles, and bells prohibited.
Section 321.434 - Bicycle sirens or whistles.
Section 321.435 - Motorcycles equipped with detachable stabilizing wheels.
Section 321.436 - Mufflers, prevention of noise.
Section 321.438 - Windshields and windows.
Section 321.439 - Windshield wipers.
Section 321.440 - Restrictions as to tire equipment.
Section 321.441 - Metal tires prohibited.
Section 321.442 - Projections on wheels.
Section 321.444 - Safety glass.
Section 321.445 - Safety belts and safety harnesses — use required.
Section 321.446 - Child restraint devices.
Section 321.449 - Motor carrier safety rules.
Section 321.449A - Rail crew transport drivers.
Section 321.449B - Texting or using a mobile telephone while operating a commercial motor vehicle.
Section 321.450 - Hazardous materials transportation regulations.
Section 321.451 - Emergency vehicles — certificate of designation.
Section 321.452 - Scope and effect.
Section 321.454 - Width of vehicles.
Section 321.455 - Projecting loads on passenger vehicles.
Section 321.456 - Height of vehicles.
Section 321.457 - Maximum length.
Section 321.458 - Loading beyond front.
Section 321.459 - Dual axle requirement.
Section 321.460 - Spilling loads on highways.
Section 321.461 - Trailers and towed vehicles.
Section 321.462 - Drawbars and safety chains.
Section 321.463 - Maximum gross weight — exceptions — penalties.
Section 321.464 - Investigation as to safety.
Section 321.465 - Weighing vehicles and removal of excess.
Section 321.466 - Increased loading capacity — reregistration.
Section 321.467 - Retractable axles.
Section 321.471 - Local authorities may restrict.
Section 321.472 - Signs posted.
Section 321.473 - Limitations on trucks by local authorities.
Section 321.474 - Department may restrict.
Section 321.475 - Liability for damage — rules.
Section 321.476 - Weighing vehicles by department.
Section 321.477 - Employees as peace officers — maximum age.
Section 321.479 - Badge of authority.
Section 321.480 - Limitation on expense.
Section 321.481 - No impairment of other authority.
Section 321.482 - Violations — simple misdemeanors unless otherwise provided.
Section 321.482A - Violations resulting in injury or death — additional penalties.
Section 321.483 - Felony penalty — class “D” felony.
Section 321.484 - Offenses by owners.
Section 321.485 - Notice to appear — promise to appear.
Section 321.486 - Authorized bond forms.
Section 321.487 - Violation of promise to appear.
Section 321.488 - Procedure not exclusive.
Section 321.489 - Record inadmissible in a civil action.
Section 321.490 - Conviction not to affect credibility.
Section 321.491 - Convictions and recommendations for suspension to be reported.
Section 321.492 - Peace officers’ authority.
Section 321.492A - Quotas on citations prohibited.
Section 321.492B - Use of unmanned aerial vehicle for traffic law enforcement prohibited.
Section 321.493 - Liability for damages.
Section 321.498 - Legal effect of use and operation.
Section 321.499 - “Person” defined.
Section 321.500 - Original notice — form.
Section 321.501 - Manner of service.
Section 321.502 - Notification to nonresident — form.
Section 321.504 - Optional notification.
Section 321.505 - Proof of service.
Section 321.506 - Actual service within this state.
Section 321.507 - Venue of actions.
Section 321.508 - Continuances.
Section 321.509 - Duty of director.
Section 321.510 - Expenses and attorney fees.
Section 321.511 - Dismissal — effect.
Section 321.512 - Action against insurance.
Section 321.513 - Nonresident traffic violator compact.
Section 321.514 - Definitions.
Section 321.518 - On-demand driverless-capable vehicle network.
Section 321.555 - Habitual offender defined.
Section 321.556 - Notice and hearing — findings and order.
Section 321.560 - Period of revocation — temporary restricted licenses.