Iowa Code
Chapter 203 - GRAIN DEALERS
Section 203.11B - Grain industry peer review panel.

203.11B Grain industry peer review panel.
1. The department shall establish a grain industry peer review panel to assist the department in assessing civil penalties pursuant to this section and section 203C.36A. The secretary of agriculture shall appoint to the panel the following members:
a. Two natural persons who are grain dealers licensed under this chapter and actively engaged in the grain dealer business.
b. Two natural persons who are warehouse operators licensed pursuant to chapter 203C and actively engaged in the grain warehouse business.
c. One natural person who is a producer actively engaged in grain farming.
2. a. The members appointed pursuant to this section shall serve four-year terms beginning and ending as provided in section 69.19. However, the secretary of agriculture shall appoint initial members to serve for less than four years to ensure that members serve staggered terms. A member is eligible for reappointment. A vacancy on the panel shall be filled for the unexpired portion of the regular term in the same manner as regular appointments are made.
b. The panel shall elect a chairperson who shall serve for a term of one year. The panel shall meet on a regular basis and at the call of the chairperson or upon the written request to the chairperson of three or more members. Three members constitute a quorum and the affirmative vote of a majority of the members present is necessary for any substantive action to be taken by the panel. The majority shall not include any member who has a conflict of interest and a statement by a member that the member has a conflict of interest is conclusive for this purpose. A vacancy in the membership does not impair the duties of the panel.
c. Notwithstanding section 7E.6, the members shall only receive reimbursement for actual expenses for performance of their official duties, as provided by the department.
d. The panel shall be staffed by employees of the department.
3. The panel may propose a schedule of civil penalties for minor and serious violations of this chapter and chapter 203C. The department may adopt rules based on the recommendations of the panel as approved by the secretary of agriculture.
4. a. The panel shall review cases of grain dealers regulated under this chapter and warehouse operators regulated under chapter 203C who are subject to civil penalties as provided in section 203.11A or 203C.36A. A review shall be performed upon the request of the department or the person subject to the civil penalty.
b. The department shall present reports to the panel in regard to investigations of cases under review which may result in the assessment of a civil penalty against a person. The reports may be reviewed by the panel in closed session pursuant to section 21.5, and are confidential records. In presenting the reports, the department shall make available to the panel records of persons which are otherwise confidential under section 22.7, 203.16, or 203C.24. The panel members shall maintain the confidentiality of records made available to the panel. However, a determination to assess a civil penalty against a person shall be made exclusively by the department.
c. The panel may establish procedures for the review and establish a system of prioritizing cases for review, consistent with rules adopted by the department. The department shall adopt rules establishing a period for the review and response by the panel which must be completed prior to a contested case hearing under chapter 17A. A hearing shall not be delayed after the required period for review and response, except as provided in chapter 17A or the Iowa rules of civil procedure. The rules adopted by the department may exclude review of minor violations. The review may also include the manner of assessing and collecting the civil penalty.
d. The findings and recommendations of the panel shall be included in a response delivered to the department and the person subject to the civil penalty. The response may include a recommendation that a proposed civil penalty be modified or suspended, that an alternative method of collection be instituted, or that conditions be placed upon the license of a grain dealer as provided in section 203.3 or the license of a warehouse operator as provided in section 203C.6.
5. This section does not apply to an action by the department for a license suspension or revocation. This section also does not require a review or response if the case is subject to criminal prosecution or involves a petition seeking injunctive relief.
6. A response by the panel may be used as evidence in an administrative hearing or in a civil or criminal case except to the extent that information contained in the response is considered confidential pursuant to section 22.7, 203.16, or 203C.24.
99 Acts, ch 106, §6; 2008 Acts, ch 1083, §5
Referred to in §203.11A, 203.16, 203C.24, 203C.36A