Iowa Code
Section 124.208 - Schedule III — substances included.

124.208 Schedule III — substances included.
1. Schedule III shall consist of the drugs and other substances, by whatever official name, common or usual name, chemical name, or brand name designated, listed in this section.
2. Stimulants. Unless specifically excepted or unless listed in another schedule, any material, compound, mixture, or preparation which contains any quantity of the following substances having a stimulant effect on the central nervous system, including its salts, isomers (whether optical, positional, or geometric), and salts of such isomers whenever the existence of such salts, isomers, and salts of isomers is possible within the specific chemical designation:
a. Benzphetamine.
b. Chlorphentermine.
c. Clortermine.
d. Phendimetrazine.
3. Depressants. Unless specifically excepted or unless listed in another schedule, any material, compound, mixture, or preparation which contains any quantity of the following substances having a depressant effect on the central nervous system:
a. Any compound, mixture or preparation containing amobarbital, secobarbital, pentobarbital or any salt thereof and one or more other active medicinal ingredients which are not listed in any schedules.
b. Any suppository dosage form containing amobarbital, secobarbital, pentobarbital or any salt of any of these drugs and approved by the federal food and drug administration for marketing only as a suppository.
c. Any substance which contains any quantity of a derivative of barbituric acid or any salt thereof including but not limited to Fioricet.
d. Chlorhexadol.
e. Lysergic acid.
f. Lysergic acid amide.
g. Methyprylon.
h. Sulfondiethylmethane.
i. Sulfonethylmethane.
j. Sulfonmethane.
k. Tiletamine and zolazepam or any salt thereof, including the following:
(1) Some trade or other names for a tiletamine-zolazepam combination product: Telazol.
(2) Some trade or other names for tiletamine: 2-(ethylamino)-2-(2-thienyl)-
(3) Some trade or other names for zolazepam: 4-(2-fluorophenyl)-6,8-dihydro-1,3,8-
trimethylpyraxolo-[3,4-e] [1,4]-diazepin-7(1H)-one, flupyrazapon.
l. Ketamine, its salts, isomers, and salts of isomers. Some other names for ketamine: (+-)-2-(2-chlorophenyl)-2-(methylamino)-cyclohexanone.
m. Any drug product containing gamma-hydroxybutyric acid, including its salts, isomers, and salts of isomers, for which an application is approved under section 505 of the federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act.
n. Embutramide.
o. Perampanel, its salts, isomers, and salts of isomers.
4. Nalorphine.
5. Narcotic drugs. Unless specifically excepted or unless listed in another schedule:
a. Any material, compound, mixture, or preparation containing any of the following narcotic drugs, or their salts calculated as the free anhydrous base or alkaloid, in limited quantities as set forth below:
(1) Not more than one point eight grams of codeine per one hundred milliliters or not more than ninety milligrams per dosage unit, with an equal or greater quantity of an isoquinoline alkaloid of opium.
(2) Not more than one point eight grams of codeine per one hundred milliliters or not more than ninety milligrams per dosage unit, with one or more active, nonnarcotic ingredients in recognized therapeutic amounts.
(3) Not more than one point eight grams of dihydrocodeine per one hundred milliliters or not more than ninety milligrams per dosage unit, with one or more active, nonnarcotic ingredients in recognized therapeutic amounts.
(4) Not more than three hundred milligrams of ethylmorphine per one hundred milliliters or not more than fifteen milligrams per dosage unit, with one or more active, nonnarcotic ingredients in recognized therapeutic amounts.
(5) Not more than five hundred milligrams of opium per one hundred milliliters or per one hundred grams or not more than twenty-five milligrams per dosage unit, with one or more active, nonnarcotic ingredients in recognized therapeutic amounts.
(6) Not more than fifty milligrams of morphine per one hundred milliliters or per one hundred grams, with one or more active, nonnarcotic ingredients in recognized therapeutic amounts.
b. Any material, compound, mixture, or preparation containing the narcotic drug buprenorphine, or its salts.
6. Anabolic steroids. Unless specifically excepted in subsection 7 or unless listed in another schedule, any material, compound, mixture, or preparation containing any quantity of the following substances, including their salts, esters, and ethers:
a. 3[beta],17-dihydroxy-5[alpha]-androstane.
b. 3[alpha],17[beta]-dihydroxy-5[alpha]-androstane.
c. 5[alpha]-androstan-3,17-dione.
d. 1-androstenediol(3[beta],17[beta]-dihydroxy-5[alpha]-androst-1-ene).
e. 1-androstenediol (3[alpha],17[beta]-dihydroxy-5[alpha]-androst-1-ene).
f. 4-androstenediol (3[beta],17[beta]-dihydroxy-androst-4-ene).
g. 5-androstenediol (3[beta],17[beta]-dihydroxy-androst-5-ene).
h. 1-androstenedione ([5[alpha]]-androst-1-en-3,17-dione).
i. 4-androstenedione (androst-4-en-3,17-dione).
j. 5-androstenedione (androst-5-en-3,17-dione).
k. Bolasterone (7[alpha],17[alpha]-dimethyl-17[beta]-hydroxyandrost-4-en-3-one).
l. Boldenone (17[beta]-hydroxyandrost-1,4-diene-3-one).
m. Calusterone (7[beta],17[alpha]-dimethyl-17[beta]-hydroxyandrost-4-en-3-one).
n. Clostebol (4-chloro-17[beta]-hydroxyandrost-4-en-3-one).
o. Dehydrochloromethyltestosterone (4-chloro-17[beta]-hydroxy-17[alpha]-methyl-
p. [Delta]1-dihydrotestosterone (also known as 1-testosterone)(17[beta]-
q. 4-dihydrotestosterone (17[beta]-hydroxy-androstan-3-one).
r. Drostanolone (17[beta]-hydroxy-2[alpha]-methyl-5[alpha]-androstan-3-one).
s. Ethylestrenol (17[alpha]-ethyl-17[beta]-hydroxyestr-4-ene).
t. Fluoxymesterone (9-fluoro-17[alpha]-methyl-11[beta],17[beta]-dihydroxyandrost-
u. Formebolone (2-formyl-17[alpha]-methyl-11[alpha],17[beta]-dihydroxyandrost-
v. Furazabol (17[alpha]-methyl-17[beta]-hydroxyandrostano[2,3-c]-furazan).
w. 13[beta]-ethyl-17[beta]-hydroxygon-4-en-3-one.
x. 4-hydroxytestosterone (4,17[beta]-dihydroxy-androst-4-en-3-one).
y. 4-hydroxy-19-nortestosterone (4,17[beta]-dihydroxy-estr-4-en-3-one).
z. Mestanolone (17[alpha]-methyl-17[beta]-hydroxy-5-androstan-3-one).
aa. Mesterolone (1[alpha]methyl-17[beta]-hydroxy-[5[alpha]]-androstan-3-one).
ab. Methandienone (17[alpha]-methyl-17[beta]-hydroxyandrost-1,4-dien-3-one).
ac. Methandriol (17[alpha]-methyl-3[beta],17[beta]-dihydroxyandrost-5-ene).
ad. Methenolone (1-methyl-17[beta]-hydroxy-5[alpha]-androst-1-en-3-one).
ae. 17[alpha]-methyl-3[beta],17[beta]-dihydroxy-5[alpha]-androstane.
af. 17[alpha]-methyl-3[alpha],17[beta]-dihydroxy-5[alpha]-androstane.
ag. 17[alpha]-methyl-3[beta],17[beta]-dihydroxyandrost-4-ene.
ah. 17[alpha]-methyl-4-hydroxynandrolone (17[alpha]-methyl-4-hydroxy-
ai. Methyldienolone (17[alpha]-methyl-17[beta]-hydroxyestra-4,9(10)-dien-3-one).
aj. Methyltrienolone (17[alpha]-methyl-17[beta]-hydroxyestra-4,9-11-trien-3-one).
ak. Methyltestosterone (17[alpha]-methyl-17[beta]-hydroxyandrost-4-en-3-one).
al. Mibolerone (7[alpha],17[alpha]-dimethyl-17[beta]-hydroxyestr-4-en-3-one).
am. 17[alpha]-methyl-[Delta]1-dihydrotestosterone (17b[beta]-hydroxy-
17[alpha]-methyl-5[alpha]-androst-1-en-3-one) (also known as 17-[alpha]-methyl-1-
an. Nandrolone (17[beta]-hydroxyestr-4-en-3-one).
ao. 19-nor-4-androstenediol (3[beta],17[beta]-dihydroxyestr-4-ene).
ap. 19-nor-4-androstenediol (3[alpha],17[beta]-dihydroxyestr-4-ene).
aq. 19-nor-5-androstenediol (3[beta],17[beta]-dihydroxyestr-5-ene).
ar. 19-nor-5-androstenediol (3[alpha],17[beta]-dihydroxyestr-5-ene).
as. 19-nor-4-androstenedione (estr-4-en-3,17-dione).
at. 19-nor-5-androstenedione (estr-5-en-3,17-dione).
au. Norbolethone (13[beta],17[alpha]-diethyl-17[beta]-hydroxygon-4-en-3-one).
av. Norclostebol (4-chloro-17[beta]-hydroxyestr-4-en-3-one).
aw. Norethandrolone (17[alpha]-ethyl-17[beta]-hydroxyestr-4-en-3-one).
ax. Normethandrolone (17[alpha]-methyl-17[beta]-hydroxyestr-4-en-3-one).
ay. Oxandrolone (17[alpha]-methyl-17[beta]-hydroxy-2-oxa-[5[alpha]]-
az. Oxymesterone (17[alpha]-methyl-4,17[beta]-dihydroxyandrost-4-en-3-one).
ba. Oxymetholone (17[alpha]-methyl-2-hydroxymethylene-17[beta]-hydroxy-
bb. Stanozolol (17[alpha]-methyl-17[beta]-hydroxy-[5[alpha]]-androst-2-
bc. Stenbolone (17[beta]-hydroxy-2-methyl-[5[alpha]]-androst-1-en-3-one).
bd. Testolactone (13-hydroxy-3-oxo-13,17-secoandrosta-1,4-dien-17-oic acid lactone).
be. Testosterone (17[beta]-hydroxyandrost-4-en-3-one).
bf. Tetrahydrogestrinone (13[beta],17[alpha]-diethyl-17[beta]-hydroxygon-
bg. Trenbolone (17[beta]-hydroxyestr-4,9,11-trien-3-one).
bh. Boldione (androsta-1,4-diene-3,17-dione).
bi. Desoxymethyltestosterone (17[alpha]-methyl-5[alpha]-androst-2-en-17[beta]-ol);
also known as madol.
bj. 19-nor-4,9(10)-androstadienedione (estra-4,9(10)-diene-3,17-dione).
bk. Methasterone (2[alpha],17[alpha]-dimethyl-5[alpha]-androstan-17[beta]-ol-3-one.
bl. Prostanozol (17[beta]-hydroxy-5[alpha]-androstano[3,2-c]pyrazole).
7. Exclusions — anabolic steroids. This section shall not apply to an anabolic steroid that is expressly intended for administration through implants to cattle or other nonhuman species and that has been approved for such administration. A person who prescribes, dispenses, or distributes such steroid for human use shall be considered to have prescribed, dispensed, or distributed an anabolic steroid subject to this section. This section shall not apply to estrogens, progestins, corticosteroids, or dehydroepiandrosterone.
8. The board by rule may except any compound, mixture, or preparation containing any stimulant or depressant substance listed in subsections 2 and 3 of this section from the application of all or any part of this chapter if the compound, mixture, or preparation contains one or more active medicinal ingredients not having a stimulant or depressant effect on the central nervous system, and if the admixtures are included therein in such combinations, quantity, proportion, or concentration as to vitiate the potential for abuse of the substances which have a stimulant or depressant effect on the central nervous system.
9. Hallucinogenic substances.
a. Dronabinol (synthetic) in sesame oil and encapsulated in a soft gelatin capsule in a drug product approved for marketing by the United States food and drug administration. Other names: (6aR-trans)-6a,7,8,10a-tetrahydro-6,6,9-trimethyl-3-pentyl-6H-dibenzo [b,d]pyran-1-
ol; (-)-delta-9-(trans)-tetrahydrocannabinol.
b. Any drug product in tablet or capsule form containing natural dronabinol (derived from the cannabis plant) or synthetic dronabinol (produced from synthetic materials) for which an abbreviated new drug application (ANDA) has been approved by the United States food and drug administration under section 505(j) of the federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act and which references as its listed drug the drug product identified in paragraph “a”.
[C73, 75, 77, 79, 81, §204.208; 82 Acts, ch 1044, §5]
84 Acts, ch 1013, §10; 88 Acts, ch 1024, §2; 91 Acts, ch 8, §4; 91 Acts, ch 37, §1
C93, §124.208
94 Acts, ch 1009, §11 – 13; 95 Acts, ch 6, §1; 2000 Acts, ch 1140, §8 – 10; 2001 Acts, ch 58, §2; 2003 Acts, ch 53, §6, 7; 2007 Acts, ch 8, §10 – 12; 2008 Acts, ch 1010, §3, 4; 2012 Acts, ch 1122, §3; 2014 Acts, ch 1056, §3, 4; 2017 Acts, ch 27, §6, 11; 2020 Acts, ch 1023, §9, 13; 2021 Acts, ch 93, §27 – 30, 38
Referred to in §124.201, 124.202, 124.303, 126.2
Subsection 2, unnumbered paragraph 1 amended
Subsection 6, paragraphs o, z, bj, and bl stricken and rewritten
Subsection 9, paragraph a amended
Subsection 9, paragraph c stricken

Structure Iowa Code

Iowa Code



Section 124.101 - Definitions.

Section 124.101A - Administration of controlled substances — delegation.

Section 124.101B - Factors indicating an imitation controlled substance.

Section 124.102 - Reserved.

Section 124.103 - Reserved.

Section 124.104 - Reserved.

Section 124.105 - Reserved.

Section 124.106 - Reserved.

Section 124.107 - Reserved.

Section 124.108 - Reserved.

Section 124.109 - Reserved.

Section 124.110 - Reserved.

Section 124.111 - Reserved.

Section 124.112 - Reserved.

Section 124.113 - Reserved.

Section 124.114 - Reserved.

Section 124.115 - Reserved.

Section 124.116 - Reserved.

Section 124.117 - Reserved.

Section 124.118 - Reserved.

Section 124.119 - Reserved.

Section 124.120 - Reserved.

Section 124.121 - Reserved.

Section 124.122 - Reserved.

Section 124.123 - Reserved.

Section 124.124 - Reserved.

Section 124.125 - Reserved.

Section 124.126 - Reserved.

Section 124.127 - Reserved.

Section 124.128 - Reserved.

Section 124.129 - Reserved.

Section 124.130 - Reserved.

Section 124.131 - Reserved.

Section 124.132 - Reserved.

Section 124.133 - Reserved.

Section 124.134 - Reserved.

Section 124.135 - Reserved.

Section 124.136 - Reserved.

Section 124.137 - Reserved.

Section 124.138 - Reserved.

Section 124.139 - Reserved.

Section 124.140 - Reserved.

Section 124.141 - Reserved.

Section 124.142 - Reserved.

Section 124.143 - Reserved.

Section 124.144 - Reserved.

Section 124.145 - Reserved.

Section 124.146 - Reserved.

Section 124.147 - Reserved.

Section 124.148 - Reserved.

Section 124.149 - Reserved.

Section 124.150 - Reserved.

Section 124.151 - Reserved.

Section 124.152 - Reserved.

Section 124.153 - Reserved.

Section 124.154 - Reserved.

Section 124.155 - Reserved.

Section 124.156 - Reserved.

Section 124.157 - Reserved.

Section 124.158 - Reserved.

Section 124.159 - Reserved.

Section 124.160 - Reserved.

Section 124.161 - Reserved.

Section 124.162 - Reserved.

Section 124.163 - Reserved.

Section 124.164 - Reserved.

Section 124.165 - Reserved.

Section 124.166 - Reserved.

Section 124.167 - Reserved.

Section 124.168 - Reserved.

Section 124.169 - Reserved.

Section 124.170 - Reserved.

Section 124.171 - Reserved.

Section 124.172 - Reserved.

Section 124.173 - Reserved.

Section 124.174 - Reserved.

Section 124.175 - Reserved.

Section 124.176 - Reserved.

Section 124.177 - Reserved.

Section 124.178 - Reserved.

Section 124.179 - Reserved.

Section 124.180 - Reserved.

Section 124.181 - Reserved.

Section 124.182 - Reserved.

Section 124.183 - Reserved.

Section 124.184 - Reserved.

Section 124.185 - Reserved.

Section 124.186 - Reserved.

Section 124.187 - Reserved.

Section 124.188 - Reserved.

Section 124.189 - Reserved.

Section 124.190 - Reserved.

Section 124.191 - Reserved.

Section 124.192 - Reserved.

Section 124.193 - Reserved.

Section 124.194 - Reserved.

Section 124.195 - Reserved.

Section 124.196 - Reserved.

Section 124.197 - Reserved.

Section 124.198 - Reserved.

Section 124.199 - Reserved.

Section 124.200 - Reserved.

Section 124.201 - Duty to recommend changes in schedules — temporary amendments to schedules.

Section 124.201A - Cannabis-derived products — rules.

Section 124.202 - Controlled substances — listed regardless of name.

Section 124.203 - Substances listed in schedule I — criteria.

Section 124.204 - Schedule I — substances included.

Section 124.205 - Substances listed in schedule II — criteria.

Section 124.206 - Schedule II — substances included.

Section 124.207 - Substances listed in schedule III — criteria.

Section 124.208 - Schedule III — substances included.

Section 124.209 - Substances listed in schedule IV — criteria.

Section 124.210 - Schedule IV — substances included.

Section 124.211 - Schedule V — criteria.

Section 124.212 - Schedule V — substances included.

Section 124.212A - Pharmacy pseudoephedrine sale — restrictions — records — contingent applicability.

Section 124.212B - Pseudoephedrine sales — tracking — penalty.

Section 124.212C - Pseudoephedrine advisory council — electronic monitoring.

Section 124.213 - Pseudoephedrine purchase restrictions from pharmacy or retailer — penalty.

Section 124.214 - Reserved.

Section 124.215 - Reserved.

Section 124.216 - Reserved.

Section 124.217 - Reserved.

Section 124.218 - Reserved.

Section 124.219 - Reserved.

Section 124.220 - Reserved.

Section 124.221 - Reserved.

Section 124.222 - Reserved.

Section 124.223 - Reserved.

Section 124.224 - Reserved.

Section 124.225 - Reserved.

Section 124.226 - Reserved.

Section 124.227 - Reserved.

Section 124.228 - Reserved.

Section 124.229 - Reserved.

Section 124.230 - Reserved.

Section 124.231 - Reserved.

Section 124.232 - Reserved.

Section 124.233 - Reserved.

Section 124.234 - Reserved.

Section 124.235 - Reserved.

Section 124.236 - Reserved.

Section 124.237 - Reserved.

Section 124.238 - Reserved.

Section 124.239 - Reserved.

Section 124.240 - Reserved.

Section 124.241 - Reserved.

Section 124.242 - Reserved.

Section 124.243 - Reserved.

Section 124.244 - Reserved.

Section 124.245 - Reserved.

Section 124.246 - Reserved.

Section 124.247 - Reserved.

Section 124.248 - Reserved.

Section 124.249 - Reserved.

Section 124.250 - Reserved.

Section 124.251 - Reserved.

Section 124.252 - Reserved.

Section 124.253 - Reserved.

Section 124.254 - Reserved.

Section 124.255 - Reserved.

Section 124.256 - Reserved.

Section 124.257 - Reserved.

Section 124.258 - Reserved.

Section 124.259 - Reserved.

Section 124.260 - Reserved.

Section 124.261 - Reserved.

Section 124.262 - Reserved.

Section 124.263 - Reserved.

Section 124.264 - Reserved.

Section 124.265 - Reserved.

Section 124.266 - Reserved.

Section 124.267 - Reserved.

Section 124.268 - Reserved.

Section 124.269 - Reserved.

Section 124.270 - Reserved.

Section 124.271 - Reserved.

Section 124.272 - Reserved.

Section 124.273 - Reserved.

Section 124.274 - Reserved.

Section 124.275 - Reserved.

Section 124.276 - Reserved.

Section 124.277 - Reserved.

Section 124.278 - Reserved.

Section 124.279 - Reserved.

Section 124.280 - Reserved.

Section 124.281 - Reserved.

Section 124.282 - Reserved.

Section 124.283 - Reserved.

Section 124.284 - Reserved.

Section 124.285 - Reserved.

Section 124.286 - Reserved.

Section 124.287 - Reserved.

Section 124.288 - Reserved.

Section 124.289 - Reserved.

Section 124.290 - Reserved.

Section 124.291 - Reserved.

Section 124.292 - Reserved.

Section 124.293 - Reserved.

Section 124.294 - Reserved.

Section 124.295 - Reserved.

Section 124.296 - Reserved.

Section 124.297 - Reserved.

Section 124.298 - Reserved.

Section 124.299 - Reserved.

Section 124.300 - Reserved.

Section 124.301 - Rules.

Section 124.302 - Registration requirements.

Section 124.303 - Registration.

Section 124.304 - Revocation, suspension, or restriction of registration.

Section 124.305 - Contested case proceedings.

Section 124.306 - Records of registrants.

Section 124.307 - Order forms.

Section 124.308 - Prescriptions.

Section 124.309 - Reserved.

Section 124.310 - Reserved.

Section 124.311 - Reserved.

Section 124.312 - Reserved.

Section 124.313 - Reserved.

Section 124.314 - Reserved.

Section 124.315 - Reserved.

Section 124.316 - Reserved.

Section 124.317 - Reserved.

Section 124.318 - Reserved.

Section 124.319 - Reserved.

Section 124.320 - Reserved.

Section 124.321 - Reserved.

Section 124.322 - Reserved.

Section 124.323 - Reserved.

Section 124.324 - Reserved.

Section 124.325 - Reserved.

Section 124.326 - Reserved.

Section 124.327 - Reserved.

Section 124.328 - Reserved.

Section 124.329 - Reserved.

Section 124.330 - Reserved.

Section 124.331 - Reserved.

Section 124.332 - Reserved.

Section 124.333 - Reserved.

Section 124.334 - Reserved.

Section 124.335 - Reserved.

Section 124.336 - Reserved.

Section 124.337 - Reserved.

Section 124.338 - Reserved.

Section 124.339 - Reserved.

Section 124.340 - Reserved.

Section 124.341 - Reserved.

Section 124.342 - Reserved.

Section 124.343 - Reserved.

Section 124.344 - Reserved.

Section 124.345 - Reserved.

Section 124.346 - Reserved.

Section 124.347 - Reserved.

Section 124.348 - Reserved.

Section 124.349 - Reserved.

Section 124.350 - Reserved.

Section 124.351 - Reserved.

Section 124.352 - Reserved.

Section 124.353 - Reserved.

Section 124.354 - Reserved.

Section 124.355 - Reserved.

Section 124.356 - Reserved.

Section 124.357 - Reserved.

Section 124.358 - Reserved.

Section 124.359 - Reserved.

Section 124.360 - Reserved.

Section 124.361 - Reserved.

Section 124.362 - Reserved.

Section 124.363 - Reserved.

Section 124.364 - Reserved.

Section 124.365 - Reserved.

Section 124.366 - Reserved.

Section 124.367 - Reserved.

Section 124.368 - Reserved.

Section 124.369 - Reserved.

Section 124.370 - Reserved.

Section 124.371 - Reserved.

Section 124.372 - Reserved.

Section 124.373 - Reserved.

Section 124.374 - Reserved.

Section 124.375 - Reserved.

Section 124.376 - Reserved.

Section 124.377 - Reserved.

Section 124.378 - Reserved.

Section 124.379 - Reserved.

Section 124.380 - Reserved.

Section 124.381 - Reserved.

Section 124.382 - Reserved.

Section 124.383 - Reserved.

Section 124.384 - Reserved.

Section 124.385 - Reserved.

Section 124.386 - Reserved.

Section 124.387 - Reserved.

Section 124.388 - Reserved.

Section 124.389 - Reserved.

Section 124.390 - Reserved.

Section 124.391 - Reserved.

Section 124.392 - Reserved.

Section 124.393 - Reserved.

Section 124.394 - Reserved.

Section 124.395 - Reserved.

Section 124.396 - Reserved.

Section 124.397 - Reserved.

Section 124.398 - Reserved.

Section 124.399 - Reserved.

Section 124.400 - Reserved.

Section 124.401 - Prohibited acts — manufacture, delivery, possession — counterfeit substances, simulated controlled substances, imitation controlled substances — penalties.

Section 124.401A - Enhanced penalty for manufacture or distribution to persons on certain real property.

Section 124.401B - Possession of controlled substances on certain real property — additional penalty.

Section 124.401C - Manufacturing methamphetamine in presence of minors.

Section 124.401D - Conspiracy to manufacture for delivery or delivery or intent or conspiracy to deliver amphetamine or methamphetamine to a minor.

Section 124.401E - Certain penalties for manufacturing or delivery of amphetamine or methamphetamine.

Section 124.401F - Prohibitions on tampering with, possessing, or transporting anhydrous ammonia or anhydrous ammonia equipment.

Section 124.401G - Iowa hemp Act — negligent violation program.

Section 124.402 - Prohibited acts — distributors — registrants — proprietors — penalties.

Section 124.403 - Prohibited acts — controlled substances, distribution, use, possession — records and information — penalties.

Section 124.404 - Penalties under other laws.

Section 124.405 - Bar to prosecution.

Section 124.406 - Distribution to person under age eighteen.

Section 124.406A - Use of persons under age eighteen in the drug trade.

Section 124.407 - Gatherings where controlled substances unlawfully used — penalties.

Section 124.408 - Joint criminal trials.

Section 124.409 - Conditional discharge, commitment for treatment, and probation.

Section 124.410 - Accommodation offense.

Section 124.411 - Second or subsequent offenses.

Section 124.412 - Notice of conviction.

Section 124.413 - Mandatory minimum sentence — parole eligibility.

Section 124.414 - Drug paraphernalia.

Section 124.415 - Parental and school notification — persons under eighteen years of age.

Section 124.416 - Exception to restrictions on bail.

Section 124.417 - Imitation controlled substances — exceptions.

Section 124.418 - Persons seeking medical assistance for drug-related overdose.

Section 124.419 - Reserved.

Section 124.420 - Reserved.

Section 124.421 - Reserved.

Section 124.422 - Reserved.

Section 124.423 - Reserved.

Section 124.424 - Reserved.

Section 124.425 - Reserved.

Section 124.426 - Reserved.

Section 124.427 - Reserved.

Section 124.428 - Reserved.

Section 124.429 - Reserved.

Section 124.430 - Reserved.

Section 124.431 - Reserved.

Section 124.432 - Reserved.

Section 124.433 - Reserved.

Section 124.434 - Reserved.

Section 124.435 - Reserved.

Section 124.436 - Reserved.

Section 124.437 - Reserved.

Section 124.438 - Reserved.

Section 124.439 - Reserved.

Section 124.440 - Reserved.

Section 124.441 - Reserved.

Section 124.442 - Reserved.

Section 124.443 - Reserved.

Section 124.444 - Reserved.

Section 124.445 - Reserved.

Section 124.446 - Reserved.

Section 124.447 - Reserved.

Section 124.448 - Reserved.

Section 124.449 - Reserved.

Section 124.450 - Reserved.

Section 124.451 - Reserved.

Section 124.452 - Reserved.

Section 124.453 - Reserved.

Section 124.454 - Reserved.

Section 124.455 - Reserved.

Section 124.456 - Reserved.

Section 124.457 - Reserved.

Section 124.458 - Reserved.

Section 124.459 - Reserved.

Section 124.460 - Reserved.

Section 124.461 - Reserved.

Section 124.462 - Reserved.

Section 124.463 - Reserved.

Section 124.464 - Reserved.

Section 124.465 - Reserved.

Section 124.466 - Reserved.

Section 124.467 - Reserved.

Section 124.468 - Reserved.

Section 124.469 - Reserved.

Section 124.470 - Reserved.

Section 124.471 - Reserved.

Section 124.472 - Reserved.

Section 124.473 - Reserved.

Section 124.474 - Reserved.

Section 124.475 - Reserved.

Section 124.476 - Reserved.

Section 124.477 - Reserved.

Section 124.478 - Reserved.

Section 124.479 - Reserved.

Section 124.480 - Reserved.

Section 124.481 - Reserved.

Section 124.482 - Reserved.

Section 124.483 - Reserved.

Section 124.484 - Reserved.

Section 124.485 - Reserved.

Section 124.486 - Reserved.

Section 124.487 - Reserved.

Section 124.488 - Reserved.

Section 124.489 - Reserved.

Section 124.490 - Reserved.

Section 124.491 - Reserved.

Section 124.492 - Reserved.

Section 124.493 - Reserved.

Section 124.494 - Reserved.

Section 124.495 - Reserved.

Section 124.496 - Reserved.

Section 124.497 - Reserved.

Section 124.498 - Reserved.

Section 124.499 - Reserved.

Section 124.500 - Reserved.

Section 124.501 - Responsibility for enforcement.

Section 124.502 - Administrative inspections and warrants.

Section 124.503 - Injunctions.

Section 124.504 - Cooperative arrangements and confidentiality.

Section 124.506 - Controlled substances — disposal.

Section 124.506A - Large seizure of a controlled substance — evidence and disposal.

Section 124.507 - Burden of proof — liabilities.

Section 124.508 - Judicial review.

Section 124.509 - Education and research.

Section 124.510 - Reports of arrests and analyses to department.

Section 124.511 - Reserved.

Section 124.512 - Reserved.

Section 124.513 - Reserved.

Section 124.514 - Reserved.

Section 124.515 - Reserved.

Section 124.516 - Reserved.

Section 124.517 - Reserved.

Section 124.518 - Reserved.

Section 124.519 - Reserved.

Section 124.520 - Reserved.

Section 124.521 - Reserved.

Section 124.522 - Reserved.

Section 124.523 - Reserved.

Section 124.524 - Reserved.

Section 124.525 - Reserved.

Section 124.526 - Reserved.

Section 124.527 - Reserved.

Section 124.528 - Reserved.

Section 124.529 - Reserved.

Section 124.530 - Reserved.

Section 124.531 - Reserved.

Section 124.532 - Reserved.

Section 124.533 - Reserved.

Section 124.534 - Reserved.

Section 124.535 - Reserved.

Section 124.536 - Reserved.

Section 124.537 - Reserved.

Section 124.538 - Reserved.

Section 124.539 - Reserved.

Section 124.540 - Reserved.

Section 124.541 - Reserved.

Section 124.542 - Reserved.

Section 124.543 - Reserved.

Section 124.544 - Reserved.

Section 124.545 - Reserved.

Section 124.546 - Reserved.

Section 124.547 - Reserved.

Section 124.548 - Reserved.

Section 124.549 - Reserved.

Section 124.550 - Definitions.

Section 124.551 - Information program for drug prescribing and dispensing.

Section 124.551A - Prescribing practitioner program registration.

Section 124.552 - Information reporting.

Section 124.553 - Information access.

Section 124.554 - Rules and reporting.

Section 124.555 - Advisory council established.

Section 124.556 - Education and treatment.

Section 124.557 - Drug information program fund — surcharge.

Section 124.558 - Prohibited acts — penalties.

Section 124.559 - Reserved.

Section 124.560 - Reserved.

Section 124.561 - Reserved.

Section 124.562 - Reserved.

Section 124.563 - Reserved.

Section 124.564 - Reserved.

Section 124.565 - Reserved.

Section 124.566 - Reserved.

Section 124.567 - Reserved.

Section 124.568 - Reserved.

Section 124.569 - Reserved.

Section 124.570 - Reserved.

Section 124.571 - Reserved.

Section 124.572 - Reserved.

Section 124.573 - Reserved.

Section 124.574 - Reserved.

Section 124.575 - Reserved.

Section 124.576 - Reserved.

Section 124.577 - Reserved.

Section 124.578 - Reserved.

Section 124.579 - Reserved.

Section 124.580 - Reserved.

Section 124.581 - Reserved.

Section 124.582 - Reserved.

Section 124.583 - Reserved.

Section 124.584 - Reserved.

Section 124.585 - Reserved.

Section 124.586 - Reserved.

Section 124.587 - Reserved.

Section 124.588 - Reserved.

Section 124.589 - Reserved.

Section 124.590 - Reserved.

Section 124.591 - Reserved.

Section 124.592 - Reserved.

Section 124.593 - Reserved.

Section 124.594 - Reserved.

Section 124.595 - Reserved.

Section 124.596 - Reserved.

Section 124.597 - Reserved.

Section 124.598 - Reserved.

Section 124.599 - Reserved.

Section 124.600 - Reserved.

Section 124.601 - Uniformity of interpretation.

Section 124.602 - Short title.