Indiana Code
Chapter 6.1. Commercial Driver's License Program
9-24-6.1-4. Fees

Sec. 4. (a) The fee for a commercial driver's license issued before January 1, 2017, is thirty-six dollars ($36). The fee shall be distributed as follows:
(1) One dollar and fifty cents ($1.50) to the state motor vehicle technology fund.
(2) Fifteen dollars ($15) to the motor vehicle highway account.
(3) Five dollars ($5) to the integrated public safety communications fund.
(4) Fourteen dollars and fifty cents ($14.50) to the commission fund.
(b) The fee for a commercial driver's license issued after December 31, 2016, is thirty-five dollars ($35). The fee shall be distributed as follows:
(1) Twenty-five cents ($0.25) to the state construction fund.
(2) Fifty cents ($0.50) to the state motor vehicle technology fund.
(3) Two dollars ($2) to the crossroads 2000 fund.
(4) One dollar and twenty-five cents ($1.25) to the integrated public safety communications fund.
(5) Four dollars and seventy-five cents ($4.75) to the commission fund.
(6) Any remaining amount to the motor vehicle highway account.
(c) The fee for a commercial learner's permit is seventeen dollars ($17). The fee shall be distributed as follows:
(1) Fifty cents ($0.50) to the state motor vehicle technology fund.
(2) Two dollars ($2) to the crossroads 2000 fund.
(3) One dollar and twenty-five cents ($1.25) to the integrated public safety communications fund.
(4) To the commission fund as follows:
(A) For a commercial learner's permit issued before January 1, 2017, twelve dollars and seventy-five cents ($12.75).
(B) For a commercial learner's permit issued after December 31, 2016, five dollars ($5).
(5) To the motor vehicle highway account as follows:
(A) For a commercial learner's permit issued before January 1, 2017, fifty cents ($0.50).
(B) For a commercial learner's permit issued after December 31, 2016, eight dollars and twenty-five cents ($8.25).
(d) The payment of a fee imposed under this section does not relieve the holder of a commercial driver's license or commercial learner's permit of responsibility for the following fees, as applicable:
(1) The fee to issue an amended or a replacement license or permit under IC 9-24-14-1.
(2) A fee to add or remove an endorsement to a license or permit under subsection (e) or IC 9-24-8.5-3.
(3) The administrative penalty for the delinquent renewal of a license under IC 9-24-12-13.
(e) The fee to add or remove an endorsement, other than a motorcycle endorsement, to a commercial driver's license or commercial learner's permit is nineteen dollars ($19). The fee shall be distributed as follows:
(1) Fifty cents ($0.50) to the state motor vehicle technology fund.
(2) One dollar and twenty-five cents ($1.25) to the motor vehicle highway account.
(3) One dollar and twenty-five cents ($1.25) to the integrated public safety communications fund.
(4) Sixteen dollars ($16) to the commission fund.
[Pre-2016 Revision Citations: 9-29-9-16; subsection (b) formerly 9-29-9-17.]
As added by P.L.198-2016, SEC.452. Amended by P.L.256-2017, SEC.167; P.L.108-2019, SEC.187.