Indiana Code
Chapter 8. Vehicle Operation
9-21-8-52. Reckless Driving; Passing a School Bus With Extended Stop Arm; Penalty; License Suspension

Sec. 52. (a) A person who operates a vehicle and who recklessly:
(1) drives at such an unreasonably high rate of speed or at such an unreasonably low rate of speed under the circumstances as to:
(A) endanger the safety or the property of others; or
(B) block the proper flow of traffic;
(2) passes another vehicle from the rear while on a slope or on a curve where vision is obstructed for a distance of less than five hundred (500) feet ahead;
(3) drives in and out of a line of traffic, except as otherwise permitted; or
(4) speeds up or refuses to give one-half (1/2) of the roadway to a driver overtaking and desiring to pass;
commits a Class C misdemeanor. However, the offense is a Class A misdemeanor if it causes bodily injury to a person.
(b) A person who operates a vehicle and who recklessly passes a school bus stopped on a roadway or a private road when the arm signal device specified in IC 9-21-12-13 is in the device's extended position commits a Class A misdemeanor. However, the offense is a Level 6 felony if it causes bodily injury to a person, and a Level 5 felony if it causes the death of a person.
(c) If an offense under subsection (a) results in damage to the property of another person, it is a Class B misdemeanor and the court may recommend the suspension of the current driving license of the person convicted of the offense described in subsection (a) for a fixed period of not more than one (1) year.
(d) If an offense under subsection (a) causes bodily injury to a person, the court may recommend the suspension of the driving privileges of the person convicted of the offense described in this subsection for a fixed period of not more than one (1) year.
(e) In addition to any other penalty imposed under subsection (b), the court may suspend the person's driving privileges:
(1) for ninety (90) days; or
(2) if the person has committed at least one (1) previous offense under this section or IC 9-21-12-1, for one (1) year.
[Pre-1991 Recodification Citation: 9-4-1-56.1.]
As added by P.L.2-1991, SEC.9. Amended by P.L.127-1993, SEC.1; P.L.1-2005, SEC.103; P.L.70-2009, SEC.3; P.L.217-2014, SEC.49; P.L.188-2015, SEC.77; P.L.198-2016, SEC.364; P.L.144-2019, SEC.2.

Structure Indiana Code

Indiana Code

Title 9. Motor Vehicles

Article 21. Traffic Regulation

Chapter 8. Vehicle Operation

9-21-8-0.1. Repealed

9-21-8-0.4. Repealed

9-21-8-0.5. Definitions

9-21-8-1. Failure to Comply With Lawful Order or Law Enforcement Officer

9-21-8-2. Roadways; Use of Right Half; Exceptions; Traveling at Reduced Speeds

9-21-8-3. Lane Use Restrictions

9-21-8-4. Vehicles Proceeding in Opposite Directions; Single Lane Roadways; Passing

9-21-8-5. Overtaking and Passing; Limitations; Exceptions

9-21-8-6. Overtaking and Passing on the Right; Conditions

9-21-8-7. Overtaking and Passing on the Left; Conditions

9-21-8-7.5. Overtaking and Passing; Worksite No Passing Zones

9-21-8-8. Driving to the Left Side of the Roadway; Conditions

9-21-8-9. One-Way Streets

9-21-8-10. Roundabouts

9-21-8-10.5. Right-of-Way in a Roundabout

9-21-8-11. Roadways Divided Into Three or More Clearly Marked Lanes; Rules

9-21-8-11.5. Roadways Divided Into Two or More Clearly Marked Lanes; Rules

9-21-8-12. Interstate Highways; Lane Use Restrictions for Trucks

9-21-8-13. Interstate Highways Consisting of at Least Three Lanes; Lane Use Restrictions for Trucks

9-21-8-14. Following Other Vehicles; Distance Restrictions

9-21-8-15. Trucks and Tractor-Trailers; Following Other Trucks; Distance Restrictions

9-21-8-16. Caravans and Motorcades; Distance Between Vehicles; Exceptions

9-21-8-17. Divided Highways; Restrictions

9-21-8-18. Limited Access Facilities; Entrance and Exit to and From

9-21-8-19. Freeways and Interstate Highways; Entrance and Exit to and From; Special Crossovers; "U" Turns

9-21-8-20. Pedestrians, Bicycles, and Other Nonmotorized Traffic; Prohibition on Use of Highways

9-21-8-21. Intersections; Right and Left Turns

9-21-8-22. Grades; Proceeding in Opposite Direction on Approach to Crest

9-21-8-23. Starting a Vehicle That Is Stopped, Standing, or Parked

9-21-8-24. Slowing Down, Turning From a Direct Course, and Changing Lanes; Performance With Reasonable Safety; Signal

9-21-8-24-b. Slowing Down, Turning From a Direct Course, and Changing Lanes; Performance With Reasonable Safety; Signal

9-21-8-25. Turn Signals

9-21-8-25-b. Repealed

9-21-8-26. Stopping or Sudden Decrease in Speed; Signal

9-21-8-27. Stop or Turn Signals; Hand or Arm Signals; Signal Lamps; Exception for Farm Equipment; Highway Travel

9-21-8-28. Hand and Arm Signals; Left Turn; Right Turn; Decrease in Speed

9-21-8-29. Intersections; Vehicles Approaching From Different Highways; Yield of Right-of-Way

9-21-8-30. Intersections; Vehicles Approaching From Opposite Directions; Yield of Right-of-Way

9-21-8-31. Entrance to Through Highways; Stopping; Yield of Right-of-Way

9-21-8-32. Stop Signs at Intersections; Duty to Obey

9-21-8-33. Yield Signs; Collision With Pedestrian or Vehicle

9-21-8-34. Entrance to Highway From Private Road or Driveway; Yield of Right-of-Way

9-21-8-35. Vehicles Displaying Flashing Lights; Yield Right-of-Way; Violation

9-21-8-36. Traffic Control Signals Not in Operation

9-21-8-37. Pedestrians and Children; Due Care; Caution

9-21-8-38. Safety Zones

9-21-8-39. Railroad Grade Crossings

9-21-8-40. Heavy Equipment or Structures; Railroad Grade Crossings; Notice; Procedure

9-21-8-41. Traffic Control Devices; Obeyance of Instructions; Highway Worksites; Extraordinary Care; Safety Controls

9-21-8-41.5. Vehicle Entering School Crossing Zone; Obeyance of Instructions

9-21-8-41.7. Duty of Vehicle Operator to Obey Instructions of Railroad Flagman

9-21-8-42. Sidewalks; Approaching From an Alley, Driveway, or Building

9-21-8-43. Loaded Vehicles; Passengers; Obstruction of View; Interference With Control of Vehicle

9-21-8-44. Coasting in Neutral When Traveling Upon a Down Grade; Prohibition

9-21-8-44.5. Compression Release Engine Brakes

9-21-8-45. Farm Wagons; Interstate and State Highways; Prohibitions

9-21-8-46. Implements of Agriculture on Interstate Highways

9-21-8-47. Vehicles That Must Be Operated to Avoid Damage to Highways or Interference With Traffic

9-21-8-48. Vehicles With Contents Escaping; Prohibition From Operation; Exceptions

9-21-8-49. Violations; Class C Infraction; Class a Infraction if Bodily Injury; Exceptions

9-21-8-50. Reckless Operation of a Tractor-Trailer Combination; Class B Misdemeanor

9-21-8-51. Blinding Lights; Failure to Dim

9-21-8-52. Reckless Driving; Passing a School Bus With Extended Stop Arm; Penalty; License Suspension

9-21-8-53. Speed Violations; Complaint or Affidavit; Summons, Warrant, or Notice; Contents; Negligence

9-21-8-54. Repealed

9-21-8-55. Aggressive Driving

9-21-8-56. Highway Work Zones; Penalties for Violations

9-21-8-57. Operation of Golf Cart on Highway

9-21-8-58. Intrastate Carriers of Metal Coils; Certification

9-21-8-59. Use of Telecommunications Device While Operating a Moving Motor Vehicle