Indiana Code
Chapter 8. Vehicle Operation
9-21-8-21. Intersections; Right and Left Turns

Sec. 21. (a) A person who drives a vehicle intending to turn at an intersection must do the following:
(1) Make both the approach for a right turn and a right turn as close as practical to the right-hand curb or edge of the roadway.
(2) Make an approach for a left turn in that part of the right half of the roadway nearest the center line of the roadway. After entering the intersection, the person who drives a vehicle must make the left turn so as to leave the intersection to the right of the center line of the roadway being entered.
(3) Make an approach for a left turn from a two-way street into a one-way street in that part of the right half of the roadway nearest the center line of the roadway and pass to the right of the center line where the center line enters the intersection.
(4) Make a left turn from a one-way street into a two-way street by passing to the right of the center line of the street being entered upon leaving the intersection.
(5) Where both streets or roadways are one way, make both the approach for a left turn and a left turn as close as practicable to the left-hand curb or edge of the roadway.
(b) The Indiana department of transportation and local authorities in their respective jurisdictions may cause markers, buttons, or signs to be placed within or adjacent to intersections requiring and directing that a different course from that specified in this section be traveled by vehicles turning at an intersection. When markers, buttons, or signs are placed under this subsection, a person who drives a vehicle may not turn the vehicle at an intersection other than as directed and required by the markers, buttons, or signs.
[Pre-1991 Recodification Citation: 9-4-1-75.]
As added by P.L.2-1991, SEC.9.

Structure Indiana Code

Indiana Code

Title 9. Motor Vehicles

Article 21. Traffic Regulation

Chapter 8. Vehicle Operation

9-21-8-0.1. Repealed

9-21-8-0.4. Repealed

9-21-8-0.5. Definitions

9-21-8-1. Failure to Comply With Lawful Order or Law Enforcement Officer

9-21-8-2. Roadways; Use of Right Half; Exceptions; Traveling at Reduced Speeds

9-21-8-3. Lane Use Restrictions

9-21-8-4. Vehicles Proceeding in Opposite Directions; Single Lane Roadways; Passing

9-21-8-5. Overtaking and Passing; Limitations; Exceptions

9-21-8-6. Overtaking and Passing on the Right; Conditions

9-21-8-7. Overtaking and Passing on the Left; Conditions

9-21-8-7.5. Overtaking and Passing; Worksite No Passing Zones

9-21-8-8. Driving to the Left Side of the Roadway; Conditions

9-21-8-9. One-Way Streets

9-21-8-10. Roundabouts

9-21-8-10.5. Right-of-Way in a Roundabout

9-21-8-11. Roadways Divided Into Three or More Clearly Marked Lanes; Rules

9-21-8-11.5. Roadways Divided Into Two or More Clearly Marked Lanes; Rules

9-21-8-12. Interstate Highways; Lane Use Restrictions for Trucks

9-21-8-13. Interstate Highways Consisting of at Least Three Lanes; Lane Use Restrictions for Trucks

9-21-8-14. Following Other Vehicles; Distance Restrictions

9-21-8-15. Trucks and Tractor-Trailers; Following Other Trucks; Distance Restrictions

9-21-8-16. Caravans and Motorcades; Distance Between Vehicles; Exceptions

9-21-8-17. Divided Highways; Restrictions

9-21-8-18. Limited Access Facilities; Entrance and Exit to and From

9-21-8-19. Freeways and Interstate Highways; Entrance and Exit to and From; Special Crossovers; "U" Turns

9-21-8-20. Pedestrians, Bicycles, and Other Nonmotorized Traffic; Prohibition on Use of Highways

9-21-8-21. Intersections; Right and Left Turns

9-21-8-22. Grades; Proceeding in Opposite Direction on Approach to Crest

9-21-8-23. Starting a Vehicle That Is Stopped, Standing, or Parked

9-21-8-24. Slowing Down, Turning From a Direct Course, and Changing Lanes; Performance With Reasonable Safety; Signal

9-21-8-24-b. Slowing Down, Turning From a Direct Course, and Changing Lanes; Performance With Reasonable Safety; Signal

9-21-8-25. Turn Signals

9-21-8-25-b. Repealed

9-21-8-26. Stopping or Sudden Decrease in Speed; Signal

9-21-8-27. Stop or Turn Signals; Hand or Arm Signals; Signal Lamps; Exception for Farm Equipment; Highway Travel

9-21-8-28. Hand and Arm Signals; Left Turn; Right Turn; Decrease in Speed

9-21-8-29. Intersections; Vehicles Approaching From Different Highways; Yield of Right-of-Way

9-21-8-30. Intersections; Vehicles Approaching From Opposite Directions; Yield of Right-of-Way

9-21-8-31. Entrance to Through Highways; Stopping; Yield of Right-of-Way

9-21-8-32. Stop Signs at Intersections; Duty to Obey

9-21-8-33. Yield Signs; Collision With Pedestrian or Vehicle

9-21-8-34. Entrance to Highway From Private Road or Driveway; Yield of Right-of-Way

9-21-8-35. Vehicles Displaying Flashing Lights; Yield Right-of-Way; Violation

9-21-8-36. Traffic Control Signals Not in Operation

9-21-8-37. Pedestrians and Children; Due Care; Caution

9-21-8-38. Safety Zones

9-21-8-39. Railroad Grade Crossings

9-21-8-40. Heavy Equipment or Structures; Railroad Grade Crossings; Notice; Procedure

9-21-8-41. Traffic Control Devices; Obeyance of Instructions; Highway Worksites; Extraordinary Care; Safety Controls

9-21-8-41.5. Vehicle Entering School Crossing Zone; Obeyance of Instructions

9-21-8-41.7. Duty of Vehicle Operator to Obey Instructions of Railroad Flagman

9-21-8-42. Sidewalks; Approaching From an Alley, Driveway, or Building

9-21-8-43. Loaded Vehicles; Passengers; Obstruction of View; Interference With Control of Vehicle

9-21-8-44. Coasting in Neutral When Traveling Upon a Down Grade; Prohibition

9-21-8-44.5. Compression Release Engine Brakes

9-21-8-45. Farm Wagons; Interstate and State Highways; Prohibitions

9-21-8-46. Implements of Agriculture on Interstate Highways

9-21-8-47. Vehicles That Must Be Operated to Avoid Damage to Highways or Interference With Traffic

9-21-8-48. Vehicles With Contents Escaping; Prohibition From Operation; Exceptions

9-21-8-49. Violations; Class C Infraction; Class a Infraction if Bodily Injury; Exceptions

9-21-8-50. Reckless Operation of a Tractor-Trailer Combination; Class B Misdemeanor

9-21-8-51. Blinding Lights; Failure to Dim

9-21-8-52. Reckless Driving; Passing a School Bus With Extended Stop Arm; Penalty; License Suspension

9-21-8-53. Speed Violations; Complaint or Affidavit; Summons, Warrant, or Notice; Contents; Negligence

9-21-8-54. Repealed

9-21-8-55. Aggressive Driving

9-21-8-56. Highway Work Zones; Penalties for Violations

9-21-8-57. Operation of Golf Cart on Highway

9-21-8-58. Intrastate Carriers of Metal Coils; Certification

9-21-8-59. Use of Telecommunications Device While Operating a Moving Motor Vehicle