Indiana Code
Chapter 17. Pedestrians
9-21-17-5. Walking or Running Into the Path of a Vehicle; Prohibition

Sec. 5. A pedestrian may not suddenly leave a curb or other place of safety and walk or run into the path of a vehicle that is so close as to constitute an immediate hazard.
[Pre-1991 Recodification Citation: 9-4-1-87(b).]
As added by P.L.2-1991, SEC.9.

Structure Indiana Code

Indiana Code

Title 9. Motor Vehicles

Article 21. Traffic Regulation

Chapter 17. Pedestrians

9-21-17-1. Traffic and Pedestrian Control Signals

9-21-17-2. "Walk" and "Don't Walk" Signals

9-21-17-3. Duty to Obey Traffic Control Device; Exception

9-21-17-4. Crosswalks; Local Authorities; Designation by Ordinance

9-21-17-5. Walking or Running Into the Path of a Vehicle; Prohibition

9-21-17-6. Overtaking and Passing a Vehicle Stopped at a Crosswalk; Prohibition

9-21-17-7. Crossing Roadway at Point Not Marked as a Crosswalk; Yield of Right-of-Way to Traffic

9-21-17-8. Pedestrian Tunnel or Overhead Crossing; Yield of Right-of-Way to Traffic

9-21-17-9. Marked Crosswalks; Adjacent Intersections; Duty to Obey

9-21-17-10. Diagonal Crossing at Intersections

9-21-17-11. Crosswalks; Movement Along Right Half

9-21-17-12. Sidewalk Available; Prohibition on Walking Along or Upon Roadway

9-21-17-13. Sidewalk Unavailable; Use of Shoulder

9-21-17-14. Sidewalk or Shoulder Unavailable; Use of Outside Edge of Roadway

9-21-17-15. Yield of Right-of-Way to All Vehicles on Roadway

9-21-17-16. Solicitation of Rides; Restrictions; Emergency

9-21-17-17. Solicitation of Employment or Business on Highway; Prohibition

9-21-17-18. Soliciting the Watching or Guarding of a Vehicle; Prohibition

9-21-17-19. Driving Through Safety Zones and Across Sidewalks; Restrictions; Right-of-Way

9-21-17-20. Emergency or Police Vehicles; Use of Audible and Visual Signals; Yield of Right-of-Way

9-21-17-21. Blind Pedestrians; Yield of Right-of-Way

9-21-17-22. Bridges; Entering or Remaining Beyond Signal or Gate

9-21-17-23. Railroad Crossings; Passing Beyond Gate or Barrier in Operation

9-21-17-24. Violations; Class C Infraction