Indiana Code
Chapter 17. Pedestrians
9-21-17-20. Emergency or Police Vehicles; Use of Audible and Visual Signals; Yield of Right-of-Way

Sec. 20. (a) Upon the immediate approach of:
(1) an authorized emergency vehicle making use of an audible signal and visual signals; or
(2) a police vehicle properly and lawfully making use of an audible signal only;
a pedestrian shall yield the right-of-way to the authorized emergency vehicle.
(b) This section does not relieve the person who drives an authorized emergency vehicle from the duty to drive with due regard for the safety of all persons using the highway or from the duty to exercise due care to avoid colliding with a pedestrian.
[Pre-1991 Recodification Citation: 9-4-1-91.2.]
As added by P.L.2-1991, SEC.9.

Structure Indiana Code

Indiana Code

Title 9. Motor Vehicles

Article 21. Traffic Regulation

Chapter 17. Pedestrians

9-21-17-1. Traffic and Pedestrian Control Signals

9-21-17-2. "Walk" and "Don't Walk" Signals

9-21-17-3. Duty to Obey Traffic Control Device; Exception

9-21-17-4. Crosswalks; Local Authorities; Designation by Ordinance

9-21-17-5. Walking or Running Into the Path of a Vehicle; Prohibition

9-21-17-6. Overtaking and Passing a Vehicle Stopped at a Crosswalk; Prohibition

9-21-17-7. Crossing Roadway at Point Not Marked as a Crosswalk; Yield of Right-of-Way to Traffic

9-21-17-8. Pedestrian Tunnel or Overhead Crossing; Yield of Right-of-Way to Traffic

9-21-17-9. Marked Crosswalks; Adjacent Intersections; Duty to Obey

9-21-17-10. Diagonal Crossing at Intersections

9-21-17-11. Crosswalks; Movement Along Right Half

9-21-17-12. Sidewalk Available; Prohibition on Walking Along or Upon Roadway

9-21-17-13. Sidewalk Unavailable; Use of Shoulder

9-21-17-14. Sidewalk or Shoulder Unavailable; Use of Outside Edge of Roadway

9-21-17-15. Yield of Right-of-Way to All Vehicles on Roadway

9-21-17-16. Solicitation of Rides; Restrictions; Emergency

9-21-17-17. Solicitation of Employment or Business on Highway; Prohibition

9-21-17-18. Soliciting the Watching or Guarding of a Vehicle; Prohibition

9-21-17-19. Driving Through Safety Zones and Across Sidewalks; Restrictions; Right-of-Way

9-21-17-20. Emergency or Police Vehicles; Use of Audible and Visual Signals; Yield of Right-of-Way

9-21-17-21. Blind Pedestrians; Yield of Right-of-Way

9-21-17-22. Bridges; Entering or Remaining Beyond Signal or Gate

9-21-17-23. Railroad Crossings; Passing Beyond Gate or Barrier in Operation

9-21-17-24. Violations; Class C Infraction